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Peer-reviewed articles
Downie,L. E., Craig,J. P., Stapleton,F., Tan,J., Jones,L., Ng, A.Y., Hinds,M., Bosworth,C., Alster,Y.
Efficacy and safety of AZR-MD-001 selenium sulfide ophthalmic ointment in adults with meibomian gland dysfunction over six months of treatment: A Phase 2, vehicle-controlled, randomized extension trial
Ocular Surface 2025;35(January):15-24
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Purpose: To determine the efficacy and safety of AZR-MD-001 (0.5 % and 1.0 %) ophthalmic ointment, relative to vehicle, over 3–6 months of treatment, in participants with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).
Methods: This was a Phase 2, randomized, vehicle-controlled, multicenter extension clinical trial. Eligible participants were adults with MGD (meibomian gland secretion score (MGS) ≤12 out of 15 glands) who discontinued all other dry eye or MGD treatments. Participants were randomized 1:1:1 to apply AZR-MD-001 1.0 %, 0.5 %, or vehicle to the lower eyelids, twice weekly. Key exploratory endpoints included the least-squared mean difference between groups in the change from baseline in clinical signs (meibomian gland yielding score; MGYLS) and symptoms (Ocular Surface Disease Index; OSDI), at clinic visits at Month 4.5 and 6, and safety measures from 36 months.
Results: Participants (66.5 % female) were randomized, at baseline, to AZR-MD-001 0.5 % (n = 82), 1.0 % (n = 83), or vehicle (n = 80). Statistically significant improvements, compared to vehicle, were observed at Month 6 in MGYLS for both AZR-MD-001 groups (0.5 % group: 1.9, 95 % CI 0.9 to 2.8, P = 0.002; 1.0 % group: 1.1, 95 % CI 0.2 to 2.1, P = 0.026), and in OSDI score for the 0.5 % group (−4.5, 95 % CI -8.0 to −0.9, P = 0.0135). The most common adverse events for AZR-MD-001 were application site pain, superficial punctate keratitis and eye pain; most were mild to moderate in severity, and decreased in incidence over time.
Conclusions: AZR-MD-001 (0.5 %) was efficacious in treating signs and symptoms of MGD over six months, with a lower observed incidence of new adverse events over time.
Garg,P., Shokrollahi,P., Darge,H., Phan,C-M., Jones,L.
Controlled PVA Release from Chemical-Physical Interpenetrating Networks to Treat Dry Eyes
ACS Omega 2025;10(1):1249-1260
Shokrollahi,P., Garg,P., Wulff,D., Hui,Al., Phan,C-M., Jones,L.
Vat Photopolymerization 3D Printing Optimization: Analysis of Print Conditions and Print Quality for Complex Geometries and Ocular Applications
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2025;668(January):124999
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Abstract: 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, continues to reshape manufacturing paradigms in healthcare by providing customized on-demand object fabrication. However, stereolithography-based 3D printers encounter a conflict between optimizing printing parameters, requiring more time, and print efficiency, requiring less time. Moreover, commonly used metrics to assess shape fidelity of 3D printed hydrogel materials like ‘circularity’ and ‘printability’ are limited by the soft nature of hydrogels, that can cause irregularities in their boundary. To unlock the full potential of 3D printing of biomaterials, it is also necessary to understand correlation between printing parameters and ink properties. In this work, a method based on curing depth, overcuring (cumulative cure), and print thickness was developed, which enables a time-efficient and reliable determination of printing conditions for complex geometries using gelatin methacrylate hydrogel biomaterial ink. We also examined the impact of printing direction on the print quality in terms of object/print thickness and aspect ratio. Moreover, the effects of dye concentration, exposure time, and layer thickness on print quality were evaluated, with discussions focused on the correlation between print dimension to layer thickness. Further evaluation was achieved by successfully printing bioinspired corneal stroma-like scaffold and delicate structures like a contact lens and a model eyeball, substantially expanding the scope of this method in producing high-quality prints with intricate details. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of ‘Feret ratio,’ another measure of object shape, in assessing the shape fidelity of different prints. Overall, the results highlight the practical potential of this method in enhancing the speed and reliability of the 3D printing processes involving complex geometries using a low-cost 3D printers.
Al Atrach,M., Phan.C-M., Jones,L.
Extended release of ciprofloxacin from commercial contact lenses containing vitamin E diffusion barriers
Optometry and Vision Science 2024;Online ahead of print
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Vitamin E could be used as a coating with commercial silicone hydrogel lenses to extend the release of various ophthalmic drugs. This concept could provide a promising approach to improve overall ocular therapeutic outcomes for topical ocular drugs.
This study aimed to develop a contact lens–based ocular drug delivery system using vitamin E as a diffusion barrier to extend the release duration of ciprofloxacin.
Five commercial lenses were soaked for 24 hours in various concentrations of vitamin E dissolved in ethanol (0.0125 to 0.2 g/mL). The lenses were loaded with ciprofloxacin for 24 hours in 3 mL of 3 mg/mL of ciprofloxacin/acetic acid solution. The drug release was evaluated in 3 mL of phosphate-buffered saline solution. At t = 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, and 24 hours, the amount of ciprofloxacin released was measured using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer at 270 nm.
There was a decrease in ciprofloxacin loading with increasing amounts of vitamin E loaded into the silicone hydrogel lenses. For each lens type, there was an optimal amount of vitamin E loaded that extended the release duration of the drug from 1 hour (without vitamin E) to as long as 16 hours. In contrast, vitamin E loaded into hydrogel lenses had no effect on the amounts of drugs loaded or the release duration.
Vitamin E can be used as a diffusion barrier with commercially available silicone hydrogel lenses to provide sustained release of ciprofloxacin. The results suggest that vitamin E may form blockages in channels within a silicone hydrogel lens material, thereby forcing a longer path for drugs to diffuse into and out of the lens material. There is an optimal amount of vitamin E that needs to be loaded to extend the release duration, and this is lens material dependent.
Bose,S., Phan,C.-M., Rizwan,M., Tse,J. W., Yim,E., Jones,L.
Fabrication and Characterization of an Enzyme-Triggered, Therapeutic-Releasing Hydrogel Bandage Contact Lens Material
Pharmaceutics 2024;16(1):Article 26
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an enzyme-triggered, therapeutic-releasing bandage contact lens material using a unique gelatin methacrylate formulation (GelMA+).
Methods: Two GelMA+ formulations, 20% w/v, and 30% w/v concentrations, were prepared through UV polymerization. The physical properties of the material, including porosity, tensile strain, and swelling ratio, were characterized. The enzymatic degradation of the material was assessed in the presence of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) at concentrations ranging from 0 to 300 µg/mL. Cell viability, cell growth, and cytotoxicity on the GelMA+ gels were evaluated using the AlamarBlueTM assay and the LIVE/DEADTM Viability/Cytotoxicity kit staining with immortalized human corneal epithelial cells over 5 days. For drug release analysis, the 30% w/v gels were loaded with 3 µg of bovine lactoferrin (BLF) as a model drug, and its release was examined over 5 days under various MMP-9 concentrations.
Results: The 30% w/v GelMA+ demonstrated higher crosslinking density, increased tensile strength, smaller pore size, and lower swelling ratio (p < 0.05). In contrast, the 20% w/v GelMA+ degraded at a significantly faster rate (p < 0.001), reaching almost complete degradation within 48 h in the presence of 300 µg/mL of MMP-9. No signs of cytotoxic effects were observed in the live/dead staining assay for either concentration after 5 days. However, the 30% w/v GelMA+ exhibited significantly higher cell viability (p < 0.05). The 30% w/v GelMA+ demonstrated sustained release of the BLF over 5 days. The release rate of BLF increased significantly with higher concentrations of MMP-9 (p < 0.001), corresponding to the degradation rate of the gels.
Discussion: The release of BLF from GelMA+ gels was driven by a combination of diffusion and degradation of the material by MMP-9 enzymes. This work demonstrated that a GelMA+-based material that releases a therapeutic agent can be triggered by enzymes found in the tear fluid.
Efron,N., Morgan,P., Woods,C. A., Jones,D. A., Jones,L., Nichols,J.
International trends in rigid contact lens prescribing (2000–2023): An update
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2024;47(5):102255
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Purpose: Rigid contact lenses have an important role in contact lens practice. The purpose of this work is to update earlier surveys by describing global trends in rigid lens fitting between 2000-2023.
Method: An annual contact lens prescribing survey was sent to eye care practitioners in up to 71 countries between 2000 and 2023. Data relating to 342,500 fits undertaken in 20 countries returning reliable longitudinal data were analysed in respect of rigid lens fitting, defined as the fitting of any design of a contact lens manufactured in a rigid material.
Results: Overall, rigid lens prescribing increased slightly over time, from 14.2 % of lens fits in 2000 to 15.2 % in 2023 (p < 0.0001). However, post-hoc analysis shows that the change over time is best described as a decline between 2000 and 2012, followed by a steady increase subsequently. There were significant differences in rigid lens prescribing between countries (p < 0.0001). The difference between the percentage of males fitted with rigid lenses, as a proportion of all contact lenses (12.7 %), and females (12.0 %) is significant (p < 0.0001), although not clinically meaningful. Rigid lens wearers are older at fitting than soft lens wearers (38.7 vs 31.3 years,
respectively) (p < 0.0001). Analysis of 5,994 rigid lens fits prescribed currently (2019–2023) were categorised as: corneal sphere – 30 %; scleral and corneo-scleral – 28 %; corneal myopia control/orthokeratology – 21 %; and corneal complex (including toric, multifocal and monovision) – 16 %.
Conclusion: There has been a slight increase in rigid lens fitting during the second decade of this century. This increase is apparently due to a ‘repurposing’ of rigid lenses, with the growth of scleral/corneo-scleral and myopia control/orthokeratology lens fits essentially replacing conventional spherical corneal lens fits.
Efron,N., Morgan,P., Woods,C. A., Jones,D. A., Jones,L., Nichols,J.
International trends in prescribing toric soft contact lenses to correct astigmatism (2000–2023): An update
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2024;47(5):102276
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There have been significant advancements in toric soft contact lens design and manufacturing technology, and increased product availability, over the past half a century. The purpose of this work is to update earlier surveys by describing international trends in toric soft lens fitting between 2000 and 2023, inclusive.
An annual contact lens prescribing survey was sent to eye care practitioners in up to 71 countries between 2000 and 2023, inclusive. Data relating to 220,934 standard soft daily wear single vision lens fits undertaken in 20 countries returning reliable longitudinal data were analysed in respect of toric soft lens fitting.
Overall, toric soft lens prescribing almost doubled over the time-course of this survey, from 24.4 % of standard soft daily wear single vision lens fits in 2000 to 46.2 % in 2023 (p < 0.0001). There were significant differences between countries in toric soft lens prescribing (p < 0.0001). Of all standard soft daily wear single vision contact lenses prescribed to males, 32.0 % were toric soft lenses, compared with 28.7 % for females (p < 0.0001). The mean age of toric soft lens wearers was 30.5 ± 12.5 years, compared to 27.9. ± 12.1 years for spherical soft lens wearers (p < 0.0001). Analysis of 13,582 recent toric soft lens fits (2019–2023, inclusive), in terms of material type and replacement frequency, revealed the following proportions: reusable silicone hydrogel – 51 %; daily disposable silicone hydrogel – 27 %; daily disposable hydrogel – 12 %; and reusable hydrogel – 10 %.
There has been a substantial increase in toric soft lens fitting throughout the 24 years of this survey, to a point whereby almost all clinically significant astigmatism is being corrected among those wearing standard soft daily wear single vision lenses.
Efron,N., Morgan,P., Woods,C. A., Jones,D. A., Jones,L., Nichols,J.
International trends in prescribing silicone hydrogel contact lenses for daily wear (2000–2023): An update
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2024;Online ahead of print
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Introduced around the turn of the 21st century, silicone hydrogel contact lenses alleviated hypoxic anterior eye complications due to their high oxygen transmissibility. The purpose of this work is to update earlier surveys by describing international trends in silicone hydrogel daily wear contact lens fitting between 2000 and 2023.
An annual contact lens prescribing survey was sent to eye care practitioners in up to 71 countries between 2000 and 2023. Data relating to 260,144 daily wear soft contact lens fits undertaken in 20 countries returning reliable longitudinal data were analysed in respect of silicone hydrogel daily wear contact lens fitting.
There has been a dramatic increase in silicone hydrogel daily wear lens fits (p < 0.0001), increasing from 2.8 % of all daily wear soft lens fits in 2000 to 73.7 % in 2023. Of all daily wear soft contact lenses prescribed to males, 44.6 % were silicone hydrogel lenses, compared with 43.5 % for females (p = 0.0146). The mean age of those wearing silicone hydrogel daily wear lenses was 32.0 ± 14.5 years, compared to 30.4 ± 13.6 years for those wearing daily wear hydrogel lenses (p < 0.0001). Between 2019–2023, the average percentage of fits was – (a) material type: silicone hydrogel – 73 %; mid-water content hydrogels – 13 %; high water content hydrogels – 9 %; and low water content hydrogels – 5 %, and (b) lens design: spherical – 44 %, toric – 32 %, multifocal – 17 %, monovision – 4 %, and ‘other’ – 3 %.
The dramatic increase in silicone hydrogel contact lens prescribing for daily wear has been commensurate with the introduction of multiple lens brands and an ongoing expansion of lens designs, parameters and replacement frequency options. The balance between silicone hydrogel and hydrogel lens prescribing is perhaps starting to approach an equilibrium.
Ganguly,S., Wulff,D., Phan,C-M., Jones,L., Tang,X.
Injectable and 3D Extrusion Printable Hydrophilic Silicone-Based Hydrogels for Controlled Ocular Delivery of Ophthalmic Drugs
Applied Bio Materials 2024;7(9):6286-6296
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While silicone elastomers have found widespread use in the biomedical industry, 3D printing them has proven to be difficult due to the material’s slow drying time, low viscosity, and hydrophobicity. Herein, we arrested the hydrophilic silicone (HS) macrochains into a semi-interpenetrating polymer network (semi-IPN) via an in situ photogelation-assisted 3D microextrusion printing technique. The flow behavior of the pregel solutions and the mechanical properties of the printed HS hydrogels were tested, showing a high elastic modulus (approximately 15 kPa), a low tan δ, high elasticity, and delayed network rupturing. The uniaxial compression tests
demonstrated a nearly negligible permanent deformation, suggesting that the printed hybrid hydrogel maintained its elastic properties. Drug loading and diffusion in the microporous hydrogel are shown via the non-Fickian anomalous transport mechanism, leading to highly tunable loading/releasing profiles (approximately 20% cumulative release) depending on the HS concentration. The drug encapsulation exhibits exceptional stability, remaining intact without any degradation even after a storage period of 1 month. As far as we know, this is the first soft biomaterial based on HS that functions as an exceptional controlled drug delivery device.
Guthrie,S., Luensmann,D., Schulze,M., Woods,J., Jones,L.
Investigation of Delefilcon A Contact Lenses for Symptomatic Daily Disposable Contact Lens Wearers with Dry Eye Disease: A Prospective Comparative Study
Clinical Ophthalmology 2024;18(October):2999-3008
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Purpose: This prospective comparative study aimed to assess the effects on contact lens comfort, dryness, and wear time when symptomatic daily disposable (DD) contact lens (CL) wearers were refit with delefilcon A (DT1) lenses.
Patients and methods: Thirty five symptomatic DD CL wearers with dry eye disease as determined according to the TFOS DEWS 2 guidelines, were enrolled and completed the study. Participants wore their habitual DD CLs during an initial assessment and were subsequently refit with DT1 for one month. Participants were masked to the study lens type. Subjective ratings of end-of-day comfort and dryness, average wear time, and comfortable wear time were evaluated as primary endpoints.
Results: Of the 35 participants, two participants were classified as aqueous deficient dry eye, while the remaining participants exhibited symptoms primarily due to evaporative causes. The median CLDEQ-8 score for dryness significantly improved from 17 (fair) with habitual lenses to 13 (good) with DT1 lenses (p<0.01). Participants reported significantly better end-of-day comfort (p=0.01) and less end of day dryness (p=0.01) with DT1 compared to their habitual DD lenses. The comfortable wear time was significantly longer with DT1 (8.5 ± 4.1 hours) compared to habitual DD lenses (6.7 ± 3.2 hours) (p=0.04). No significant differences were observed in vision ratings (p=0.07).
Conclusion: Refitting symptomatic DD CL wearers with DT1 resulted in improved end-of-day comfort, reduced end-of-day dryness, and extended comfortable wear time compared to their habitual lenses. These findings suggest that DT1 may offer benefits for symptomatic DD wearers with dry eye disease.
Jabeen,A., Luensmann,D., Woods,J., Hill,J., Jones,L.
Evaluation of Lag of Accommodation with Full-Field Diffusion Optics Technology™ (DOT) Contrast Management Spectacle Lenses in Emmetropic Children
Clinical Ophthalmology 2024;18(May):1181-1190
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Purpose: To evaluate the impact on the lag of accommodation (LOA) in emmetropic children after short-term wear of full-field Diffusion Optics TechnologyTM (DOT) spectacle lenses, designed to modulate retinal contrast to control myopia progression.
Patients and methods: This was a single-visit, prospective, randomized, subject-masked study of emmetropes (ametropes ±1.00D or less in each meridian) with no history of myopia control treatment. Unaided logMAR visual acuity was measured, and ocular dominance was determined using the sighting method. In a randomized order, participants wore plano full-field contrast management (DOT) spectacles (no clear central aperture) or control spectacles (standard single vision spectacle lenses). Each participant was given 5 minutes for adaptation to the respective lenses before open field autorefraction measurements were taken at 6 meters and 40 cm. Ten measurements were taken for each eye. Data were evaluated from the right eye and the dominant eye separately.
Results: A total of 30 participants (20 females and 10 males) with a mean age of 10.4 ± 2.8 (7 to 17) years completed the study. There was no significant difference in right eye mean LOA with contrast management spectacles 0.57 ± 0.39D versus control spectacles 0.62 ± 0.34D; Wilcoxon test, p = 0.37. For dominant eyes, LOA values were 0.60 ± 0.40D and 0.68 ± 0.33D with contrast management spectacles and control spectacles, respectively (p = 0.14). Additionally, no significant difference was observed in mean LOA between males and females or between age groups (7-11 years vs 12-17 years) for either right or dominant eyes with contrast management or control spectacles (all p > 0.05).
Conclusion: Full-field contrast management spectacle lenses had no significant effect on LOA compared to standard single vision spectacle lenses, indicating no differential impact on accommodative response over the short period of lens wear tested.
Jin,Y., Minten,C., Jenkins,M., Jones,L., Gorbet,M.
Investigation of the rhythmic recruitment of tear neutrophils to the ocular surface and their phenotypes
Scientific Reports 2024;147061
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Hundreds of thousands of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) are collected from the ocular surface upon waking, while few are harvested during daytime. This study aimed to investigate potential factors contributing to the circadian infiltration of tear PMNs, including changes in IL-8 and C5a in tears, and their phenotypes across different time points in a 24-h cycle. Tear PMNs were collected using a gentle eyewash after 2-h and 7-h of sleep (eye closure, EC) at night, after 2-h EC during the day, and towards the end of the afternoon. Significantly fewer cells were collected after 2-h EC during the day compared to 2-h EC at night. A positive correlation between IL-8 and PMN numbers existed, but not with C5a. Tear PMNs collected after 2-h EC at night were less degranulated and possessed a larger activation potential compared to 7-h EC. Tear PMNs from 7-h EC at night exhibited hyper-segmented nuclei and more NETosis compared to 2 h EC night, indicating an aged and activated phenotype. The diurnal-nocturnal recruitment pattern of tear PMNs may be driven by increased IL-8 in nighttime tears. Higher degranulation and NETs point to the significant activation of tear PMNs on the ocular surface during prolonged eye closure at night.
Mohammadi,S., Eslami,S., Jones,L., Gorbet,M
In vitro tear replenishment system: assessing drug delivery from contact lens biomaterials through corneal epithelial monolayer and multilayer under replenishment conditions
Drug Delivery and Translational Research 2024;Online ahead of print
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There is a need to develop improved in vitro ocular models for biocompatibility and drug delivery studies to assess the potential of in vivo performance of contact lenses. By using an in vitro corneal epithelial cell model combined with a tear replenishment method, this study aimed to investigate the delivery of the glaucoma drug latanoprost from contact lenses and compare the dynamic release results to no-replenishment (immersion) conditions. Corneal epithelial cells were grown as a monolayer or multilayer on curved cellulose cell culture inserts. Three contact lens materials (balafilcon A; senofilcon A; etafilcon A), soaked for 24 h in latanoprost, were placed on the curved cornea models (CCM) and drug concentration was determined on the basal (diffusion/transport) and apical (supernatant) sides after 1, 4, 8 and 12 h. The in vitro tear replenishment was achieved via intermittent flow of a tear solution over the CCM at a rate of 1 mL/hour. A zero-order kinetic was observed for basal drug concentration over the 12 h period. Similar basal and apical drug concentrations were observed with monolayer and multilayer CCM, except for the etafilcon A material. The apical release of latanoprost was significantly lower under replenishment compared to no-replenishment conditions. These results demonstrate the role that a dynamic release model will have in predicting the amount of drug that can be released from a contact lens into the tear film and the critical role of a cell monolayer in in vitro drug delivery studies.
Morgan,P., Efron,N., Woods,C. A., Jones,D. A., Jones,L., Nichols,J.
International trends in prescribing multifocal and monovision soft contact lenses to correct presbyopia (2000–2023): An update
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2024;Online ahead of print
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Purpose: Numerous multifocal soft contact lenses have been introduced into clinical practice over the past half century. The purpose of this work is to update earlier surveys by describing international trends in multifocal and monovision soft lens fitting for presbyopia between 2000–2023, inclusive.
Method: An annual contact lens prescribing survey was sent to eye care practitioners in up to 71 countries between 2000–2023. Data relating to 52,580 soft daily wear lens fits to presbyopes (those ≥45 years of age) undertaken in 20 countries returning reliable longitudinal data were analysed in respect of multifocal and monovision soft daily wear lens fits.
Results: Overall, multifocal and monovision soft daily wear lens prescribing to presbyopes has more than doubled over the course of this survey, from 26.4 % of standard soft daily wear lens fits in 2000 to 61.1 % in 2023 (p < 0.0001). There were significant differences between countries in presbyopia soft daily wear lens prescribing (p < 0.0001). Of all soft daily wear fits to males, 45.1 % were multifocal and monovision soft lenses, compared with 52.7 % for females (p < 0.0001). When considered as the proportion of lenses fitted by age, multifocal soft lens fitting peaked between 50–65 years, followed by a precipitous drop until 85–90 years of age, and then an increase beyond 90 years of age. Analysis of 13,014 recent soft lens fits to presbyopes (2019–2023) revealed the following fitting proportions: multifocal lenses – 51 %; monovision – 10 %; and non-presbyopia fitting – 39 %.
Conclusion: There has been a substantial increase in soft contact lens correction of presbyopia using multifocal and monovision corrections throughout the 24 years of this survey. A significant number of soft contact lens-wearing presbyopes are not receiving a presbyopia contact lens correction.
Morgan,P., Efron,N., Woods,C. A., Jones,D. A., Jones,L., Nichols,J.
International trends in daily disposable contact lens prescribing (2000–2023): An update
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2024;Online ahead of print
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Daily disposable contact lenses offer numerous benefits in terms of ocular health and wearer convenience. The purpose of this work is to update earlier surveys by describing global trends in daily disposable lens fitting between 2000 and 2023.
An annual contact lens prescribing survey was sent to eye care practitioners in up to 71 countries between 2000 and 2023, inclusive. Data relating to 265,106 daily wear soft lens fits undertaken in 20 countries returning reliable longitudinal data were analysed in respect of daily disposable lens fitting.
Overall, daily disposable lens prescribing increased over time, from 17.1 % of daily wear soft lens fits in 2000 to 46.7 % in 2023 (p < 0.0001). There were significant differences between countries in daily disposable lens prescribing (p < 0.0001), and between the percentage of males fitted with daily disposable lenses, as a proportion of all daily wear soft lenses (37.2 %), compared to females (35.2 %) (p < 0.0001). Daily disposable lens wearers are slightly younger at fitting than reusable soft lens wearers (31.0 vs 31.2 years, respectively) (p < 0.0001), although this difference is not clinically meaningful. Analysis of 50,240 daily wear soft lenses fitted recently (2019–2023) were found to be prescribed for the following replacement frequencies: daily – 47 %; monthly – 42 %; 1–2 weekly – 9 %; and ≥3 monthly – 2 %.
There has been a substantial increase in daily disposable lens fitting throughout the first 24 years of this century. The gradual nature of this increase is commensurate with the staged introduction of daily disposable lens designs and expanded parameter ranges over the survey period.
Morgan,P., Efron,N., Woods,C. A., Jones,D. A., Jones,L., Nichols,J.
International trends in prescribing extended wear soft contact lenses (2000–2023): An update
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2024;Online ahead of print
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Extended wear has long been considered as the ultimate contact lens modality in terms of user convenience. The purpose of this work is to update earlier surveys by describing international trends in extended wear soft lens fitting between 2000 and 2023, inclusive.
An annual contact lens prescribing survey was sent to eye care practitioners in up to 71 countries between 2000 and 2023, inclusive. Data relating to 282,142 soft contact lens fits undertaken in 20 countries returning reliable longitudinal data were analysed in respect of extended wear soft lens fitting.
Over the duration of the work there was a very small decrease in the prescribing of extended wear soft lenses (p < 0.0001). More detailed inspection shows that prescribing of these lenses steadily increased from 5.8 % of all soft lens fits in 2000 to 11.6 % in 2007, then steadily decreased to 5.2 % in 2023. Of all soft contact lenses prescribed to males, 9.2 % were fitted for extended wear, compared with 6.7 % for females (p < 0.0001). The mean age of extended wear soft lens wearers at fitting was 34.7 ± 14.7 years, compared to 31.1. ± 14.10 years for daily soft lens wearers (p < 0.0001). Analysis of 1,948 recent extended wear soft lens fits (2019–2023, inclusive), in terms of material type, revealed that, on average, 86 % and 14 % of extended wear soft lenses were fitted using silicone hydrogel and hydrogel materials, respectively.
A modest increase in extended wear soft lens prescribing from 2000 to 2007 corresponded with the introduction of high oxygen transmissibility silicone hydrogel lenses. However, prescribing of this lens type declined thereafter, probably due to ongoing concerns over their increased rate of microbial keratitis, resulting in a prescribing rate in 2023 (5.2%) that was little different to that observed in 2000 (5.8%).
Phan,C. M., Chan,V. W. Y., Drolle,E., Hui,A., Ngo,W., Bose,S., Shows,A., Liang,S., Sharma,B., Subbaraman,L., Zheng,Y., Shi,X., Wu,J., Jones,L.
Evaluating the in vitro wettability and coefficient of friction of a novel and contemporary reusable silicone hydrogel contact lens materials using an in vitro blink model
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2024;47(2):102129
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To evaluate the in vitro wettability and coefficient of friction of a novel amphiphilic polymeric surfactant (APS), poly(oxyethylene)–co-poly(oxybutylene) (PEO-PBO) releasing silicone hydrogel (SiHy) contact lens material (serafilcon A), compared to other reusable SiHy lens materials.
The release of fluorescently-labelled nitrobenzoxadiazole (NBD)-PEO-PBO was evaluated from serafilcon A over 7 days in a vial. The wettability and coefficient of friction of serafilcon A and three contemporary SiHy contact lens materials (senofilcon A; samfilcon A; comfilcon A) were evaluated using an in vitro blink model over their recommended wearing period; t = 0, 1, 7, 14 days for all lens types and t = 30 days for samfilcon A and comfilcon A (n = 4). Sessile drop contact angles were determined and in vitro non-invasive keratographic break-up time (NIKBUT) measurements were assessed on a blink model via the OCULUS Keratograph 5 M. The coefficient of friction was measured using a nano tribometer.
The relative fluorescence of NBD-PEO-PBO decreased in serafilcon A by approximately 18 % after 7 days. The amount of NBD-PEO-PBO released on day 7 was 50 % less than the amount released on day 1 (6.5±1.0 vs 3.4±0.5 µg/lens). The reduction in PEO-PBO in the lens also coincided with an increase in contact angles for serafilcon A after 7 days (p 0.05). The other contact lens materials had stable contact angles and NIKBUT over their recommended wearing period (p > 0.05), with the exception of samfilcon A, which had an increase in contact angle after 14 days as compared to t = 0 (p < 0.05). Senofilcon A and samfilcon A also showed an increase in coefficient of friction at 14 and 30 days, respectively, compared to their blister pack values (p < 0.05).
The results indicate that serafilcon A gradually depletes its reserve of PEO-PBO over 1 week, but this decrease did not significantly change the lens performance in vitro during this time frame.
Wolffsohn,J. S., Berkow,D., Chan,K. Y., Chaurasiya,S. K., Fadel,D., Haddad,M., Imane, T., Jones,L., Sheppard,A. L., Vianya-Estopa,M., Walsh,K., Woods,J., Zeri,F., Morgan,P. B.
BCLA CLEAR Presbyopia: Evaluation and diagnosis
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2024;47(4):102156
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It is important to be able to measure the range of clear focus in clinical practice to advise on presbyopia correction techniques and to optimise the correction power. Both subjective and objective techniques are necessary: subjective techniques (such as patient reported outcome questionnaires and defocus curves) assess the impact of presbyopia on a patient and how the combination of residual objective accommodation and their natural DoF work for them; objective techniques (such as autorefraction, corneal topography and lens imaging) allow the clinician to understand how well a technique is working optically and whether it is the right choice or how adjustments can be made to optimise performance. Techniques to assess visual performance and adverse effects must be carefully conducted to gain a reliable end-point, considering the target size, contrast and illumination. Objective techniques are generally more reliable, can help to explain unexpected subjective results and imaging can be a powerful communication tool with patients. A clear diagnosis, excluding factors such as binocular vision issues or digital eye strain that can also cause similar symptoms, is critical for the patient to understand and adapt to presbyopia. Some corrective options are more permanent, such as implanted inlays / intraocular lenses or laser refractive surgery, so the optics can be trialled with contact lenses in advance (including differences between the eyes) to better communicate with the patient how the optics will work for them so they can make an informed choice.
Wolffsohn,J. S., Semo,D. A., Dutta,D., Jones,L., Craig,J. P., the TFOS ambassadors
Clinical practice patterns in the management of dry eye disease: A TFOS international survey 2023-4
Ocular Surface 2024;Online ahead of print
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Aims: To understand current clinical management of dry eye disease (DED), based on its perceived severity and subtype by practitioners across the world.
Methods: The content of the anonymous survey was chosen to reflect the DED management strategies reported by the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) 2nd Dry Eye Workshop (DEWS II). Questions were designed to ascertain practitioner treatment choice, depending on the subtype and severity of DED. It was first created in English and then translated/back-translated into 14 languages for online completion.
Results: Completed surveys were received from 905 eye care practitioners (52% optometrists and 42% ophthalmologists) from across the globe. Many treatment strategies for DED were observed to be utilised by respondents, independent of severity and subtype, the most common being advice (82%), low (82%) and high (81%) viscosity unpreserved lubricants and lid wipes/scrubs (79%). Several treatments were prescribed across all severity levels (scaled from 1 mild to 10 severe), such as advice (median 4.5, range 4.8), artificial tears (median 5.1, range 4.6) and nutritional supplements (median 5.3, range 4.2). Others were prescribed more frequently with increasing disease severity, for instance, biologics (median 8.2, range 2.8) and surgical approaches (median 8.1, range 2.2). While a similar number of practitioners reported prescribing advice, artificial tears and anti-inflammatories regardless of DED subtype, the majority reported approaches for aqueous deficient DED were punctal occlusion, therapeutic contact lenses and secretagogues, while the use of oral essential fatty acids, topical lipid-containing products, lid hygiene and lid warming were the preferred management choices for evaporative DED.
Conclusions: There remains great variability in clinical approaches to DED management and until research-evidence definitively informs improved guidance, data from this survey can be used by clinicians to benchmark their practice.
Wong,K-Y., Liu,Y., Phan,C-M., Jones,L., Wong,M-S., Liu,J.
Selection of DNA aptamers for sensing drugs treating eye disease: atropine and timolol maleate
Sensors & Diagnostics 2024;3(10):1679-1688
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Effective monitoring of ocular drugs is crucial for personalized medicine and improving drug delivery efficacy. However, traditional methods face difficulties in detecting low drug concentrations in small volumes of ocular fluid, such as that found on the ocular surface. In this study, we used capture-SELEX to select aptamers for two commonly used ocular drugs, timolol maleate and atropine. We identified TMJ-1 and AT-1 aptamers with binding affinities of 3.4 μM timolol maleate and 10 μM atropine, respectively. Our label-free TMJ-1 biosensor using thioflavin T staining achieved a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.3 μM for timolol maleate. The AT-1 biosensor showed an LOD of 1 μM for atropine, and exhibited a 10-fold higher sensitivity compared to UV-visible spectroscopy. Future research in this area holds promise in enhancing drug delivery monitoring and improving the treatment of ocular diseases.
Wong,K. Y., Phan,C.M., Chan,Y.T., Chuy-Ying Yuen,A., Zhao,D., Chan,K. Y., Do,C. W., Chuen Lam,T., Han Qiao,J., Wulff,D., Hui,A., Jones,L., Wong,M. S.
A review of using Traditional Chinese Medicine in the management of glaucoma and cataract
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2024;107(2):156-170
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Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long history in ophthalmology in China. Over 250 kinds of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been recorded in ancient books for the management of eye diseases, which may provide an alternative or supplement to current ocular therapies. However, the core holistic philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine that makes it attractive can also hinder its understanding from a scientific perspective – in particular, determining true cause and effect. This review focused on how Traditional Chinese Medicine could be applied to two prevalent ocular diseases, glaucoma, and cataract. The literature on preclinical and clinical studies in both English and Chinese on the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat these two diseases was reviewed. The pharmacological effects, safety profile, and drug-herb interaction of selected herbal formulas were also investigated. Finally, key considerations for conducting future Traditional Chinese Medicine studies are discussed.
Yamasaki,K., Dantam,J., Sasanuma,K., Hisamura,R., Mizuno,Y., Hui,A., Jones,L.
Impact of in vitro lens deposition and removal on bacterial adhesion to orthokeratology contact lenses
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2024;47(2):102104
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The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of several contact lens (CL) care solutions on the removal of proteins and lipids, and how deposit removal impacts bacterial adhesion and solution disinfection.
Lysozyme and lipid deposition on three ortho-k (rigid) and two soft CL materials were evaluated using an ELISA kit and gas chromatography respectively. Bacterial adhesion to a fluorosilicone acrylate material using Pseudomonas aeruginosa with various compositions of artificial tear solutions (ATS), including with denatured proteins, was also investigated. The impact of deposition of the different formulations of ATS on biofilm formation was explored using cover slips. Finally, the lysozyme and lipid cleaning efficacy and disinfection efficacy against P. aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus of four different contact lens care solutions were studied using qualitative analysis.
While maximum lysozyme deposition was observed with the fluorosilicone acrylate material (327.25 ± 54.25 µg/lens), the highest amount of lipid deposition was recorded with a fluoro-siloxanyl styrene material (134.71 ± 19.87 µg/lens). Adhesion of P. aeruginosa to fluorosilicone acrylate lenses and biofilm formation on cover slips were significantly greater with the addition of denatured proteins and lipids. Of the four contact lens care solutions investigated, the solution based on povidone-iodine removed both denatured lysozyme and lipid deposits and could effectively disinfect against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus when contaminated with denatured proteins and lipids. In contrast, the peroxide-based solution was able to inhibit P. aeruginosa growth only, while the two multipurpose solutions were unable to disinfect lenses contaminated with denatured proteins and lipids.
Bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation is influenced by components within artificial tear solutions depositing on lenses, including denatured proteins and lipids, which also affects disinfection. The ability of different solutions to remove these deposits should be considered when selecting systems to clean and disinfect ortho-k lenses.
Craig,J. P., Alves,M., Wolffsohn,J., Downie,L. E., Efron,N., Galor,A., Gomes,J. A. P., Jones,L., Markoulli,M., Stapleton,F., Starr,C. E., Gallant Sullivan,A., Willcox,M. D. P., Sullivan,D. A.
TFOS lifestyle report introduction: A lifestyle epidemic – Ocular surface disease
Ocular Surface 2023;28(April):304-309
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Lifestyle defines how a person lives. While the way we live can impact our environment, thed environment can influence the way we live, and both can affect our health. The ocular surface, and in particular the tear film, is susceptible to modifications due to its external (e.g. environmental conditions, lifestyle and societal challenges, and the digital environment), applied (e.g. contact lens wear and cosmetics) or internal (e.g. nutrition, and elective medications and procedures) environments. Consequently, it is critical for clinicians to understand the impact of lifestyle choices on the ocular surface so that they can communicate with their patients to optimise their health and, wherever possible, institute preventative steps to mitigate potential health risk factors.
To increase awareness of the potential impacts of lifestyle choices on ocular surface health, the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) launched the TFOS Workshop entitled “A Lifestyle Epidemic: Ocular Surface Disease.” Consistent with prior TFOS Workshops [[1], [2], [3], [4]], the aim was to review existing literature, to identify gaps in knowledge and to propose future directions for research, with the long-term goal of improving the lives of individuals affected by ocular surface disease around the world.
Under the leadership of the Workshop Chair Jennifer Craig, Vice Chair Monica Alves, and Organizer David Sullivan, a Steering Committee was formed (Table 1) to plan and execute this TFOS Lifestyle Workshop. The Steering Committee was committed to an evidence-based approach and a process of open communication, dialogue and transparency, to achieve a consensus concerning the relationship(s) between lifestyle factors and their impact on ocular surface disease.
Craig,J., Alves,M., Wolffsohn,J., Downie,L., Efron,N., Galor,A., Gomes,J., Jones,L., Markoulli,M., Stapleton,F., Starr,C., Sullivan,A., Willcox,M., Sullivan,D
TFOS Lifestyle Report Executive Summary: A Lifestyle Epidemic - Ocular Surface Disease
Ocular Surface 2023;30(October):240-253
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The Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) Workshop entitled ‘A Lifestyle Epidemic: Ocular Surface Disease’ was a global initiative undertaken to establish the direct and indirect impacts of everyday lifestyle choices and challenges on ocular surface health. This article presents an executive summary of the evidence-based conclusions and recommendations of the 10-part TFOS Lifestyle Workshop report. Lifestyle factors described within the report include contact lenses, cosmetics, digital environment, elective medications and procedures, environmental conditions, lifestyle challenges, nutrition, and societal challenges. For each topic area, the current literature was summarized and appraised in a narrative-style review and the answer to a key topic-specific question was sought using systematic review methodology. The TFOS Lifestyle Workshop report was published in its entirety in the April 2023 and July 2023 issues of The Ocular Surface journal. Links to downloadable versions of the document and supplementary material, including report translations, are available on the TFOS website: http://www.TearFilm.org.
Efron,N., Morgan,P., Jones,L., Nichols,J.
Who cites optometry journals?
Journal of Optometry 2023;16(4):296-304
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This work seeks to identify the most impactful journals, papers, authors, institutions, and countries that cite optometry journal articles.
The Scopus database was searched for papers citing at least one article published in any of the 18 optometry journals included in that database (i.e. ‘optometry articles’). The 10 most highly cited papers that cite optometry journal articles were determined from 82,830 papers found. A h-index for “optometry journal citations” (the hOJC-index) was derived for each entity in the categories of journals, papers, authors, institutions and countries to serve as a measure of impact.
The hOJC-index of the body of papers citing optometry journal articles is 370. Papers citing optometry journal articles have themselves been cited 2,054,816 times. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (hOJC = 154) is the most impactful journal citing optometry articles and Optometry and Vision Science the most prolific (5310 papers). The most impactful paper citing optometry journal articles (5725 citations) was published in Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. Ophthalmologist Seang Mei Saw (hOJC = 69) is the most impactful author and optometrist Nathan Efron is the most prolific (288 papers). Harvard University (hOJC = 127) is the most impactful and UNSW Sydney is the most prolific institution (1761 papers). The United States is the most impactful and prolific nation (hOJC = 313; 28,485 papers).
Optometry journal articles are cited extensively by optometrists, ophthalmologists, and vision scientists world-wide, as well as authors from a broad spectrum of non-ophthalmic research domains. This work confirms the utility and influence of optometry journals.
Jones,L., Efron,N., Bandamwar,K., Barnett,M., Jacobs,D. S., Jalbert,I., Pult,H., Rhee,M. K., Sheardown,H., Shovlin,J. P., Stahl,U., Sranila,A., Tan,J. Tavazzi,S., Ucakhan,O. O., Willcox,M. D. P., Downie,L.
TFOS lifestyle: Impact of contact lenses on the ocular surface
Ocular Surface 2023;29(July):175-219
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Several lifestyle choices made by contact lens wearers can have adverse consequences on ocular health. These include being non-adherent to contact lens care, sleeping in lenses, ill-advised purchasing options, not seeing an eyecare professional for regular aftercare visits, wearing lenses when feeling unwell, wearing lenses too soon after various forms of ophthalmic surgery, and wearing lenses when engaged in risky behaviours (e.g., using tobacco, alcohol or recreational drugs). Those with a pre-existing compromised ocular surface may find that contact lens wear exacerbates ocular disease morbidity. Conversely, contact lenses may have various therapeutic benefits. The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has impinged upon the lifestyle of contact lens wearers, introducing challenges such as mask-associated dry eye, contact lens discomfort with increased use of digital devices, inadvertent exposure to hand sanitizers, and reduced use of lenses. Wearing contact lenses in challenging environments, such as in the presence of dust and noxious chemicals, or where there is the possibility of ocular trauma (e.g., sport or working with tools) can be problematic, although in some instances lenses can be protective. Contact lenses can be worn for sport, theatre, at high altitude, driving at night, in the military and in space, and special considerations are required when prescribing in such situations to ensure successful outcomes. A systematic review and meta-analysis, incorporated within the review, identified that the influence of lifestyle factors on soft contact lens dropout remains poorly understood, and is an area in need of further research. Overall, this report investigated lifestyle-related choices made by clinicians and contact lens wearers and discovered that when appropriate lifestyle choices are made, contact lens wear can enhance the quality of life of wearers.
Nichols,J. J., Morgan,P. B., Jones,L. W., Efron, N
Bibliometric Analysis of Ophthalmic Journals
JAMA Ophthalmology 2023;141(7):651-657
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Question: What articles, journals, authors, institutions, and countries in the ophthalmic literature are the most highly cited and prolific and have the highest h-index for ophthalmic journal articles?
Findings: In this qualitative study, the h-index for ophthalmic journal articles was determined to be 494, which appeared comparable with the journal literature of other medical disciplines.
Meaning: While these analyses excluded ophthalmology articles in general medical journals, they suggest a strong ophthalmic research base underpins eye care, with ophthalmology having the highest h-index across a range of ophthalmic and vision disciplines contributing to this literature.
Importance: The primary vehicle for reporting and testing advances in eye care is refereed ophthalmic journals, which can be characterized using targeted bibliometric analyses.
Objective: To identify all ophthalmic journals and evaluate citation metrics relating to articles, journals, authors, institutions, and countries published therein.
Design and Setting: A bibliometric analysis was undertaken of all ophthalmic journals included in the Scopus database (Elsevier). The search was restricted to all article types published in ophthalmic journals in English from inception through November 18, 2022. After excluding general medical journals, journals published in a language other than English, and spurious titles unrelated to the ophthalmic field, the Scopus database was found to list 335 ophthalmic journal titles that have published 471 184 articles, constituting the data set for this analysis. The 20 most highly cited articles were identified. Rank-order lists by article count were assembled for journals, authors, institutions, and countries.
Main Outcomes and Measures: An h-index for ophthalmic journal articles was derived from citations and article counts for each constituent of each category.
Results: The h-index for ophthalmic journal articles was determined to be 494. The journal with the highest h-index was Ophthalmology (h-index, 297). The journal with the greatest number of articles was American Journal of Ophthalmology (38 441 articles). The most highly cited article was by Quigley and Broman, 2006 (5147 citations), concerning the epidemiology of glaucoma. The author with the highest h-index for ophthalmic journal articles was Ronald Klein, MD (h-index, 126), and the most prolific was Carol L. Shields, MD (1400 articles). Johns Hopkins University (h-index, 215) was the institution with the highest h-index for ophthalmic journal articles, and Harvard University was the most prolific (10 071 articles). The United States was the nation with the highest h-index for ophthalmic journal articles (h-index, 444) and was the most prolific (180 017 articles).
Conclusions and Relevance: In this study, the most highly cited articles published in ophthalmic journals were revealed, as well as the leading journals, authors, institutions, and countries. While excluding ophthalmology articles in general medical journals, this investigation affords a means of identifying highly cited authors, institutions, and countries which individuals or institutions can use as a guide regarding contributions to the field.
Nichols,J. J., Morgan,P. B., Jones,L. W., Efron, N
The history of optometry journals from a bibliometric perspective
Hindsight 2023;54(2):36-43
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The rich history of optometric journal publications has been well documented, but the scientific impact of all optometry journals over all time has not been published. This work aims to determine the most impactful papers, authors, institutions and countries publishing in optometry journals. A h-index for “optometry journal publications” (the “hOJP-index”) was derived for each constituent of each category to serve as a measure of impact. The hOJP-index for the 34,565 papers published in all optometry journals is 136; these papers have been cited 294,239 times. Optometry and Vision Science is the most impactful and prolific journal (hOJP=118; n=13,095 papers). The most highly cited paper, by Richard Armstrong, is entitled “When to use the Bonferroni correction” (1,172 citations). Australian optometrist Nathan Efron is the most impactful and prolific author (hOJP=41; n=273). UNSW Sydney and the University of California, Berkeley are the most impactful institutions (both hOJP=58), and UNSW Sydney is the most prolific (n=963). The most impactful and prolific nation is the United States (hOJP=109; n=12,050). This quantitative bibliometric analysis demonstrates an impactful optometric research base enshrined in optometry journals.
Pereira-da-Mota,A. F., Vivero-Lopez, M., Garg,P., Phan,C-M., Concheiro,A., Jones,L., Alvarez-Lorenzo,C.
In vitro–in vivo correlation of drug release profiles from medicated contact lenses using an in vitro eye blink model
Drug Delivery and Translational Research 2023;13(4):1116-1127
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There is still a paucity of information on how in vitro release profiles from drug-loaded contact lenses (CLs) recorded in 3D printed eye models correlate with in vivo profiles. This work aims to evaluate the release profiles of two drug-loaded CLs in a 3D in vitro eye blink model and compare the obtained results with the release in a vial and the drug levels in tear fluid previously obtained from an animal in vivo study. In vitro release in the eye model was tested at two different flow rates (5 and 10 µL/min) and a blink speed of 1 blink/10 s. Model CLs were loaded with two different drugs, hydrophilic pravastatin and hydrophobic resveratrol. The release of both drugs was more sustained and lower in the 3D eye model compared to the in vitro release in vials. Interestingly, both drugs presented similar release patterns in the eye model and in vivo, although the total amount of drugs released in the eye model was significantly lower, especially for resveratrol. Strong correlations between percentages of pravastatin released in the eye model and in vivo were found. These findings suggest that the current 3D printed eye blink model could be a useful tool to measure the release of ophthalmic drugs from medicated CLs. Nevertheless, physiological parameters such as the composition of the tear fluid and eyeball surface, tear flow rates, and temperature should be optimized in further studies.
Phan,C. M., Ross,M., Fahmy,M., McEwen,B., Hofmann,I., Chan,V. Clark-Baba,C., Jones,L.
Evaluating Viscosity and Tear Breakup Time of Contemporary Commercial Ocular Lubricants on an In Vitro Eye Model
Translational Vision Science & Technology 2023;12(6):29
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Purpose: To evaluate the link between the viscosity of ophthalmic formulation and tear film stability using a novel in vitro eye model.
Methods: The viscosities and noninvasive tear breakup time (NIKBUT) of 13 commercial ocular lubricants were measured to evaluate the correlation between viscosity and NIKBUT. The complex viscosity of each lubricant was measured three times for each angular frequency (ranging from 0.1 to 100 rad/s) using the Discovery HR-2 hybrid rheometer. The NIKBUT measurements were performed eight times for each lubricant using an advanced eye model mounted on the OCULUS Keratograph 5M. A contact lens (CL; ACUVUE OASYS [etafilcon A]) or a collagen shield (CS) was used as the simulated corneal surface. Phosphate-buffered saline was used as a simulated fluid.
Results: The results showed a positive correlation between viscosity and NIKBUT at high shear rates (at 10 rad/s, r = 0.67) but not at low shear. This correlation was even better for viscosities between 0 and 100 mPa*s (r = 0.85). Most of the lubricants tested in this study also had shear-thinning properties. OPTASE INTENSE, I-DROP PUR GEL, I DROP MGD, OASIS TEARS PLUS, and I-DROP PUR had higher viscosity in comparison to other lubricants (P < 0.05). All of the formulations had a higher NIKBUT than the control (2.7 ± 1.2 seconds for CS and 5.4 ± 0.9 seconds for CL) without any lubricant (P < 0.05). I-DROP PUR GEL, OASIS TEARS PLUS, I-DROP MGD, REFRESH OPTIVE ADVANCED, and OPTASE INTENSE had the highest NIKBUT using this eye model.
Conclusions: The results show that the viscosity is correlated with NIKBUT, but further work is necessary to determine the underlying mechanisms.
Ramaswamy,M., Ho,B., Phan,C. M., Qin,N., Ren,C. L., Jones,L.
Inexpensive and rapid fabrication of PDMS microfluidic devices for biological testing applications using low cost commercially available 3D printers
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2023;33(10):105016
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Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomers have been extensively used in the development of microfluidic devices, capable of miniaturizing biomolecular and cellular assays to the microliter and nanoliter range, thereby increasing the throughput of experimentation. PDMS has been widely used due to its optical clarity and biocompatibility, among other desirable physical and chemical properties. Despite the widespread use of PDMS in microfluidic devices, the fabrication process typically requires specialized facilities, instruments, and materials only available in a limited number of laboratories. To expand microfluidic research capabilities to a greater scientific population, we developed and characterized a simple and robust method of fabricating relatively inexpensive PDMS microfluidic devices using readily available reagents and commercially available 3D printers. The moulds produced from the 3D printers resolve designed microfluidic channel features accurately with high resolution ( >100 µm). The critical physical and chemical post-processing modifications we outline here are required to generate functional and optically clear microfluidic devices.
Schulze,M., Fadel,D., Luensmann,D., Ng,A. Y., Guthrie,S., Woods,J., Jones,L.
Evaluating the Performance of verofilcon A Daily Disposable Contact Lenses in a Group of Heavy Digital Device Users
Clinical Ophthalmology 2023;173165-3175
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of verofilcon A daily disposable contact lenses (CL) in CL wearers who identified themselves as heavy digital device users.
Patients and Methods: This prospective, non-masked, open-label study enrolled CL wearers who reported ≥ 6 hours digital device use per day. Participants were dispensed with the verofilcon A study lenses for 14± 2 days, to be worn for at least 5 days a week and 10 hours per day, while continuing their normal routine of digital device use. Participants rated the lens performance at the Day 14 visit using a 0– 100 (with 100 being best) scale. Ratings were completed at lens insertion, after 6 hours of digital device use, just before CL removal and for overall experience. Participants also completed a 4-point (strongly agree/disagree, slightly agree/disagree) Likert scale-based questionnaire.
Results: Thirty-two participants were eligible and completed the study (27 females; age 25.8 ± 6.0 years, ranging from 19 to 40). Overall lens performance ratings at the Day 14 visit (mean ± standard deviation) for comfort, dryness, and clarity of vision were 91 ± 11, 88 ± 11, and 92 ± 9, respectively. Subjective ratings were stable throughout the day with no significant differences after insertion, after 6 hours of digital device use and before CL removal (all p> 0.05). The majority of participants agreed that the study lenses performed well, provided good all-day comfort (28/32; p< 0.01) and good all-day vision (29/32; p< 0.01). Participants also agreed that after ≥ 6 hours of digital device use they were satisfied with CL comfort (27/32; p< 0.01), vision (29/32; p< 0.01) and that the lenses provided good performance (26/32; p< 0.01).
Conclusion: Verofilcon A lenses were found to perform well, with high ratings for comfort, dryness and vision that remained high throughout the day, during extensive digital device use.
Stapleton,F., Abad,J. C., Barabino,S., Burnett,A., Iyer,G., Lekhanont,K., Li,T., Liu,Y., Navas,A., Obinwanne,C. J., Qureshi,R., Roshandel,D., Sahin,A., Shih,K., Tichenor,A., Jones,L.
TFOS Lifestyle: Impact of societal challenges on the ocular surface
Ocular Surface 2023;28(April):165-199
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Societal factors associated with ocular surface diseases were mapped using a framework to characterize the relationship between the individual, their health and environment. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigating factors on ocular surface diseases were considered in a systematic review. Age and sex effects were generally well-characterized for inflammatory, infectious, autoimmune and trauma-related conditions. Sex and gender, through biological, socio-economic, and cultural factors impact the prevalence and severity of disease, access to, and use of, care. Genetic factors, race, smoking and co-morbidities are generally well characterized, with interdependencies with geographical, employment and socioeconomic factors. Living and working conditions include employment, education, water and sanitation, poverty and socioeconomic class. Employment type and hobbies are associated with eye trauma and burns. Regional, global socio-economic, cultural and environmental conditions, include remoteness, geography, seasonality, availability of and access to services. Violence associated with war, acid attacks and domestic violence are associated with traumatic injuries. The impacts of conflict, pandemic and climate are exacerbated by decreased food security, access to health services and workers. Digital technology can impact diseases through physical and mental health effects and access to health information and services. The COVID-19 pandemic and related mitigating strategies are mostly associated with an increased risk of developing new or worsening existing ocular surface diseases. Societal factors impact the type and severity of ocular surface diseases, although there is considerable interdependence between factors. The overlay of the digital environment, natural disasters, conflict and the pandemic have modified access to services in some regions.
Watson,S. L., Jones,L. W., Stapleton,F., Hinds,M., Ng,A.Y., Tan,J, Alster,Y., Bosworth,C., Rafaeli,O., DePuy,V,
Efficacy and safety of AZR-MD-001 selenium sulfide ophthalmic ointment in adults with meibomian gland dysfunction: A vehicle-controlled, randomized clinical trial
The Ocular Surface 2023;29(July):537-546
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Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a chronic progressive disease with downstream effects on ocular signs and symptoms. AZR-MD-001 is a selenium sulfide ophthalmic ointment that was investigated as a potential treatment option for patients with MGD.
A Phase 2, multi-center, double-masked, parallel group study was conducted across 29 sites, with 245 patients randomized 1:1:1 to AZR-MD-001 0.5%, AZR-MD-001 1.0% or vehicle applied to the lower eyelid, twice weekly. Patients were eligible for the trial if they presented with signs and symptoms of MGD. Co-primary efficacy endpoints were the changes from baseline in number of open glands (Meibomian Glands Yielding Liquid Secretion [MGYLS] score) and patient-reported ocular surface symptoms (Ocular Surface Disease Index [OSDI] total score) at Month 3. Efficacy outcomes were captured at Day 14, Month 1.5 and Month 3. Safety and tolerability were assessed for treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs).
AZR-MD-001 0.5% (n = 82 patients) treatment resulted in significant improvements in MGYLS score, with patients experiencing an average increase from baseline of 4.2 and 2.4 open glands secreting meibum for the drug and vehicle, respectively (p < 0.001) and from baseline a mean OSDI total score improvement of 7.3 and 3.8 for the drug and vehicle, respectively (p < 0.05). Most TEAEs were mild and transient, with 3 serious adverse events (SAEs) reported with AZR-MD-001 (none related to study drug).
Co-primary endpoints were met for AZR-MD-001 0.5% at Month 3, with a statistically significant improvement in the signs and symptoms of MGD. AZR-MD-001 was safe and well tolerated.
Zaidi,A., Seo,J., McCanna,D.J., Mahil,A., Jones,L.
Molecular biology of two common ophthalmic viruses: Relevance to clinical practice
Optometry in Practice 2023;24(1):
[ Show Abstract ]
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, viruses have suddenly become a prominent topic of discussion. As such, it
is important to understand the life cycle and, ultimately, the process of inactivating viruses. To inactivate them
it is important to block the mechanisms that they use to induce infection. Due to their ability to survive on
various surfaces, appropriate cleaning practices to prevent viral spread and contamination of medical devices,
practice equipment and surfaces are paramount. Depending on the type of virus and genome configurations,
various mechanisms are used to induce a viral infection. Understanding the susceptibility of the viral outer
coating is crucial to preventing viral spread, whether through droplet transmission or while on surfaces (fomite
transmission). Knowledge of how viral receptors and proteins interact to facilitate the recognition, attachment
and entry of a virus into the host cell is vital for an understanding of how disinfectants and antivirals can be
effective. Viral replication, transcription and translation are also major targets of antivirals. This paper will
review the physiology of two major ophthalmic viruses: adenovirus and herpes simplex.
Craig,J. P., Bitton,E., Dantam,J., Jones,L., Ngo,W., Wang,M. T. M
Short-term tolerability of commercial eyelid cleansers: A randomised crossover study
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2022;45(6):101733
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To evaluate the short-term tolerability of five commercially available anti-demodectic eyelid cleansers; OCuSOFT Oust Demodex (OD), I-MED I-Lid’n Lash Plus (ILL+), Labtician BlephaDex (BD), Chrissanthe Eye Cleanse (EC), and Théa Blephademodex (BDdx).
Thirty healthy non-contact lens wearers (18 female; mean ± SD age, 33 ± 12 years) were enrolled in a prospective randomised crossover study. On separate visits, spaced at least 48 h apart, participants were randomised to receive topical application of one of five eyelid cleansers or saline. Participants rated subjective ocular discomfort during the 10-minute post-application period. Visual acuity, non-invasive tear film stability, conjunctival hyperaemia, and ocular surface staining were assessed at baseline and 10 min.
No inter-group differences in ocular parameters were noted at baseline (all p > 0.05). Ocular discomfort scores significantly exceeded baseline scores for 60 s following BD application, 120 s with OD, 135 s with BDdx, 150 s with ILL+, and 195 s with EC (all p < 0.05). Deterioration in non-invasive tear film stability, limbal conjunctival hyperaemia, as well as corneal, conjunctival, and lid margin staining was detected following EC application (all p < 0.05), and increased bulbar conjunctival hyperaemia was observed following both EC and ILL+ treatment (both p < 0.05).
Study outcomes highlight varying tolerability profiles with different anti-demodectic lid cleanser preparations, and the potential to induce tear film instability, conjunctival hyperaemia and ocular surface staining on application. Awareness of possible adverse effects arising from topical application of commercial anti-demodectic lid cleanser formulations may help clinicians set realistic patient expectations and encourage better compliance in their use of lid hygiene therapies.
Dare,E. V., Fung,C. K., McCanna,D. J., Subbaraman, L. V., Jones,L. W.
Establishment of optimal culture media in corneal epithelial wound healing models
Journal of Cellular Biotechnology 2022;8(1):1-12
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BACKGROUND: Wound healing needs to occur after injury to prevent vision loss. Models of wound healing need to be optimized to assure treatments for corneal wounds can be developed in vitro prior to investigating with in vivo studies.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to establish the optimum media to use as a control solution in wound healing models.
METHODS: Immortalized human corneal epithelial cells were cultured in different growth media using a scratch and exclusion zone model. The effect of normoxic and hypoxic conditions on tight junctional integrity and metabolic activity of cells grown in different growth medium were also investigated.
RESULTS: Wound healing with DMEMF12 media was significantly faster than both Keratinocyte serum-free media (p < 0.05) and EpiLife (p < 0.05) after 10 hours recovery under normoxic or hypoxic conditions using the scratch model and 9 days after wounding using the exclusion zone technique (p < 0.05). Using the culture media DMEMF12, cells stained for abundant ZO-1, Cx43 and had a high metabolic activity indicating significant epithelial barrier formation, gap junction formation and high cell viability.
CONCLUSIONS: DMEMF12 led to superior wound healing under hypoxic and normoxic conditions and in two different wound healing models. © 2022-IOS Press. All rights reserved.
Efron,N., Jones,L. W., Morgan,P. B., Nichols,J. J.
Bibliometric analysis of the literature relating to silicone hydrogel and daily disposable contact lenses
Journal of Optometry 2022;15(1):44-52
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Publication metrics are derived for the fields of silicone hydrogel (SH) and daily disposable (DD) contact lenses.
A search of the Scopus database for papers in the fields of SH and DD contact lenses found 979 SH and 291 DD papers. Subject-specific h-indices for SH lenses (hSH-index) and DD lenses (hDD-index) were derived, in relation to five categories – authors, institutions, countries and journals – to serve as measures of impact. A short list of the most impactful entities was generated for each of the above five categories in the SH and DD fields.
A paper entitled “Soft contact lens polymers: An evolution” by Nicholson and Vogt was the most highly cited article (495 citations) in both SH and DD fields. The most impactful entities for the SH and DD fields were: authors – Lyndon Jones (hSH = 33) and Philip Morgan (hDD = 15); institutions – the University of Waterloo (hSH = 37) and the University of New South Wales (hDD = 15); countries – the United States (hSH = 45) and the United Kingdom (hDD = 24); and journals – Optometry and Vision Science (hSH = 33) and Contact Lens and Anterior Eye (hDD = 17). Overall, the SH field (hSH = 64) is far more impactful than the DD field (hDD = 34).
Impactful papers, authors, institutions, countries and journals in the SH and DD fields are identified. Optometry is revealed as the leading profession in relation to SH and DD publications.
Efron,N., Morgan,P. B., Nichols,J. J., Walsh,K., Willcox,M. D., Wolffsohn,J. S. Jones,L. W.
All soft contact lenses are not created equal
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2022;45(2):Article 101515
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Soft contact lenses that have been prescribed by eye care practitioners are sometimes substituted for alternative lenses by unqualified, unregulated and sometimes even fully regulated lens suppliers, in the mistaken belief that there is essentially no difference between different soft lens types. This review considers the implications of inappropriately substituting soft contact lens types in terms of (a) lens properties: surface treatment, internal wetting agents, material, total diameter, back optic zone radius, thickness, edge profile, back surface design, optical design, power, colour (tint) and ultraviolet protection; and (b) lens usage: wearing modality (daily versus overnight wear) and replacement frequency. Potential aspects of patient dissatisfaction and adverse events when prescribed soft lenses are substituted for lenses with different properties or intended usage are considered. Substitution of 15 of the 16 lens properties considered (i.e. except for back surface design) was found to be related to at least one – and as many as six – potential sources of patient dissatisfaction and adverse ocular events. Contact lens are medical devices which are prescribed and fitted; they should never be substituted for another lens type in the absence of a new prescription further to a full finalised fitting, for the simple reason that all soft contact lenses are not created equal. A substituted lens may have properties that results in undesirable consequences in respect of vision, ocular health, comfort and cosmetic appearance, and may be incompatible with the lifestyle of the patient.
Guthrie,S., Ng,A. Y., Woods,J., Vega,J., Orsborn,G., Jones,L.
Exploring the factors which impact overall satisfaction with single vision contact lenses
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2022;45(5):101579
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To explore the impact of subjective factors (lens handling, comfort and vision) on overall single vision contact lens satisfaction.
Correlation analysis of a prospective, randomised, double-masked, bilateral crossover study involving 55 adapted lens wearers fitted with somofilcon A (SiHy) (clariti® 1 day, CooperVision) and etafilcon A (Hy) (1 DAY ACUVUE® MOIST, Johnson & Johnson Vision) was conducted. Subjective ratings of lens handling, comfort and vision collected after 1 week of lens wear for each lens type were correlated with overall satisfaction. Data were analysed by combining data for both lens types and also for each lens separately.
For the combined analysis, significant correlations (p < 0.01) were found between subjective ratings of overall satisfaction and ratings of handing for application (r = 0.64), handling for removal (r = 0.50), comfort upon application (r = 0.59), comfort at end of day (r = 0.61), overall satisfaction with comfort (r = 0.88) and overall satisfaction with vision (r = 0.64).
Correlation analysis of the per lens data showed that lens specific correlations of overall satisfaction with handling for lens application varied greatly with lens material (SiHy: r = 0.26, p = 0.05 vs Hy: r = 0.72, p < 0.01). Correlation strength of comfort upon application/at end of day with overall satisfaction also varied with lens material (Application: SiHy: r = 0.40 vs Hy: r = 0.61; End of day: SiHy: r = 0.76 vs Hy: r = 0.58; all p ≤ 0.01).
Overall satisfaction was significantly correlated with the specific subjective evaluations of handling, vision and comfort. Correlations of overall satisfaction and ease of handling for each lens type suggest that, for habitual contact lens wearers, dissatisfaction with handling at the time of lens application can play a major role in overall dissatisfaction with a lens. Handling for application had a similar correlation (r) value as vision, suggesting that handling for application should not be underestimated when considering overall patient satisfaction.
Kao,E. C. Y., Seo,J., McCanna,D. J., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
In vitro assessment of the biocompatibility of chemically treated silicone materials with human lens epithelial cells
Nature - Scientific Reports 2022;12(1):Article 4649
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Cytotoxicity testing is a regulatory requirement for safety testing of new ocular implants. In vitro toxicity tests determine whether toxic chemicals are present on a material surface or leach out of the material matrix. A method of evaluating the cytotoxicity of ocular implants was developed using fluorescent viability dyes. To assess the assay’s sensitivity in detecting toxic substances on biomaterials, zinc diethydithiocarbamate (ZDEC) and benzalkonium chloride (BAK) were deposited on silicone surfaces at different concentrations. Human lens epithelial cells (HLEC) were added to the surface of these treated silicone surfaces and were assessed for viability. The viability of both the adherent and non-adherent cells was determined using confocal microscopy with, annexin V, ethidium homodimer, and calcein. Cell metabolism was also evaluated using resazurin and the release of inflammatory cytokines was quantified using a multiplex Mesoscale Discovery platform. Confocal microscopy was shown to be a sensitive assay for evaluating material toxicity, as significant toxicity (p < 0.05) from ZDEC and BAK-treated surfaces compared to the untreated silicone control was detected. Patterns of cytokine release from cells varied depending on the toxin evaluated and the toxin concentration and did not directly correlate with the reduction in cell metabolic activity measured by alamarBlue.
Kapadia,W., Qin,N., Zhao,P., Phan,C.-M., Haines,L., Jones,L. Ren,C. L.
Shear-Thinning and Temperature-Dependent Viscosity Relationships of Contemporary Ocular Lubricants
Translational Vision Science & Technology 2022;11(3):Article 1
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Purpose: To evaluate the shear viscosity of contemporary, commercially available ocular lubricants at various shear rates and temperatures and to derive relevant mathematical
viscosity models that are impactful for prescribing and developing eye drops to treat dry eye disease.
Methods: The shear viscosity of 12 ocular lubricants was measured using a rheometer and a temperature-controlled bath at clinically relevant temperatures at which users may experience exposure to the drops (out of the refrigerator [4.3°C]; room temperature [24.6°C]; ocular surface temperature [34.5°C]). Three replicates for each sample at each temperature were obtained using a standard volume (0.5 mL) of each sample. The viscosity of each ocular lubricant was measured over the full range of shear rates allowed
by the rheometer.
Results: The shear viscosity of the same ocular lubricant varied significantly among the three temperatures. In general, a higher temperature resulted in smaller viscosities than a lower temperature (an average of −48% relative change from 4.3°C to 24.6°C and −21% from 24.6°C to 34.5°C). At a constant temperature, the viscosity of an ocular lubricant over the studied shear rates can be well approximated by a power-law model.
Conclusions: Rheological analysis revealed that the ocular lubricants exhibited shear-thinning behavior at the measured temperatures. Differences in the ocular lubricants’ formulations and measured temperatures resulted in different viscosities.
Translational Relevance: When prescribing eye drops, eye care professionals can select the optimal one for their patients by considering a variety of factors, including its
rheological property at physiologically relevant shear rates and temperatures, which can improve residence time on the ocular surface, while ensuring appropriate comfort and vision. However, care must be taken when using the derived mathematical models in this study because the in vivo shear behavior of the ocular lubricants has not been examined and might show deviations from those reported when placed on the ocular surface.
Lourenco Nogueira,C., Boegel,S. C., Shukla,M., Ngo,W., Jones,L., Aucoin,M. G.
Antiviral Activity of Contemporary Contact Lens Care Solutions against Two Human Seasonal Coronavirus Strains
Pathogens 2022;11(4):472
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Background: Given that reports have suggested SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted via conjunctiva, the ability of contact lens (CL) care products to reduce the infectiousness of two seasonal human coronavirus (HCoV) (HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43) surrogates for SARS-CoV-2 was investigated.
Methods: Biotrue and Boston Simplus (Bausch&Lomb), OPTI-FREE Puremoist and Clear Care (Alcon), and cleadew and cleadew GP (Ophtecs) were tested. Their ability to inactivate HCoV was evaluated using contact times of 4 and 6 h as well as 1% and 10% of virus inoculum.
Results: Non-oxidative systems (Biotrue, Boston Simplus, and OPTI-FREE) did not exhibit a significant log10 reduction compared to controls for the two viral strains for either incubation time (all p > 0.05) when 10% tests were performed. For the 1% test, while Boston Simplus and OPTI-FREE exhibited a significant log10 reduction of both HCoV-229E (after 6 h) and HCoV-OC43 (after either 4 or 6 h incubation), those products showed less than 1 log10 reduction of the two infectious viruses. Oxidative systems based on hydrogen peroxide or povidone-iodine showed a significant log10 reduction compared with the controls for both HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43 in all tested conditions (all p < 0.01). Clear Care led to virus inactivation to below the limit of quantification for tests performed with 1% of inoculum after 6 h incubation, while cleadew and cleadew GP led to inactivation of the two viruses to below the limit of quantification in all tested conditions.
Conclusion: Oxidative CL disinfection systems showed significant virucidal activity against HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43, while non-oxidative systems showed minimal ability to inactivate the HCoV species examined.
Lourenco Nogueira,C., Boegel,S. C., Shukla,M., Ngo,W., Jones,L. Aucoin,M. G.
The impact of a rub and rinse regimen on removal of human coronaviruses from contemporary contact lens materials
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2022;45(6):101719
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To assess the influence of contemporary contact lens (CL) materials on human coronavirus attachment and the influence of a rub and rinse step to remove these viruses.
The binding rates of HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43 to eight soft CL materials and four rigid gas permeable materials were analyzed. The impact of a rub and rinse step to remove these viruses from all materials was examined. The efficacy of Biotrue (Bausch & Lomb), OPTI-FREE Puremoist (Alcon), Clear Care (Alcon) and cleadew (Ophtecs) to remove virus contamination from two representative soft lens materials (etafilcon A and lotrafilcon B) was also determined.
Approximately 102 to 103 infectious viral particles were recovered from each CL material. Although some materials were more prone to coronavirus adhesion, contamination of both viral types was reduced to below the limit of quantification (LQ) from all materials using a simple saline rinse step. Exposure to Clear Care and cleadew reduced the number of infectious viral particles from both etafilcon A and lotrafilcon B to below the LQ, while for Biotrue and OPTI-FREE Puremoist, infectious viral particles were reduced to below the LQ only when additional rub and rinse steps were included.
Human coronavirus contamination can be easily removed from CL surfaces. Although CL care products containing hydrogen peroxide and povidone-iodine efficiently removed virus contamination from CL surfaces without the need for a rub and rinse step, a full regimen including rub and rinse steps is crucial when using CL care products based on non-oxidative systems.
Ng,A. Y., Woods,J., Jahn,T., Jones,L., Ritter,J.
Effect of a novel omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid supplement on dry eye disease: a 3-month randomized controlled trial
Optometry & Vision Science 2022;99(1):67-75
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Supplementing diet with a novel combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids significantly improved symptoms in extremely symptomatic participants with dry eye disease (DED).
This study aimed to determine the effect of daily intake of a novel combination of essential fatty acids on signs and symptoms of DED.
Participants with moderate to severe DED were enrolled in a prospective, randomized, double-masked parallel group study. Participants ingested either the treatment supplement containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (1200 mg eicosapentaenoic acid, 300 mg docosahexaenoic acid, 150 mg γ-linoleic acid) or the placebo (coconut and olive oil) daily for 3 months. To determine compliance, Omega-3 Index blood tests were conducted. At baseline and at 1 and 3 months, the following assessments were conducted: Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire and Symptom Assessment Questionnaire in Dry Eye, noninvasive tear breakup time, tear meniscus height, tear osmolarity, ocular redness, surface staining, Schirmer test, and meibography.
Fifty participants (mean ± standard deviation baseline OSDI score, 52.2 ± 16.5) completed the study: 24 randomized to treatment and 26 randomized to placebo. Although there was an improvement in OSDI score at 3 months for both groups (treatment: −13.4 points, P = .003; placebo: −7.8 points, P = .02), participants with baseline OSDI scores >52 demonstrated an even larger significant improvement in symptoms with the treatment at 3 months compared with baseline (n = 13, −20.8 points, P = .002). There were no significant changes in any of the ocular assessments at 1 or 3 months (all P > .05). After 3 months, Omega-3 Index increased by 34% in the treatment group (baseline, 5.3 ± 0.8; 3 months, 8.0 ± 2.1; P < .001) and did not change in the placebo group (baseline, 4.8 ± 0.8; 3 months, 4.8 ± 0.6; P = .95).
Supplementation with eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and γ-linoleic acid resulted in a significant and clinically meaningful improvement of dry eye symptoms in extremely symptomatic participants with DED (OSDI ≥52).
Nichols,J. J., Morgan,P. M., Efron,N, Jones,L. W.
Global optometrist research ranking derived from a science-wide author database of standardised citation indicators
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2022;105(1):20-25
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Clinical relevance
Publications in refereed scientific journals provide a rigorous research base that underpins clinical optometric practice. Leading optometrists who generate this literature can be identified and ranked using standardised citation indicators.
This work seeks to identify and rank all optometrists included in a Science-Wide author database of standardised citation indicators (S-W) and to compare this ranking with the Global Optometrist Top 200 Research Ranking (T200).
A search was conducted for the names of all optometrists in the T200 who were included in the S-W, which is a world-wide listing of the top 2% of scientists in each of 174 subfield disciplines, ranked according to a composite citation indicator (cns) that excludes self-citations and corrects for multiple authorships and author order.
The names of 66 optometrists are found in the S-W. Of these, 58 are designated as working in the primary sub-field ‘Ophthalmology & Optometry’; this listing, in rank-order of cns, is referred to as the ‘S-W-derived Optometrist Research Ranking’ (S-WORR). Australian optometrist Nathan Efron is ranked #1 in the S-WORR. The number (%) of optometrists in the S-WORR from each country is: the United States – 26 (45%), Australia – 12 (21%), the United Kingdom – 11 (19%), Canada – 5 (9%), Spain – 2 (3%), Hong Kong – 1 (2%) and South Africa – 1 (2%). The universities housing the equal highest number of optometrists in the S-WORR (five each) are the University of California, Berkeley, USA; the University of New South Wales, Australia; and Queensland University of Technology, Australia. There is a moderately strong correlation between T200 and S-WORR rankings (ρ = 0.6017, N = 58, p < 0.0001).
The S-WORR represents an elite cohort of optometrists who ought to be celebrated for their outstanding, leading and impactful contributions to optometric research.
Osae,E. A., Jones,L., Nichols,J. J.
The impact of contact lenses on meibomian gland morphology
Ocular Surface 2022;24(April):148-155
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Despite years of experience with contact lenses, controversy remains as to whether contact lenses adversely impact the meibomian glands (MG). This review summarizes the present body of evidence, showing that contact lens wear is associated with alterations in MG morphology (up to 80% higher gland atrophy compared to non-wearers) and qualitative changes in MG secretion. Key factors such as duration of contact lens wear, contact lens type (e.g., soft vs. rigid), edge design, and material modulus of elasticity are discussed in relation to the extent of MG morphological changes, the quality of MG secretion and other ocular surface parameters. Longitudinal studies of sufficient statistical power are needed to better understand how contact lens wear affects the MG, risk factors, and the clinical sequelae of these changes.
Pereira-da-Mota,A. F., Phan,C-M., Concheiro,A., Jones,L., Alvarez-Lorenzo,C.
Testing drug release from medicated contact lenses: The missing link to predict in vivo performance
Journal of Controlled Release 2022;343(March):672-702
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Contact lenses (CLs) offer a wide variety of advantages as ocular drug-releasing platforms, but the feasibility of medicated CL development is constrained by numerous scientific, technological, and regulatory challenges. One main difficulty is the setting of release rate specifications for each drug, since at present there are no standardized in vitro release models that can appropriately predict the performance of drug-eluting CLs once placed onto the eye. CL-adapted release tests may provide knowledge on how the drug release pattern should perform in vivo to trigger and maintain the therapeutic effects for both anterior and posterior ocular tissues. Moreover, in vitro release tests are valuable tools for quality assessment during production and to investigate the effect of a change in composition or process variables. This review aims to shed light on biorelevant ways of evaluating in vitro drug release from CLs and the feasibility of establishing in vitro-in vivo correlations (IVIVC) to predict in vivo performance. First, general guidelines and Pharmacopeia release tests for topical ophthalmic formulations as well as in vitro release tests implemented for drug-CLs in the last two decades are analyzed. Then, development of an appropriate method to investigate IVIVC is attempted from the few papers simultaneously reporting in vitro release profiles and either in vivo release or therapeutic response. Finally, key points to be considered for in vitro testing drug release from a medicated CL are suggested to pave the way to the clinical arena.
von Ahrenschildt,A., Hanneberg,L., Robich,M., Jones-Jordan,L., Marx,S., Sickenberger,W., Powell,D., Kwan,J. T., Wong,S., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L., Pucker,A. D.
Morphological characteristics of Meibomian Glands and their Influence on Dry Eye disease in contact lens wearers
Ocular Surface 2022;24(April):93-99
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Meibomian glands (MG) are now easily imaged via clinical meibography machines. The purpose of this work was to explore the utility of the known MG morphology metrics for predicting dry eye disease (DED) in contact lens (CL) wearers.
Successful and previous CL wearers were recruited. DED was diagnosed if the participant's worst eye had a reduced tear meniscus height (TMH) of <0.2 mm or non-invasive tear break-up time (NITBUT) of [removed]5.0. Meibography was performed and images were subjectively graded by two examiners for the following MG characteristics: distorted, tortuous, hooked, abnormal gap, overlapping, fluffy areas, tadpoling, thinned, thickened, ghost, no extension to lid margin, shortened and dropout (atrophy). DED diagnostic ability of each metric was determined with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis.
A total of 112 participants were recruited, with 18.8% having DED and 60.7% being female. The only MG morphology metrics that were marginally predictive of DED were thickened upper eyelid MGs (p = 0.046), thickened mean upper plus lower eyelid MGs (p = 0.007), and atrophy of upper eyelid MGs (p = 0.043); however, none of these metrics reached a meaningful area under the curve in ROC analysis (all <0.70).
While abnormal MG morphology is likely suggestive of DED in CL wearers, none of the MG morphology metrics evaluated alone in this study had clinically meaningful predictive value for detecting DED in this group of current and previous CL wearers.
Walsh,K., Jones,L., Moody,K.
Addressing common myths and misconceptions in soft contact lens practice
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2022;105(5):459-473
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Advances in contact lens technology over the past 50 years since the commercialisation of the first soft lenses in 1971 have been incredible, with significant changes in contact lens materials, frequency of replacement, care systems and lens designs occurring. However, despite the widespread availability of contact lenses, penetration rates for those who need vision correction remain in the low single digits and many practitioners seem to hold on to concepts around the potential value of contact lenses that appear based in the dim and distant past and are certainly no longer valid today. This review addresses 10 common ‘myths and misconceptions’ around soft contact lenses using an evidence-based approach that can hopefully dispel some of these incorrect assumptions.
Yee,A., Phan,C-M., Jones,L.
Uptake and release of polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) from hydrogel and silicone hydrogel contact lenses using a radiolabel methodology
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2022;45(5):101575
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the uptake and release of radiolabelled polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) on reusable daily wear contact lenses (CLs) over 7 days.
Three silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lens materials (lotrafilcon B, balafilcon A, senofilcon A) and two conventional hydrogel (CH) materials (etafilcon A, omafilcon A) were examined. In experiment 1 (1-day study), CLs were soaked in 2 mL of phosphate buffered solution (PBS) containing radiolabelled 14C PHMB (1 µg/mL) for 8 h. The release kinetics of 14C PHMB from the CLs was measured at t = 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 h in fresh 2 mL PBS. In experiment 2 (7-day study), the CLs were soaked in the 14C PHMB (1 µg/mL) solution for 8 h followed by a 16-hour release in 2 mL PBS. The lens cycle was repeated daily for 7 days. After both experiments, the residual amount of PHMB remaining within the lenses was extracted to determine the total uptake of PHMB.
In experiment 1, the total uptake of PHMB for etafilcon A was significantly greater than senofilcon A (p = 0.01). There were no significant differences in total uptake of PHMB between other lens materials (p > 0.05). Etafilcon A released more PHMB compared to all other lens types over a 24-hr period (p < 0.001). In experiment 2, all CL materials continued to sorb more PHMB over time (p < 0.001). By day 7, the amount of PHMB sorbed by etafilcon A was significantly greater than senofilcon A (p = 0.02). After day 2, the CH materials released significantly more PHMB than the SH materials (p < 0.01).
The CL materials continued to sorb PHMB with no signs of saturation after 7 days. All lens materials released a consistent amount of PHMB each day. Radioactive labelling provides a sensitive method of assessing the uptake and release of PHMB from CL materials.
Chan,V. W. Y., Phan,C-M., Ngo,W., Jones,L.
Lysozyme Deposition on Contact Lenses in an In Vitro Blink-Simulation Eye Model Versus a Static Vial Deposition Model
Eye & Contact Lens 2021;47(7):388-393
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To evaluate active lysozyme deposition on daily disposable (DD) contact lenses (CL) using a novel in vitro blink model.
Three conventional hydrogel DD CL materials (etafilcon A, omafilcon A, nelfilcon A) and three silicone hydrogel DD CL materials (delefilcon A, senofilcon A, somofilcon A) were tested. The device blink rate was set to 6 blinks/min with a tear flow rate of 1 μL/min using an artificial tear solution (ATS) containing lysozyme and other typical tear film components. After incubation at 2, 4, or 8 hr, lenses were removed, and lysozyme activity was measured. A separate experiment was conducted with lenses incubated in a static vial containing 480 μL of ATS.
Etafilcon A deposited significantly higher amounts of active lysozyme (402±102 μg/lens) than other lens materials after 8 hr (P<0.0001). Etafilcon A had a higher amount of active lysozyme using the blink model compared with the static vial (P=0.0435), whereas somofilcon A (P=0.0076) and senofilcon A (P=0.0019) had a higher amount of lysozyme activity in the vial compared with the blink model.
The blink model can be tuned to provide quantitative data that closely mimics ex vivo studies and can be used to model deposition of lysozyme on CL materials.
Chan,V. W. Y., Phan,C-M., Walther,H., Ngo,W., Jones,L.
Effects of Temperature and Blinking on Contact Lens Dehydration of Contemporary Soft Lens Materials Using an In Vitro Blink Model
Translational Vision Science & Technology 2021;10(8):11
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Purpose: The purpose of this studywas to evaluate the effects of temperature and blinking on contact lens (CL) dehydration using an in vitro blink model.
Methods: Three silicone hydrogel (delefilcon A, senofilcon A, and comfilcon A) and two conventional hydrogel (etafilcon A and omafilcon A) CL materials were evaluated at 1
and 16 hours. The water content (WC) of the CLs was measured using a gravimetric method. Lenses were incubated on a blink model, internally heated to achieve a clinically relevant surface temperature of 35°C. An artificial tear solution (ATS) was delivered to the blink model at 4.5 μL/min with a blink rate of 6 blinks/min. A comparison set of lenses were incubated in a vial containing either 2 mL of ATS or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at 35°C.
Results: Increasing temperature to 35°C resulted in a decrease in WC for all tested CLs over time (P ≤ 0.0052). For most CLs, there was no significant difference in WC over time between ATS or PBS in the vial (P > 0.05). With the vial system, WC decreased and plateaued over time. However, on the blink model, for most CLs, the WC significantly decreased after 1 hour but returned toward initial WC levels after 16 hours (P > 0.05).
Conclusions: The reduction in WC of CLs on the eye is likely due to both an increase in temperature and dehydration from air exposure and blinking.
Translational Relevance: This study showed that the novel, heated, in vitro blink model could be used to provide clinical insights into CL dehydration on the eye.
Chang,J. M. L., Seo,J., Kwan,M. M. Y., Oh,S., McCanna,D. J., Subbaraman,L., Jones,L.
Determining the Toxicity of UV Radiation and Chemicals on Primary and Immortalized Human Corneal Epithelial Cells
Journal of Visualized Experiments 2021;173(July):e62675
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This article describes the methods of measuring the toxicity of ultraviolet (UV) radiation and ocular toxins on primary (pHCEC) and immortalized (iHCEC) human corneal epithelial cell cultures. Cells were exposed to UV radiation and toxic doses of benzalkonium chloride (BAK), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Metabolic activity was measured using a metabolic assay. The release of inflammatory cytokines was measured using a multi-plex interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) assay, and cells were evaluated for viability using fluorescent dyes.
The damaging effects of UV on cell metabolic activity and cytokine release occurred at 5 min of UV exposure for iHCEC and 20 min for pHCEC. Similar percent drops in metabolic activity of the iHCEC and pHCEC occurred after exposure to BAK, H2O2, or SDS, and the most significant changes in cytokine release occurred for IL-6 and IL-8. Microscopy of fluorescently stained iHCEC and pHCEC BAK-exposed cells showed cell death at 0.005% BAK exposure, although the degree of ethidium staining was greater in the iHCECs than pHCECs. Utilizing multiple methods of assessing toxic effects using microscopy, assessments of metabolic activity, and cytokine production, the toxicity of UV radiation and chemical toxins could be determined for both primary and immortalized cell lines.
Craig,J.P., Muntz,A., Wang,M.T.M., Luensmann,D., Tan,J., Travé-Huarte,S., Xue,A.L., Jones,L.W., Willcox,M.D.P., Wolffsohn,J.S.
Developing evidence-based guidance for the treatment of dry eye disease with artificial tear supplements: A six-month multicentre, double-masked randomised controlled trial
Ocular Surface 2021;20(April):62-69
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To assess the six-month therapeutic profiles of lipid and non-lipid-based artificial tear supplements in managing dry eye disease (DED).
Ninety-nine participants fulfilling the TFOS DEWS II diagnostic criteria for DED (64% females; mean ± SD age, 44 ± 16 years) were enrolled in a prospective, multicentre, double-masked, parallel group, randomised controlled trial. Participants instilled lipid-based nanoemulsion drops or non-lipid-based aqueous drops for six months, at least four times daily. Symptomology, tear film and ocular surface characteristics were assessed at Days 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180.
Sustained reductions in OSDI, DEQ-5, and SANDE symptom scores from baseline were observed from Day 30 onwards in both groups (all p < 0.05) and decreased superior lid wiper epitheliopathy grades from Day 60 onwards (all p ≤ 0.01). Improvements in non-invasive tear film breakup time, and sodium fluorescein and lissamine green staining scores followed from Day 120 onwards in both groups (all p < 0.05). Tear lipid layer grades increased from Day 90 onwards only with the lipid-based drops, and with significantly greater improvement in those with suboptimal lipid layer thickness at baseline (grade ≤3; p = 0.02). By Day 180, 19% of participants no longer fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for DED.
Over a six-month treatment period, improvements in dry eye symptomology preceded tear film and ocular surface changes with regular use of both lipid and non-lipid-based artificial tear supplements. Both formulations addressed most mild-to-moderate forms of aqueous deficient and evaporative DED, while evaporative cases benefitted preferentially from lipid-based supplementation. This represents a first step towards mapping DED therapeutic strategies according to disease subtype and severity.
Efron,N., Jones,L. W., Morgan,P. B., Nichols,J. J.
Bibliometric analysis of the literature relating to scleral contact lenses
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(4):101447
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Adolf Eugene Fick, a German ophthalmologist working in Zurich, published the first journal paper on contact lenses in 1888. In this paper, he described the process of fabricating and fitting afocal scleral contact lenses first on rabbits, then on himself and finally on a small group of volunteer patients with keratoconus.
Efron,N., Jones,L. W., Morgan,P. B., Nichols,J. J.
On the art and science of rigid contact lens fitting
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2021;104(6):684-690
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Examination of the literature can help answer the age-old question of the extent to which rigid contact lenses can be considered an art versus a science.
Efron,N., Morgan,P. B., Jones,L. W., Morgan,G. A., Nichols,J. J.
Global optometrist top 200 research ranking
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2021;104(4):471-485
[ Show Abstract ]
Clinical relevance: Clinical optometric practice is underpinned by a rigorous research base, the
primary evidence for which is publications in refereed scientific journals. Leading optometrists who
publish this work should be identified and celebrated.
Background: This work aims to derive publication metrics of the leading optometric researchers
Methods: An extensive global search was conducted to discover leading optometric researchers; 480
names were identified. A custom-designed bibliographic search tool was developed to interrogate
the Scopus database (Elsevier) and extract publication metrics using the unique Scopus Author
Identifier number for each optometrist. On 13 January 2021, the full list was reduced to 200
optometrists (the ‘Top 200’) ranked by h-index – the ‘Global Optometrist Top 200 Research
Ranking’. The output from the custom tool automatically updates every 24 hours and is available at
Results: The Top 200 have h-indices ranging from 20 to 67 and have published between 28 and 440
papers. Sixty one (30.5%) are women. Konrad Pesudovs has the highest h-index (67) and citations
(51,193). The most prolific author is Robert Hess (442 papers). David Piñero is publishing at the
fastest rate (17.6 papers per year). The Top 200 work in 13 nations, of whom 172 (86.0%) work in
four nations: USA – 76 (38.0%), Australia – 43 (21.5%), UK – 41 (20.5%) and Canada – 16 (8.0%). Of
the 72 institutions represented, the University of California, Berkeley, USA is home to the most Top
200 optometrists (17) and has the highest combined h-index of Top 200 optometrists (132).
Conclusions: The optometric profession is supported by a robust research base, prosecuted by
a large international cohort of optometric researchers who publish extensively on a broad range of
ophthalmic issues and whose work is highly cited. The 200 most impactful optometrists in the world
are identified
Efron,N., Morgan,P. B., Jones,L. W., Nichols,J. J.
21st century citation analysis of the field of contact lenses
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2021;104(5):634-638
[ Show Abstract ]
Clinical relevance: The scientific foundations for clinical contact lens practice are rooted in the ophthalmic literature. This analysis of contact lens papers celebrates contemporary research achievements in the contact lens field.
Background: This work aims to assemble contact lens-related publication metrics so as to identify the most impactful papers published so far this century, as well the top countries, authors, institutions and journals.
Methods: A search was undertaken of the titles of papers on the Scopus database to identify contact lens-related articles published this century. The ten most highly cited papers were determined from the total list of 4,164 papers found. Rank-order lists by count were assembled for the ‘top 25ʹ in each of four categories: authors, institutions, countries and journals. A 20-year subject-specific contact lens h-index (hCL-20-index) was derived for each author, institution, country and journal to serve as a measure of impact in the field. The top 10 constituents (of the top 25) of each category were ranked by hCL-20-index and tabulated for consideration.
Results: The most highly cited paper this century is entitled ‘Soft contact lens polymers: An evolution’, by Nicholson and Vogt. Lyndon Jones is the most impactful author, with a hCL-20-index of 32. The University of New South Wales (Australia) produces the most impactful contact lens-related papers, and the United States is the most highly-ranked country. Optometry and Vision Science is the most impactful journal in the contact lens field.
Conclusions: Contact lens materials and lens-associated keratitis are topics of high interest in the contemporary contact lens literature, with an emerging interest in orthokeratology for myopia control and glucose monitoring. Impactful 21st century authors, institutions, countries and journals are identified. Optometry is revealed as the leading profession in relation to the publication of impactful contact lens-related papers.
Efron,N., Morgan,P. B., Jones,L. W., Nichols,J. J.
Bibliometric analysis of the refractive error field
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2021;104(5):641-643
[ Show Abstract ]
Research into the epidemiology, aetiology, and optics of ametropia is a fundamental cornerstone of the correction and management of refractive errors by eye care practitioners. At present, much of this work is driven by the clinical concern that myopia is a common cause of vision loss, with uncorrected myopia the leading cause of vision impairment globally. Holden et al. predict that by 2050, about 50% of the population of the world will be myopic.
The aetiology of myopia continues to be hotly debated, centring around the relative impact of nature (genetics) versus nurture (environment). Research aimed at optimising optical (spectacles and contact lenses) and surgical (laser refractive techniques) modes of correcting refractive error continues unabated, and novel approaches for arresting the progression of myopia, using ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses (including orthokeratology), pharmacological approaches, or lifestyle modification, are also under active investigation. As is the case in all fields of investigation, the foundation of these various lines of refractive error research is rooted in the ophthalmic literature. Modern bibliographic search tools enable targeted interrogation of this vast literature to facilitate identification of the research foundations that underpin our understanding of refractive error. This Viewpoint uses
these bibliographic search tools and employs a subjectspecific measure of impact to identify key papers, authors, institutions, countries, and journals in the field of refractive error research.
Efron,N., Morgan,P. B., Jones,L. W., Nichols,J. J.
Bibliometric analysis of the keratoconus literature
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2021;21(Sep):1-6
[ Show Abstract ]
Clinical Relevance
Clinicians, researchers funding agencies and indeed the general public can benefit from knowledge of the most highly cited papers and most impactful authors, institutions, countries and journals in the field of keratoconus.
Bibliometrics relating to the keratoconus literature were derived to enable identification of the most impactful papers published, as well as the leading authors, institutions, countries and journals.
A search was undertaken of the titles of papers on the Scopus database to identify keratoconus-related articles. The 20 most highly cited papers were determined from the total list of 4,419 papers found. Rank-order lists by count were assembled for the ‘top 20ʹ in each of four categories: authors, institutions, countries and journals. A subject-specific keratoconus-related h-index (hKC-index) was derived for each constituent of each category to serve as a measure of impact in the field. The top 10 constituents of each category were ranked by hKC-index and tabulated for consideration.
The hKC-index of the keratoconus field is 125. The 4,419 papers have been cited a total of 98,010 times, and 18.5% of these papers have never been cited. The most highly cited paper is a general review of keratoconus by Yaron Rabinowitz, who is also the most impactful author in the field (hKC = 31). The Cedars Sinai Medical Center in the United States produces the most impactful keratoconus-related papers (hKC = 36), and the United States is the most impactful country (hKC = 91). The Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery is the most impactful journal (hKC = 55).
Keratoconus is a topic of high interest in the clinical and scientific literature. Highly cited papers and impactful authors, institutions, countries and journals are identified.
Efron,N., Morgan,P. B., Jones,L. W., Nichols,J. J.
Bibliometric Analysis of the Emerging Field of Myopia Management
Optometry & Vision Science 2021;98(9):1039-1044
[ Show Abstract ]
Identification of the most impactful articles, authors, institutions, countries, and journals in myopia management provides a useful baseline reference for clinicians, researchers, and funding agencies in respect of this emerging field.
This work aims to assemble publication metrics for myopia management to identify the most impactful articles, authors, institutions, countries, and journals in this emerging field of research. A search of the titles of articles was undertaken on the Scopus database to identify myopia management–related articles. The 25 most highly cited articles were determined from the total list of 1064 articles found. Rank-order lists by count were assembled for the top 25 in each of four categories: authors, institutions, countries, and journals. A subject-specific myopia management–related h-index (hMM-index) was derived for the entire field, in addition to each of the four categories, to serve as measures of impact in the field. Top 15 lists were generated for each category ranked by hMM-index and tabulated for consideration. An article by Christine Wildsoet and colleagues, describing choroidal and scleral mechanisms of compensation for spectacle lenses in chicks, has generated the most citations (412); Earl Smith is the most impactful author (hMM = 19); the University of Houston produces the most impactful articles (hMM = 31); the United States is the most highly ranked country (hMM = 60); and Optometry and Vision Science is the most impactful journal. Although still in its infancy, myopia management is a topic of emerging interest in the clinical and scientific ophthalmic literature. Impactful authors, institutions, countries, and journals are identified. Optometry is revealed as the leading profession in relation to the publication of myopia management–related articles.
Heynen,M., Ng,A., Martell,E., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Activity of Deposited Lysozyme on Contemporary Soft Contact Lenses Exposed to Differing Lens Care Systems
Clinical Ophthalmology 2021;15(April):1727-1733
[ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: The amount of protein deposition on soft contact lenses and to what extent the proteins are denatured may have an impact on comfortable wearing times of contact lenses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of two lens care systems on total protein and the quantity and activity of lysozyme deposited on worn senofilcon A, silicone hydrogel contact lenses.
Participants and Methods: Thirty symptomatic soft contact lens wearers were enrolled into a 4-week prospective, randomized, bilateral eye, daily-wear, crossover, double-masked study. Participants were fitted with biweekly senofilcon A lenses and were assigned either a polyquaternium-1 and myristamidopropyl dimethylamine-containing system (OPTI-FREE RepleniSH) or a peroxide-based system (CLEAR CARE). After each wear period, proteins were extracted from the lenses and analyzed for total protein, total lysozyme quantity and activity.
Results: The use of either the peroxide-based system or the polyquaternium-1 and myristamidopropyl dimethylamine-containing system resulted in no difference (P> 0.05) to the amount of total protein deposited on the lenses (6.7 ± 2.8 micrograms/lens versus 7.3 ± 2.8 micrograms/lens, respectively) or to the amount of denatured lysozyme deposits (0.8 ± 0.7 versus 0.9 ± 0.7 micrograms/lens), respectively. The total amount of lysozyme deposited on the lenses was significantly lower when using the peroxide-based system (1.3 ± 0.9 micrograms/lens) compared to the polyquaternium-1 and myristamidopropyl dimethylamine-containing system (1.7 ± 1.0 micrograms/lens) (P=0.02).
Conclusion: The inactivation of lysozyme deposited on senofilcon A lenses when disinfected with the peroxide-based or the polyquaternium-1 and myristamidopropyl dimethylamine-containing systems were neither statistically nor clinically significant and the overall amounts of denatured lysozyme recovered from the lenses were low (< 1 microgram/lens).
Jin,Y., Dixon,B., Jones,L., Gorbet,M.
The Differential Reactive Oxygen Species Production of Tear Neutrophils in Response to Various Stimuli In Vitro
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021;22(23):12899
[ Show Abstract ]
A large number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) invade the ocular surface during prolonged eye closure (sleep); these leukocytes are commonly referred as tear PMNs. PMNs contribute to homeostasis and possess an arsenal of inflammatory mediators to protect against pathogens and foreign materials. This study examined the ability of tear PMNs to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), an essential killing mechanism for PMNs which can lead to oxidative stress and imbalance. Cells were collected after sleep from healthy participants using a gentle eye wash. ROS production in stimulated (phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), lipopolysaccharides (LPS) or N-Formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP)) and unstimulated tear PMNs was measured using luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence for 60 min. A high level of constitutive/spontaneous ROS production was observed in tear PMNs in the absence of any stimulus. While tear PMNs were able to produce ROS in response to PMA, they failed to appropriately respond to LPS and fMLP, although fMLP-stimulated tear PMNs generated ROS extracellularly in the first three minutes. Higher ROS generation was observed in isolated tear PMNs which may be due to priming from the magnetic bead cell separation system. The differential responses of tear PMNs in ROS generation provide further evidence of their potential inflammatory roles in ocular complications involving oxidative stress.
Jones,L., Hui,A., Phan,C-M., Read,M. L., Azar,D., Buch,J., Ciolino,J. B., Naroo,S. A., Pall,B., Romond,K., Saknaridurg,P., Schnider,C. M., Terry,L., Willcox,M.
CLEAR - Contact lens technologies of the future
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(2):398-430
[ Show Abstract ]
Contact lenses in the future will likely have functions other than correction of refractive error. Lenses designed to control the development of myopia are already commercially available. Contact lenses as drug delivery devices and powered through advancements in nanotechnology will open up further opportunities for unique uses of contact lenses.
This review examines the use, or potential use, of contact lenses aside from their role to correct refractive error. Contact lenses can be used to detect systemic and ocular surface diseases, treat and manage various ocular conditions and as devices that can correct presbyopia, control the development of myopia or be used for augmented vision. There is also discussion of new developments in contact lens packaging and storage cases.
The use of contact lenses as devices to detect systemic disease has mostly focussed on detecting changes to glucose levels in tears for monitoring diabetic control. Glucose can be detected using changes in colour, fluorescence or generation of electric signals by embedded sensors such as boronic acid, concanavalin A or glucose oxidase. Contact lenses that have gained regulatory approval can measure changes in intraocular pressure to monitor glaucoma by measuring small changes in corneal shape. Challenges include integrating sensors into contact lenses and detecting the signals generated. Various techniques are used to optimise uptake and release of the drugs to the ocular surface to treat diseases such as dry eye, glaucoma, infection and allergy. Contact lenses that either mechanically or electronically change their shape are being investigated for the management of presbyopia. Contact lenses that slow the development of myopia are based upon incorporating concentric rings of plus power, peripheral optical zone(s) with add power or non-monotonic variations in power. Various forms of these lenses have shown a reduction in myopia in clinical trials and are available in various markets.
Mirzapour,P., McCanna,D. J., Jones,L.
In vitro analysis of the interaction of tear film inflammatory markers with contemporary contact lens materials
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(5):101430
[ Show Abstract ]
Several clinical studies have suggested that reusable silicone hydrogel contact lens materials exhibit a two-times increased rate of corneal infiltrative events compared to reusable hydrogels. One potential factor contributing to this complication relates to the differential uptake of tear film-based pro-inflammatory cytokines. The purpose of this study was to use an in vitro assay to investigate whether four pro-inflammatory cytokines differed in their uptake onto six contemporary contact lens materials.
Conventional hydrogel (etafilcon A, omafilcon A) and silicone hydrogel (balafilcon A, comfilcon A, senofilcon A, somofilcon A) contact lens materials were soaked in solutions containing pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α. Samples of the soaking solutions were collected over various time points and analyzed using the Meso Scale Discovery system, which served as a measurement of cytokine uptake onto the contact lens materials.
Both conventional hydrogels (etafilcon A, omafilcon A) and two of the four silicone hydrogels tested (balafilcon A, comfilcon A), exhibited some uptake of IL-1β, IL-8 or TNF-α (p 0.05). There was no uptake of IL-6 onto any of the contact lens materials investigated (p > 0.05).
The contact lens materials tested did not exhibit any uptake of IL-6 and furthermore, did not exhibit more than 10 ± 3 % to 25 ± 12 % uptake of IL-1β, IL-8 or TNF-α. Numerous factors could contribute to the reported increase in corneal infiltrative events with reusable silicone hydrogel materials, however, based on these results, it appears that uptake of these four cytokines are unlikely to contribute to this finding.
Nichols,J. J., Jones,L., Morgan,P. B., Efron,N.
Bibliometric analysis of the meibomian gland literature
Ocular Surface 2021;20(April):212-214
[ Show Abstract ]
There is a rich history of interest in the sebaceous glands located posterior to the tarsal plates in the eyelids, to which we refer today as the meibomian glands (MGs). Although there is acknowledgement of the MGs preceding the work of Johann Heinrich Meibom in the 1600's, he is credited with advancing our knowledge and study of these glands.
The MGs produce a distinct lipid secretion (‘meibum’) made up of a variety of lipid classes, mostly composed of nonpolar wax and cholesterol esters, although other nonpolar and polar lipids are certainly known to exist in the meibum. The normal function of meibum is to make its way to the tear film lipid layer, ultimately forming a resistive barrier to evaporation of the aqueous component of the tear film. In disease, the MGs lose their ability to secrete a normal meibum composition and/or are impeded due to factors such as atrophy of the MGs, keratinization of the orifice of the gland from which the meibum is secreted onto the eyelid margin, or bacterial colonization of the eyelid, altering the secretion itself once expressed. These conditions today are known as blepharitis, including anterior and posterior blepharitis (which includes meibomian gland dysfunction).
Given the extensive study of MGs, a bibliometric analysis is warranted to acknowledge and celebrate those contributing to this important part of ophthalmic research.
Nichols,J. J., Jones,L., Morgan,P. B., Efron,N.
Bibliometric analysis of the orthokeratology literature
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(4):101390
[ Show Abstract ]
The wearing of rigid lenses can result in changes to corneal curvature and the planned, temporary reduction of myopia by wearing flat-fitting rigid lenses (termed orthokeratology) was first reported in the 1960’s [1]. In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, several studies evaluated this concept and concluded that the reduction in myopia was relatively short-lived, unpredictable, inconsistent and limited to only a low degree of myopia; as such, orthokeratology was largely ignored at this time [2, 3, 4].
A renewed interest in orthokeratology occurred in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s due to the simultaneous development of corneal topographers, highly oxygen permeable rigid lens materials and the development of sophisticated reverse geometry lenses that produced more predictable reductions in myopia [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. This permitted contact lens fitters to adopt the concept of ‘overnight orthokeratology’, where patients wore the lenses during sleep and corneal shape changes occurred that reduced the degree of myopia to the point where the patient could remove the lens on waking and spend several days with no vision correction being required [10,11].
In 2005, Cho and colleagues reported that orthokeratology lenses used in children could slow the progression of myopia and this observation resulted in a resurgence in interest in orthokeratology [12]. Numerous publications since have shown that this myopia control effect is repeatable and many practitioners now adopt this modality on a routine basis to slow the progression of myopia, particularly in Asian countries [9,13, 14, 15, 16, 17].
The purpose of this paper is to report a bibliometric analysis of the literature on orthokeratology lenses so as to determine the most widely cited papers and most prolific authors, institutions, countries and journals related to this topic, and to recognise and celebrate the key stakeholders in this area of contact lens research.
Nichols,J. J., Morgan,P. M., Jones,L. W., Efron,N
21st century bibliometric analysis of the field of dry eye disease
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2021;104(5):639-640
[ Show Abstract ]
In 2012, the lead author of this paper (JJN) conducted a citation analysis of dry eye research to identify the leading papers, authors, institutions, countries and journals in the field. That analysis was essentially an historical overview of publications on this topic extending back over the past century. Because a strong and growing foundation of scientific literature is a fundamental component of evidenced-based clinical care of patients, the current work was conducted to update the research community on trends in the 21st century dry eye literature, and to compare this new literature with the prior analysis in the context of events or trends in the dry eye field.
Omali,N. B., Subbaraman,L. N., Heynen,M., Lada,M., Canavan,K., Fadli,Z., Ngo,W., Jones,L.
Lipid deposition on contact lenses in symptomatic and asymptomatic contact lens wearers
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(1):56-61
[ Show Abstract ]
Lipid deposition on contact lenses (CL) has traditionally been believed to reduce comfort during CL wear. The purpose of this study was to quantify lipid deposition on CL in a group of symptomatic and asymptomatic adapted CL wearers.
This was a single-masked, randomized clinical trial. Only confirmed symptomatic (comfortable lens wear time (CWT) 10 h and minimal reduction in comfort over the course of the day) participants were recruited to participate in the study. Participants wore senofilcon A lenses in combination with a polyquaternium-based care solution (OPTI-FREE Replenish). Worn CL samples were collected on Day 14. Deposited lipid amounts from the lenses (including cholesteryl ester, cholesterol and triolein) were quantified using a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry technique.
Lipid deposition was significantly higher in CL extracts of asymptomatic wearers compared to the symptomatic wearers for all lipid types quantified, including cholesteryl ester (2.1 ± 0.6 vs 1.6 ± 0.5 log μg/lens), cholesterol (1.5 ± 0.3 vs 1.1 ± 0.3 log μg/lens) and triolein (0.3 ± 0.2 vs 0.1 ± 0.1 log μg/lens) (all p < 0.002). The amount of cholesteryl ester deposited was greatest (p = 0.0001), followed by cholesterol, then triolein, for both the asymptomatic and symptomatic groups (both p = 0.0001).
This study demonstrated that the asymptomatic group deposited a significantly greater amount of lipid on their CL. Although lipid levels measured are considered low to trigger any observable clinical deposition, they may influence other clinical outcomes, particularly comfort.
Phan,C. M., Qiao,H., Yee,A., Jones,L.
Deposition of Fluorescently Tagged Lysozyme on Contact Lenses in a Physiological Blink Model
Eye & Contact Lens 2021;47(2):127-133
[ Show Abstract ]
PURPOSE: To visualize the deposition of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) lysozyme on daily disposable contact lenses (CLs) using a novel blink model.
METHODS: Three daily disposable conventional hydrogel CLs (etafilcon A, omafilcon A, and nelfilcon A) and three silicone hydrogel CLs (delefilcon A, senofilcon A, and somofilcon A) were evaluated in the study. The CLs were mounted onto a novel blink model and exposed to an artificial tear solution containing FITC lysozyme for 2 and 10 hr. The flow rate and blink speed were set to 1 μL/min and 6 blinks/min, respectively. After the incubation period, a 5-mm-diameter disc was punched out from the center of the lens and mounted on a microscope slide. The slides were imaged using the Zeiss 510 Meta confocal laser scanning microscope, which scanned the lens from the front to the back surface at 5-μm increments.
RESULTS: There was an increase in deposition of FITC lysozyme for all lens types with increasing incubation time (P0.05). The conventional hydrogel CLs deposited higher amounts of FITC lysozyme than the silicone hydrogel CLs (P<0.001), with etafilcon A depositing the highest at all time points (P<0.05). Interestingly, at the 2-hr incubation time, most CLs showed a higher amount of deposition at the front surface than the back surface of the lens. In particular, etafilcon A showed preferred deposition at the front surface at all time points.
CONCLUSION: The results suggest that there is differential deposition at the front surface of the CL, which is exposed to the prelens tear film, compared with the back surface of the CL, which is exposed to the postlens tear film. Therefore, it may be beneficial to design CL materials with differing surface properties for the front and back surfaces of the CL to enhance interactions with the tear film and ocular surface.
Phan,C. M., Shukla,M., Walther,H., Heynen,M., Suh,D., Jones,L.
Development of an In Vitro Blink Model for Ophthalmic Drug Delivery
Pharmaceutics 2021;13(Article 300):1-10
[ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an advanced in vitro blink model that
can be used to examine the release of a wide variety of components (for example, topical ophthalmic
drugs, comfort-inducing agents) from soft contact lenses. Methods: The model was designed using
computer-aided design software and printed using a stereolithography 3D printer. The eyelid and
eyeball were synthesized from polyvinyl alcohol and silicone material, respectively. Simulated
tear fluid was infused through tubing attached to the eyelid using a syringe pump. With each
blink cycle, the eyelid slides and flexes across the eyeball to create an artificial tear film layer. The
flow-through fluid was collected using a specialized trough. Two contact lenses, etafilcon A and
senofilcon A, were incubated in 2 mL of a water-soluble red dye for 24 h and then placed on the eye
model (n = 3). The release of the dye was measured over 24 h using a tear flow rate of 5 µL/min.
Results: Approximately 25% of the fluid that flowed over the eye model was lost due to evaporation,
nonspecific absorption, and residual dead volume. Senofilcon A absorbed more dye (47.6 ± 2.7 µL)
than etafilcon A (22.3 ± 2.0 µL). For etafilcon A, the release of the dye followed a burst-plateau
profile in the vial but was sustained in the eye model. For senofilcon A, the release of the dye was
sustained in both the vial and the eye model, though more dye was released in the vial (p < 0.05).
Overall, the release of the dye from the contact lenses was higher in the vial compared with the eye
model (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The blink model developed in this study could be used to measure
the release of topical ophthalmic drugs or comfort agents from contact lenses. Simulation of a blink
mechanism, an artificial tear film, and nonspecific absorption in an eye model may provide better
results than a simple, static vial incubation model.
Schulze,M., Ng,A. Y., Yang,M., Panjwani,F., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L., Senchyna,M.
Bulbar redness and dry eye disease: comparison of a validated subjective grading scale and an objective automated method
Optometry & Vision Science 2021;98(2):113-120
[ Show Abstract ]
In this study, assessments of conjunctival redness were performed to evaluate whether patients with or without dry eye disease (DED) could be discriminated based on this measure. Our findings suggest that subjectively grading redness by quadrant, as opposed to automated en face measurements, may be more suitable for this purpose.
This study aimed to quantify bulbar redness using the validated bulbar redness (VBR) grading scale and an automated objective method (Oculus Keratograph 5M; K5M) in participants with DED and non-DED controls.
Participants with DED (Ocular Surface Disease Index score ≥20 and Oxford scale corneal staining ≥2) and controls (Ocular Surface Disease Index score ≤10 and corneal staining ≤1) attended two study visits. In part 1A of visit 1, baseline bulbar redness was graded with the VBR scale in each conjunctival quadrant of both eyes, followed by automated measurements of temporal and nasal redness with the K5M. This was immediately followed by part 1B, during which a topical vasoconstrictor was instilled into both eyes. Redness assessments were repeated 5 and 30 minutes after instillation with both instruments. Participants returned 14 days later for visit 2, where the same assessments as for visit 1A were repeated.
Seventy-four participants (50 DED and 24 controls) completed the study. There were statistically significant differences in redness between the DED and control groups when assessed with the VBR scale (14/16 comparisons; all, P < .05), whereas no significant differences in K5M-derived redness between the DED and non-DED groups were found at any location or time point. Both subjective and objective instruments detected statistically significant reductions in redness 5 and 30 minutes after instillation of the vasoconstrictor (all, P < .01).
Although both subjective and objective instruments were sensitive to detecting changes in redness induced by vasoconstriction, statistically significant differences in redness between DED and control groups were only found using the VBR scale.
Tichenor,A., Cofield,S., Gann,D., Elder,M., Ng,A. Y., Walsh,K., Jones,L., Nichols,J.
Frequency of Contact Lens Complications Between Contact Lens Wearers Using Multipurpose Solutions Versus Hydrogen Peroxide in the United States and Canada
Eye & Contact Lens 2021;47(5):277-282
[ Show Abstract ]
Objectives: To retrospectively compare frequency of contact lens (CL) complications in soft CL users of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and multipurpose solutions (MPS).
Methods: This was a multicenter, retrospective chart review of CL records from each patient's three most recent eye examinations at academic and private practices. Patients must have used the same solution type for at least 3 years. Univariate analyses were conducted using t tests, and chi-square or Fisher's exact test for categorical measures.
Results: There were 1,137 patients included, with 670 (59%) using MPS and 467 (41%) H2O2. In total, 706 (62%) experienced at least one complication; 409 used MPS and 297 used H2O2. There was no difference in the proportion of patients experiencing at least one complication between MPS (61%) and H2O2 (64%) (P=0.38). Multipurpose solutions users were more likely to report discomfort compared with H2O2 users (P=0.04). Presumed microbial keratitis was experienced by 16 MPS and nine H2O2 users (P=0.60).
Conclusions: No significant differences were found in the frequency of CL complications between MPS and H2O2. H2O2 users were less likely to report discomfort and thus switching to a H2O2 system may be an alternative in CL users with discomfort.
Ulkuseven,E., McCanna,D. J., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L. W.
The Effect of Antimicrobial Peptides on the Viability of Human Corneal Epithelial Cells
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 2021;13(2):518-526
[ Show Abstract ]
Antimicrobial peptides are polypeptides composed of less than 100 amino acids and are a class of antibiotics with strong activity against some infectious bacteria. This study examined the safety of four chosen antimicrobial peptides using primary human corneal epithelial cells (HCEC) and explored their potential therapeutic use. The efficacy of the peptides was also studied by evaluating the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. One of the peptides (polymyxin E) was found to have antibacterial efficacy against a common Gram-negative bacterium (MIC 1.56 μg/mL for Pseudomonas aeruginosa), and another one (nisin) was found to have antibacterial efficacy against a common Gram-positive bacterium (MIC 125 μg/mL for Staphylococcus aureus). Metabolic activity and live/dead/apoptotic effects were measured with fluorescent dyes after HCEC were exposed to the peptides for 30 min. Three of the peptides exhibited lower toxicity against HCEC than a currently marketed eye drop product. Regarding both efficacy and safety, two of the peptides (polymyxin E and nisin) were found to have potential use for treating ocular infections.
Vincent,S. J., Cho,P., Yin Chan,K., Fadel,D., Ghorbani-Mojarrad,N., González-Méijome,J. M., Johnson,L., Michaud,L., Simard,P., Jones,L.
CLEAR - Orthokeratology
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(2):240-269
[ Show Abstract ]
Orthokeratology (ortho-k) is the process of deliberately reshaping the anterior cornea by utilising specialty contact lenses to temporarily and reversibly reduce refractive error after lens removal. Modern ortho-k utilises reverse geometry lens designs, made with highly oxygen permeable rigid materials, worn overnight to reshape the anterior cornea and provide temporary correction of refractive error. More recently, ortho-k has been extensively used to slow the progression of myopia in children.
This report reviews the practice of ortho-k, including its history, mechanisms of refractive and ocular changes, current use in the correction of myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia, and presbyopia, and standard of care. Suitable candidates for ortho-k are described, along with the fitting process, factors impacting success, and the potential options for using newer lens designs. Ocular changes associated with ortho-k, such as alterations in corneal thickness, development of microcysts, pigmented arcs, and fibrillary lines are reviewed. The safety of ortho-k is extensively reviewed, along with an overview of non-compliant behaviours and appropriate disinfection regimens. Finally, the role of ortho-k in myopia management for children is discussed in terms of efficacy, safety, and potential mechanisms of myopia control, including the impact of factors such as initial fitting age, baseline refractive error, the role of peripheral defocus, higher order aberrations, pupil size, and treatment zone size.
Walther,H., Lorentz,H., Heynen,M., Kay,L., Jones,L. W.
The Impact of Incubation Conditions on in Vitro Phosphatidylcholine Deposition on Contact Lens Materials
Optometry & Vision Science 2021;98(4):341-349
[ Show Abstract ]
SIGNIFICANCE: Previous in vitro measurements of contact lenses commonly investigate the impact of nonpolar
tear film lipids (i.e., sterols). Polar lipids, however, are equally important stabilizing components of the tear film.
This research explores and presents further knowledge about various aspects of polar lipid uptake that may impact
contact lens performance.
PURPOSE: This study evaluated the impact of incubation time, lipid concentration, and replenishment of an artificial
tear solution (ATS) on the uptake of phosphatidylcholine (PC) onto conventional hydrogel (CH) and silicone
hydrogel (SH) contact lens materials.
METHODS: Four SHs and two CH lens materials (n = 4) were soaked in a complex ATS containing radioactive
14C-PC as a probe molecule. Phosphatidylcholine uptake was monitored at various incubation time points (1, 3,
7, 14, and 28 days), with different ATS lipid concentrations (0.5, 1, 2) and with and without regular replenishment
of the ATS. Phosphatidylcholine was extracted from the lenses, processed, and counted by a β counter,
and accumulated PC (μg/lens) was extrapolated from standard lipid calibration curves.
RESULTS: All materials exhibited increasing PC deposition over time. Conventional hydrogel materials showed significantly lower PC uptake rates (P < .001) than any of the SH materials. Increasing lipid concentration in the ATS
resulted in increased PC binding onto the contact lens materials (P < .001). Replenishing the ATS every other day,
however, impacted the PC deposition differently, showing increased binding (P < .001) on CHs and reduced PC
deposition for SH materials (P < .001).
CONCLUSIONS: Length of incubation, lipid concentration in the ATS, and renewal of the incubation solution all
influenced the amount of PC that sorbed onto various lens materials and therefore need to be considered when
conducting future in vitro deposition studies.
Willcox,M., Keir,N., Maseedupallu,V., Masoudi,S., McDermott,A., Mobeen,R., Purslow,C., Santodomingo-Rubio,J., Tavazzi,S., Zeri,F., Jones,L. W.
CLEAR - Contact lens wettability, cleaning, disinfection and interactions with tears
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(2):157-191
[ Show Abstract ]
Contact lens materials have undergone significant changes over the past 20 years, particularly with respect to the introduction of silicone hydrogel materials. Whilst this development addressed hypoxic issues, other important areas relating to contact lens success, notably comfort, require further research.
Contact lens wettability remains a crucially important part of biocompatibility. Contact lenses can be made more wettable by incorporation of surfactants into blister packs, internal wetting agents, surface treatments or care solutions. However, there remains no clear association between contact lens wettability and comfort, making it challenging to determine the potential for these approaches to be of significant clinical benefit. Most contact lenses are used on a daily wear, reusable basis, which requires them to be disinfected when not worn. The ideal disinfecting solution would also improve comfort during wear. However, balancing these requirements with other factors, including biocompatibility, remains a challenge. Soft lens materials invariably take up and subsequently release certain components of disinfecting solutions onto the ocular surface. This may affect tear film stability and the normal ocular microbiome, and further research is needed in this area to determine whether this has any affect on comfort. Finally, contact lens materials sorb components of the tear film, and these interactions are complex and may change the biochemistry of the tear film, which in turn may affect their comfort.
In conclusion, the interaction between lens materials, tear film and disinfection solution plays an important role in the biocompatibility of lenses. However, the exact role and whether this can be altered to improve biocompatibility and comfort during wear remains debatable. This report summarises the best available evidence to examine this complex relationship and the opportunities for practitioners to enhance in-eye comfort of contemporary lenses, along with providing suggestions for areas of study that may provide further information on this topic.
Wolffsohn,J. S., Morgan,P. B., Barnett,M., Downie,L. E., Jacobs,D. S. Jones,L. W., Richdale, K., Stapleton,F., Vincent,S. J., Willcox,M.
Contact Lens Evidence-Based Academic Reports (CLEAR)
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(2):129-131
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Since contact lenses were invented in 1887, innovations have included advances in optical design, material, care systems, wear modality, lens size, lens shape and applications. Over 19,000 peer reviewed academic papers on the contact lenses have been published. The Contact Lens Evidence-based Academic Reports (CLEAR) follow the exemplary work of organisations such as the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society dry eye, meibomian gland disease, contact lens discomfort and dry eye II workshops and the International Myopia Institute white papers on myopia control, in collating and appraising the academic literature in an ocular field of interest. CLEAR represent the work of nearly 100 multidisciplinary experts in the field, who set out to critically review, synthesise and summarise the research evidence on contact lenses to date; this serves to inform both clinical practice, manufacturing innovation and future research directions.
Wolffsohn,J. S., Travé-Huarte,S., Jones,L., Craig,J. P., Wang,M. T. M., the TFOS ambassadors.
Clinical practice patterns in the management of dry eye disease: A TFOS international survey
Ocular Surface 2021;21(July):78-86
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To examine clinical management and prescribing patterns for dry eye disease (DED), in relation to severity and subtype, by eye care practitioners across the globe.
An online, anonymous cross-sectional survey (on Qualtrics) translated into 14 languages was distributed to eye care practitioners across the globe. The survey included six questions around the management of DED, in relation to severity and subtype.
The survey was completed by 1139 eyecare professionals (37% ophthalmologists and 58% optometrists) from 51 countries. Management varied significantly by continent and country (p < 0.01). The most commonly recommended management approaches, internationally, included general advice (87%), low (85%) and high (80%) viscosity-enhancing unpreserved lubricants and lid wipes/scrubs (81%). Some treatments were prescribed largely independently of severity (e.g. artificial tears and nutritional supplements) while oral antibiotics, punctal occlusion, topical anti-inflammatory/immunosuppressants, secretagogues, biologics, therapeutic contact lenses and surgical approaches were prescribed by more practitioners as severity increased. Essential fatty acids, lipid sprays/drops, lid hygiene, warm compresses, intense pulsed light therapy and antibiotics (topical or oral) were more commonly recommended for evaporative DED, while punctal occlusion, therapeutic contact lenses, secretagogues and biologics were more commonly recommended for aqueous deficient DED.
DED management differs across continents and countries. A wide range of management strategies are utilised at each severity level and between subtypes. The survey results enable clinicians to benchmark their practice to that of their peers, indicate where further research is required to optimise patient management and inform industry on how best to target product development.
Woods,J., Jones,D., Jones,L., Jones,S., Hunt,C., Chamberlain,P., McNally,J
Ocular health of children wearing daily disposable contact lenses over a 6-year period
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(4):101391
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To report on the ocular health and safety of children fit with soft hydrogel daily-disposable contact lenses, and followed for 6-years in a double-masked clinical trial investigating the performance of a dual-focus contact lens designed to control myopia progression.
Children aged 8−12 years, naïve to contact lens wear, were enrolled across four international sites. During years 1–3, children were randomised to either MiSight® 1 day or Proclear® 1 day (both omafilcon A, CooperVision, Inc.). The lenses were identical in material and geometry except for the front optical zone design. At the end of year-3, all those wearing Proclear 1 day were switched to MiSight 1 day, therefore all wore MiSight 1 day in years 4−6. Subjects agreed to wear the lenses at least 10-hours/day, 6-days/week. After dispensing, study visits were at 1-week, 1-month, 6-months and every 6-months until 6-years. At each visit, ocular measurements and subjective responses were recorded. Biomicroscopy used 0–4 grading scales; grade 0 represented no findings.
144 children were enrolled: 69F:75M; mean age 10.1 years; mean cycloplegic spherical-equivalent refraction -2.11D; ethnicities included 34 East-Asian, 12 West-Asian, and 79 Caucasian. 92 completed the 6-years. Only three subjects discontinued due to an ocular adverse event (AE). No contact lens related AEs were classified as serious. The incidence rate of infiltrative AEs was 0.61% (6.1/1000 wearing-years; 95%CI: 0.24%–1.57%). The most common biomicroscopy findings were limbal, bulbar and tarsal hyperaemia and tarsal roughness. 99% of all biomicroscopy findings were grade-1 or lower. After 6-years of lens wear, ocular health by biomicroscopy was similar to pre-lens wear.
Across the 6-years, there were no contact lens related serious AEs and biomicroscopy showed no significant changes. Results suggest that children this age can successfully wear daily-disposable hydrogel contact lenses with minimal impact on ocular physiology.
Yamasaki,K., Drolle,E., Nakagawa,H., Hisamuare,R., Ngo,W., Jones,L. W.
Impact of a low molecular weight hyaluronic acid derivative on contact lens wettability
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(3):101334
[ Show Abstract ]
To investigate the interaction of a novel low molecular weight hyaluronic acid derivative containing hydrophobic groups with soft contact lenses and its effect on lens hydrophilicity compared with a conventional form of hyaluronic acid.
This investigation studied the uptake of fluorescently-labelled hyaluronic acid and a low molecular weight hyaluronic acid derivative to four types of contact lenses using fluorescent microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Further, the four lens types were used to compare efficacy in improving hydrophilicity, as well as maintenance of contact angle measurements, in commercially available multipurpose solutions that contained either hyaluronic acid, the low molecular weight hyaluronic acid derivative, or an alternative wetting agent.
The low molecular weight hyaluronic acid derivative was found to sorb more readily to silicone hydrogel lenses and exhibit a greater accumulation over time than conventional hyaluronic acid. Multipurpose solutions containing the low molecular weight hyaluronic acid derivative showed an increase in lens hydrophilicity through decreases in contact angle measurements when compared with those obtained from lenses treated with multipurpose solutions containing conventional hyaluronic acid or alternative wetting agents. This increase in lens hydrophilicity associated with the low molecular weight hyaluronic acid derivative was also maintained over multiple cycles in phosphate buffered saline, while alternative solutions with conventional hyaluronic acid did not.
Overall, lens treatment using a low molecular weight hyaluronic acid derivative-based solution lead to improved in vitro lens hydrophilicity.
Yamasaki,K., Mizuno,Y., Kitamura,Y., McCanna,D. J., Ngo,W., Jones,L. W.
The efficacy of povidone-iodine, hydrogen peroxide and a chemical multipurpose contact lens care system against Pseudomonas aeruginosa on various lens case surfaces
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2021;44(1):18-23
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To determine the antimicrobial efficacy of a povidone-iodine system (PVP-I; cleadew, OPHTECS Corporation, Kobe, Japan), a peroxide system (AOSEPT Plus with HydraGlyde, Alcon, Fort Worth, TX), and a chemical multipurpose system (renu fresh, Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY) on contact lens case surfaces that are both in contact and not in contact with the solutions during lens disinfection.
The surfaces of the inner walls, underside of the lid, and lens holder (if applicable) of the cases were inoculated with P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853. The cases were disinfected with the solutions as per their manufacturer instructions. After disinfection, the inoculated surfaces were swabbed and the amount of surviving P. aeruginosa was determined. Following this experiment, separate cases were inoculated and disinfected as before. This time the cases were agitated after recommended disinfection time and the amount of P. aeruginosa in the disinfecting solution was quantified immediately, and again after resting for 7 days. Experiments were conducted in triplicate (n = 3).
Units are expressed in log CFU. All three solutions significantly reduced P. aeruginosa on direct-contact surfaces (all p < 0.039). On non-contact surfaces, the reduction of P. aeruginosa in the PVP-I system (pre-disinfection: 6.8 ± 0.5, post-disinfection: 1.0 ± 0.0; p < 0.001) was significant, but not for the hydrogen peroxide system (pre-disinfection: 6.3 ± 0.6, post: 5.5 ± 0.5; p = 0.194) and the chemical multipurpose system (pre-disinfection: 6.6 ± 0.1, post-disinfection: 5.6 ± 0.8; p = 0.336). After 7 days post-disinfection, no P. aeruginosa regrowth was observed in the PVP-I system (Day 1: 1.0 ± 0.0, Day 7: 1.0 ± 0.0; p = 1) and the chemical multipurpose system (Day 1: 4.2 ± 0.2, Day 7: 1.8 ± 0.9; p = 0.012), however regrowth was observed in the hydrogen peroxide system (Day 1: 3.4 ± 0.6, Day 7: 6.1 ± 0.4; p = 0.003).
The PVP-I system was more effective against P. aeruginosa on non-contact surfaces than the hydrogen peroxide system or the chemical multipurpose system and is capable of inhibiting regrowth of P. aeruginosa for at least 7 days post-disinfection.
Yang,M., Ngo,W., Srinivasan,S., Heynen,M. L., Dantam,J., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L., Senchyna,M.
Optimization of goblet cell density quantification methods
Experimental Eye Research 2021;207(June):108607
[ Show Abstract ]
The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized, accurate and efficient method for estimating conjunctival goblet cell density (GCD) via optimizing sample storage conditions and quantification methods. Conjunctival impression cytology (CIC) membranes were collected from both eyes of 32 participants and were randomized to two storage durations (2-3 weeks, 6-7 weeks) and two storage container types (microcentrifuge tube, flat histology cassette). The CIC membranes were stained and subdivided into 25 areas (5 mm × 5 mm) for imaging and the GCs were counted under 200X magnification using three different methods: (1) full CIC membrane GC count of the 25 images with cell-counting software ("full"; reference method), (2) partial membrane GC count of 9 images with cell-counting software ("partial"), and (3) manual counting of the 25 images ("manual"). In all cases, GCD was determined by dividing the GC count by the counting area. The average time required for quantification was recorded to gauge efficiency. Results showed no significant difference in GC count between the two storage durations (p = 0.745) or storage container types (p = 0.552). The median (interquartile range (IQR)) time required to quantify a CIC membrane for the full, partial, and manual methods of GC counting, was 14.8(17.6), 4.6(5.2) and 5.0 (5.0) minutes, respectively. The agreement of GCD values between the full and manual methods (bias: 0.4, 95% LOA: [-4.6, 5.5]) was stronger than that comparing the full and partial methods (bias: 0.5, 95% LOA: [-18, 17]). All together, through systematic examination of key procedural variables, an optimized method for GCD quantification within 7 weeks of sample collection was outlined. Adaption of procedures described in this paper to facilitate accurate and efficient GCD quantification may serve as a valuable step in clinical trials investigating DED pathophysiology and/or novel DED treatment strategies.
Yee,A., Chan,V., Heynen,M., Phan,C. M., Jones,L.
Uptake and release of a multipurpose solution biocide (MAP-D) from hydrogel and silicone hydrogel contact lenses using a radiolabel methodology
Eye & Contact Lens 2021;47(5):249-255
[ Show Abstract ]
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the uptake and release of radiolabelled myristamidopropyl dimethylamine (MAP-D) on reusable daily wear contact lenses (CLs) over 7 days.
Three silicone hydrogel (SH) CL materials (lotrafilcon B, balafilcon A, senofilcon A) and two conventional hydrogel (CH) materials (etafilcon A, omafilcon A) were tested. A short-term (experiment 1, N=4) and a longer-term (experiment 2, N=3) study was conducted. In experiment 1, the CLs were incubated in 2 mL of phosphate buffered solution (PBS) containing 14C MAP-D (5 μg/mL) for 8 hrs. The release of 14C MAP-D was measured at t=0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 hr in PBS. In experiment 2, the CLs were incubated in the 14C MAP-D solution for 8 hrs followed by a 16-hr release in PBS. This cycle was repeated daily for 7 days. At the end of both experiments, lenses were extracted to determine the total uptake of MAP-D. The radioactivity was measured using a beta scintillation counter.
In experiment 1, all three SH lenses sorbed similar amounts of MAP-D (P=0.99), all of which were higher than the two CH materials (P<0.01). However, the CH materials released a greater amount of MAP-D than the SH materials (P<0.01). In experiment 2, the uptake of MAP-D in SH materials increased over 7 days, whereas the amount of MAP-D remained constant in the CH materials (P=0.99). Similar to experiment 1, the CH lenses released more MAP-D than SH lenses after 7 days (P<0.01).
The SH materials absorbed greater amounts of MAP-D compared to CH materials. However, the CH materials released the greatest amount of MAP-D. Radioactive labelling of MAP-D offers a highly sensitive method of assessing the uptake and release profiles of biocides to CL materials.
Bitton,E., Elder,M., Srinivasan,S., Luensmann,D., Jones,L.
Dry Eye Disease in University-based Clinics in Canada: A Retrospective Chart Review
Optometry & Vision Science 2020;97(11):944-953
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Dry eye disease (DED) imposes a substantial burden on patients, which can lead to significant economic consequences for society. We provide insights into the DED patient population and DED diagnostic/management practices in Canada, which to date have been inadequately addressed in the literature.
The purpose of this study was to describe DED patient demographic/clinical characteristics alongside DED diagnosis/management in university-based optometry clinics in Canada.
This was a retrospective chart review of nonconcurrent non-Sjögren patients with DED at two university-based optometry clinics in Montreal and Waterloo. Waterloo charts with a diagnosis of DED and all charts from the Montreal dry eye clinic were considered for inclusion.
Overall, 200 charts were reviewed. Most patients were female (Montreal, 76%; Waterloo, 72%), and the mean age was 57.2 ± 14.9 years at Montreal and 52.6 ± 20.1 years at Waterloo. Patients commonly reported multiple health conditions (e.g., allergies [Montreal, 44%; Waterloo, 36%]), and high use of systemic nonocular medications was observed (Montreal, 76%; Waterloo, 62%). Clinical signs and symptoms of DED were recorded more often in Montreal patients than in Waterloo patients (e.g., dryness symptoms, 100 vs. 72%; tear breakup time, 100 vs. 60%). Warm compresses (Montreal, 63%; Waterloo, 83%) and artificial tears (Montreal, 94%; Waterloo, 96%) were the most frequently recommended nonmedical treatment and ocular lubricant, respectively. Topical steroids were the most frequently prescribed medications (Montreal, 22%; Waterloo, 21%), with typically three to four different interventions recommended per patient at each clinic. No relationship was found between symptoms and clinical signs or recommended interventions.
This retrospective chart review provided the demographics, clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and management options for DED patients in Canadian university-based optometry clinics. The more comprehensive assessments conducted at Montreal may be beneficial to better monitor the progression of DED and to determine treatment effects over time.
Cheung,S., Subbaraman,L. N., Ngo,W., Jay,G. D., Schmidt,T. A., Jones,L.
Localization of full-length recombinant human proteoglycan-4 in commercial contact lenses using confocal microscopy
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2020;31(1):110-122
[ Show Abstract ]
The aim of this study was to determine the sorption location of full-length recombinant human proteoglycan 4 (rhPRG4) tagged with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) to four silicone hydrogel contact lenses [balafilcon A (PureVision, Bausch + Lomb), senofilcon A (Acuvue Oasys, Johnson & Johnson), comfilcon A (Biofinity, CooperVision), lotrafilcon B (Air Optix, Alcon)] and one conventional hydrogel lens [etafilcon A (Acuvue 2, Johnson & Johnson)], using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Lenses (n = 3 each) were incubated under two conditions: (1) FITC-rhPRG4 solution at 300 μg/mL and (2) phosphate-buffered saline, for 1 h at 37 °C in darkness with gentle shaking. The central 4 mm of each lens was removed and viewed with the Zeiss 510 CLSM using an argon laser at 488 nm (FITC excitation 495 nm, emission 521 nm). Depth scans were taken at 1 μm intervals to a maximum depth of 100 μm. All lens materials demonstrated sorption of rhPRG4. Both senofilcon A and balafilcon A revealed FITC-rhPRG4 penetration into the bulk of the lens, generally favoring the surface. rhPRG4 was observed exclusively on the surface of lotrafilcon B, with no presence within the bulk of the lens. rhPRG4 was evenly distributed throughout the bulk of the lens, as well as on the surface, for comfilcon A and etafilcon A. The sorption profile of FITC-rhPRG4 was successfully visualized using CLSM in various contact lens materials. The polymer composition, surface treatment and pore size of the material can influence the sorption of rhPRG4.
Dantam,J., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Delftia acidovorans, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia to contact lenses under the influence of an artificial tear solution
Biofouling 2020;36(1):32-43
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Corneal infection is a devastating sight-threatening complication that is associated with contact lens (CL) wear, commonly caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Lately, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Delftia acidovorans, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia have been associated with corneal infection. This study investigated the adhesion of these emerging pathogens to CLs, under the influence of an artificial tear solution (ATS) containing a variety of components commonly found in human tears. Two different CL materials, etafilcon A and senofilcon A, either soaked in an ATS or phosphate buffered saline, were exposed to the bacteria. Bacterial adhesion was investigated using a radio-labeling technique (total counts) and plate count method (viable counts). The findings from this study revealed that in addition to P. aeruginosa, among the emerging pathogens evaluated, A. xylosoxidans showed an increased propensity for adherence to both CL materials and S. maltophilia showed lower viability. ATS influenced the viable counts more than the total counts on CLs.
Drolle,E., Ngo,W., Leonenko,Z., Subbaraman,L., Jones,L.
Nanoscale Characteristics of Ocular Lipid Thin Films Using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
[ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To describe the use of Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) to investigate the electrical surface potential of human meibum and to demonstrate successful use of this instrument on both human meibum and a meibum model system (six-lipid stock [6LS]) to elucidate nanoscale surface chemistry and self-assembly characteristics.
Materials and Methods: 6LS and meibum were analyzed in this study. Mica-supported thin films were created using the Langmuir-Blodgett trough. Topography and electrical surface potential were quantified using simultaneous atomic force microscopy/KPFM imaging.
Results: Both lipid mixtures formed thin film patches on the surface of the mica substrate, with large aggregates resting atop. The 6LS had aggregate heights ranging from 41 to 153 nm. The range in surface potential was 33.0 to 125.9 mV. The meibum thin films at P = 5 mN/m had aggregates of 170 to 459 nm in height and surface poten- tial ranging from 15.9 to 76.1 mV, while thin films at P = 10 mN/m showed an aggregate size range of 147 to 407 nm and a surface potential range of 11.5 to 255.1 mV.
Conclusions: This study showed imaging of the differences in electrical surface poten- tial of meibum via KPFM and showed similarities in nanoscale topography. 6LS was also successfully analyzed, showing the capabilities of this method for use in both in vitro and ex vivo ocular research.
Translational Relevance: This study describes the use of KPFM for the study of ocular surface lipids for the first time and outlines possibilities for future studies to be carried out using this concept.
Efron,N., Brennan,N. A., Chalmers,R. L., Jones,L. W., Lau,C., Morgan,P. B., Nichols,J. J., Szczotka-Flynn,L. B., Willcox,M. D.
Thirty years of ‘quiet eye’ with etafilcon A contact lenses
Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2020;43(3):285-297
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Frequent replacement contact lenses made from the etafilcon A hydrogel lens material were introduced onto the market over 30 years ago, and etafilcon A remains the most widely used hydrogel lens material today. Although the prescribing of silicone hydrogel lenses is increasing, millions of lens wearers globally have been wearing hydrogel lenses for many years and exhibit a physiologically-stable ‘quiet eye’, with a low profile of adverse events. Hydrogel lenses are demonstrated to maintain a low inflammatory response and infection risk profile during daily wear, which in the case of etafilcon A, may be related to its low modulus, and the naturally-protective, anti-microbial, non-denatured lysozyme absorbed into the lens from the tear fluid. Although improved corneal physiology from decreased hypoxia with silicone hydrogel lenses is well accepted, equivalent levels of corneal oxygenation are maintained during daily wear of low to medium powered hydrogel lenses, which do not impede the daily corneal de-swelling process, and do not induce clinically significant changes in ocular health. Therefore, hydrogel lenses remain an important alternative for daily wear in modern contact lens practice.
Jin,Y., Jones,L., Gorbet,M.
Investigation of the response of tear-film neutrophils to interleukin 8 and their sensitivity to centrifugation, fixation, and incubation
Scientific report 2020;10(1):19690
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During eye closure, a large number of neutrophils (polymorphonuclear neutrophils, PMNs) invade the ocular surface and are often referred to as tear-film PMNs. While immunophenotyping experiments have been performed on tear-film PMNs, the impact of commonly used experimental procedures on their phenotype as well as their response to interleukin-8 (IL-8), a physiological inflammatory mediator, have not yet been investigated. A gentle eye wash method was used to collect cells at home. In the morning upon awaking, participants washed their eyes with sterile phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and collected the runoff into a sterile polypropylene tube. The cell collection was then delivered to the lab within two hours. The effects of centrifugation, incubation and fixation with paraformaldehyde (PFA) before (pre-fixed staining) or after (post-fixed staining) incubation with antibodies were characterized. Tear-film PMNs as well as blood PMNs (used for comparison) were also stimulated with IL-8. To assess the reproducibility of cell collection and variability in receptor expression over time, participants were also asked to collect cells three times over a period of a month. The change in expression of surface receptors, CD11b, CD16, CD55, CD66b, important inflammatory and activation markers, and CD45 (PAN leukocyte marker) was assessed by flow cytometry. Fixing tear-film PMNs prior to the staining with antibodies resulted in a significant (fivefold or more) reduction in the expression of CD11b, CD16 and CD45 when compared to unfixed samples, while CD16 was the only receptor to undergo significant downregulation upon post-staining fixation. Furthermore, additional centrifugation step prior to antibody incubation as well as long (4 h) incubation at 37 °C resulted in significant reductions in expression of CD11b, CD16 and CD55 when compared to control samples. As opposed to blood PMNs, stimulating tear-film PMNs with IL-8 did not induce any significant changes in expression of CD11b, CD16, CD55 and CD66b. When working with collected tear-film PMNs, our results suggest that any additional centrifugation and incubation step should be avoided, or at least limited, and post fixation staining is recommended in order to preserve cell phenotype and cell integrity of tear film PMNs. Our study also adds further information on the reproducibility of the gentle eye wash as well as the inability of tear-film PMNs to modulate their surface receptors upon stimulation with IL-8. The latter may be due to prior exposure to IL-8, activation in the closed-eye environment, or a reduced ability to respond to inflammatory stimulus. Further mechanistic studies will be needed to gain a better understanding of the tear-film neutrophil phenotype.
Jones,L., Walsh,K., Willcox,M., Morgan,P., Nichols,J.
The COVID-19 pandemic: Important considerations for contact lens practitioners
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2020;43(3):196-203
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A novel coronavirus (CoV), the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus - 2 (SARS-CoV-2), results in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). As information concerning the COVID-19 disease continues to evolve, patients look to their eye care practitioners for accurate eye health guidance. There is currently no evidence to suggest an increased risk of contracting COVID-19 through contact lens (CL) wear compared to spectacle lens wear and no scientific evidence that wearing standard prescription spectacles provides protection against COVID-19 or other viral transmissions.
During the pandemic there will potentially be significant changes in access to local eyecare. Thus, it is imperative CL wearers are reminded of the steps they should follow to minimise their risk of complications, to reduce their need to leave isolation and seek care. Management of adverse events should be retained within optometric systems if possible, to minimise the impact on the wider healthcare service, which will be stretched. Optimal CL care behaviours should be the same as those under normal circumstances, which include appropriate hand washing (thoroughly with soap and water) and drying (with paper towels) before both CL application and removal. Daily CL cleaning and correct case care for reusable CL should be followed according to appropriate guidelines, and CL exposure to water must be avoided. Where the availability of local clinical care is restricted, practitioners could consider advising patients to reduce or eliminate sleeping in their CL (where patients have the appropriate knowledge about correct daily care and access to suitable lens-care products) or consider the option of moving patients to daily disposable lenses (where patients have appropriate lens supplies available). Patients should also avoid touching their face, including their eyes, nose and mouth, with unwashed hands and avoid CL wear altogether if unwell (particularly with any cold or flu-like symptoms).
Luensmann,D., Omali,N. B., Suko,A., Drolle,E., Heynen,M., Subbaraman,L. S., Scales,C., Fadli,Z., Jones,L.
Kinetic Deposition of Polar and Non-polar Lipids on Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses
Current Eye Research 2020;45(12):1477-1483
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Purpose: This study investigated kinetic lipid uptake to four silicone hydrogel (SiHy) lenses over a period of four weeks, using an in-vitro radiolabel method.
Methods: Four contemporary monthly replacement SiHy lenses (lotrafilcon B, senofilcon C, comfilcon A, samfilcon A) were incubated in three different solutions: 1) An artificial tear solution (ATS) containing 14C-labeled phosphatidylcholine (PC), 2) an ATS containing 14C-cholesteryl oleate (CO) and 3) an ATS containing four 14C-radiolabeled lipids (PC, phosphatidylethanolamine, CO, and cholesterol (total lipid)). After 16 hours, lipids were extracted twice from the lenses with chloroform:methanol and the radioactive counts determined the lipid quantities to simulate 1 day of wear. OPTI-FREE PureMoist (Alcon) was used to clean and disinfect the remaining lenses daily and the lipid quantities were further determined after 2 weeks and 4 weeks.
Results: The amount of total lipid increased for all lenses over time (p < .01). After four weeks, total lipid accumulated was 20.26 ± 0.15 µg/lens for senofilcon C, which was significantly higher (p < .01) than all other lens materials (samfilcon A - 17.84 ± 0.21; comfilcon A - 16.65 ± 0.12; lotrafilcon B - 7.41 ± 0.56 µg/lens). CO was highest on lotrafilcon B (1.26 ± 0.13 µg/lens) and senofilcon C attracted the most PC (3.95 ± 0.12 µg/lens) compared to the other materials.
Conclusion: The amount of both polar and non-polar lipid deposition on monthly replacement SiHy lenses increased over 4 weeks, with significant differences being seen between lens materials.
Luensmann,D., van Doorn,K., May,C., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L.
The Impact of Cosmetics on the Physical Dimension and Optical Performance of Contemporary Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses
Eye & Contact Lens 2020;46(3):166-173
[ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: Contact lens wearers may inadvertently expose their lenses during the lens insertion and removal process or while wearing their lenses to cosmetic products being used. This study investigated the impact of
various cosmetics on the physical dimension and optical properties of three recently marketed monthly replacement silicone hydrogel contact lenses.
Methods: In this in vitro study, three monthly replacement silicone hydrogel lens types including senofilcon C (ACUVUE VITA, Johnson & Johnson), samfilcon A (Bausch+Lomb ULTRA, Bausch+Lomb), and lotrafilcon
B+EOBO (polyoxyethylene-polyoxybutylene) (AIR OPTIX plus HydraGlyde, ALCON), were individually coated with cosmetic products followed by a 1-hr soak in phosphate-buffered saline. Cosmetic products
included; three hand creams (HC1: Glysomed; HC2: Vaseline Healthy Hand & Nail Conditioning; and HC3: Intense Relieve), three make-up removers (MR1: Lid-Care Towelettes; MR2: Gentle waterproof eye and
Lip Makeup Remover; and MR3: Oil-Free Makeup Remover), and three mascaras (MA1: Great Lash—waterproof; MA2a: Wonder’Lash—waterproof, and MA3: Voluminous Original). The contact lens dimensions were
determined for diameter, sagittal depth, and base curve, using the Chiltern (Optimec Limited), whereas lens power and optical quality were assessed using the Contest Plus II (Rotlex). Six replicates for each lens/cosmetic combination were used. The impact of cosmetics was tested between lenses and compared with uncoated control lenses.
Results: For lens diameter, makeup removers (MR2 & MR3) demonstrated the largest impact, with an increase of up to 0.26 mm (MR2) and 0.35 mm (MR3) for senofilcon C and samfilcon A, respectively (P,0.01 compared to baseline), whereas lotrafilcon B+EOBO showed a decrease of 0.01 mm (P,0.01 between lens types). For sagittal depth, mascara MA1 demonstrated the greatest impact, followed by makeup removers MR2 & MR3. All lenses showed increases in sagittal depth after MA1 exposure (0.1660.06 mm in lotrafilcon B+EOBO, 0.2460.22, and 0.2660.09 mm in samfilcon A and senofilcon C, respectively; P,0.01 for all lenses compared with baseline). For base curve, the makeup removers (MR2 & MR3) caused increases for both senofilcon C (up to 0.36 mm) and samfilcon A (up to 0.35 mm), but lotrafilcon B+EOBO was unaffected. Lens power changes were generally minor (,0.25 D). However, senofilcon C showed a significant change of 21.1860.65 D (more minus) after MA1 exposure (P,0.001). Image quality was most affected by mascaras, although given that all lens types were adversely affected to similar degrees, none of the lenses performed better or worse after mascara application (P.0.05). The parameters of the different lens types were not significantly affected by the hand creams.
Conclusion: Makeup removers and mascaras changed the lens parameters to varying degrees, which may affect the fit and overall performance of the lens, whereas no such effect was noted with hand creams. Lotrafilcon B+EOBO was typically less affected compared with senofilcon C or samfilcon A.
Muntz,A., Subbaraman,L.N., Craig,J. P., Jones,L.
Cytomorphological assessment of the lid margin in relation to symptoms, contact lens wear and lid wiper epitheliopathy
Ocular Surface 2020;18(2):214-220
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Purpose: Lid wiper epitheliopathy (LWE) is insufficiently understood from a cytological perspective. This study explored the relationship between lid margin cytomorphology, LWE, contact lens wear, and lens-related symptoms. Methods: Habitual, symptomatic (n = 20) and asymptomatic (n = 20) soft, rigid gas permeable (n = 18) and non-contact lens wearers (n = 19) were enrolled. LWE was graded using lissamine green and the Korb scale. Subjective symptoms were assessed using the Ocular Surface Disease Index and the Contact Lens Dryness Evaluation Questionnaire. Impression cytology samples obtained from the central upper and lower lid margins of both eyes stained histologically to highlight keratinization and imaged using high-resolution microscopy. A masked investigator digitally delimited and measured the average sagittal width of the lid wiper conjunctiva and mucocutaneous junction using ImageJ. Results: The upper lid wiper conjunctiva measured 424 ± 171 μm, 404 ± 75, 667 ± 219 and 266 ± 64 in asymptomatic soft, symptomatic soft, rigid and non-contact lens wearers, respectively. The corresponding lower lid wiper conjunctivae measured 141 ± 57 μm, 232 ± 150, 519 ± 212 and 225 ± 102, which was significantly narrower than that of the upper eyelid in most cases (p < 0.05). Symptoms were not associated with lid margin changes; however, rigid lens wear and clinical LWE were associated with histologically enlarged lid wiper conjunctival areas and increased keratinization. Conclusion: A novel, exploratory account of histological measures of LWE and cytomorphological change associated with contact lens wear suggests mechanical or frictional cellular insult is occurring at the lid wiper conjunctiva.
Qiao,H., Luensmann,D., Heynen,M., Drolle,E., Subbaraman,L. N., Scales,C., Riederer,D., Fadli,Z., Jones,L.
In Vitro Evaluation of the Location of Cholesteryl Ester Deposits on Monthly Replacement Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens Materials
Clinical Ophthalmology 2020;14(September):2821-2828
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Purpose: The deposition profile of cholesteryl ester on the surface and throughout the matrix of silicone hydrogel contact lens (CL) materials was determined under conditions that mimic a daily wear regimen.
Methods: In this in vitro study, four SiHy CL materials (senofilcon C, lotrafilcon B, comfilcon A and samfilcon A) were incubated in an artificial tear solution (ATS) for up to 30 days. CL incubation was alternated between the ATS (16 hours) and a multipurpose care regimen (8 hours). The ATS included fluorescently tagged cholesteryl ester (5-cholesten-3ß-ol 6-[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]caproate; CE-NBD) and confocal laser scanning microscopy visualized the distribution of the lipid through the CLs.
Results: The distribution of CE-NBD was homogenous from the anterior to posterior surface in senofilcon C and comfilcon A, at all time points. For lotrafilcon B and samfilcon A, CE-NBD localization was heterogeneous, with greater amounts on the surfaces on Day 1 and Day 14 compared to the lens matrix; however, differences in concentration between the surface and bulk diminished by Day 30.
Conclusion: The distribution of the non-polar lipid CE-NBD varied with lens material chemistry. While some lens materials deposited the lipid primarily on the surface after 16 hours of exposure, all materials exhibited a homogenous distribution after one month.
Keywords: lipid distribution, silicone hydrogel contact lenses, cholesteryl ester, artificial tear solution
Rangarajan,R., Ketelson,H. A., Do,R., McCanna,D. J., Suko,A., Enstone,D., Subbaraman,L., Dantam,J., Jones,L. W.
Effect of Artificial Tear Formulations on the Metabolic Activity of Human Corneal Epithelial Cells after Exposure to Desiccation
Journal of Visualized Experiments 2020 (159):e60812
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Artificial lipid-containing tear formulations are developed to reduce tear evaporation by the restoration of a deficient tear lipid layer. Artificial tear formulations that prevent cell desiccation will result in ocular surface protection and the maintenance of cell metabolic activity. During dehydration, cells undergo the process of loss of metabolic activity and subsequently cell death. This work describes a method for assessing the efficacy of artificial tear formulations. The metabolic dye (i.e., alamarBlue) changes from a low fluorescent molecule resazurin to a fluorescent molecule resorufin in viable cells. The biological performance of an artificial tear formulation is measured as the ability of the formulation to (a) maintain cell viability and (b) provide cell protection from desiccation. Growth media and saline are used as controls for the cell viability/desiccation tests. Cells are incubated with test solutions for 30 min and then desiccated for 0 or 5 min at 37 °C and 45% relative humidity. Cell metabolic activity after initial exposure and after cell desiccation is then determined. The results show the comparative effects of eye drop formulations on cell metabolic activity and desiccation protection. This method can be used to test dry eye formulations that are designed to treat individuals with evaporative dry eye.
Silverstein,S., Yeu,E., Tauber,J., Guillon,M., Jones,L., Galarreta,D., Srinivasan,S., Manoj,V.
Symptom Relief Following a Single Dose of Propylene Glycol-Hydroxypropyl Guar Nanoemulsion in Patients with Dry Eye Disease: A Phase IV, Multicenter Trial
Clinical Ophthalmology 2020;14(October):3167-3177
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Purpose: To evaluate symptom relief in patients with dry eye disease (DED) following a single drop of propylene glycol-hydroxypropyl guar (PG-HPG) nanoemulsion (Systane® Complete) lubricant eye drops.
Methods: This was a Phase IV, multicenter, open-label, interventional study in adult patients with DED of aqueous-deficient, evaporative, and mixed subtypes. Patients instilled one drop of PG-HPG in each eye at Day 1. Endpoints included change from baseline in dry eye symptom and soothing sensation scores on Day 1 at 0, 4, and 8 hours post-dose. Symptom scores were assessed on a 0– 10 scale (0=no symptoms; 10=worst imaginable symptom). Tolerability of the drop was assessed based on assessment score on Day 1 following instillation for overall cohort and by DED subtype.
Results: A total of 134 patients received treatment (mean age: 56.6 years; female: 75.4%). Median changes from baseline at Day 1 in dry eye symptom scores were − 1.0 (95% confidence interval [CI]:-3.0,-1.0), − 2.0 (95% CI:-3.0,-2.0), and − 2.0 (95% CI:-2.0,-1.0) at 0, 4, and 8 hours respectively. Subgroup analysis showed a median change from baseline in dry eye symptom score of − 2 (95% CI:-3.0,-1.0) for aqueous-deficient and evaporative subtypes and − 1 (95% CI:-3.0,-1.0) for mixed subtype at 8 hours. Median soothing sensation scores were 3 at 0 and 4 hours and 3.5 at 8 hours, with a range of 0– 10. Median (range) tolerability assessment scores were 0 (0– 8) for burning sensation, stinging sensation, blurring, and 0 (0– 10) for foreign body sensation. Tolerability assessment scores by DED subtype confirmed that the majority of patients reported scores in the range of 0– 5 for all components and in all subgroups analyzed.
Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that PG-HPG nanoemulsion provided instant/immediate and sustained symptom relief for 8 hours post-single application and was well tolerated in patients with DED, demonstrated by their responses on each of the assessment scales.
Keywords: aqueous-deficient dry eye, dry eye disease, evaporative dry eye, propylene glycol-hydroxypropyl guar nanoemulsion ocular lubricant, mixed dry eye
Tse,J., Rizwan,M., Rasmussen,J., Jones,L., Yim,E. K. F.
Gelatin Methacrylate as an Enzyme-Controlled Release Vehicle of Hyaluronic Acid for the Treatment of Recurrent Corneal Erosion
Applied Bio Materials 2020;3(9):6214-6223
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Recurrent corneal erosion (RCE) is a condition where the superficial corneal epithelial cells sporadically shed because of poor attachment to the underlying basement membrane, resulting in pain and discomfort. RCE-afflicted corneas exhibit elevated biological factors and enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9. Soft bandage contact lenses (BCLs) are a commonly recommended treatment as they permit continued vision during recovery. However, they do not outperform alternative treatments as they currently lack active ingredients for ocular surface repair. Development of BCLs with a sustained release of active ingredients to promote RCE wound healing over an extended period of time would be clinically valuable. We fabricated gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) hydrogels with MMP-9-triggered controlled release for further BCL development. GelMA disks were characterized to determine the optimal concentration and methacrylation degree for sustained release in the presence of MMP-9. The chosen active ingredient, 60 kDa hyaluronic acid (HA), was verified to promote wound healing in rabbit corneal epithelial cell and human corneal epithelial cell wound assays. The active ingredient was loaded into GelMA hydrogels, and the bioavailability of the vehicle was determined. The GelMA hydrogels revealed a tunable profile for diffusion and enzyme-mediated controlled release of a model molecule. The 60 kDa HA-loaded GelMA disks showed improvement in wound healing at HA loadings of 150 and 250 μg by improving the wound healing rates by 28% (68.7% wound closure) and 26% (67.9% wound closure), respectively, compared to the control (50.5% wound closure) at 24 h. The HA-loaded GelMA disks with 150 and 250 μg HA also exhibited shortened wound closure time of 75 h compared to >147 h with a bolus daily delivery of HA for wound closure. Overall, we demonstrated that the fabricated GelMA hydrogels offered an enzyme-triggered option as a sustained release material for future RCE treatments.
van der Worp,E., Wolffsohn,J., Jones,L.
When was the last time you fitted a soft lens?
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2020;43(5):415-417
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A recent webinar “discussing the topic of soft lenses, examining dropout rates and putting forward suggestions for how eye care practitioners can ‘get control’ over their fitting” was hosted by the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA). However, the webinar and this editorial addresses much more than merely’ lens fitting’ and ‘dropouts.’ It seems that the profession is almost at a crossroads in which its future is defined by whether the profession stands as contact lens fitters and specialists or whether contact lenses are simply a commodity that can be sold over the internet.
Willcox,M. D. P., Walsh,K. Nichols,J. J., Morgan,P. B., Jones,L. W.
The ocular surface, coronaviruses and COVID‐19
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2020;103(4):418-424
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The ocular surface has been suggested as a site of infection with Coronavirus‐2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) responsible for the coronavirus disease‐19 (COVID‐19). This review examines the evidence for this hypothesis, and its implications for clinical practice. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus‐2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), responsible for the COVID‐19 pandemic, is transmitted by person‐to‐person contact, via airborne droplets, or through contact with contaminated surfaces. SARS‐CoV‐2 binds to angiotensin converting enzyme‐2 (ACE2) to facilitate infection in humans. This review sets out to evaluate evidence for the ocular surface as a route of infection. A literature search in this area was conducted on 15 April 2020 using the Scopus database. In total, 287 results were returned and reviewed. There is preliminary evidence for ACE2 expression on corneal and conjunctival cells, but most of the other receptors to which coronaviruses bind appear to be found under epithelia of the ocular surface. Evidence from animal studies is limited, with a single study suggesting viral particles on the eye can travel to the lung, resulting in very mild infection. Coronavirus infection is rarely associated with conjunctivitis, with occasional cases reported in patients with confirmed COVID‐19, along with isolated cases of conjunctivitis as a presenting sign. Coronaviruses have been rarely isolated from tears or conjunctival swabs. The evidence suggests coronaviruses are unlikely to bind to ocular surface cells to initiate infection. Additionally, hypotheses that the virus could travel from the nasopharynx or through the conjunctival capillaries to the ocular surface during infection are probably incorrect. Conjunctivitis and isolation of the virus from the ocular surface occur only rarely, and overwhelmingly in patients with confirmed COVID‐19. Necessary precautions to prevent person‐to‐person transmission should be employed in clinical practice throughout the pandemic, and patients should be reminded to maintain good hygiene practices.
Wolffsohn,J. S., Calossi,A., Cho,P., Gifford,K., Jones,L., Jones,D., Guthrie,S., Li,M., Lipener,C., Logan,N. S., Malet,F., Peixoto-de-Matos,S. C., González-Méijome,J. M., Nichols,J. J., Orr,J. B., Santodomingo-Rubido,J., Schaefer,T., Thite,N., van der Worp,E., Tarutta,E., Iomdina,E., Ali,B. M., Villa-Collar,C., Abesamis-Dichoso,C., Chen,C., Pult,H., Blaser,P., Parra Sandra Johanna,G., Iqbal,F., Ramos,R., Carrillo Orihuela,G., Boychev,N.
Global trends in myopia management attitudes and strategies in clinical practice – 2019 Update
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2020;43(1):9-17
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Purpose: A survey in 2015 identified a high level of eye care practitioner concern about myopia with a reported moderately high level of activity, but the vast majority still prescribed single vision interventions to young myopes. This research aimed to update these findings 4 years later. Methods: A self-administrated, internet-based questionnaire was distributed in eight languages, through professional bodies to eye care practitioners globally. The questions examined: awareness of increasing myopia prevalence, perceived efficacy of available strategies and adoption levels of such strategies, and reasons for not adopting specific strategies. Results: Of the 1336 respondents, concern was highest (9.0 ± 1.6; p < 0.001) in Asia and lowest (7.6 ± 2.2; p < 0.001) in Australasia. Practitioners from Asia also considered their clinical practice of myopia control to be the most active (7.7 ± 2.3; p < 0.001), the North American practitioners being the least active (6.3 ± 2.9; p < 0.001). Orthokeratology was perceived to be the most effective method of myopia control, followed by pharmaceutical approaches and approved myopia control soft contact lenses (p < 0.001). Although significant intra-regional differences existed, overall, most practitioners did not consider single-vision distance under-correction to be an effective strategy for attenuating myopia progression (79.6 %), but prescribed single vision spectacles or contact lenses as the primary mode of correction for myopic patients (63.6 ± 21.8 %). The main justifications for their reluctance to prescribe alternatives to single vision refractive corrections were increased cost (20.6 %) and inadequate information (17.6 %). Conclusions: While practitioner concern about myopia and the reported level of activity have increased over the last 4 years, the vast majority of eye care clinicians still prescribe single vision interventions to young myopes. With recent global consensus evidence-based guidelines having been published, it is hoped that this will inform the practice of myopia management in future.
Fonn,D., Jones,L.
Hand hygiene is linked to microbial keratitis and corneal inflammatory events
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2019;42(2):132-135
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Lack of or inadequate hand washing is a risk factor in the development of contact lens related microbial keratitis and corneal inflammatory events. In the public health domain there is compelling evidence that proper hand washing with soap can save lives. The purpose of this review is to draw attention to some of the public health literature in support of hand washing and how education can influence patients’ hand hygiene behavior. Contact lens wearers are also guilty of poor hand washing behavior but there is scant evidence that education of hand washing procedures of lens wearers alters patient non-compliance. It is well known that pathogenic microbial contamination of contact lenses, lens cases, care solutions and anterior ocular components have been found with contact lens wear. However while the originating source may be hands or water, it is most likely both of these. Besides proper hand washing this paper will include mitigating strategies for avoiding microbial contamination.
Holland,E. J., Darvish,M., Nichols,K. K., Jones,L., Karpecki,P. M.
Efficacy of topical ophthalmic drugs in the treatment of dry eye disease: A systematic literature review
Ocul Surf 2019;17:412-423
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Dry eye disease (DED) is a multifactorial and complex disease of the ocular surface, with a high prevalence in adults. We systematically reviewed efficacy and safety data from published articles reporting results from prospective, controlled trials of topical ophthalmic drugs for DED. PubMed was searched from January 1997 to October 2017. Twenty-six unique trials investigating 13 ophthalmic drugs were identified, including trials of the approved drugs cyclosporine A, cyclosporine A cationic emulsion, diquafosol, rebamipide and lifitegrast. All identified studies provided level 1 evidence. None of the large (N > 100) studies demonstrated statistical significance of primary endpoints for both a sign and a symptom endpoint versus a control treatment in the same published trial. Publications on lifitegrast reported statistical superiority in a symptom or sign endpoint versus the control group in a large (N > 200), multicenter trial, with results repeated in trials of similar design. The most common adverse events associated with the approved drugs related to ocular discomfort upon instillation, especially burning/stinging and ocular irritation. The trial design and endpoints used across the studies varied considerably, highlighting the importance of standardization in clinical trials for DED. Recent advances in drug delivery and improved understanding of DED should contribute to new ophthalmic drug approvals.
Jones,L., Drobe,B., González-Méijome,J. M., Gray,L., Kratzer,T., Newman,S., Nichols,J.J., Ohlendorf,A., Ramdass,S., Santodomingo-Rubido,J., Schmid,K. L., Tan,D., Tan,K. O., Vera-Diaz,F. A., Wong,Y. L., Gifford,K. L., Resnikoff,S.
IMI - Industry Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Myopia Control Report
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;60(3):M161-M183
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To discuss guidelines and ethical considerations associated with the development and prescription of treatments intended for myopia control (MC).
Critical review of published papers and guidance documents was undertaken, with a view to carefully considering the ethical standards associated with the investigation, development, registration, marketing, prescription, and use of MC treatments.
The roles and responsibilities of regulatory bodies, manufacturers, academics, eye care practitioners, and patients in the use of MC treatments are explored. Particular attention is given to the ethical considerations for deciding whether to implement a MC strategy and how to implement this within a clinical trial or practice setting. Finally, the responsibilities in marketing, support, and education required to transfer required knowledge and skills to eye care practitioners and academics are discussed.
Undertaking MC treatment in minors creates an ethical challenge for a wide variety of stakeholders. Regulatory bodies, manufacturers, academics, and clinicians all share an ethical responsibility to ensure that the products used for MC are safe and efficacious and that patients understand the benefits and potential risks of such products. This International Myopia Institute report highlights these ethical challenges and provides stakeholders with recommendations and guidelines in the development, financial support, prescribing, and advertising of such treatments.
Korogiannaki,M., Jones,L. W., Sheardown, H.
The impact of a hyaluronic acid-grafted layer on the surface properties of model silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Langmuir 2019;35(4):950-961
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The introduction of high oxygen transmissibility silicone hydrogel lenses ameliorated hypoxia-related complications, making them the most prescribed type of contact lens. Despite the progress made over the last two decades to improve their clinical performance, symptoms of ocular dryness and discomfort and a variety of adverse clinical events are still reported. Consequently, the rate of contact lens wear discontinuation has not been appreciably diminished by their introduction. Aiming to improve the interfacial interactions of silicone hydrogel contact lenses with the ocular surface, a biomimetic layer of the hydrophilic glycosaminoglycan hyaluronic acid (HA) (100 kDa), was covalently attached to the surface of model poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-3-methacryloxypropyl-tris-(trimethylsiloxy)silane) (pHEMA-co-TRIS) silicone hydrogel materials via UV-induced thiol-ene "click" chemistry. The surface structural changes after each modification step were studied by FTIR-ATR and XPS. Successful grafting of a homogenous HA layer to the surface of the model silicone hydrogels was confirmed by the consistent appearance of N (1s) and the significant decrease of the Si (2p) peaks, as determined by the low-resolution angle-resolved XPS. The HA-grafted surfaces demonstrated reduced contact angles, dehydration rate and nonspecific deposition of lysozyme and albumin, while maintaining their optical transparency (>90%). In vitro studies demonstrated that the HA-grafted pHEMA-co-TRIS materials did not show any toxicity to human corneal epithelial cells. These results suggest that surface immobilization of HA via thiol-ene "click" chemistry can be used as a promising surface treatment for silicone hydrogel contact lenses.
Moezzi,A. M., Varikooty,J., Luensmann,D., Schulze,M., Ng,A. Y., Karkkainen,T., Xu,J., Jones,L.
The short-term physiological impact of switching reusable silicone hydrogel wearers into a hydrogel daily disposable multifocal
Clinical Ophthalmology 2019;13:1193-1202
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Purpose: To evaluate ocular physiological responses to etafilcon A multifocal (etMF) daily disposable (DD) lenses after 4 weeks of wear, when switching from habitual silicone hydrogel (SiHy) daily wear.
Method: A single-arm, open-label, bilateral dispensing study was conducted in 39 habitual spherical SiHy wearers (14 hyperopes; 25 myopes). Clinical visits occurred with habitual SiHy (control) at baseline and after 4 weeks of etMF DD open-eye lens wear at exit. Objective limbal/bulbar hyperemia using the Oculus K5M (0–4) and subjective grading of lid wiper epitheliopathy (LWE) (0–4) were tested for non-inferiority (NI), using a margin of 1 grade. Corneal thickness along a 10 mm cord was measured using the Visante OCT and tested for NI using a 30 μm margin. Corneal staining area was graded (0–100%).
Results: The least-square mean differences (LSMD) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) between etMF DD and habitual SiHy in central and peripheral corneal thickness (μm) were 3.64 (−2.0, 9.29) and 3.0 (−7.72, 13.72) in hyperopic, and 3.56 (−0.66, 7.78) and 6.40 (−1.62, 14.42) in myopic subjects. The LSMD (95% CI) for bulbar and limbal hyperemia were −0.08 (−0.19, 0.02) and −0.01 (−0.12, 0.09) in hyperopes, and 0.04 (−0.03, 0.12) and 0.04 (−0.04, 0.11) in myopes. The LSMD (95% CI) for LWE were 0.11 (−0.39, 0.60) and 0.30 (−0.07, 0.67) for hyperopes and myopes, respectively.
Conclusions: No clinically significant differences in a variety of physiological responses were found when habitual reusable SiHy daily wear subjects were refitted into hydrogel etMF, when the subjects were followed for 4 weeks.
Ngo,W., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L.
An Eyelid Warming Device for the Management of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction
J Optom 2019;12(2):120-130
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PURPOSE: To determine the effectiveness of the MGDRx EyeBag in managing meibomian gland dysfunction.
METHODS: This was a prospective, randomized, controlled, observer-masked, bilateral eye study that enrolled 29 participants. Participants were randomized into either the EyeBag group or the control group. The EyeBag group used the EyeBag 10minutes 2x/day, and the control group remained on their own dry eye treatment regimen (if applicable). All participants were observed at baseline, 2 weeks (2wk) and 4 weeks (4wk). At 4wk, participants in the EyeBag group were asked to stop using the EyeBag. All participants were seen again at 8 weeks (8wk). Primary outcomes were the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), Current Symptoms Questionnaire (CSQ), meibomian gland score (MG score), and non-invasive tear breakup time (NIBUT).
RESULTS: Twenty-five participants completed the study (mean age 38±15 years, 7 male). There was a significant change in OSDI over time for the EyeBag group (mean[lower 95% CI, upper 95% CI], baseline: 39.1[31.1,47.0], 2wk: 26.8[19.7,33.9], 4wk: 26.6[16.5,36.7], 8wk: 27.7[18.4,37.0]; p=0.01), but not in the control group (p=0.22), but no significant difference between groups at all time points (all p>0.27). Symptoms immediately improved after conducting the EyeBag based on at-home CSQ scores (Δ=-5.0 points, p<0.01), but not in the control group. For both groups, there was no significant change (p-value EyeBag,p-value control) in MG score (0.21,0.17) and NIBUT (0.49,0.06) over time.
CONCLUSIONS: The EyeBag may relieve symptoms of dry eye, but the effect on meibomian gland function and tear stability when used for only 4 weeks was undetectable.
Nichols,J. J., Chalmers,R. L., Dumbleton,K., Jones,L., Lievens,C. W., Merchea,M. M., Szczotka-Flynn,L.
The Case for Using Hydrogen Peroxide Contact Lens Care Solutions: A Review
Eye & Contact Lens 2019;45(2):69-82
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Despite their established disinfection and safety benefits, the use of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) lens care systems among today's wearers of reusable contact lenses remains low in comparison with multipurpose solution (MPS) use. Multipurpose solution systems, however, present several potential drawbacks that may impact patient outcomes, including the use of chemical preservatives for disinfection, biocompatibility issues, and challenges with respect to lens care compliance. Given their unique composition and mechanism of action, one-step H2O2 systems offer the opportunity to avoid many of the challenges associated with MPS use. This article reviews the evolution of H2O2 lens care systems and examines the current scientific and clinical evidence regarding the relative ease of use, lens and tissue compatibility, disinfection efficacy, and ocular surface safety of H2O2 systems. Evaluation of the available data indicates that in comparison with MPS, one-step H2O2 systems tend to promote more favorable compliance, efficacy, comfort, and ocular surface outcomes for a wide range of contact lens–wearing patients. Based on the current published evidence, the authors recommend that eye care practitioners consider making one-step H2O2 systems their first-line contact lens care recommendation for most wearers of reusable lenses.
Phan,C. M., Subbaraman,L., Jones,L.
Uptake and release of polyvinyl alcohol from hydrogel daily disposable contact lenses
Optom Vis Sci 2019;96(3):180-186
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Polyvinyl alcohol is a wetting agent that could reduce the symptoms of dry eye and contact lens discomfort. Currently, only one lens type, nelfilcon A (DAILIES AquaComfort Plus), releases polyvinyl alcohol. The concept of releasing this agent from contact lenses could be applied to other lens materials.
The purpose of this study was to measure the release of polyvinyl alcohol from commercially available hydrogel daily disposable contact lenses using refractive index and iodine-borate methods.
Etafilcon A, omafilcon A, and nelfilcon A were soaked in phosphate-buffered saline and 0.2% trifluoroacetic acid/acetonitile for 24 hours to remove residual blister pack components. The lenses were then incubated in a 10-mg/mL solution of polyvinyl alcohol for 24 hours. After the incubation period, the lenses were placed in 2 mL of phosphate-buffered saline. At specified time intervals, t = 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours, the samples were evaluated using refractive index and an iodine-borate assay. Polyvinyl alcohol uptake was determined by extracting the lenses with methanol for 24 hours.
There were no differences in the uptake of polyvinyl alcohol between lens types (P > .05). The release of this wetting agent for all lens types followed a burst-plateau profile after the first 30 minutes (P > .05). Nelfilcon A had a slightly higher release of polyvinyl alcohol (P .05).
The results suggest that the contact lenses tested in this study have similar efficiency in delivering polyvinyl alcohol.
Phan,C. M., Walther,H., Qiao,H., Shinde,R., Jones,L.
Development of an eye model with a physiological blink mechanism
Translational Vision Science & Technology 2019;8(5):Article 1
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Purpose: To develop an eye model with a physiological blink mechanism.
Methods: All parts of the eye model were designed using computer-aided design software. The eyelid consisted of a unique 3D printed structure containing teeth to physically secure a flexible membrane. Both the eyeball and eyelid membrane were synthesized using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Four molecular weights of PVA (89–98, 85–124, 130, and 146–186 kDa) were tested at a range of concentrations between 5% and 30% weight/volume. The wettability and water content of these materials were compared with the bovine cornea and sclera. The model was connected to a microfluidic pump, which delivers artificial tear solution (ATS) to the eyelid. A corneal topographer was used to evaluate the tear break-up and tear film regeneration.
Results: The eyelid flexes and slides across the eyeball during each blink, which ensures direct contact between the two surfaces. When loaded with an ATS, this mechanism evenly spreads the solution over the eyeball to generate an artificial tear film. The artificial tear film in this eye model had a tear break-up time (TBUT) of 5.13 ± 0.09 seconds at 1.4 μL/min flow rate, 6 blinks/min, and <25% humidity.
Conclusions: This model simulates a physiological blink actuation and an artificial tear film layer. Future studies will examine variations in flow rates and ATS composition to simulate clinical values of TBUT.
Translational Relevance: The eye model could be used to study in vitro TBUT, tear deposition, and simple drug delivery.
Phan,C. M., Walther,H., Riederer,D., Lau,C., Lorentz,H., Subbaraman,L., Jones,L.
Analysis of polyvinyl alcohol release from commercially available daily disposable contact lenses using an in vitro eye model
J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 2019;107(5):1662-1668
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The purpose of this work was to determine the release of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) from etafilcon A, omafilcon A, and nelfilcon A daily disposable hydrogel contact lenses using a novel in vitro model. PVA is an ocular lubricant that can be found in multiple formulations of artificial tears. Nelfilcon A innately contains PVA, so only the release of PVA from this lens was evaluated. Etafilcon A and omafilcon A lenses were incubated in a PBS solution containing PVA. The release of PVA was evaluated using a novel in vitro blink platform with Milli-Q water and PBS under various blink conditions and flow rates. Nelfilcon A lenses significantly released more PVA than other lenses at 0.5 and 1.5 h in both PBS and Milli-Q water (p 0.05). All tested groups and lenses showed a burst release within the first 4.5 h and rapidly plateaued thereafter. The current study demonstrates that releasable PVA (whether through uptake or through being inherently available from the material) is loosely bound on hydrogel lenses, and the majority is released within 4.5 h.
Pucker,A. D., Jones-Jordan, L.A., Marx,S., Powell,D. R., Kwan,J. T., Srinivasan,S., Sickenberger,W., Jones,L.,
The role of soft contact lens wear on meibomian gland morphology and function
Eye & Contact Lens 2019;45(4):276-277
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The impact of a contact lens on the eye has long been of interest to practitioners who prescribe contact lenses and to the patients who wear them. One particular area of concern within the past several years has been related to how a contact lens may impact the meibomian glands (MGs) because changes in MG structure and/or function have the potential to impact the overall integrity of the ocular surface and contact lens success. Ucakhan and Arslanturk-Eren's recent manuscript published in Eye & Contact Lens has attempted to expand our knowledge of this topic by studying a group of contact lens–wearing and non–contact lens–wearing subjects and seeking to understand how the use of silicone hydrogel contact lenses may impact MG health. Their study overall concluded that “soft CL wear causes significant morphological and functional changes in MG with thickening of MG presenting an early diagnostic finding of MG dysfunction on meibography.”
Pucker,A. D., Jones-Jordan, L.A., Marx,S., Powell,D. R., Kwan,J. T., Srinivasan,S., Sickenberger,W., Jones,L., Contact Lens Assessment of Symptomatic Subjects (CLASS) Study Group
Clinical factors associated with contact lens dropout
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2019;42(3):318-324
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PURPOSE: Contact lens (CL) dropout is estimated to be approximately equal to the number of new wearers per year, resulting in virtually no growth in the global CL market. The purpose of this study was to determine ocular and CL factors associated with CL dropout.
METHODS: This five-site study recruited subjects 18-45 years of age who had ceased CL wear within the past 6-12 months due to discomfort. Dropout subjects were compared to age- and sex-matched currently successful CL wearers. Each subject was administered a symptoms survey and a study-specific survey that queried general CL history and compliance. Clinical testing included non-invasive tear break-up time, tear meniscus height, blepharitis assessment, meibum quality and expression, and meibography.
RESULTS: A total of 56 matched-pairs were recruited. Dry eye was found to significantly increase a subject's odds of dropping out of CLs. The odds of dropping out of CLs was also significantly increased with each worsening grade of upper or lower eyelid meibomian gland (MG) plugging, upper eyelid meibum quality, and upper eyelid MG tortuosity. No other factors analyzed increased a subject's odds of dropping out of CLs.
CONCLUSIONS: CL dropout may be precipitated by underlying dry eye symptoms, though most dry eye signs, with the exception of MG structure and function, had minimal predictive value for CL dropout. Nevertheless, evidence suggests that practitioners should screen for and educate CL patients about the importance of maintaining healthy MGs, which may potentially allow them to maintain comfortable CL use and increase their CL longevity.
Pucker,A. D., Jones-Jordan,L. A., Kunnen,C. M. E., Marx,S., Powell,D. R., Kwan,J. T., Srinivasan,S., Sickenberger,W., Jones,L.
Impact of meibomian gland width on successful contact lens use
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2019;42(6):646-651
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Purpose: To evaluate meibomian gland (MG) width and determine its impact on successful contact lens (CL) use and ocular health.
Methods: A five-site study was conducted by recruiting 18- to 45-year-old subjects who had dropped out of CLs because of discomfort. CL dropouts were compared to age- and sex-matched successful CL wearers. Right eyes were evaluated for tear break-up time, tear meniscus height, MG expressibility, meibum quality, and meibography. Central MG widths were evaluated with a custom MATLAB program.
Results: CL dropouts (n = 56) and successful CL (n = 56) wearers had similar grades for upper (p = 1.0) and lower (p = 0.22) MG atrophy, upper (p = 0.07) and lower (p = 0.89) MG tortuosity, and upper (p = 0.92) and lower (p = 0.97) MG widths. Upper eyelid MG widths were narrower than lower eyelid MG widths (p = 0.03). Upper and lower MG tortuosity (p < 0.001) and widths (p = 0.03) were associated, but not atrophy (p = 0.42). Lower eyelid MG widths were associated with MG expressibility (p = 0.01), but MG widths were not with any other factors.
Conclusions: Successful CL wear does not appear to be clinically influenced by MG width or other measures of MG structural integrity. Lower eyelid MGs were wider than upper eyelid MGs and narrower lower eyelid MGs were associated with worse MG expressibility, suggesting that narrower MGs may produce abnormal meibum. Data also suggests that MG factors of both eyelids should be evaluated in practice.
Troilo,D., Smith,E. L. 3rd, Nickla,D. L., Ashby,R., Tkatchenko,A. V., Ostrin,L. A., Gawne,T. J., Pardue,M. T., Summers,J. A., Kee,C. S., Schroedl,F., Wahl,S., Jones,L.
IMI - Report on Experimental Models of Emmetropization and Myopia
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;60(3):M31-M88
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The results of many studies in a variety of species have significantly advanced our understanding of the role of visual experience and the mechanisms of postnatal eye growth, and the development of myopia. This paper surveys and reviews the major contributions that experimental studies using animal models have made to our thinking about emmetropization and development of myopia. These studies established important concepts informing our knowledge of the visual regulation of eye growth and refractive development and have transformed treatment strategies for myopia. Several major findings have come from studies of experimental animal models. These include the eye's ability to detect the sign of retinal defocus and undergo compensatory growth, the local retinal control of eye growth, regulatory changes in choroidal thickness, and the identification of components in the biochemistry of eye growth leading to the characterization of signal cascades regulating eye growth and refractive state. Several of these findings provided the proofs of concepts that form the scientific basis of new and effective clinical treatments for controlling myopia progression in humans. Experimental animal models continue to provide new insights into the cellular and molecular mechanisms of eye growth control, including the identification of potential new targets for drug development and future treatments needed to stem the increasing prevalence of myopia and the vision-threatening conditions associated with this disease.
Walsh,K., Jones,L.
The use of preservatives in dry eye drops
Clinical Ophthalmology 2019;13:1409-1425
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Topical ocular preparations are widely recommended by health care professionals, or chosen by patients, to help manage dry eye disease (DED). The chronic and progressive nature of DED may result in the administration of topical products several times a day, over a period of many years. Given DED is a condition that by definition affects the ocular surface, it is important to understand how the repeated use of eye drops may impact the ocular surface, influence clinical signs, affect symptoms, and impact the overall disease process of dry eye. The component in topical preparations with the greatest potential to adversely affect the ocular surface is the preservative. This paper reviews the literature in relation to the use of preservatives in formulations for dry eye. The ocular effects of benzalkonium chloride (BAK) are summarised and compared to the performance of alternative preservatives and preservative-free formulations. Use of preserved and preservative-free drops in relation to the management of varying stages of DED is discussed.
Walther,H., Subbaraman,L, N., Jones,L.
Efficacy of Contact Lens Care Solutions in Removing Cholesterol Deposits From Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses.
Eye & Contact Lens 2019;45(2):105-111
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PURPOSE: To determine the efficacy of multipurpose solutions (MPSs) on the removal of cholesterol deposits from silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lens materials using an in vitro model.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five SH lens materials: senofilcon A, comfilcon A, balafilcon A, lotrafilcon A, and lotrafilcon B were removed from the blister pack (n=4 for each lens type), incubated for 7 days at 37°C in an artificial tear solution containing C radiolabeled cholesterol. Thereafter, lenses were stored in a preserved saline solution control (Sensitive Eyes Saline Plus) or cleaned with 1 of the 5 MPSs incorporating different preservatives (POLYQUAD/ALDOX, polyquaternium-1/alexidine, polyquaternium-1/PHMB, and 2 based on PHMB alone) using a rub and rinse technique, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, and stored in the MPS for a minimum of 6 hr. Lenses were then extracted with 2:1 chloroform:methanol, analyzed in a beta counter, and μg/lens of cholesterol was determined.
RESULTS: Balafilcon A and senofilcon A lens materials showed the highest amounts of accumulated cholesterol (0.93±0.02 μg/lens; 0.95±0.01 μg/lens, respectively), whereas lotrafilcon A and lotrafilcon B deposited the lowest amounts (0.37±0.03 μg/lens; 0.47±0.12 μg/lens, respectively). For all lens materials, the MPS preserved with POLYQUAD/ALDOX removed more deposited cholesterol than any other test solution; however, the amount of removed cholesterol contamination from the individual contact lenses was only statistically significant for balafilcon A and senofilcon A (P=0.006 and P=0.042, respectively). Sensitive eyes and the other evaluated MPSs showed no significant effect on cholesterol removal (P>0.05).
CONCLUSION: Cholesterol-removal efficacy varies depending on the combination of lens material and solution. Only 1 MPS showed a statistically significant reduction of cholesterol deposit for only 2 of the 5 tested lens materials.
Walther,H., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Novel in vitro method to determine pre-lens tear break-up time of hydrogel and silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2019;42(2):178-184
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To develop an in vitro model to determine pre-lens non-invasive break-up time (NIBUT) and to subsequently use this method to compare the NIBUT over contemporary daily disposable (DD) contact lenses (CL).
Three silicone hydrogel (SH) and two conventional hydrogel (CH) DD CLs were incubated in an artificial tear solution (ATS). A model blink cell (MBC) was utilised to mimic intermittent air exposure. CLs were repeatedly submerged for 3 seconds (s) and exposed to air for 10 s over periods of 2, 6, 12, and 16 hours (h). NIBUTs (n = 4) were determined out of the blister pack (T0) and at the end of each incubation period.
Overall, nesofilcon A showed the longest NIBUTs (p < 0.001). At T0, CHs revealed significantly longer NIBUTs (p ≤ 0.001) than SHs. After 2 h, nesofilcon A showed the longest NIBUT, however, this was only statistically significant compared with delefilcon A (p ≤ 0.001). After 6 h, nesofilcon A NIBUT was significantly longer than all other CLs (p ≤ 0.001). Etafilcon A showed a significantly longer NIBUT (p ≤ 0.001) after 12 h and delefilcon A had the longest NIBUT (p ≤ 0.001) after 16 h. Statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05) changes of NIBUT within the lens materials varied between time points. After 16 h, all CLs showed significant reductions in NIBUTs (p ≤ 0.001) in comparison to T0.
NIBUT values reduced gradually over time and varying levels of deposition impacted measured pre-lens NIBUTs. While NIBUT of CH materials are longer immediately out of the blister pack, after tear film exposure, the NIBUTs obtained using this methodology became very similar.
Wolffsohn,J. S., Flitcroft,D. I., Gifford,K. L., Jong,M., Jones,L., Klaver,C. C. W., Logan,N. S., Naidoo,K., Resnikoff,S., Sankaridurg,P., Smith,E. L. 3rd, Troilo,D., Wildsoet,C. F.
IMI - Myopia Control Reports Overview and Introduction
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;60(3):M1-M19
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With the growing prevalence of myopia, already at epidemic levels in some countries, there is an urgent need for new management approaches. However, with the increasing number of research publications on the topic of myopia control, there is also a clear necessity for agreement and guidance on key issues, including on how myopia should be defined and how interventions, validated by well-conducted clinical trials, should be appropriately and ethically applied. The International Myopia Institute (IMI) reports the critical review and synthesis of the research evidence to date, from animal models, genetics, clinical studies, and randomized controlled trials, by more than 85 multidisciplinary experts in the field, as the basis for the recommendations contained therein. As background to the need for myopia control, the risk factors for myopia onset and progression are reviewed. The seven generated reports are summarized: (1) Defining and Classifying Myopia, (2) Experimental Models of Emmetropization and Myopia, (3) Myopia Genetics, (4) Interventions for Myopia Onset and Progression, (5) Clinical Myopia Control Trials and Instrumentation, (6) Industry Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Myopia Control, and (7) Clinical Myopia Management Guidelines.
Wong,S., Srinivasan,S., Murphy,P. J., Jones,L.
Comparison of meibomian gland dropout using two infrared imaging devices
Cont Lens Anterior Eye 2019;42(3):311-317
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Purpose: To measure the degree of meibomian gland (MG) dropout in the lower eyelid determined by analysis of images obtained from the LipiView II (LVII) and the Keratograph 5M (K5M).
Methods: The inferior eyelid of each participant was imaged in a random order using both devices. All images were subjectively assessed by a single-masked investigator to determine the extent of MG loss using the Arita 4-point meiboscore grading scale. The images were also semi-objectively analyzed with ImageJ to calculate the percentage of MG dropout, by tracing around the non-glandular area and the total exposed area of the lower lid.
Results: Twenty participants (mean age 37 years, range 23–60, 60% female) completed the study. A significant difference in meiboscore (mean ± SD) was obtained between the LVII and the K5M (1.43 ± 0.78 vs. 1.90 ± 0.81, Z = 3.25, p = 0.001). The meiboscore 95% limit of agreement (LOA) ranged from −1.88 to +0.93. A significant difference was found with mean ImageJ percentage dropout between the LVII and the K5M (31.5% vs 43.4%, t = −4.8, p = 0.00003). The percentage dropout 95% LOA ranged from −42.79% to +19.06%.
Conclusions: LVII images had significantly lower meiboscores and less percentage MG dropout. Varying amounts of dropout were observed between the devices due the amount of eyelid that was typically everted and because of differences in image quality. These results indicate that these devices should not be used interchangeably to evaluate MG dropout.
Woods,J., Hutchings,N., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L.
Geographic distribution of corneal staining in symptomatic dry eye
Ocul Surf 2019;18(2):258-266
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To describe the geographic distribution of corneal fluorescein staining across the five corneal zones, among non contact lens wearers who report symptoms of dry eye and determine which corneal zone most frequently exhibited the worst staining.
Prior studies conducted at the Centre for Ocular Research & Education, Canada, were reviewed for inclusion in the analysis. Each study assessed dry eye symptoms using OSDI and also assessed corneal fluorescein staining in five corneal zones. For each subject, the corneal zones were ranked 1–5 according to their relative staining grade, Rank-1 representing the highest grade.
Data from 13 studies and 368 subjects were included. The total number of zones assigned Rank-1 (worst) staining was 449 (across 264 subjects). The inferior zone had the most Rank-1 counts of all zones at 193/43%, which involved 52.5% of all subjects. The nasal zone had 77/17% involving 20.9% of subjects, followed by the temporal (69/15.5%, 18.8% subjects) and superior zones (63/14%, 17.1% subjects). The central zone had the lowest count of Rank-1 designations, at only 47/10.5%, involving 12.8% of subjects. Bayesian analysis was used to generate distributions of the credible proportions of subjects likely to present with staining in a single peripheral zone, with or without central zone staining. It illustrated that staining in a peripheral zone without central staining was more credible. The worst single zone staining was most likely to present in the inferior zone (67.9%), followed by the nasal zone (11.3%), the superior zone (9.2%), and the temporal zone (5.6%).
In the presence of dry eye symptoms, the inferior zone typically presents the most severe grade of corneal staining, more likely without central zone staining. This knowledge is valuable when developing a strategy to treat dry eye signs, as the inferior corneal zone has the highest grade of staining thus has the potential to exhibit the greatest reduction in staining post-treatment.
Blackie,C. A., Coleman,C. A., Nichols,K. K., Jones,L., Chen,P. Q., Melton,R., Kading,D. L., O’Dell,L. E., Srinivasan,S.
A single vectored thermal pulsation treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction increases mean comfortable contact lens wearing time by approximately 4 hours per day
Clinical Ophthalmology 2018;12:169-183
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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of a single vectored thermal pulsation (VTP) treatment in contact lens wearers with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and dry eye symptoms. Methods: The prospective, nonsignificant risk, open-label, randomized, multi-center clinical trial included 55 soft contact lens (SCL) wearers with MGD and evaporative dry eye. Subjects were randomized to the single VTP treatment group or an untreated control. The controls received a crossover VTP treatment at 3 months (crossover treatment group). Primary effectiveness measures were meibomian gland secretion (MGS) score and Standard Patient Evaluation of Eye Dryness (SPEED) that were evaluated at baseline, at 1 and 3 months post-VTP treatment, and at 1 month post-VTP treatment in the crossover treatment group. Exploratory variables included fluorescein tear break-up time (TBUT), lid wiper epitheliopathy (LWE), lid parallel conjunctival folds (LIPCOF), ocular surface staining, frequency of over-the-counter (OTC) drop use, and hours of comfortable contact lens wear. Results: At 3 months, the treatment group showed significantly greater mean change from baseline in MGS (12.4±9.1 vs 1.4±6.4, p˂0.0001), SPEED (−8.4±4.7 vs −0.7±4.4, p˂0.0001) and significantly greater improvement in exploratory variables (TBUT, LWE, and frequency of OTC drop use) relative to the controls. Mean comfortable contact lens wearing time increased by 4.0±3.9 hours at 1 month. This was sustained for 3 months with no change in the control group. The crossover treatment group demonstrated similar results to the treatment group at 1 month post-VTP. Conclusion: In SCL wearers with MGD, a single VTP treatment significantly improved mean meibomian gland function and significantly reduced dry eye signs and symptoms compared to an untreated control. The treatment increased mean comfortable lens wearing time by 4 hours (approximately doubling the pretreatment findings). This was sustained for up to 3 months post-treatment on average.
Chen,P. Z., Pollit,L., Jones,L., Gu,F. X.
Functional Two- and Three-Dimensional Architectures of Immobilized Metal Nanoparticles
Chem 2018;4(10):2301-2328
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Recent methodological advances have led to unprecedented precision in the immobilization of metal nanoparticles. These methodologies come from a broad range of disciplines and organize nanoparticle building blocks into a diverse selection of distinct architectures—from small arrays to ordered superstructures. Because properties can be dictated by assembly, architectures can present enhanced properties of the constituent nanoparticles or generate emergent properties of the collective architecture that are unavailable to their constituent nanoparticles. Functional architectures use these properties to further tailor and optimize performance in myriad applications. This review discusses the methodological advances that enable the immobilization of metal nanoparticles in distinct two- and three-dimensional architectures. Discussion will include their distinctions, properties associated with the assemblies and their applications, and the key challenges and future directions in this growing field. The integration of nanomaterials has transformed key applications in a multitude of scientific fields, such as in energy, environmental technologies, water, medicine, and chemical processing. Metal nanoparticles, the predominant type of nanomaterial, are at the center of many of these applications. Conventionally, the physical properties of metal nanoparticles, such as size and shape, are engineered to alter properties and enhance performance. Recent work has developed a new approach: immobilizing metal nanoparticles in architectures. These structures generate enhanced or emergent properties, which can be used to further improve performance in applications, and promise the next generation of applications of metal nanoparticles in science and society. This review discusses the methods (from a wide range of disciplines) that immobilize nanoparticles in precise two- and three-dimensional architectures. Also discussed are the properties that arise from and the utility of the architectures. Metal nanoparticles present enhanced, or emergent, properties when immobilized in precisely configured two- and three-dimensional architectures. Recent methodological advances in a broad range of fields enable the construction of a diverse selection of such architectures. This review discusses these methodologies, their constructed products, and the properties exhibited by the architectures. It also discusses the distinctions, sometimes subtle, between methodologies that often dictate the types of architectures that they can construct and thus the resultant properties that can be presented.
Luensmann,D., Schaeffer,J. L., Rumney,N. J., Stanberry,A., Walsh,K., Jones,L.
Spectacle prescriptions review to determine prevalence of ametropia and coverage of frequent replacement soft toric contact lenses
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2018;41(5):412-420
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Purpose: To determine the prevalence of ametropia and astigmatism in a clinic population and to estimate the coverage of frequent replacement soft toric lenses. Methods: A review of patient files was conducted at three clinical sites. Prescription data collected between January 2014 and March 2017 in a patient cohort 14 to 70 years of age inclusive were analyzed to determine prevalence of ametropia and astigmatism. The percent coverage of frequent replacement soft toric contact lenses has further been estimated using different ranges for sphere, cylinder and axis availability. Results: In total 101,973 patients were included in the analysis of which 69.5% were considered myopic, 26.9% hyperopic and 3.5% emmetropic as determined by the eye with the larger absolute value of the spherical equivalent refraction. Astigmatism in at least one eye was found in 87.2% of the population, with 37.0% of the patients exhibiting astigmatism of at least −1.00DC in at least one eye. With-the-rule astigmatism was most prevalent in the 14 to 20 year-olds (53.0%), while against-the-rule astigmatism was most prevalent in the 41 to 70 year-olds (50.7%). For astigmatic eyes with a cylinder of at least −0.75DC (n = 83,540; 41% of all eyes), the coverage with toric soft lenses varied greatly depending on parameter availability and ranged between 30.7% (sphere: Plano to −3.00D, cylinder: up to −1.75DC, axes: 90 ± 10° and 180 ± 10°) and 96.4% (sphere: + 6.00D to −10.00D, cylinders: up to −2.75DC, 18 axes). Conclusion: Currently available frequent replacement soft toric contact lenses provide coverage for up to 96.4% of potential patients.
McCanna,D. J., Oh,S., Seo,J., Coles-Brennan,C., Fadli,Z., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L. W.
The effect of denatured lysozyme on human corneal epithelial cells
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2018;59(5):2006-2014
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PURPOSE. During contact lens wear, the amount of lysozyme deposited on contact lenses varies depending on the lens material. The binding of lysozyme to some contact lens materials may result in a conformational change that denatures the protein to an inactive form. This investigation evaluated the effect that denatured lysozyme has on human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) by measuring cell viability and the release of inflammatory cytokines. METHODS. HCECs were exposed to lysozyme that was denatured to various activity levels. After 24-hour exposure to the lysozyme (1.9 mg/mL) in growth media, the cells were evaluated for cell viability using confocal microscopy. The metabolic activity of the cells was determined using an alamarBlue assay. Cell supernatants were analyzed for inflammatory cytokines. RESULTS. Using confocal microscopy, there was no detectable change in the viability of the HCECs after exposure to the denatured lysozyme. However, using alamarBlue, a decrease in the metabolic activity of the HCECs exposed to denatured lysozyme was detected. HCECs exposed to lysozyme that was 67%, 47%, and 22% active showed a reduction in metabolic activity when compared with native (100% active) lysozyme and the media controls (P < 0.05). Exposure to the denatured lysozyme also caused an increase in the release of inflammatory cytokines (P < 0.05) from the HCECs. CONCLUSIONS. The results of this study show that denatured lysozyme can have a detrimental effect on HCECs. Both a reduction in metabolic activity and an increase in the release of inflammatory cytokines occurred after HCEC exposure to denatured lysozyme. © 2018 The Authors.
Ng,A. Y., Keech,A., Jones,L.
Tear osmolarity changes after use of hydroxypropyl-guar-based lubricating eye drops
Clinical Ophthalmology 2018;12:695-700
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Purpose: To evaluate tear osmolarity after using a hydroxypropyl-guar (HP-guar)-based lubricating eye drop four times daily (QID) for 3 weeks. Methods: Thirty-one participants with dry eye disease (Ocular Surface Disease Index [OSDI] score ≥20 and tear osmolarity ≥300 mOsm/L in at least one eye) were enrolled in this prospective, dispensing, non-randomized study involving a baseline visit and 3‑week follow-up. Tear osmolarity, non-invasive tear break up time (NITBUT), conjunctival hyperemia, corneal and conjunctival staining were determined at baseline. Participants were instructed to instill one drop of a HP-guar-based drop QID in each eye for 3 weeks. At the follow-up visit, the symptoms and ocular surface parameters were reassessed. At this visit, one HP-guar drop was instilled into each eye and osmolarity was measured after 15 minutes, to examine short-term changes in osmolarity. Results: Twenty-eight participants completed the study (5M, 23F; median age 54 yrs, range 25-83 yrs). At baseline, mean OSDI score was 44.9±15.2 and mean osmolarities were 314.63±11.9/306.6±10.1 mOsm/L (worst eye [WE]/better eye [BE]). After 3 weeks, mean osmolarity reduced to 307.7±15.7/303.9±11.3 mOsm/L (WE/BE; p<0.05 and p=0.228, respectively) and mean OSDI scores reduced to 28.3±17.0 (p<0.01). A significant reduction in osmolarity was observed 15 minutes after instilling the lubricating drop (p<0.05 WE, p=0.09 BE). Significant improvements in central corneal staining (p<0.05 OU) and NITBUT (p0.05). Conclusions: A significant reduction in tear osmolarity and improvements in dry eye symptoms, corneal staining, and NITBUT were observed after 3 weeks of QID use of a HP-guar-based lubricant drop. A decrease in osmolarity was also demonstrated 15 minutes after drop instillation.
Oh,S., McCanna,D., Subbaraman,L.N., Jones,L.
Cytotoxic and inflammatory effects of contact lens solutions on human corneal epithelial cells in vitro
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2018;41(3):282-289
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Purpose: To ascertain the effect that four contact lens (CL) multipurpose solutions (MPS) have on the viability and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from human corneal epithelial cells (HCEC). Methods: HCEC were exposed to four different MPS at various concentrations for 18 hours. The cells were also exposed to phosphate buffer, borate buffer, and PHMB. The cell viability was evaluated using the alamarBlue assay. The release of pro-inflammatory cytokines was measured using a Multiplex electrochemiluminescent assay. Results: MPS-A, MPS-B and MPS-C all reduced cell metabolic activity p < 0.05 from control with MPS-A showing the greatest cytotoxic effect (maximum reduction, 90.6%). In contrast, MPS-D showed no significant reductions in cytotoxicity except at the highest concentration tested (19% reduction at 20% MPS concentration). Of the four cytokines evaluated MPS-C showed a substantial increase in the release of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α at higher concentrations when compared to control p < 0.05. At the 20% concentration of MPS-A and MPS-B the release of IL-1 β increased p 0.05. Exposing the cells to borate buffer and PHMB caused an increase in the release of TNF-α p < 0.05. Conclusions: This investigation demonstrates that at different concentration levels, several of the MPS tested showed a decrease in viability and an increase in the release of inflammatory cytokines from HCEC. The borate buffer component as well as PHMB appears to contribute to this pro-inflammatory reaction.
Omali,N.B., Subbaraman,L.N., Heynen,M., Ng,A., Coles-Brennan,C., Fadli,Z., Jones,L.
Surface versus bulk activity of lysozyme deposited on hydrogel contact lens materials in vitro
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2018;41(4):329-334
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Purpose: To determine and compare the levels of surface versus bulk active lysozyme deposited on several commercially available hydrogel contact lens materials. Methods: Hydrogel contact lens materials [polymacon, omafilcon A, nelfilcon A, nesofilcon A, ocufilcon and etafilcon A with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)] were incubated in an artificial tear solution for 16 h. Total activity was determined using a standard turbidity assay. The surface activity of the deposited lysozyme was determined using a modified turbidity assay. The amount of active lysozyme present within the bulk of the lens material was calculated by determining the difference between the total and surface active lysozyme. Results: The etafilcon A materials showed the highest amount of total lysozyme activity (519 ± 8 μg/lens, average of Moist and Define), followed by the ocufilcon material (200 ± 5 μg/lens) and these two were significantly different from each other (p < 0.05). The amount of surface active lysozyme on etafilcon and ocufilcon lens materials was significantly higher than that found on all other lenses (p < 0.05). There was no active lysozyme quantified in the bulk of the nelfilcon material, as all of the active lysozyme was found on the surface (1.7 ± 0.3 μg/lens). In contrast, no active lysozyme was quantified on the surface of polymacon, with all of the active lysozyme found in the bulk of the lens material (0.6 ± 0.6 μg/lens). Conclusions: The surface and bulk activity of lysozyme deposited on contact lenses is material dependent. Lysozyme deposited on ionic, high water content lens materials such as etafilcon A show significantly higher surface and bulk activity than many other hydrogel lens materials.
Otchere,H., Jones,L., Sorbara,L.
The Impact of Scleral Contact Lens Vault on Visual Acuity and Comfort.
Eye and Contact Lens 2018;44(Suppl 2):S54-S59
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PURPOSE: To assess how varying degrees of corneal clearance of scleral contact lenses (ScCL) impact visual acuity (VA) and comfort in patients with corneal ectasia.
METHOD: Three ScCL were fitted to 20 subjects with previous diagnosis of either keratoconus (n=18) or pellucid marginal degeneration (n=2). Fitting of ScCL was based on corneal sagittal height (CSH) measured with Visante OCT at a 15-mm chord on the horizontal meridian. To select the ScCL from the diagnostic lens set, values of 325, 375, and 425 μm were randomly added in sequence to CSH. Subjects wore ScCL for 1 hr. Central corneal clearance (CCC) and topographic corneal clearance (TCC) along the vertical meridian were assessed using an ultralong optical coherence tomographer. High-contrast VA (HCVA) and low-contrast VA (LCVA) were measured using a logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution VA chart, and comfort ratings were obtained with a standard comfort scale (0-100).
RESULTS: Mean CSH in the horizontal meridian was 3.78±0.53 (range: 3.33-4.17) mm at a 15-mm chord. Mean CCC was 190±100 μm (TCC: 160±94 μm at +3 mm and 180±94 μm at -3 mm), 360±120 μm (TCC: 260±100 μm at +3 mm and 330±110 μm at -3 mm), and 450±170 μm (TCC: 320±120 μm at +3 mm and 400±120 μm at -3 mm) for each lens (P=0.001). Mean HCVA for lenses 1, 2, and 3 were 0.05±0.12, 0.07±0.11, and 0.11±0.08 respectively, which were significantly different (P=0.02). Tukey post hoc analysis showed that this difference was only significant between lenses 1 and 3 (P=0.01). Similar findings were found for LCVA. Comfort ratings for lenses 1, 2, and 3 were 74.9±9.2, 79.7±11.6, and 78.6±10.8, respectively (P=0.24).
CONCLUSION: The CSH is an effective method of determining the appropriate lens/cornea relationship. Lens 2 (+375 μm) gave the best combination of acuity and comfort ratings. Evaluation of the fluorescein pattern must be balanced with VA and comfort ratings for successful fitting in a clinical setting.
Phan,C. -M, Weber,S., Mueller,J., Yee,A., Jones,L.
A rapid extraction method to quantify drug uptake in contact lenses
Translational Vision Science and Technology 2018;7(2):11
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Purpose: To develop a simple extraction procedure to quantify the uptake of four topical ocular pharmaceutical drugs into contact lenses (CLs). Methods: Four silicone hydrogel (SH) CLs (balafilcon A, senofilcon A, lotrafilcon B, comfilcon B) and four conventional hydrogel (CH) CLs (nesofilcon A, hilafilcon B, nelfilcon A, etafilcon A) were evaluated. The drugs studied were natamycin, moxifloxacin, timolol maleate, and ketotifen fumarate. For drug incubation, three CLs of each type were placed in 1 mL of 1 mg/mL drug-loading solution for 24 hours. The lenses were then extracted in 2 mL methanol for 2 hours. This process was repeated to obtain a total of three extraction cycles. Detection of natamycin, moxifloxacin, ketotifen fumarate, and timolol maleate were measured by absorbance at 305, 287, 297, and 295 nm, respectively. Results: The majority of the drugs were extracted after the first extraction cycle (P 0.05). Conclusions: This study provides a simple approach to determine drug uptake into CLs. This method can also be modified, such as changing the extraction time, extraction cycles, or extraction solvent to better suit other drugs and CL combinations. Translational Relevance: There is considerable interest in using CLs for ocular drug delivery. Accurately quantifying drug uptake on CLs has been a challenge. Hence, this study provides a simple method to quantify drug uptake in CLs. © 2018 The Authors.
Qiao,H., Phan,C. -M., Walther,H., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Depth Profile Assessment of the Early Phase Deposition of Lysozyme on Soft Contact Lens Materials Using a Novel In Vitro Eye Model
2018;44(Suppl 2):S11-S18
[ Show Abstract ]
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the location of fluorescently labeled lysozyme on commercial contact lenses (CLs) using an in vitro eye model that simulates tear volume, tear flow, air exposure, and mechanical wear.
METHODS: One commercially available conventional hydrogel CL material (etafilcon A) and three silicone hydrogel CL materials (balafilcon A, lotrafilcon B, and senofilcon A) were evaluated in this study. The CLs were mounted on the in vitro eye model and exposed to artificial tear fluid containing fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled lysozyme for 2 and 10 hrs. After these short incubation periods, circular discs were punched from the CLs at the center and periphery and were prepared for confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The CLSM captured a series of consecutive images spaced 5 μm apart, and the resulting images were rendered into two dimensional cross-sectional views of the CL. The mean fluorescence at each 5 μm slice was used to generate a histogram depicting the penetration of FITC-lysozyme into CLs.
RESULTS: For both incubation periods, the CLSM images and histogram of etafilcon A showed that FITC-lysozyme is more concentrated at the lens surface, with a moderate amount of deposition in the lens matrix. For balafilcon A, FITC-lysozyme was evenly distributed throughout the lens. For lotrafilcon B, there was a greater amount of FITC-lysozyme deposition on the surfaces of the lens versus the matrix. Senofilcon A had differential FITC-lysozyme distribution profiles depending on the location of the lens. At the lens periphery, FITC-lysozyme primarily deposited on the surface, whereas FITC-lysozyme was uniformly distributed at the center of the lens.
CONCLUSIONS: With the use of a sophisticated in vitro eye model, the study revealed a complex deposition pattern of FITC-labeled lysozyme on various CL materials after short periods of exposure. An understanding of the early deposition pattern of lysozyme on different CL material may elucidate new insights into the processes behind CL discomfort.
Walther,H., Phan,C. -M., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Differential deposition of fluorescently tagged cholesterol on commercial contact lenses using a novel in vitro eye model
Translational Vision Science and Technology 2018;7(2):18
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Purpose: We evaluate the differences in lipid uptake and penetration in daily disposable (DD) contact lenses (CL) using a conventional “in-vial” method compared to a novel in vitro eye model. Methods: The penetration of fluorescently labelled 22-(N-(7-Nitrobenz-2-Oxa-1,3- Diazol-4-yl)Amino)-23,24-Bisnor-5-Cholen-3beta-Ol (NBD)–cholesterol on three silicone hydrogel (SH) and four conventional hydrogel (CH) DD CLs were investigated. CLs were incubated for 4 and 12 hours in a vial, containing 3.5 mL artificial tear solution (ATS), or were mounted on an in vitro eye-blink platform designed to simulate physiologic tear flow (2 mL/24 hours), tear volume and “simulated” blinking. Subsequently, CLs were analyzed using laser scanning confocal microscopy and ImageJ. Results: Penetration depth and fluorescence intensities of NBD-cholesterol varied between the incubation methods as well as lens materials. Using the traditional vial incubation method, NBD-cholesterol uptake occurred equally on both sides of all lens materials. However, using our eye-blink model, cholesterol penetration was observed primarily on the anterior surface of the CLs. In general, SH lenses showed higher intensities of NBD-cholesterol than CH materials. Conclusions: The traditional “in-vial” incubation method exposes the CLs to an excessively high amount of ATS, which results in an overestimation for cholesterol deposition. Our model, which incorporates important ocular factors, such as intermittent air exposure, small tear volume, and physiological tear flow between blinks, provides a more natural environment for in vitro lens incubation. Translational Relevance: In vitro measurements of CLs are a common approach to predict their interactions and performance on the eye. Traditional methods, however, are rudimentary. Therefore, this study presents a novel in vitro model to evaluate CLs, which consequently will enhance elucidations of the interactions between CLs and the eye.
Wong,S., Murphy,P.J., Jones,L.
Tear evaporation rates: What does the literature tell us?
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2018;41(3):297-306
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Purpose: A previous literature review reported tear evaporation rates (TERs) from studies conducted on rabbits and humans between 1941 and 2003. Closer examination of the presented data revealed inaccuracies in the reporting of some values. This paper presents updated tables of TERs using values from the original papers cited in the review, in addition to incorporating new studies published between 2003 and 2016. Methods: A copy of each paper cited in the literature review was obtained and checked against the evaporation rate reported in the review. If the expected value could not be found in the cited paper, other papers by the same author were consulted to see if the value had been reported elsewhere. A PubMed and Scopus database search was conducted to find papers published on tear evaporimetry since 2003. Results: Two new tables of TERs were created, based on the values reported by the original author. To aid in interpretation, the majority of results are expressed in units of x 10−7 g/cm2/sec. Where it was not possible to convert these values, some values are expressed as x 10−7 g/sec, x 10−7 g/sec/eye or W/min. Conclusions: Two new tables of TERs have been compiled to provide an accurate representation of the values reported in the original papers. These tables can be used as a point of reference for other researchers to compare their results.
Woods,J., Varikooty,J., Fonn,D., Jones,L.
A novel scale for describing corneal staining
Clinical Ophthalmology 2018;12:2369-2375
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The assessment of corneal staining is a commonly conducted procedure in both clinical practice and as part of various research studies. Different grading scales are employed by many clinicians and researchers to undertake this procedure for corneal staining comparisons between eyes, products and over time. This paper describes the development and use of a grading scale for corneal staining undertaken at an academic research site. The scale involves assessment of three factors across five corneal zones: type, area and depth. Staining type and area are graded on a 0–100 scale, and depth is graded on a 0–4 scale. These factors can be combined to create a three- or two-factor staining grade, or the factors may be reported individually. An additional benefit of this scale is that the staining scores may be reported by zone as “zone staining scores” or the scores of zones may be combined to provide an overall corneal “global staining score”.
Yang,M., Luensmann,D., Fonn,D., Woods,J., Jones,D., Gordon,K., Jones,L.
Myopia prevalence in Canadian school children: A pilot study
Eye 2018;32(6):1042-1047
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Purpose: A pilot study to determine the prevalence of myopia, proportion of uncorrected myopia and pertinent environmental factors among children in a suburban region in Canada. Methods: Refraction with cycloplegia and ocular biometry were measured in children of two age groups. Myopia was considered at a spherical equivalent refraction (SER) ≤-0.50 D in at least one eye. Parents completed a questionnaire that captured the child's daily activities. Results: A total of 166 children completed the study (83 aged 6-8 and 83 aged 11-13). Myopia prevalence was 17.5% among the overall group, 6.0% among ages 6-8 and 28.9% among ages 11-13. Mean subjective SER in myopic children was -1.10 D (95% confidence interval (CI), -0.34 to -1.86 D) at ages 6-8 and -2.44 D (95% CI, -1.71 to -3.18 D) at ages 11-13. In this study, 34.5% of the myopic children were uncorrected, which represented 6.0% of the entire group of children. Mean axial length (AL) increased by 1.03 mm from ages 6-8 (mean 22.62 mm; 95% CI, 22.45 to 22.79 mm) to ages 11-13 (mean 23.65 mm; 95% CI, 23.45 to 23.84 mm; p < 0.01). The correlation coefficient between AL and SER was -0.618 (p < 0.01). Binary logistic regression between outdoor time and the prevalence of myopia showed that one additional hour of outdoor time per week lowered the odds of a child having myopia by 14.3% (p = 0.007). Conclusion: Myopia prevalence increased from 6% at ages 6-8 to 29% at ages 11-13. Thirty-five per cent of the myopes in this study were uncorrected. More time outdoors may be beneficial to protect against myopia onset.
Craig,J. P., Nelson,J. D., Azar,D. T., Belmonte,C., Bron,A. J., Chauhan,S. K., de Paiva,C. S., Gomes,J. A. P., Hammitt,K. M., Jones,L., Nichols,J. J., Nichols,K. K., Novack,G. D., Stapleton,F. J., Willcox,M. D. P., Wolffsohn,J. S., Sullivan,D. A.
TFOS DEWS II Report Executive Summary
Ocular Surface 2017;15(4):802-812
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This article presents an Executive Summary of the conclusions and recommendations of the 10-chapter TFOS DEWS II report. The entire TFOS DEWS II report was published in the July 2017 issue of The Ocular Surface. A downloadable version of the document and additional material, including videos of diagnostic and management techniques, are available on the TFOS website: www.TearFilm.org.
Craig,J. P., Nelson,J. D., Azar,D. T., Belmonte,C., Bron,A. J., Chauhan,S. K., de Paiva,C. S., Gomes,J. A. P., Hammitt,K. M., Jones,L., Nichols,J. J., Nichols,K. K., Novack,G. D., Stapleton,F. J., Willcox,M. D. P., Wolffsohn,J. S., Sullivan,D. A.
TFOS DEWS II Report Executive Summary
Ocular Surface 2017;15(4):802-812
[ Show Abstract ]
This article presents an Executive Summary of the conclusions and recommendations of the 10-chapter TFOS DEWS II report. The entire TFOS DEWS II report was published in the July 2017 issue of The Ocular Surface. A downloadable version of the document and additional material, including videos of diagnostic and management techniques, are available on the TFOS website: www.TearFilm.org.
Hall,B., Forrest,J. A., Jones,L.
A Review of Techniques to Measure Protein Sorption to Soft Contact Lenses
Eye and Contact Lens 2017;43(5):276-286
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Purpose: To compare and critically evaluate a variety of techniques to measure the quantity and biological activity of protein sorption to contact lenses over short time periods. Methods: A literature review was undertaken investigating the major techniques to measure protein sorption to soft contact lens materials, with specific reference to measuring protein directly on lenses using in situ, ex situ, protein structural, and biological activity techniques. Results: The use of in situ techniques to measure protein quantity provides excellent sensitivity, but many are not directly applicable to contact lenses. Many ex situ techniques struggle to measure all sorbed proteins, and these measurements can have significant signal interference from the lens materials themselves. Techniques measuring the secondary and tertiary structures of sorbed proteins have exhibited only limited success. Conclusions: There are a wide variety of techniques to measure both the amount of protein and the biological activity of protein sorbed to soft contact lens materials. To measure the mass of protein sorbed to soft contact lenses (not just thin films) over short time periods, the method of choice should be I 125 radiolabeling. This technique is sensitive enough to measure small amounts of deposited protein, provided steps are taken to limit and measure any interaction of the iodine tracer with the materials. To measure the protein activity over short time periods, the method of choice should be to measure the biological function of sorbed proteins. This may require new methods or adaptations of existing ones. © 2017 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists.
Heynen,M., Babaei Omali,N., Fadli,Z., Coles-Brennan,C., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Selectivity and localization of lysozyme uptake in contemporary hydrogel contact lens materials
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2017;28(13):1351-1364
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the early and selective uptake of lysozyme and the location of deposited lysozyme on contemporary hydrogel contact lens (CL) materials after exposure to an artificial tear solution (ATS) for 16 h. Seven different hydrogel CL materials [polymacon, omafilcon A, nelfilcon A, nesofilcon A, ocufilcon B, etafilcon A (Acuvue Moist), and etafilcon A (Acuvue Define)] were incubated in an ATS for various times. Total protein deposition was determined using a modified Bradford technique. Lysozyme, lactoferrin, and albumin deposition on CLs were determined using 125I-radiolabeling method. A confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) technique was utilized to map the location of lysozyme uptake in an asymmetric environment. All lens materials had significant amounts of lysozyme after 1 min of exposure to ATS. After 16 h of incubation, higher levels of total protein deposited on the two etafilcon A-based lenses (Moist and Define), followed by ocufilcon B and both were significantly higher than all other CLs tested (p = 0.0001). The two etafilcon A materials (Moist and Define) also deposited the highest amounts of lysozyme (514.8 ± 28.4 and 527.1 ± 14.7 µg/lens respectively) when compared to other test CLs (p = 0.0001). The CLSM technique revealed that the non-ionic CLs tended to have symmetric distribution of lysozyme throughout the lens materials, while the ionic CLs had an asymmetric distribution, with the highest concentration of lysozyme on and near the exposed surface. The quantity and nature of proteins deposited on CLs varies, depending upon the chemical composition of the material. Among the various lenses tested, etafilcon A deposited the highest amount of total protein, most of it represented by lysozyme, which was largely located near the surface of the lens. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Hui,A., Bajgrowicz-Cieslak,M., Phan,C. -M, Jones,L.
In vitro release of two anti-muscarinic drugs from soft contact lenses
Clinical Ophthalmology 2017;11:1657-1665
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the release of the anti-myopia drugs atropine sulfate and pirenzepine dihydrochloride from commercially available soft contact lenses. Standard ultraviolet (UV) absorbance-concentration curves were generated for atropine and pirenzepine. Ten commercially available contact lenses, including four multifocal lenses, were loaded by soaking in atropine or pirenzepine solutions at two different concentrations (10 mg/mL and 1 mg/mL). The release of the drugs into phosphate-buffered saline was determined over the course of 24hours at 34°C using UV absorbance. Materials with surface charge released the greatest amount of atropine when loaded with either concentration when compared to the other lens types (p<0.05), releasing upward of 1.026±0.035mg/lens and 0.979±0.024mg/lens from etafilcon A and ocufilcon A, respectively. There were no significant differences in the amount of atropine or pirenzepine released from the multifocal and non-multifocal lenses made from the same lens materials. Narafilcon A material demonstrated prolonged release of up to 8 hours when loaded with pirenzepine, although the overall dose delivered from the lens into the solution was among the lowest of the materials investigated. The rest of the lenses reached a plateau within 2 hours of release, suggesting that they were unable to sustain drug release into the solution for long periods of time. Given that no single method of myopia control has yet shown itself to be completely effective in preventing myopia progression, a combination of optical and pharmaceutical devices comprising a drug delivering contact lens presents a novel solution that warrants further investigation. © 2017 Hui et al.
Jones,L., Downie,L. E., Korb,D., Benitez-del-Castillo,J. M., Dana,R., Deng,S. X., Dong,P. N., Geerling,G., Hida,R. Y., Liu,Y., Seo,K. Y., Tauber,J., Wakamatsu,T. H., Xu,J., Wolffsohn,J. S., Craig,J. P.
TFOS DEWS II Management and Therapy Report
Ocular Surface 2017;15(3):575-628
[ Show Abstract ]
The members of the Management and Therapy Subcommittee undertook an evidence-based review of current dry eye therapies and management options. Management options reviewed in detail included treatments for tear insufficiency and lid abnormalities, as well as anti-inflammatory medications, surgical approaches, dietary modifications, environmental considerations and complementary therapies. Following this extensive review it became clear that many of the treatments available for the management of dry eye disease lack the necessary Level 1 evidence to support their recommendation, often due to a lack of appropriate masking, randomization or controls and in some cases due to issues with selection bias or inadequate sample size. Reflecting on all available evidence, a staged management algorithm was derived that presents a step-wise approach to implementing the various management and therapeutic options according to disease severity. While this exercise indicated that differentiating between aqueous-deficient and evaporative dry eye disease was critical in selecting the most appropriate management strategy, it also highlighted challenges, based on the limited evidence currently available, in predicting relative benefits of specific management options, in managing the two dry eye disease subtypes. Further evidence is required to support the introduction, and continued use, of many of the treatment options currently available to manage dry eye disease, as well as to inform appropriate treatment starting points and understand treatment specificity in relation to dry eye disease subtype.
Nelson,J. D., Craig,J. P., Akpek,E. K., Azar,D. T., Belmonte,C., Bron,A. J., Clayton,J. A., Dogru,M., Dua,H. S., Foulks,G. N., Gomes,J. A. P., Hammitt,K. M., Holopainen,J., Jones,L., Joo,C. -K, Liu,Z., Nichols,J. J., Nichols,K. K., Novack,G. D., Sangwan,V., Stapleton,F., Tomlinson,A., Tsubota,K., Willcox,M. D. P., Wolffsohn,J. S., Sullivan,D. A.
TFOS DEWS II Introduction
Ocular Surface 2017;15(3):269-275
Ngo,W., Srinivasan,S., Houtman,D., Jones,L.
The relief of dry eye signs and symptoms using a combination of lubricants, lid hygiene and ocular nutraceuticals
Journal of Optometry 2017;10(1):26-33
[ Show Abstract ]
Purpose To determine the combined effect of TheraTears® Lubricant Eye Drops, TheraTears® SteriLid Eyelid Cleanser, and TheraTears® Nutrition on dry eye signs and symptoms. Methods This prospective study enrolled 28 dry eye participants. Participants were instructed to use the Lubricant Eye Drops at least 2–4× a day, SteriLid 1–2× a day, and Nutrition 3 gel caps once a day. Participants were followed up at baseline, 1 month and 3 months. Outcome variables were the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), Symptom Assessment iN Dry Eye (SANDE) questionnaire, non-invasive tear break-up time (NIBUT), osmolarity, number of meibomian glands blocked (#MG blocked), meibum quality, eyelid margin features, Schirmer's test, tear film lipid layer thickness (LLT), meniscus height, corneal and conjunctival staining. Results Twenty participants (mean age = 43, from 23 to 66, 17F, 3M) completed the study. Participants reported having used, on average, the Lubricant Eye Drop 2.4×/day, the SteriLid 1.1×/day, and the Nutrition 3 gel caps 1×/day. There was a significant change over time (p < 0.05) for OSDI (-21.2 points), SANDE (-32.4 points), NIBUT (+0.43 s), eyelid margin features (-1.1 grade), meibum quality (-1.0 grade), and #MG blocked (-4.0 glands). Conclusion By using a combination of TheraTears® Lubricant Eye Drop, SteriLid, and Nutrition, patients experience significant relief in both dry eye symptoms and signs. © 2016 Spanish General Council of Optometry
Ngo,W., Srinivasan,S., Keech,A., Keir,N., Jones,L.
Self versus examiner administration of the Ocular Surface Disease Index©
Journal of Optometry 2017;10(1):34-42
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Purpose To compare the difference in Ocular Surface Disease Index© (OSDI) scores when participants were given the OSDI to complete on their own (self-guided, SG), versus under the guidance of the examiner (examiner-guided, EG). Methods 100 participants enrolled in this prospective two-visit study (fifty under-45 years old, 38F/12M; and fifty 45 years-and-older, 42F/8M). Participants who scored =1 on the Subjective Evaluation of Symptoms of Dryness (SESoD) were included in this study. Participants completed the OSDI SG during the first visit. Participants returned the next day and repeated the OSDI, but with EG (with standardized instructions). Participants were under deception and believed that they were comparing the OSDI to the SESoD. Results The mean OSDI score of the SG and EG administration was 32.0 ± 17.3 and 33.8 ± 19.6 respectively (p > 0.05) with 95% limits of agreement between -20.6 and +24.2. The correlation between SG and EG administration was Spearman's r = 0.81, p 0.05) for both the under-45 group, and 45-and-older group. The 95% limits of agreement for the under-45 group were smaller than the 45-and-older group (under-45: [-15.5, +13.1,], 45-and-older: [-23.3, +32.2]). A significant difference was found between 8 of the 12 questions items (all p = 0.01). However, the mean difference for each was <0.6 and was not considered to be clinically significant. Conclusion There was no clinically significant difference in OSDI score between SG and EG administration, however having instructions provided with EG administration affected variability of scores in the older group more than the younger group. © 2016 Spanish General Council of Optometry
Omali,N. B., Lada,M., Lakkis,C., Morgan,P. B., Nichols,J. J., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L. W.
Lipid Deposition on Contact Lenses when Using Contemporary Care Solutions
Optometry and Vision Science 2017;94(9):919-927
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SIGNIFICANCE There remains only a small amount of data from human studies demonstrating the effect of contact lens/lens care solution combinations on the deposition of lipids. Therefore, information on the degree to which modern materials deposit lipids when used with contemporary care solutions would be valuable. PURPOSE The present study aims to determine the effect of lens care system combinations on levels of total lipid, cholesterol, and cholesteryl esters extracted from three different contact lenses (CLs) when used with four contemporary care systems. METHODS Experienced CL wearers were recruited to participate in this study. Combinations of three CLs (etafilcon A [ETA], galyfilcon A [GALY], and senofilcon A [SENO]) and four CL care solutions (Biotrue, ClearCare, OPTI-FREE PureMoist, and RevitaLens Ocutec) were investigated. A total of 791 CLs were analyzed. Subjects were randomized to one lens type and then used all four lens care solutions in random sequence for 10-14 days before the CLs were collected and analyzed for the amount of cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, and total lipids. RESULTS The mean range of cholesterol recovered across the different care solutions was 0.34-2.77 µg/lens, 3.48-4.29 µg/lens, and 4.75-6.20 µg/lens for ETA, SENO, and GALY lenses, respectively. Use of OPTI-FREE PureMoist with ETA lenses led to a significantly greater amount of cholesterol being recovered when compared to the use of the other solutions with ETA lenses (P .05). CONCLUSIONS This study did not demonstrate conclusively that any of the solution/CL combinations were superior to any of the other combinations when the amounts of lipid deposition were compared among the tested lenses. © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Omali,N. B., Subbaraman,L. N., Heynen,M., Fadli,Z., Coles-Brennan,C., Jones,L. W.
In Vitro Effect of Lysozyme on Albumin Deposition to Hydrogel Contact Lens Materials
Optometry and Vision Science 2017;94(11):1047-1051
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SIGNIFICANCE: Albumin deposition on contact lenses could be detrimental to contact lens (CL) wear because this may increase the risk of bacterial binding and reduce comfort. Lysozyme deposition on selected lens materials would reduce albumin deposition on lenses. PURPOSE: This study aims to determine if lysozyme deposition on CLs could act as a barrier against subsequent albumin adsorption, using an in vitro model. METHODS: Six hydrogel CL materials (etafilcon A, polymacon, nelfilcon A, omafilcon A, ocufilcon B, and nesofilcon A) were evaluated. Four CLs of each type were soaked in lysozyme solution for 16 hours at 37°C. Lysozyme-coated lenses were then placed in vials with 1.5 mL of artificial tear solution containing 125I-labeled albumin for 16 hours at 37°C with shaking. Four uncoated lenses of each type were used as controls. Lenses soaked in radiolabeled albumin were rinsed in a phosphate-buffered saline solution, and radioactive counts were measured directly on lenses using a gamma counter. Albumin uptake on lenses was measured using a calibration curve by plotting radioactive counts versus protein concentration. RESULTS: Results are reported as mean ± SD. Lysozyme-coated etafilcon A lenses exhibited lower levels of deposited albumin than uncoated etafilcon A lenses (58 ± 12 vs. 84 ± 5 ng/lens; P .05). Uncoated nesofilcon A lenses deposited the highest amount of albumin when compared with other uncoated lenses (P <.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that lysozyme deposited onto etafilcon A resists the deposition of albumin, which may potentially be beneficial to CL wearers. Copyright © 2017 American Academy of Optometry.
Otchere,H., Jones,L. W., Sorbara,L.
Effect of Time on Scleral Lens Settling and Change in Corneal Clearance
Optometry and Vision Science 2017;94(9):908-913
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SIGNIFICANCE With the increase in the use of scleral contact lenses among practitioners, questions regarding lens settling are gradually gaining attention. This is because current studies support the notion that scleral lenses settle back over time. More research is needed to understand the exact cause and the factors that underpin such phenomenon. PURPOSE The present study aims to assess the effect of time on topographic corneal clearance of three scleral contact lenses of varying sagittal depths. METHODS Three scleral contact lenses were fitted to 20 subjects with previous diagnosis of keratoconus (n = 18) or pellucid marginal degeneration (n = 2). The fit was based on corneal sagittal height measured with the Visante optical coherence tomographer (OCT) at 15 mm along the horizontal meridian. To select an appropriate lens from the diagnostic lens set, values of 325 μm (lens 1), 375 μm (lens 2), and 425 μm (lens 3) were randomly added in sequence to the corneal sagittal height. Subjects wore each lens for 1 hour. Corneal clearance was measured at 10-minute intervals for 1 hour using a custom ultra-long OCT. To assess change in clearance, central point and two mid-peripheral points (+3 mm and -3 mm) along an 8-mm chord were measured by taking differences at each time point up to 1 hour. Measurements were repeated for the two other lenses. RESULTS Mean central corneal clearance loss for all three lenses was 33.83 ± 48.40 μm. This was 26 ± 27 μm (13 ± 14 μm, +3 mm; 34 ± 37 μm, -3 mm), lens 1; 35 ± 59 μm (38 ± 61 μm, +3 mm; 52 ± 69 μm, -3 mm), lens 2; and 41 ± 54 μm (33 ± 26 μm, +3 mm; 52 ± 48 μm, -3 mm), lens 3, respectively. There was no significant difference (P = 0.06) at central and other locations for lens 1 (location and over time). There were significant differences for both lenses 2 and 3 (P <.001, P =.01, respectively) for all three locations and over time. CONCLUSIONS There is a likelihood of clearance loss after 1 hour of lens wear. This varies between subjects, initial lens-fit relationship, and over time.
Regmi,S. C., Samsom,M. L., Heynen,M. L., Jay,G. D., Sullivan,B. D., Srinivasan,S., Caffery,B., Jones,L., Schmidt,T. A.
Degradation of proteoglycan 4/lubricin by cathepsin S: Potential mechanism for diminished ocular surface lubrication in Sjögren's syndrome
Experimental eye research 2017;161:1-9
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Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune disease affecting the lacrimal and salivary glands with hallmark clinical symptoms of dry eye and dry mouth. Recently, markedly increased cathepsin S (CTSS) activity has been observed in the tears of SS patients. Proteoglycan 4 (PRG4), also known as lubricin, is an effective boundary lubricant that is naturally present on the ocular surface. While PRG4 is susceptible to proteolytic digestion, the potential effect of CTSS on PRG4 remains unknown. The objective of this study was to assess the ability of CTSS to enzymatically degrade purified PRG4, and PRG4 naturally present in human tears, and alter ocular surface boundary lubricating properties. To assess the potential time course and dose-dependency of PRG4 digestion by CTSS, full-length recombinant human PRG4 (rhPRG4) was incubated at 37 °C with or without CTSS in an enzymatic digestion buffer. Digestion of PRG4 by CTSS was also examined within normal human tear samples, both with and without supplementation by rhPRG4. Finally, digestion of endogenous PRG4 by CTSS, and the effect of a CTSS inhibitor, was examined in SS tears on Schirmer strips. Digestion products were separated on 3–8% SDS-PAGE and visualized by protein staining and western blotting. The boundary lubricating ability of rhPRG4 samples was assessed using an in vitro human eyelid-cornea friction test. Finally, SDS-PAGE protein stain bands resulting from rhPRG4 digestion were submitted for tandem mass spectrometry analysis to confirm their identity as PRG4 and identify non-tryptic cleavage sites. CTSS digested rhPRG4 in a time and dose dependent manner. CTSS digestion of rhPRG4 at 1% (where % is the mass ratio of CTSS to rhPRG4) resulted in a time dependent decrease in the full-length, ~460 kDa, monomeric rhPRG4 band, and an appearance of lower MW fragments. After 20 h, no full-length rhPRG4 was observed. Furthermore, with an increased relative enzyme concentration of 3%, no protein bands were observed after 2 h, indicating complete digestion of rhPRG4. Western blotting demonstrated PRG4 is present in normal human tears, and that rhPRG4, tears, and tears supplemented with rhPRG4 incubated with 3–9% CTSS demonstrated decreased intensity of high MW PRG4 bands, indicative of partial degradation by CTSS. Similarly, western blotting of PRG4 in SS tears incubated with CTSS demonstrated decreased intensity of high MW PRG4 bands, which was reversed in the presence of the CTSS inhibitor. CTSS treatment of rhPRG4 resulted in an increased friction coefficient, compared to untreated controls. Lastly, the lower MW bands were confirmed to be PRG4 fragments by tandem mass spectrometry, and 6 non-tryptic cleavage sites were identified. rhPRG4 is susceptible to proteolytic digestion by CTSS, both alone and in human tears, which results in diminished ocular surface boundary lubricating ability. Moreover, endogenous PRG4 is susceptible to proteolytic digestion by CTSS, both in normal and SS tears. Given the elevated activity of CTSS in SS tears, and the role intact PRG4 plays in ocular surface health and lubrication, degradation of PRG4 by CTSS is a potential mechanism for diminished ocular surface lubrication in SS. Collectively these results suggest that tear supplementation of PRG4 may be beneficial for SS patients. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
Stapleton,F., Alves,M., Bunya,V. Y., Jalbert,I., Lekhanont,K., Malet,F., Na,K. -S, Schaumberg,D., Uchino,M., Vehof,J., Viso,E., Vitale,S., Jones,L.
TFOS DEWS II Epidemiology Report
Ocular Surface 2017;15(3):334-365
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The subcommittee reviewed the prevalence, incidence, risk factors, natural history, morbidity and questionnaires reported in epidemiological studies of dry eye disease (DED). A meta-analysis of published prevalence data estimated the impact of age and sex. Global mapping of prevalence was undertaken. The prevalence of DED ranged from 5 to 50%. The prevalence of signs was higher and more variable than symptoms. There were limited prevalence studies in youth and in populations south of the equator. The meta-analysis confirmed that prevalence increases with age, however signs showed a greater increase per decade than symptoms. Women have a higher prevalence of DED than men, although differences become significant only with age. Risk factors were categorized as modifiable/non-modifiable, and as consistent, probable or inconclusive. Asian ethnicity was a mostly consistent risk factor. The economic burden and impact of DED on vision, quality of life, work productivity, psychological and physical impact of pain, are considerable, particularly costs due to reduced work productivity. Questionnaires used to evaluate DED vary in their utility. Future research should establish the prevalence of disease of varying severity, the incidence in different populations and potential risk factors such as youth and digital device usage. Geospatial mapping might elucidate the impact of climate, environment and socioeconomic factors. Given the limited study of the natural history of treated and untreated DED, this remains an important area for future research.
Willcox,M. D. P., Argüeso,P., Georgiev,G. A., Holopainen,J. M., Laurie,G. W., Millar,T. J., Papas,E. B., Rolland,J. P., Schmidt,T. A., Stahl,U., Suarez,T., Subbaraman,L. N., Uçakhan,O. Ö., Jones,L.
TFOS DEWS II Tear Film Report
Ocular Surface 2017;15(3):366-403
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The members of the Tear Film Subcommittee reviewed the role of the tear film in dry eye disease (DED). The Subcommittee reviewed biophysical and biochemical aspects of tears and how these change in DED. Clinically, DED is characterized by loss of tear volume, more rapid breakup of the tear film and increased evaporation of tears from the ocular surface. The tear film is composed of many substances including lipids, proteins, mucins and electrolytes. All of these contribute to the integrity of the tear film but exactly how they interact is still an area of active research. Tear film osmolarity increases in DED. Changes to other components such as proteins and mucins can be used as biomarkers for DED. The Subcommittee recommended areas for future research to advance our understanding of the tear film and how this changes with DED. The final report was written after review by all Subcommittee members and the entire TFOS DEWS II membership.
Wolffsohn,J. S., Arita,R., Chalmers,R., Djalilian,A., Dogru,M., Dumbleton,K., Gupta,P. K., Karpecki,P., Lazreg,S., Pult,H., Sullivan,B. D., Tomlinson,A., Tong,L., Villani,E., Yoon,K. C., Jones,L., Craig,J. P.
TFOS DEWS II Diagnostic Methodology report
Ocular Surface 2017;15(3):539-574
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The role of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) Dry Eye Workshop (DEWS) II Diagnostic Methodology Subcommittee was 1) to identify tests used to diagnose and monitor dry eye disease (DED), 2) to identify those most appropriate to fulfil the definition of DED and its sub-classifications, 3) to propose the most appropriate order and technique to conduct these tests in a clinical setting, and 4) to provide a differential diagnosis for DED and distinguish conditions where DED is a comorbidity. Prior to diagnosis, it is important to exclude conditions that can mimic DED with the aid of triaging questions. Symptom screening with the DEQ-5 or OSDI confirms that a patient might have DED and triggers the conduct of diagnostic tests of (ideally non-invasive) breakup time, osmolarity and ocular surface staining with fluorescein and lissamine green (observing the cornea, conjunctiva and eyelid margin). Meibomian gland dysfunction, lipid thickness/dynamics and tear volume assessment and their severity allow sub-classification of DED (as predominantly evaporative or aqueous deficient) which informs the management of DED. Videos of these diagnostic and sub-classification techniques are available on the TFOS website. It is envisaged that the identification of the key tests to diagnose and monitor DED and its sub-classifications will inform future epidemiological studies and management clinical trials, improving comparability, and enabling identification of the sub-classification of DED in which different management strategies are most efficacious.
Berntsen,D. A., Hickson-Curran,S. B., Jones,L. W., Mathew,J. H., Maldonado-Codina,C., Morgan,P. B., Schulze,M. M., Nichols,J. J.
Subjective comfort and physiology with modern contact lens care products
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(8):809-819
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Purpose. To compare subjective comfort and ocular physiology with three multipurpose solutions (MPSs) to that of a peroxide-based system with three different soft contact lens materials. Methods. Habitual soft contact lens wearers (n = 236) were enrolled at three sites and completed a washout period with no contact lens solution for =4 days. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three lens types: etafilcon A, galyfilcon A, or senofilcon A. A new lens of the assigned type was worn for 10 to 14 days each while using one of four care solutions, in random order (A - polyaminopropyl biguanide + polyquaternium, B - POLYQUAD + Aldox, C - alexidine + polyquaternium-1, and D - hydrogen peroxide) with a washout period (=4 days) between each solution. After each care solution, biomicroscopy was performed and subjective comfort was assessed using the Contact Lens User Experience (CLUE) questionnaire and other instruments including comfortable wear time (CWT). Linear mixed models were used for analysis. Comfort and biomicroscopy signs with each MPS were compared to that of the peroxide solution. Results. Subjective CLUE Comfort score across all lens types with each MPS was not significantly different than with the peroxide solution (p = 0.98). There were no differences in CWT between each MPS and the peroxide solution for any lens type (range of differences: -0.8 to 0.8 h; all p = 0.13). Six MPS/material combinations had no clinically meaningful change in corneal staining versus peroxide (<0.5 units); three combinations could increase staining by up to 0.57 units. Staining was <grade 1 for all combinations. Conclusions. Comparable levels of comfort were found between the latest generation of MPSs compared to peroxide disinfection. Three MPS/material combinations tested could result in increased corneal staining of up to 0.57 units versus a peroxide solution. Overall, these data suggest the care systems investigated are generally appropriate for usewith the contact lenses tested. © Copyright 2016 American Academy of Optometry.
Caffery,B., Dogru,M., Jones,L. W., Lin,M. C., Nichols,J. J., Papas,E., Pucker,A., Pult,H., Willcox,M. D. P.
Contact lens comfort
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(8):790-792
Cox,S. M., Berntsen,D. A., Chatterjee,N., Hickson-Curran,S. B., Jones,L. W., Moezzi,A. M., Morgan,P. B., Nichols,J. J.
Eyelid margin and meibomian gland characteristics and symptoms in lens wearers
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(8):901-908
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Purpose. To describe the lid margin characteristics of contact lens wearers and relate them to comfort during lens wear. Methods. Three study sites enrolled habitual contact lens wearers. Subjects completed the Comfort domain of the Contact Lens User Experience (CLUE) questionnaire, and each eye was graded for the presence of mucocutaneous junction (MCJ) displacement, lid margin irregularity, and lid margin vascularity. Examiners counted the number of meibomian gland (MG) orifices in the central centimeter of the lower eyelid and the number of those that showed pouting/plugging and vascular invasion. MG expressibility was graded according to the Shimazaki schema. Subjects were grouped based on presence/ absence of each characteristic, total number of orifices (=5 vs. 0). Descriptive statistics are reported. A linear model was used to assess the fixed effect of each characteristic on combined CLUE score and each CLUE statement, if the effect on combined CLUE score showed p < 0.10. Results. The study included 203 subjects (67.5% female) with mean age (±SD) of 30.3 ± 9.6 years. The most commonly observed characteristics were orifice pouting/plugging, compromised MG expressibility, and lid margin vascularity (35.0, 30.3, and 20.4%, respectively). MCJ displacement and MG expressibility had an effect on the combined CLUE score such that individual CLUE statements were analyzed (p = 0.01 and p = 0.06, respectively). MCJ displacement had an effect on comfort upon insertion (p = 0.01), comfort after 5 minutes (p = 0.03), end-of-day comfort (p = 0.01), and ability to maintain ocular moisture (p = 0.030). MG expressibility had a significant effect on general comfort (p = 0.01), comfort throughout the day (p = 0.02), and the ability to maintain ocular moisture (p = 0.02). Conclusions. MCJ displacement and MG expressibility have an effect on contact lens comfort. © Copyright 2016 American Academy of Optometry.
Dantam,J., McCanna,D. J., Subbaraman,L. N., Papinski,D., Lakkis,C., Mirza,A., Berntsen,D. A., Morgan,P., Nichols,J. J., Jones,L. W.
Microbial contamination of contact lens storage cases during daily wear use
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(8):925-932
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Purpose. To evaluate contact lens (CL) storage case contamination when used with four different CL care solutions during daily wear of three different CL materials. Methods. A parallel, prospective, bilateral, randomized clinical trial (n = 38) was conducted. Subjects were randomly assigned to use one of three CL materials (etafilcon A, senofilcon A, or galyfilcon A) on a daily wear basis. Subsequently, each subject randomly used one of four different CL care solutions (Biotrue, OPTI-FREE PureMoist, RevitaLens OcuTec, and CLEAR CARE) for 2 weeks, along with their respective storage cases. After every 2-week period, their storage cases were collected and the right and left wells of each storage case were randomized for two procedures: (1) microbial enumeration by swabbing the storage case surface and (2) evaluation of biofilm formation (multipurpose solution cases only) using a crystal violet staining assay. Results. More than 80% of storage cases were contaminated when used in conjunction with the four CL care solutions, irrespective of the CL material worn. Storage cases maintained with CLEAR CARE (mean Log colony forming units (CFU)/ well ± SD, 2.0 ± 1.0) revealed significantly (p < 0.001) greater levels of contamination, compared to those maintained with Biotrue (1.3 ± 0.8) and RevitaLens OcuTec (1.2 ± 0.8). Predominantly, storage cases were contaminated with Gram-positive bacteria (= 80%). There were significant differences (p = 0.013) for the levels of Gram-negative bacteria recovered from the storage cases maintained with different CL care solutions. Storage cases maintained withOPTI-FREE PureMoist (0.526 ± 0.629) showed significantly higher biofilm formation (p = 0.028) compared to those maintained with Biotrue (0.263 ± 0.197). Conclusions. Levels of contamination ranged from 0 to 6.4 Log CFU/storage case well, which varied significantly (p < 0.001) between different CL care solutions, and storage case contamination was not modulated by CL materials. © Copyright 2016 American Academy of Optometry.
Hall,B., Heynen,M., Jones,L. W., Forrest,J. A.
Analysis of Using I125 Radiolabeling for Quantifying Protein on Contact Lenses
Current eye research 2016;41(4):456-465
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Purpose: To investigate the accuracy of I125 radiolabeling to quantitatively determine the deposition of protein onto various commercially available contact lens (CL) materials. Methods: Commercially available silicone hydrogel and conventional hydrogel CL materials were examined for times ranging from 10 s to 1 week. Adsorption of free I125 was measured directly for the CL. The use of dialyzing labeled proteins and/or using NaI to compete with free I125 uptake was investigated as ways to minimize effects due to free I125. Results: At all time points and with all lens materials, there was 0.3 µg/lens or greater of apparent mass attributable to free I125 uptake. Dialyzing labeled proteins significantly reduced free I125 uptake for all materials investigated. The benefit of using dialyzed protein was most prominent at shorter times, as free I125 is continuously generated over time. Using NaI can reduce free I125 uptake for some lens materials, but this is shown to directly affect protein deposition on some materials. Conclusions: Periodic replenishment of incubation solutions with freshly dialyzed labeled protein to limit free I125 generation is recommended, but the incorporation of NaI onto the buffer solution is not. Irrespective of the exact procedure to limit free I125 uptake, extra steps must be performed to quantify the amount of I125 adsorbed onto contact lens materials, to determine thresholds of confidence with respect to the actual protein deposition that occurs.
Jones,D., Woods,C., Jones,L., Efron,N., Morgan,P.
A sixteen year survey of Canadian contact lens prescribing
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2016;39(6):402-410
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Purpose To understand long-term contact lens prescribing habits of Canadian optometrists. Methods One thousand optometrists were surveyed annually from 2000 to 2015. Information was requested on the first ten patients examined after receiving the survey. Results Over the 16-year survey period, 1987 optometrists provided information on 19,143 patients. Mean age of the patients was 32.7 ± 14.4 years. Ratio of females to males was 2:1, the ratio of new fits to refits was 2:3. Soft contact lenses represented 94.5% of all fits. Rigid lenses were more often used as a refit compared to a new fit. Over the 16 years, market share for silicone hydrogel materials grew from 0% to 69.6%, mid-water content materials declined from 75.7% to 14.1%. The multifocal market share grew at the expense of spherical designs, with no change in toric lens fitting. Monthly soft lens replacement remained the preferred option at 48.2%, followed by daily disposable at 40.8%; two-weekly replacement declined to less than10% of patients by 2015. Extended wear was likely used to refit and only to a small proportion of wearers, representing 2.6% of SCL by 2015. The lens care system of choice throughout the period was multipurpose solutions, although the proportion for peroxide systems more than doubled by 2015 from 9.6%, to 21.1%. Conclusions Over the 16-year period, SCL material preference changed to silicone hydrogels with monthly replacement being preferred; daily disposables replacing 2-weekly as the alternate. Lens care preference continued to be multipurpose solutions. Rigid lenses appear to be sustained for specialist fitting. © 2016 British Contact Lens Association
Jones,L. W., Byrne,M., Ciolino,J. B., Legerton,J., Markoulli,M., Papas,E., Subbaraman,L.
Revolutionary future uses of contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(4):325-327
Jones,L., Chauhan,A.,DiGirolamo,N., Sheedy,J., Smith III,E.
Expert views on innovative future uses for contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(4):328-35
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Over the past 10 to 15 years, the availability of new materials and technologies has resulted in revolutionary concepts for contact lenses being proposed that go well beyond correcting vision. These novel uses include their prescribing to deliver topical ocular and systemic drugs, assist with ocular surface disease management, and limit the progression of myopia and novel methods to display visual information. How likely are these concepts to become commercially available, how successful will they be, and what are the potential issues to consider for them to come to market? To answer these questions, a panel of four experts were invited to discuss the benefits and pitfalls of these technologies and what challenges lay ahead of these concepts before their availability. Their responses provide a fascinating insight for the clinician into the likelihood of such revolutionary contact lenses being available in a clinical setting.
Liu,L. Y., Seo,J., McCanna,D. J., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L. W.
Assessment of biofilm formation of E. meningoseptica, D. acidovorans, and S. maltophilia in lens cases and their growth on recovery media
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2016;39(2):117-123
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Purpose: Bacterial biofilm formation in contact lens cases is a risk factor in the development of both microbial and infiltrative keratitis. This investigation evaluated three emerging pathogens: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, and Delftia acidovorans for biofilm formation and metabolic activity in lens cases. Also, growth of these bacteria on different media was assessed to optimize recovery conditions. Methods: The three bacteria were incubated in lens cases with different concentrations of tryptic soy broth. Biofilm formation was evaluated by measuring metabolic activity using MTT and enumerating the number of viable bacteria. To determine the optimal recovery media, dilutions of these microorganisms were plated on six different media. The number of colony forming units (CFU) was recorded after 48, 72, and 96 h of incubation at 32 °C and 37 °C for S. maltophilia, and at 37 °C for E. meningoseptica and D. acidovorans. Results: All three microorganisms established biofilms in the lens cases, with significant numbers of CFU recovered. Biofilms of S. maltophilia and E. meningoseptica were metabolically active. Significant reduction in metabolic activity and number of viable S. maltophilia occurred when the incubation temperature was raised from 32 °C to 37 °C (p < 0.05). The metabolic activity of the biofilms increased with greater organic load present. The highest percent recovery for all three organisms was given by Columbia blood agar, followed by chocolate. Conclusion: Based on the results, the presence of the three emerging pathogens present in lens cases and from corneal isolates can be accurately determined if proper growth media and incubation temperatures are utilized.
Liu,S., Dozois,M. D., Chang,C. N., Ahmad,A., Ng,D. L. T., Hileeto,D., Liang,H., Reyad,M. -M, Boyd,S., Jones,L. W., Gu,F. X.
Prolonged ocular retention of mucoadhesive nanoparticle eye drop formulation enables treatment of eye diseases using significantly reduced dosage
Molecular Pharmaceutics 2016;13(9):2897-2905
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Eye diseases, such as dry eye syndrome, are commonly treated with eye drop formulations. However, eye drop formulations require frequent dosing with high drug concentrations due to poor ocular surface retention, which leads to poor patient compliance and high risks of side effects. We developed a mucoadhesive nanoparticle eye drop delivery platform to prolong the ocular retention of topical drugs, thus enabling treatment of eye diseases using reduced dosage. Using fluorescent imaging on rabbit eyes, we showed ocular retention of the fluorescent dye delivered through these nanoparticles beyond 24 h while free dyes were mostly cleared from the ocular surface within 3 h after administration. Utilizing the prolonged retention of the nanoparticles, we demonstrated effective treatment of experimentally induced dry eye in mice by delivering cyclosporin A (CsA) bound to this delivery system. The once a week dosing of 0.005 to 0.01% CsA in NP eye drop formulation demonstrated both the elimination of the inflammation signs and the recovery of ocular surface goblet cells after a month. Thrice daily administration of RESTASIS on mice only showed elimination without recovering the ocular surface goblet cells. The mucoadhesive nanoparticle eye drop platform demonstrated prolonged ocular surface retention and effective treatment of dry eye conditions with up to 50- to 100-fold reduction in overall dosage of CsA compared to RESTASIS, which may significantly reduce side effects and, by extending the interdosing interval, improve patient compliance. © 2016 American Chemical Society.
Moezzi,A. M., Varikooty,J., Schulze,M., Ngo,W., Lorenz,K. O., Boree,D., Jones,L. W.
Corneal Swelling with Cosmetic etafilcon A Lenses versus No Lens Wear
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(6):619-628
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Purpose: To determine if the use of pigments or adding polyvinyl pyrrolidone during the fabrication of 1-DAY ACUVUE DEFINE (AD) brand contact lenses impacts open-eye corneal swelling compared with no lens wear (NLW). Methods: A partial double-masked, randomized, bilateral crossover study was conducted in 24 Asian subjects using AD, 1-DAY ACUVUE DEFINE with Lacreon (ADL), NLW, and a control lens with no tint (1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST [AM]). Central corneal thickness was measured before insertion and immediately after removal after 8 ± 1 h of open-eye wear using an optical pachymeter in one eye. Corneal thickness along a 10-mm cord was measured in the contralateral eye using the Visante optical coherence tomographer (OCT). Corneal swelling was tested for noninferiority using a 5% margin. The endothelial bleb response was measured at baseline and 20 min after lens insertion using specular microscopy. Subjective grading of corneal staining and limbal/bulbar hyperemia were also monitored. Results: After 8 ± 1 h of open-eye wear, central corneal swelling across the study lenses with either optical pachymeter or OCT methods was negligible. Peripheral corneal swelling least-square mean differences with OCT were -0.03% (95% confidence interval [95% CI], -0.65 to 0.58%) and -0.26% (95% CI, -0.87 to 0.36%) between AD and ADL and the control lens (AM), respectively, and 1.67% (95% CI, 1.06 to 2.29%) and 1.45% (95% CI, 0.84 to 2.06%) between AD and ADL and NLW, respectively. No endothelial blebs were observed. No clinically significant differences were distinguished between the lenses and NLW for corneal staining and limbal/bulbar hyperemia. Conclusions: After 8 ± 1 h of open-eye wear, central and peripheral corneal swelling along the horizontal meridian with AD, ADL, AM, and NLW were equivalent. These results confirm that the addition of polyvinyl pyrrolidone or pigments to etafilcon A to obtain a limbal ring design have no impact on corneal swelling or limbal/bulbar hyperemia during normal open-eye wear.
Muntz,A., van Doorn,K., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L. W.
Impression cytology of the lid wiper area
Journal of Visualized Experiments 2016 (114):
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Few reports on the cellular anatomy of the lid wiper (LW) area of the inner eyelid exist and only one report makes use of cytological methods. The optimization of a method of collecting, staining and imaging cells from the LW region using impression cytology (IC) is described in this study. Cells are collected from the inner surface of the upper eyelid of human subjects using hydrophilic polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membranes, and stained with cytological dyes to reveal the presence of goblet cells, mucins, cell nuclei and various degrees of pre- and parakeratinization. Immunocytochemical dyes show cell esterase activity and compromised cell membranes by the use of a confocal scanning laser microscope. Up to 100 microscopic digital images are captured for each sample and stitched into a high-resolution, large scale image of the entire IC span. We demonstrate a higher sensitivity of IC than reported before, appropriate for identifying cellular morphologies and metabolic activity in the LW area. To our knowledge, this is the first time this selection of fluorescent dyes was used to image LW IC membranes. This protocol will be effective in future studies to reveal undocumented details of the LW area, such as assessing cellular particularities of contact lens wearers or patients with dry eye or lid wiper epitheliopathy. © 2016 Journal of Visualized Experiments.
Ng,A., Evans,K., North,R. V., Jones,L., Purslow,C.
Impact of Eye Cosmetics on the Eye, Adnexa, and Ocular Surface
Eye and Contact Lens 2016;42(4):211-220
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Despite the fact that cosmetic products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they are safe for human use, some users report mild discomfort following their application. The cutaneous changes, such as allergic dermatitis, are well reported, but the ocular changes associated with eye cosmetic use are less so. Some pigmented cosmetic products may accumulate within the lacrimal system and conjunctivae over many years of use, but immediate reports of eye discomfort after application are most common. Changes to the tear film and its stability may occur shortly after application, and contact lens wearers can also be affected by lens spoliation from cosmetic products. Additionally, creams used in the prevention of skin aging are often applied around the eyes, and retinoids present in these formulations can have negative effects on meibomian gland function and may be a contributing factor to dry eye disease. The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge regarding the impact of cosmetic products on the eye, ocular surface, and tear film. © 2015 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists.
Omali,N. B., Heynen,M., Subbaraman,L. N., Papinski,D., Lakkis,C., Smith,S. L., Morgan,P. B., Berntsen,D. A., Nichols,J. J., Jones,L. W.
Impact of lens care solutions on protein deposition on soft contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(8):963-972
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Purpose. To evaluate the effect of four contemporary lens care solutions on total protein, total lysozyme, and active lysozyme extracted from three contact lens materials. Methods. Adapted contact lens wearers were recruited at three sites, and all subjects were randomly assigned to daily wear of either etafilcon A, galyfilcon A, or senofilcon A for 2 weeks. Four lens care solutions (Biotrue, OPTI-FREE PureMoist, RevitaLens OcuTec, and ClearCare) were used by each subject in random order with a new pair of lenses after a washout period between solutions of at least 4 days. After 2 weeks of daily wear, contact lenses were collected for analysis. Proteins were extracted from a subset of contact lenses (n = 568) and total protein, total lysozyme, and lysozyme activity were quantified using a modified Bradford assay, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and a micrococcal assay, respectively. Results. Higher levels of total protein were extracted from etafilcon A when used with Biotrue compared to other solutions (p = 0.0001). There were higher levels of total lysozyme extracted from galyfilcon A lenses when used with PureMoist than with Biotrue or Clear Care (p < 0.006). Higher total lysozyme was extracted from senofilcon A when used with RevitaLens OcuTec compared to Biotrue (p = 0.002). Lower lysozyme activity was recovered from senofilcon A lenses with RevitaLens OcuTec when compared to all other care solutions (all p < 0.004). When Biotrue, PureMoist, or RevitaLens OcuTec were used, higher total lysozyme was extracted from galyfilcon A compared to senofilcon A(p < 0.01). When RevitaLens OcuTec was used, higher levels of active lysozyme were extracted from galyfilcon A compared to senofilcon A (p = 0.02). Conclusions. The ability of lens care solutions to remove protein from lenses varies depending upon the care solution composition and also the polymeric make-up of the contact lens material. © Copyright 2016 American Academy of Optometry.
Phan,C. -M, Bajgrowicz-Cieslak,M., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Release of Moxifloxacin from Contact Lenses Using an In Vitro Eye Model: Impact of Artificial Tear Fluid Composition and Mechanical Rubbing
Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2016;5(6):3
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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the release of moxifloxacin from a variety of daily disposable (DD) contact lenses (CLs) under various conditions using a novel in vitro eye model.
METHODS: Four commercially available DD conventional hydrogel (CH) CLs (nelfilcon A, omafilcon A, etafilcon A, and ocufilcon B) and three silicone hydrogel (SH) CLs (somofilcon A, narafilcon A, and delefilcon A) were evaluated. These lenses were incubated in moxifloxacin for 24 hours. The release of the drug was measured using a novel in vitro model in three experimental conditions: (1) phosphate buffered saline (PBS); (2) artificial tear solution (ATS) containing a variety of proteins and lipids; and (3) ATS with mechanical rubbing produced by the device.
RESULTS: Overall, CH CLs had a higher drug release than SH CLs (P < 0.05) under all conditions. Typically, a higher drug release was observed in PBS than ATS (P < 0.05). For CH, drug release was found to be higher in ATS with rubbing than PBS or ATS (P < 0.05). For most lens types, ATS with rubbing produced higher drug release than ATS alone (P < 0.05). Generally, the release kinetics for all conditions were sustained over the 24-hour testing period, and no burst release was observed (P < 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Moxifloxacin release from a CL into ATS is lower when compared to release into PBS. When mechanical rubbing is introduced, the amount of drugs released is increased.
TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that sophisticated in vitro models are necessary to adequately model on-eye drug release from CL materials.
Phan,C. -M, Bajgrowicz,M., Gao,H., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L. W.
Release of fluconazole from contact lenses using a novel in vitro eye model
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(4):387-394
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Purpose. Rapid drug release followed by a plateau phase is a common observation with drug delivery from contact lenses (CLs) when evaluated in a vial. The aim of this study was to compare the release of fluconazole from seven commercially available daily disposable CLs using a conventional vial-based method with a novel in vitro eye model. Methods. An eye model was created using two 3-dimensional printed molds, which were filled with polydimethylsiloxane to obtain an inexpensive model that would mimic the eyeball and eyelid. The model was integrated with a microfluidic syringe pump, and the flow-through was collected in a 12-well microliter plate. Four commercial daily disposable conventional hydrogels (nelfilcon A, omafilcon A, etafilcon A, ocufilcon B) and three silicone hydrogels (somofilcon A, narafilcon A, delefilcon A) were evaluated. These CLs were incubated with fluconazole for 24 h. The drug release was measured in a vial containing 4.8 mL of phosphate-buffered saline and in the polydimethylsiloxane eye model with a 4.8-mL tear flow across 24 h. Results. Overall, conventional hydrogel CLs had a higher uptake and release of fluconazole than silicone hydrogel CLs (p < 0.05). A higher drug release was observed in the vial condition compared with the eye model (p < 0.001). In the vial system, the drugs were rapidly released from the CL within the first 2 h, followed by a plateau phase. In contrast, drug release in the eye model under low tear volume was sustained and did not reach a plateau across 24 h (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Rapid drug release results from using a vial as the release system. Under low tear volume at physiological tear flow, commercial CLs can maintain a sustained drug release profile for up to 24 h. However, eyes with fungal keratitis may have increased tearing, which would significantly accelerate drug release. © 2015 American Academy of Optometry.
Phan,C. -M, Bajgrowicz,M., McCanna,D. J., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Effects of Antifungal Soaked Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses on Candida albicans in an Agar Eye Model
Eye and Contact Lens 2016;42(5):313-317
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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of two commercial silicone hydrogel contact lenses (CLs) soaked with natamycin (NA) or fluconazole (FL) on the growth of Candida albicans in an in vitro eye model. Methods: Three-D printed molds were used as a cast for making eye-shaped models comprising potato dextrose agar. Senofilcon A (SA) and lotrafilcon B (LB) CLs were incubated with either 2 mL of NA or FL at a concentration of 1 mg/mL for 24 hr. To simulate a fungal infection, the eye models were coated with C. albicans. The drug-soaked lenses were placed on top of the eye models. Seven experimental conditions were examined: (1) NA-SA, (2) NA-LB, (3) FL-SA, (4) FL-LB, (5) SA, (6) LB, and (7) control - no lens. At specified time points (t1, 8, 16, 24, 48 hr), the agar eyes from each experimental condition were removed from the incubator and photographed. The yeast cells from the 24 and 48 hr time point were also analyzed using light microscopy. Results: At 24 and 48 hr, there was considerable growth observed for all conditions except for the NA-SA and NA-LB conditions. When observed under the microscope at 24 and 48 hr, the morphology of the yeast cells in the FL-SA and SA condition were similar to that of the control (oval shaped). There was limited hyphae growth observed for LB and significant visible hyphae growth for the NA-LB group. For NA-SA, NA-LB, and FL-LB groups, the cells were significantly smaller compared with the control. Conclusions: For NA-SA and NA-LB, there was limited growth of C. albicans observed on the eye models even after 48 hr. Under the microscope, the cell morphology differ noticeably between each testing condition, and is dependent on drug-lens combinations. © 2015 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists.
Phan,C. -M, Subbaraman,L., Jones,L. W.
The use of contact lenses as biosensors
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(4):419-425
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The tear film is a complex multilayer film consisting of various proteins, enzymes, and lipids and can express a number of biomarkers in cases of disease. The development of a contact lens sensor presents a noninvasive alternative for the detection and management of various diseases. Recent work has resulted in the commercialization of a device to monitor intraocular pressure for up to 24 h, and there are extensive efforts underway to develop a contact lens sensor capable of continuous glucose tear film monitoring to manage diabetes. This clinical perspective will highlight the major developments within this field and list some of the major challenges that still need to be addressed. © 2015 American Academy of Optometry.
Phan,C. -M, Walther,H., Gao,H., Rossy,J., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Development of an in Vitro ocular platform to test contact lenses
Journal of Visualized Experiments 2016;2016(110):e53907
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Currently, in vitro evaluations of contact lenses (CLs) for drug delivery are typically performed in large volume vials,1-6 which fail to mimic physiological tear volumes.7 The traditional model also lacks the natural tear flow component and the blinking reflex, both of which are defining factors of the ocular environment. The development of a novel model is described in this study, which consists of a unique 2-piece design, eyeball and eyelid piece, capable of mimicking physiological tear volume. The models are created from 3-D printed molds (Polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon molds), which can be used to generate eye models from various polymers, such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and agar. Further modifications to the eye pieces, such as the integration of an explanted human or animal cornea or human corneal construct, will permit for more complex in vitro ocular studies. A commercial microfluidic syringe pump is integrated with the platform to emulate physiological tear secretion. Air exposure and mechanical wear are achieved using two mechanical actuators, of which one moves the eyelid piece laterally, and the other moves the eyeballeyepiece circularly. The model has been used to evaluate CLs for drug delivery and deposition of tear components on CLs.
Schulze,M. -M, Srinivasan,S., Hickson-Curran,S. B., Berntsen,D. A., Howarth,G. F., Toubouti,Y., Morgan,P., Nichols,J. J., Jones,L. W.
Lid wiper epitheliopathy in soft contact lens wearers
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(8):943-954
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Purpose. To evaluate lid wiper epitheliopathy (LWE) in soft contact lens (SCL) wearers on initial presentation and after using various SCL and solution combinations. Methods. LWE was assessed in 253 habitual SCL wearers who attended a screening visit at one of three study sites. LWE was assessed using lissamine green and sodium fluorescein dyes (Korb scale); a final LWE grade was calculated as the averaged LWE grade of the two dyes. Eligible habitual wearers continued into the four study periods, during which they wore one of three SCL types (etafilcon A, galyfilcon A, or senofilcon A) while using each of four care solutions for 10 to 14 days in randomized order. Statistical analyses were performed using linear mixed models, testing for differences in LWE for subject characteristics and between three multipurpose (MPS) test solutions (BioTrue, OPTI-FREE PureMoist, RevitaLens OcuTec) compared to a hydrogen peroxide (Clear Care) control solution. Results. LWE was present in 85% of habitual SCL wearers. LWE was not different for age (p = 0.28), sex (p = 0.99), race (p = 0.34), and comfort (p = 0.38) and not correlated with refractive error (r = 0.07). LWE was lower in habitual senofilcon A wearers (least-squares (LS) mean ± SE = 0.82 ± 0.19) compared to wearers of lotrafilcon B (1.34 ± 0.20; p < 0.02), comfilcon A (1.41 ± 0.21; p < 0.01), and other (1.18 ± 0.16; p < 0.03). Two hundred three participants completed all four study solutions with their assigned lens type; LWE was not different between the MPSs compared to the peroxide control solution across lens materials, except for less LWE for BioTrue (0.88 ± 0.17) versus Clear Care for participants wearing galyfilcon A (1.11 ± 0.18; p < 0.01). Conclusions. On initial presentation, LWE was present in 85% of habitual wearers and found to be independent of age, sex, race, comfort, and refractive error but dependent on habitual SCL type. There were no clinically meaningful differences in LWE between the MPSs and hydrogen peroxide solution for the three lens types studied. © Copyright 2016 American Academy of Optometry.
Stahl,U., Keir,N. J., Landers,A., Jones,L. W.
Effect of short recovery periods on ocular comfort during daily lens wear
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(8):861-871
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Purpose. To assess the impact of lens-free intervals of varying lengths on end-of-day comfort with soft contact lenses. Methods. Twenty-five symptomatic lens wearers participated in this randomized, cross-over study involving nine individual 12-hour days: one spectacle (no lens) and eight lens wear days. On each lens wear day, lenses were worn bilaterally in 2-hour intervals, separated by lens-free (recovery) periods of 0, 30, 60, or 80 minutes (repeated throughout the day). For each 2-hour lens wear interval, new lenses were worn. Ocular comfort was rated on a 0 to 100 visual analogue scale (0 = extremely uncomfortable); tear film and ocular parameters were assessed at the beginning and end of each study day. This study involved two different types of silicone hydrogel lenses, and the order of lens type and length of recovery period was randomized. Participants were unaware of the true study purpose and that a new lens pair was used for each lens wear interval. Results. End-of-day comfort on lens wear days was significantly worse than on the spectacle day (p 0.05). Although lens wear affected noninvasive tear film break-up time and conjunctival staining, there were no effects of recovery period length on noninvasive tear film break-up time (p > 0.05), tear meniscus height (p > 0.05), corneal staining (p > 0.05), conjunctival staining (p > 0.05), bulbar conjunctival redness (p > 0.05), or limbal redness (p > 0.05). There was no consistent effect of recovery period length on lid margin staining. Conclusions. Lens-free recovery periods during a 12-hour lens wear day did not positively impact end-of-day comfort in this study. Cumulative lens wear times ranged from 8 to 12 hours, and the results suggest that once the length of lens wear exceeds the usual comfortable wear time, there is no benefit of short recovery periods. © Copyright 2016 American Academy of Optometry.
Verma,M. S., Tsuji,J. M., Hall,B., Chen,P. Z., Forrest,J., Jones,L., Gu,F. X.
Towards point-of-care detection of polymicrobial infections: Rapid colorimetric response using a portable spectrophotometer
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 2016;1015-19
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Infectious diseases spread rapidly because current diagnostic methods are slow, expensive, and require technical expertise. Biosensors have recently been used as devices that can be deployed at the point-of-care for rapid and accurate diagnosis. Here, we show that a “chemical nose” biosensor based on gold nanoparticles can be coupled with a portable spectrophotometer to detect monomicrobial and polymicrobial solutions of pathogenic bacteria within 2 min of data collection. The design presented here exploits the rapid kinetics of gold nanoparticle aggregation around bacteria, which leads to a dramatic color change. The “chemical nose” produces unique signals based on the surface characteristics of the bacteria—such as the presence of extracellular polymeric substances, distribution of charged lipids, and localization of proteins—and hence provides a versatile platform for detection. We present a biosensor design that can easily be translated to the point-of-care because of its rapid response and simple output. © 2016 The Authors
Verma,M. S., Wei,S. -C, Rogowski,J. L., Tsuji,J. M., Chen,P. Z., Lin,C. -W, Jones,L., Gu,F. X.
Interactions between bacterial surface and nanoparticles govern the performance of "chemical nose" biosensors
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2016;83:115-125
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Rapid and portable diagnosis of pathogenic bacteria can save lives lost from infectious diseases. Biosensors based on a "chemical nose" approach are attracting interest because they are versatile but the governing interactions between bacteria and the biosensors are poorly understood. Here, we use a "chemical nose" biosensor based on gold nanoparticles to explore the role of extracellular polymeric substances in bacteria-nanoparticle interactions. We employ simulations using Maxwell-Garnett theory to show how the type and extent of aggregation of nanoparticles influence their colorimetric response to bacteria. Using eight different species of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, we demonstrate that this "chemical nose" can detect and identify bacteria over two orders of magnitude of concentration (89% accuracy). Additionally, the "chemical nose" differentiates between binary and tertiary mixtures of the three most common hospital-isolated pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (100% accuracy). We demonstrate that the complex interactions between nanoparticles and bacterial surface determine the colorimetric response of gold nanoparticles and thus, govern the performance of "chemical nose" biosensors. © 2016 Elsevier B.V.
Walther,H., Subbaraman,L., Jones,L. W.
In vitro cholesterol deposition on daily disposable contact lens materials
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(1):36-41
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Purpose. The goal of this study was to analyze how various incubation times affect the uptake of cholesterol on silicone hydrogel (SH) and conventional hydrogel (CH) daily disposable (DD) contact lens materials using an in vitro radiochemical detectionmethod. Methods. Three SH (somofilcon A, delefilcon A, and narafilcon A) and four CH (etafilcon A, nesofilcon A, ocufilcon A, and nelfilcon A) contact lenses were incubated in an artificial tear solution that contained major tear film components and a portion of radioactive 14C-cholesterol. Lenses (N = 4) were incubated for four incubation times (2, 6, 12, or 16 h) to assess the effects on cholesterol deposition. Subsequent to the incubation, the lenses were extracted using 2:1 chloroform:methanol, and the extracts were analyzed in a beta counter and (in nanograms per lens) extrapolated from standard curves. Results. In general, cholesterol deposited statistically significantly more on SH lenses than CHs (p e 0.033), with the exception of somofilcon A and nesolfilcon A materials (p = 0.067). Within the SH materials, narafilcon A accumulated the largest quantity of cholesterol (p G 0.05) and somofilcon A the lowest (p G 0.05). The uptake of cholesterol ranged from 22.63 T 2.98 ng/lens to 97.94 T 4.18 ng/lens for all lens materials. The accumulation of cholesterol was shown to be continuous throughout the 16 h of incubation, without reaching a plateau (p G 0.001). Conclusions. For the periods thatDDlens materials are worn, cholesterol deposits significantlymore ontoSHcontact lenses than CHs. This could have implications for wearers who have higher levels of lipid in their tears that are fitted with SH DD materials. Copyright © American Academy of Optometry.
Wolffsohn,J. S., Calossi,A., Cho,P., Gifford,K., Jones,L., Li,M., Lipener,C., Logan,N. S, Malet,F., Matos,S., Meijome,J. M. G., Nichols,J .J., Orr, J.B., Santodomingo-Rubido,J., Schaefer,T., Thite,N., van der Worp,E., Zvirgzdina, M.
Global trends in myopia management attitudes and strategies in clinical practice.
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2016;39(2):106-116
Woods,J., Jones,L. W.
Pilot study to determine the effect of lens and eye rinsing on Solution-Induced Corneal Staining (SICS)
Optometry and Vision Science 2016;93(10):1218-1227
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Purpose The main purpose of this study was to determine whether two interventions (rinsing the lens before lens insertion and rinsing the ocular surface post-lens removal) had any impact on solution-induced corneal staining (SICS). In addition, the presence of hyper-reflective epithelial cells in the presence of SICS was investigated. Methods Twenty subjects wore new balafilcon A lenses, which had been soaked overnight in a multipurpose care product containing polyhexamethylene biguanide for 2 hours. The study was conducted across three phases. In phase 1 (investigator and subject masked, randomized eye), one lens was rinsed with nonpreserved saline before lens insertion. In phase 2 (investigator masked, randomized eye), one eye was rinsed with nonpreserved saline after lens removal, before staining assessment. Corneal staining was recorded as the percentage area of the cornea exhibiting superficial punctate staining. In both phases, ocular comfort and presence of specific symptoms were captured. In phase 3, there was no randomized treatment; confocal images of the epithelium were obtained after 2 hours of wear. Results In phase 1 (lens-rinse), there was no significant difference in staining between the treated and untreated eyes (84 vs. 92%, respectively; p = 0.06). In phase 2 (eye-rinse), there was also no significant difference between the treated and untreated eye (86 vs. 86%, p = 0.92). Most subjects were asymptomatic. In phase 3, images of hyper-reflective cells were captured in 97% of the eyes imaged. Conclusions The two rinsing procedures did not affect the level of the SICS response. Hyper-reflective epithelial cells were found to be present in a significant number of eyes exhibiting SICS, and their presence warrants further investigation. © 2016 American Academy of Optometry.
Bajgrowicz,M., Phan,C. -M, Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Release of ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin from daily disposable contact lenses from an in vitro eye model
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2015;56(4):2234-2242
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Purpose. To analyze the release of two fluoroquinolones, ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin, from conventional hydrogel (CH) and silicone hydrogel (SH) daily disposable contact lenses (CLs), comparing release from a fixed-volume vial and a novel in vitro eye model. Methods. Four CH CLs (nelfilcon A, omafilcon A, etafilcon A, ocufilcon B) and three SH CLs (somofilcon A, narafilcon A, delefilcon A) were used. The lenses were incubated in drug solutions for 24 hours. After the incubation period, the lenses were placed in two release conditions: (1) a vial containing 4.8 mL PBS for 24 hours and (2) an in vitro eye model with a flow rate at 4.8 mL over 24 hours. Results. Release in the vial for both drugs was rapid, reaching a plateau between 15 minutes and 2 hours for all lenses. In contrast, under physiological flow conditions, a constant and slow release was observed over 24 hours. The amounts of ciprofloxacin released from the lenses ranged between 49.6 ±0.7 and 62.8 ± 0.3 µg per lens in the vial, and between 35.0 ± 7.0 and 109.0 ± 5.0 µg per lens in the eye model. Moxifloxacin release ranged from 24.0 ± 4.0 to 226.0 ± 2.0 µg per lens for the vial, and between 13.0 ± 2.0 and 151.0 ± 10.0 µg per lens in the eye model. In both systems and for both drugs, HEMA-based CLs released more drugs than other materials. Conclusions. The parameters of the release system, in particular the volume and flow rate, have a significant influence on measured release profiles. Under physiological flow, release profiles are significantly slower and constant when compared with release in a vial. © 2015, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
Chang,J. M. L., McCanna,D. J., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L. W.
Efficacy of antimicrobials against biofilms of achromobacter and pseudomonas
Optometry and Vision Science 2015;92(4):506-513
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Purpose. Achromobacter xylosoxidans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms can develop in ophthalmic products and accessories such as contact lens cases, leading to the development of ocular infections. This study evaluated the efficacy of the antimicrobials polyaminopropyl biguanide (PAPB) and benzalkonium chloride (BAK) against A. xylosoxidans and P. aeruginosa biofilms. Methods. Biofilms of A. xylosoxidans and P. aeruginosa used as a comparative control were formed by incubating the bacteria on contact lens cases and on coverslips in phosphate-buffered saline. The biofilms were then exposed to PAPB and BAK for 5 minutes and 4 hours. After exposure, alginate swabs were used to remove the biofilms from the lens cases and the bacteria were plated on tryptic soy agar for determination of survivors. Also, after exposure to these disinfectants, the A. xylosoxidans and P. aeruginosa biofilms were stained with SYTO 9 and propidium iodide. Using a confocal microscope with a 488-nm laser, the number of cells with damaged cell membranes was determined. Results. After 5 minutes of exposure to BAK or PAPB, A. xylosoxidans biofilms were more resistant to the antimicrobial effects of these disinfectants than P. aeruginosa biofilms. After 4 hours, both organisms were reduced by more than 3 logs after exposure to either BAK or PAPB. Confocal microscopy studies revealed that BAK was more effective at damaging A. xylosoxidans and P. aeruginosa cell membranes than PAPB at the concentrations used in ophthalmic products. Conclusions. Biofilms of the emerging pathogen A. xylosoxidans were more resistant to the disinfectants PAPB and BAK than biofilms of P. aeruginosa. Because of the emergence of A. xylosoxidans and the demonstrated greater resistance to the common ophthalmic preservatives BAK and PAPB than the standard Gram-negative organism P. aeruginosa, A. xylosoxidans biofilms should be assessed in antimicrobial challenge tests to assure the safety of multiuse ophthalmic products. Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Optometry.
Guthrie,S. E., Jones,L., Blackie,C. A., Korb,D. R.
A Comparative Study Between an Oil-in-Water Emulsion and Nonlipid Eye Drops Used for Rewetting Contact Lenses
Eye and Contact Lens 2015;41(6):373-377
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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical impact of using SYSTANE BALANCE Lubricant Eye Drops (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX), an oil-in-water emulsion, as a rewetting eye drop in symptomatic contact lens wearers.
METHODS: Subjects who had previously experienced contact lens discomfort (CLD), with a mean lens wearing history of 18.6±12.8 years, were randomly assigned to use a Test (SYSTANE BALANCE Lubricant Eye Drops; n=76) or control (habitual nonlipid contact lens rewetting eye drop; n=30) drop over their contact lenses within 5 min of lens insertion and then subsequently at 2 hr intervals up to a maximum of 4 drops per eye daily for a 1-month period. Assessments of subjective comfort, comfortable wearing time, lid wiper epitheliopathy (LWE), and corneal staining were conducted at baseline and after 1 month, after 6 hr of lens wear.
RESULTS: Comfort, wearing time, LWE, and corneal staining all showed statistically significant improvements in the test group using SYSTANE BALANCE Lubricant Eye Drops at the 1-month visit compared with baseline data (all P<0.01) and compared with the control group at the 1-month visit (P<0.01, P=0.01, P<0.01, and P=0.03, respectively).
CONCLUSIONS: The use of SYSTANE BALANCE Lubricant Eye Drops as a rewetting drop in a group of wearers who experienced symptoms of CLD improved subjective comfort scores, increased comfortable wearing time, and reduced signs of LWE and corneal staining, when compared with the use of non–lipid-containing contact lens rewetting eye drops.
Hagedorn,S., Drolle,E., Lorentz,H., Srinivasan,S., Leonenko,Z., Jones,L.
Atomic force microscopy and Langmuir-Blodgett monolayer technique to assess contact lens deposits and human meibum extracts
Journal of Optometry 2015;8(3):187-199
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Purpose The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the differences in meibomian gland secretions, contact lens (CL) lipid extracts, and CL surface topography between participants with and without meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Methods Meibum study: Meibum was collected from all participants and studied via Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposition with subsequent Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) visualization and surface roughness analysis. CL Study: Participants with and without MGD wore both etafilcon A and balafilcon A CLs in two different phases. CL lipid deposits were extracted and analyzed using pressure-area isotherms with the LB trough and CL surface topographies and roughness values were visualized using AFM. Results Meibum study: Non-MGD participant meibum samples showed larger, circular aggregates with lower surface roughness, whereas meibum samples from participants with MGD showed more lipid aggregates, greater size variability and higher surface roughness. CL Study: Worn CLs from participants with MGD had a few large tear film deposits with lower surface roughness, whereas non-MGD participant-worn lenses had many small lens deposits with higher surface roughness. Balafilcon A pore depths were shallower in MGD participant worn lenses when compared to non-MGD participant lenses. Isotherms of CL lipid extracts from MGD and non-MGD participants showed a seamless rise in surface pressure as area decreased; however, extracts from the two different lens materials produced different isotherms. Conclusions MGD and non-MGD participant-worn CL deposition were found to differ in type, amount, and pattern of lens deposits. Lipids from MGD participants deposited irregularly whereas lipids from non-MGD participants showed more uniformity. © 2014 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Hall,B., Jones,L. W., Forrest,J. A.
Competitive effects from an artificial tear solution to protein adsorption
Optometry and Vision Science 2015;92(7):781-789
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Purpose To compare the adsorption of lysozyme, lactoferrin, and albumin to various contact lens materials, between single-protein solutions and a multicomponent artificial tear solution (ATS). Additionally, extra steps were taken to distinguish loosely and tightly bound protein, the latter of which may be fully or partially denatured. Methods Using a previously described ATS, we measured the time-dependent adsorption of lys, lac, and alb onto one conventional hydrogel and four silicone hydrogel contact lens materials between the first minute and up to 1 week of protein interaction with the material surface. Proteins were quantified using I125 radiolabeling of each protein individually in ATS and buffered saline. Extra steps were taken to limit the amount of unbound I125 and to quantify the amount of reversibly bound protein. Results Comfilcon A, balafilcon A, and etafilcon A did not show any relevant competitive adsorption between the ATS components and lys, lac, or alb until after 1 week. Competitive adsorption effects for lys, lac, and alb were observed in as little as 1 minute on lotrafilcon B. Lotrafilcon B had no reversibly bound protein at any time points. The ionic materials balafilcon A and etafilcon A deposited significant amounts of reversibly bound lysozyme and lactoferrin in just 10 minutes. Senofilcon A apparent deposition was below our thresholds of confidence for this protein quantification method. Conclusions Both the competition between lys, lac, and alb and ATS components and the reversibility of these bound proteins is material specific. Coadsorption of lys, lac, and alb with ATS components can increase the reversibility of their adsorption. © 2015 American Academy of Optometry.
Hall,B., Jones,L., Forrest,J. A.
Kinetics of competitive adsorption between lysozyme and lactoferrin on silicone hydrogel contact lenses and the effect on lysozyme activity
Current eye research 2015;40(6):622-631
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To determine the effect of competitive adsorption between lysozyme and lactoferrin on silicone hydrogel contact lenses and the effect on lysozyme activity. Methods: Three commercially available silicone hydrogel contact lens materials (senofilcon A, lotrafilcon B and balafilcon A) were examined, for time points ranging from 10s to 2h. Total protein deposition was determined by I125 radiolabeling of lysozyme and lactoferrin, while the activity of lysozyme was determined by a micrococcal activity assay. Results: Senofilcon A and balafilcon A did not show any relevant competitive adsorption between lysozyme and lactoferrin. Lotrafilcon B showed reduced protein deposition due to competitive adsorption for lactoferrin at all time points and lysozyme after 7.5min. Co-adsorption of lactoferrin and lysozyme decreased the activity of lysozyme in solution for senofilcon A and lotrafilcon B, but co-adsorption had no effect on the surface activity of lysozyme for all lens types investigated. Conclusions: Competition between lysozyme and lactoferrin is material specific. Co-adsorption of lysozyme and lactoferrin does not affect the activity of surface-bound lysozyme but can reduce the activity of subsequently desorbed lysozyme. © 2015 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
Korogiannaki,M., Guidi,G., Jones,L., Sheardown,H.
Timolol maleate release from hyaluronic acid-containing model silicone hydrogel contact lens materials.
J Biomat Appl 2015;30(3):361-376
Liu,S., Chang,C. N., Verma,M. S., Hileeto,D., Muntz,A., Stahl,U., Woods,J., Jones,L. W., Gu,F. X.
Phenylboronic acid modified mucoadhesive nanoparticle drug carriers facilitate weekly treatment of experimentallyinduced dry eye syndrome
Nano Research 2015;8(2):621-635
Luensmann,D., Yu,M., Yang,J., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L.
Impact of cosmetics on the physical dimension and optical performance of silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Eye and Contact Lens 2015;41(4):218-227
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Objectives: To evaluate the impact of cosmetics on silicone hydrogel (SiHy) contact lens shape, lens power, and optical performance. Methods: In this in vitro experiment, 7 SiHy materials were coated with 9 marketed brands of cosmetics, including hand creams (HCs) (3), eye makeup removers (MRs) (3), and mascaras (3). Diameter, sagittal depth, and base curve were determined using the Chiltern (Optimec Limited), whereas lens power and optical performance were assessed using the Contest Plus (Rotlex). Six replicates were used for each lens and cosmetic combination.Measurements were repeated after a cleaning cycle using a one-step hydrogen peroxide solution. Results: Makeup removers had the greatest impact on diameter, sagittal depth, and base curve, resulting in changes of up to 0.5, 0.15, and 0.77 mm, respectively. The HCs and mascaras had little impact on these parameters; however, differences were observed between lens types. Optical performance was reduced with all mascaras, and a decrease of greater than 2 units on a 0 to 10 scale (10=uniform power distribution) was seen for 5 lens types exposed to waterproof mascara (P0.05). Lens cleaning resulted in some recovery of the lens parameters, and efficiency varied between cosmetics. Conclusion: Some eye MRs and waterproof mascaras changed the shape and optical performance of some SiHy lenses. Further research is needed to understand the clinical implications for SiHy lens wearers using cosmetics. © 2015 Contact Lens Association of Opthalmologists, Inc.
Muntz,A., Subbaraman,L. N., Sorbara,L., Jones,L.
Tear exchange and contact lenses: A review
Journal of Optometry 2015;8(1):2-11
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Tear exchange beneath a contact lens facilitates ongoing fluid replenishment between the ocular surface and the lens. This exchange is considerably lower during the wear of soft lenses compared with rigid lenses. As a result, the accumulation of tear film debris and metabolic by-products between the cornea and a soft contact lens increases, potentially leading to complications. Lens design innovations have been proposed, but no substantial improvement in soft lens tear exchange has been reported. Researchers have determined post-lens tear exchange using several methods, notably fluorophotometry. However, due to technological limitations, little remains known about tear hydrodynamics around the lens and, to-date, true tear exchange with contact lenses has not been shown. Further knowledge regarding tear exchange could be vital in aiding better contact lens design, with the prospect of alleviating certain adverse ocular responses. This article reviews the literature to-date on the significance, implications and measurement of tear exchange with contact lenses.
Ngo,W., Caffery,B., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L. W.
Effect of lid debridement-scaling in sjögren syndrome dry eye
Optometry and Vision Science 2015;92(9):e316-e320
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Purpose To evaluate the effect of lid debridement-scaling (LDS) on dry eye signs and symptoms in subjects with Sjögren syndrome (SS). Methods This prospective randomized controlled study enrolled 14 female subjects with SS. Seven subjects were randomized into the treatment group where they were selected to receive LDS; the remainder did not receive LDS and served as control subjects. Lid debridement-scaling was conducted using a stainless steel golf club spud (Hilco Wilson Ophthalmics, Plainville, MA) on both the upper and lower eyelids of both eyes. Outcome variables were assessed before LDS and again 1 month later. The outcome variables were the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), Symptom Assessment iN Dry Eye (SANDE) visual analog scores, ocular staining (SICCA OSS [Sjögren's International Collaborative Clinical Alliance Ocular Staining Score]), fluorescein tear breakup time (FLBUT), meibomian gland score (MGS), meibomian gland yielding liquid secretions (MGYLS) score, and line of Marx's (LOM) position. Results Thirteen subjects completed the study. Data from only the right eye were analyzed. For the control group (n = 6; mean [±SD] age, 62.3 [±11.6] years), the pre-LDS, post-LDS, and significance level (pre-LDS mean [±SD] vs. post-LDS mean [±SD]; p value) were as follows: OSDI (58.3 [±22.1] vs. 48.3 [±29.0]; p = 0.051), SANDE (77.4 [±22.1] vs. 89.6 [±32.6]; p = 0.20), SICCA OSS (7.0 [±4.5] vs. 8.2 [±3.5]; p = 0.25), MGS (1.3 [±1.5] vs. 1.0 [±0.9]; p = 0.75), MGYLS (0.3 [±0.5] vs. 0.0 [±0.0]; p = 0.50), FLBUT (2.99 [±1.54] vs. 2.85 [±1.79]; p = 0.63), and LOM (2.0 [±0.0] vs. 2.0 [±0.0]; p = n/a). For the treatment group (n = 7; mean [±SD] age, 58.0 [±8.1] years), the pre-LDS, post-LDS, and significance level were as follows: OSDI (63.2 [±13.3] vs. 46.9 [±19.4]; p = 0.04), SANDE (72.6 [±17.1] vs. 77.0 [±28.0]; p = 0.54), SICCA OSS (6.6 [±2.9] vs. 5.0 [±3.9]; p = 0.02), MGS (1.0 [±1.2] vs. 3.1 [±1.7]; p = 0.01), MGYLS (0.0 [±0.0] vs. 0.6 [±1.0]; p = 0.50), FLBUT (3.13 [±0.81] vs. 3.45 [±1.03]; p = 0.53), and LOM (0.9 [±0.9] vs. 1.0 [±1.0]; p = 1.00). Conclusions This pilot study showed that LDS improved symptoms, ocular staining, and meibomian gland function for the group that received LDS. This indicates that LDS can aid in the management of SS dry eye. © 2015 American Academy of Optometry.
Omali,N. B., Subbaraman,L. N., Coles-Brennan,C., Fadli,Z., Jones,L. W.
Biological and clinical implications of lysozyme deposition on soft contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2015;92(7):750-757
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Within a few minutes of wear, contact lenses become rapidly coated with a variety of tear film components, including proteins, lipids, and mucins. Tears have a rich and complex composition, allowing a wide range of interactions and competitive processes, with the first event observed at the interface between a contact lens and tear fluid being protein adsorption. Protein adsorption on hydrogel contact lenses is a complex process involving a variety of factors relating to both the protein in question and the lens material. Among tear proteins, lysozyme is a major protein that has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory functions. Contact lens materials that have high ionicity and high water content have an increased affinity to accumulate lysozyme during wear, when compared with other soft lens materials, notably silicone hydrogel lenses. This review provides an overview of tear film proteins, with a specific focus on lysozyme, and examines various factors that influence protein deposition on contact lenses. In addition, the impact of lysozyme deposition on various ocular physiological responses and bacterial adhesion to lenses and the interaction of lysozyme with other tear proteins are reviewed. This comprehensive review suggests that deposition of lysozyme on contact lens materials may provide a number of beneficial effects during contact lens wear. © 2015 American Academy of Optometry.
Pucker,A. D., Jones-Jordan,L. A., Li,W., Kwan,J. T., Lin,M. C., Sickenberger,W., Marx,S., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L. W.
Associations with meibomian gland atrophy in daily contact lens wearers
Optometry and Vision Science 2015;92(9):e206-e213
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Purpose To determine associations for contact lenses (CLs) and meibomian gland atrophy in a matched-pair study. Methods Contact lens wearers (case) and age- and sex-matched non-contact lens (NCL) wearers with no history of CL use (control) were recruited for a multicenter study. All subjects were administered the Ocular Surface Disease Index questionnaire and a comprehensive battery of clinical tests (e.g., tear breakup time, bulbar and limbal redness, meibography, etc.) were performed. Upper and lower eyelid meibomian gland atrophy were graded with both digital meibography (percent gland atrophy) and visual meiboscore methods. Conditional logistic regression analyses were then used to determine relationships among CL use, meibomian gland atrophy, and ocular surface signs and symptoms. Results A total of 70 matched pairs were analyzed. The mean (±SD) age of the CL group was 30.6 (±12.4) years, and that of the NCL group was 30.1 (±12.2) years. The subjects were 63% female. The association between CL wear and meiboscore was not significant univariately, but the best-fitting multivariate regression model showed that higher meiboscores were associated with being a CL wearer (odds ratio [OR], 2.45) in a model that included eyelid margin erythema (OR, 0.25) and lissamine green staining (OR, 1.25). Percent gland atrophy was not associated with CL wear in regression analysis (p = 0.31). Conclusions This study determined inconclusive associations with CLs and meibomian gland atrophy. This study also provided a comprehensive assessment of differences between CL and NCL wearers. © 2015 American Academy of Optometry.
Samsom,M., Chan,A., Iwabuchi,Y., Subbaraman,L., Jones,L., Schmidt,TA
In vitro friction testing of contact lenses and human ocular tissues: Effect of proteoglycan 4 (PRG4)
Tribology International 2015;89:27-33
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Contact lens friction was recently shown to correlate with in vivo comfort, with lower friction lenses providing improved comfort. Proteoglycan 4 (PRG4) is a recently discovered ocular surface boundary lubricant. The objectives of this study were to measure the friction of commercially available silicone hydrogel (SiHy) contact lenses against human cornea and eyelid tissues, and evaluate the ability of PRG4 to lubricate, and adhere to, SiHy contact lenses. The in vitro friction test employed here effectively measured and distinguished the SiHy contact lens friction coefficients against human eyelid and cornea tissues, and PRG4 functioned as an effective boundary lubricant.
Srinivasan,S., Otchere,H., Yu,M., Yang,J., Luensmann,D., Jones,L.
Impact of cosmetics on the surface properties of silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Eye and Contact Lens 2015;41(4):228-235
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Purpose: This study evaluated the impact of various cosmetics on the surface properties of silicone hydrogel (SiHy) contact lens materials. Methods: In this in vitro experiment, 7 SiHy contact lens materials were coated with 1 of 9 cosmetics, including common hand creams (3), eye makeup removers (3), and mascaras (3). Dark-field microscopy images were taken to determine pixel brightness (PB) after cosmetic exposure, which describes the visible surface deposition (n=6 for each lens type), with a higher PB indicating increased deposition. The sessile drop technique was used to determine the advancing contact angle (CA). Measurements were repeated for both methods after a single peroxide-based cleaning cycle. Results: Pixel brightness was significantly higher for mascara-coated lenses compared with the other cosmetic products (P,0.01). The peroxide-based lens care solution removed most deposits from the nonwaterproof mascara for 4 lens types, whereas deposits remained relatively unchanged for 1 waterproof mascara (P.0.05). Hand creams and makeup remover had minimal impact on PB. Changes in CA measurements after cosmetic application were highly lens dependent. Hand creams caused primarily a decrease in CA for 5 of the 7 lens types, whereas 1 of the waterproof mascaras caused a significant increase of 30 to 50° for 3 lens types. Conclusion: Some mascara-lens combinations resulted in increased CA and PB, which could have an impact on in vivo lens performance. Nonwaterproof mascara was mostly removed after a cleaning cycle. Further research is needed to understand the clinical implications for SiHy lens wearers using cosmetics. © 2015 Contact Lens Association of Opthalmologists, Inc.
Varikooty,J., Schulze,M. M., Dumbleton,K., Keir,N., Woods,C. A., Fonn,D., Jones,L. W.
Clinical performance of three silicone hydrogel daily disposable lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2015;92(3):301-311
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Purpose. To determine the clinical performance of DAILIES TOTAL1 (DT1), Clariti 1Day (C1D), and 1-DAY ACUVUE TruEye (AVTE) silicone hydrogel daily disposable contact lenses (SiHy DDCLs). Methods. Eligible participants, subdivided into asymptomatic and symptomatic groups, wore each SiHy DDCLs for three consecutive days. Each participant attended three visits (on day 1 at 0 hours; on days 1 and 3 after 8 hours ofwear) per lens type. The order of lens wear was randomized, with at least 1 day washout between lenses. Lens-related performance was evaluated by assessing lens surface deposits, wettability, pre-lens noninvasive tear breakup time, lens movement, and centration; ocular response assessments included conjunctival redness, corneal staining, and conjunctival staining and indentation. Results. Fifty-one asymptomatic and 53 symptomatic participantscompleted the study. For all visits, themeannoninvasive tear breakup timewas about 1 second longer withDT1 than withC1DandAVTE (p < 0.01).Overall, thewettability of all three lenses was good; however, DT1 was graded marginally better than the other lenses (both p < 0.01). On day 3, eyes wearing AVTE had significantly more dehydration-induced corneal staining compared with DT1 (AVTE, 24%; DT1, 11%; p < 0.01). After 8 hours, conjunctival staining was different between lenses (greatest with C1D and least with DT1; all p < 0.01). Conjunctival indentation was more prevalent with the C1D lenses (n = 70) compared with DT1 (n = 1; p < 0.01) and AVTE (n = 11; p < 0.01). Therewere no differences between asymptomatic and symptomatic lenswearers for any of the clinical parameters (all p 9 0.05). Conclusions. Each of the three SiHy DDCLs performed well. Noninvasive tear breakup time was longest and wettability was greater with DT1. C1D had the most conjunctival staining conjunctival indentation. There was no difference between asymptomatic and symptomatic wearers with regard to ocular response and contact lensYrelated parameters. These results suggest that SiHy DDCLs may be an excellent contact lens modality for the symptomatic patient.
Verma,M. S., Chen,P. Z., Jones,L., Gu,F. X.
Controlling "chemical nose" biosensor characteristics by modulating gold nanoparticle shape and concentration
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 2015;513-18
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Conventional lock-and-key biosensors often only detect a single pathogen because they incorporate biomolecules with high specificity. "Chemical nose" biosensors are overcoming this limitation and identifying multiple pathogens simultaneously by obtaining a unique set of responses for each pathogen of interest, but the number of pathogens that can be distinguished is limited by the number of responses obtained. Herein, we use a gold nanoparticle-based "chemical nose" to show that changing the shapes of nanoparticles can increase the number of responses available for analysis and expand the types of bacteria that can be identified. Using four shapes of nanoparticles (nanospheres, nanostars, nanocubes, and nanorods), we demonstrate that each shape provides a unique set of responses in the presence of different bacteria, which can be exploited for enhanced specificity of the biosensor. Additionally, the concentration of nanoparticles controls the detection limit of the biosensor, where a lower concentration provides better detection limit. Thus, here we lay a foundation for designing "chemical nose" biosensors and controlling their characteristics using gold nanoparticle morphology and concentration. © 2015 The Authors.
Verma,M. S., Rogowski,J. L., Jones,L., Gu,F. X.
Colorimetric biosensing of pathogens using gold nanoparticles
Biotechnology Advances 2015;33(6):666-680
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Rapid detection of pathogens is crucial to minimize adverse health impacts of nosocomial, foodborne, and waterborne diseases. Gold nanoparticles are extremely successful at detecting pathogens due to their ability to provide a simple and rapid color change when their environment is altered. Here, we review general strategies of implementing gold nanoparticles in colorimetric biosensors. First, we highlight how gold nanoparticles have improved conventional genomic analysis methods by lowering detection limits while reducing assay times. Then, we focus on emerging point-of-care technologies that aim at pathogen detection using simpler assays. These advances will facilitate the implementation of gold nanoparticle-based biosensors in diverse environments throughout the world and help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. © 2015 Elsevier Inc.
Caffery,B. E., Joyce,E., Heynen,M. L., Ritter,R., Jones,L. A., Senchyna,M.
Quantification of conjunctival TNF-a in aqueous-deficient dry eye
Optometry and Vision Science 2014;91(2):156-162
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PURPOSE: This study aimed to quantify and compare conjunctival epithelial tumor necrosis factor (NF) a mRNA expression in Sjögren syndrome (SS), non-Sjögren syndrome aqueous-deficient dry eye (non-SS DE), and non-dry eye (NDE) control subjects. METHODS: A total of 76 subjects were recruited for this study: 25 SS (confirmed via American-European Consensus Criteria 2002), 25 non-SS DE (confirmed by symptoms and Schirmer scores = 10 mm), and 26 NDE. Superior and temporal bulbar conjunctival epithelial cells were collected via impression cytology. Epithelial RNA was extracted, and TNF-a mRNA expression was quantified by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: The expression of TNF-a mRNA was found to be significantly higher in the SS group (2.48 ± 1.79) compared to both non-SS DE (0.95 ± 1.18; p < 0.05) and NDE (0.84 ± 0.51; p < 0.05) groups. No difference in TNF-a mRNA expression was found between the non-SS DE and NDE groups (p = 0.67). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that SS-associated aqueous-deficient dry eye is associated with a significant upregulation of conjunctival epithelial TNF-a mRNA relative to both non-SS DE and control groups. The degree to which TNF-a mRNA is upregulated in SS may contribute to the severe ocular surface damage observed in these patients. Copyright © 2014 American Academy of Optometry.
Cheung,S., Lorentz,H., Drolle,E., Leonenko,Z., Jones,L. W.
Comparative study of lens solutions' ability to remove tear constituents
Optometry and Vision Science 2014;91(9):1045-1061
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to use atomic force microscopy to compare and characterize the cleaning abilities of a hydrogen peroxide-based system (HPS) and a polyhexamethylene biguanide-containing multipurpose solution (MPS) at removing in vitro deposited tear film constituents, as well as to determine deposition patterns on various silicone hydrogel contact lenses. METHODS: Silicone hydrogel materials - balafilcon A (BA), lotrafilcon B (LB), and senofilcon A (SA) - were incubated for 1 week in an artificial tear solution (ATS) containing representative lipids, proteins, and salts from the tear film. Atomic force microscopy was used to resolve each lens before and after being cleaned overnight in HPS or MPS. Atomic force microscopy was used again to resolve HPS/MPS-cleaned lenses, which were reincubated in fresh ATS for 1 week, before and after an overnight clean in their respective cleaning solution. RESULTS: Atomic force microscopy imaging was able to characterize lens deposits with high resolution. Lenses incubated in ATS revealed distinct differences in their deposition pattern across lens materials. The surface of BA contained about 20-nm-high deposits, whereas deposit heights up to 150 nm completely occluded the surface of SA. Lotrafilcon B lenses revealed clusters of deposits up to 90 nm. The use of either lens solution left trace amounts of tear film constituents, although components from the MPS were seen adsorbed onto the surface after cleaning. Surface roughness (Ra) measurements revealed a significant difference between ATS-incubated and HPS/MPS-cleaned SA and LB lenses (p < 0.05). Ra between first incubated and HPS/MPS-cleaned reincubated SA and LB was also significant (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Unique variations in ATS deposition patterns were seen between lenses with atomic force microscopy. The application of both HPS and MPS removed most visible surface deposits. © American Academy of Optometry.
Gorbet,M., Peterson,R., McCanna,D., Woods,C., Jones,L., Fonn,D.
Human corneal epithelial cell shedding and fluorescein staining in response to silicone hydrogel lenses and contact lens disinfecting solutions
Current eye research 2014;39(3):245-256
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Purpose: A pilot study was conducted to evaluate human corneal epithelial cell shedding in response to wearing a silicone hydrogel contact lens/solution combination inducing corneal staining. The nature of ex vivo collected cells staining with fluorescein was also examined. Methods: A contralateral eye study was conducted in which up to eight participants were unilaterally exposed to a multipurpose contact lens solution/silicone hydrogel lens combination previously shown to induce corneal staining (renu® fresh™ and balafilcon A; test eye), with the other eye using a combination of balafilcon A soaked in a hydrogen peroxide care system (Clear Care®; control eye). Lenses were worn for 2, 4 or 6 hours. Corneal staining was graded after lens removal. The Ocular Surface Cell Collection Apparatus was used to collect cells from the cornea and the contact lens. Results: In the test eye, maximum solution-induced corneal staining (SICS) was observed after 2 hours of lens wear (reducing significantly by 4 hours; p < 0.001). There were significantly more cells collected from the test eye after 4 hours of lens wear when compared to the control eye and the collection from the test eye after 2 hours (for both; n = 5; p < 0.001). The total cell yield at 4 hours was 813 ± 333 and 455 ± 218 for the test and control eyes, respectively (N = 5, triplicate, p = 0.003). A number of cells were observed to have taken up the fluorescein dye from the initial fluorescein instillation. Confocal microscopy of fluorescein-stained cells revealed that fluorescein was present throughout the cell cytoplasm and was retained in the cells for many hours after recovery from the corneal surface. Conclusion: This pilot study indicates that increased epithelial cell shedding was associated with a lens-solution combination which induces SICS. Our data provides insight into the transient nature of the SICS reaction and the nature of fluorescein staining observed in SICS. © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
Hall,B. J., Jones,L. W., Dixon,B.
Silicone allergies and the eye: Fact or fiction?
Eye and Contact Lens 2014;40(1):51-57
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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this manuscript was to review the evidence concerning the role of an allergic reaction to silicone as the basis for the reported increase in contact lens-associated infiltrates in wearers of silicone hydrogel contact lenses. METHODS: A literature review was undertaken to investigate the antigenic properties of silicone and the causes of contact lens-associated inflammatory reactions. RESULTS: Immune cells cannot interact with silicone directly but can interact with antigens on these lenses. These antigens could be due to tear film deposits, microbial contamination, or components of care systems used with these lenses. CONCLUSIONS: Inflammatory reactions associated with silicone hydrogel contact lens wear are not caused by an allergic reaction to silicone alone. © 2013 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists.
Hall,B., McCanna,D., Jones,L.
Identification of coagulase-negative staphylococci in daily disposable contact lens wearers
Letters in applied microbiology 2014;59(3):313-319
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This study aimed to identify and quantify the number of contaminating organisms on daily disposable (DD) soft contact lenses, which may be responsible for mild cases of keratitis that occur with this lens wear modality. Ten participants wore DD lenses, and 10 participants wore planned replacement (PR) lenses. Lenses were collected aseptically and analysed for microbial contamination. Colony-forming units (CFU) were recorded, and representative colonies were used for identification using the API identification system. The DD lenses evaluated in this study were contaminated with coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CNS), ranging from 1 to 653 CFU. PR lenses showed more diversity in the types of contaminating micro-organisms and consisted of CNS, Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas), a yeast (Candida) and a mould (Aspergillus), ranging from 1 to 230 CFU. CNS was the only type of micro-organism found on DD contact lenses and therefore may be the cause of any form of keratitis observed in DD lens wearers. © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology.
Hall,B., Phan,C. -M, Subbaraman,L., Jones,L. W., Forrest,J.
Extraction versus in Situ techniques for measuring surface-adsorbed lysozyme
Optometry and Vision Science 2014;91(9):1062-1070
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PURPOSE: To compare two techniques for measuring the activity of lysozyme deposited onto hydrogel contact lens and to image the binding of Micrococcus lysodeikticus to contact lenses. METHODS: Using a previously described protein extraction technique and a recently developed in situ technique, we measured the time-dependent activity of adsorbed lysozyme on six different contact lens materials during the first minute and up to 1 week of interaction with the material surface. Total activity of extracted lysozyme, total in situ activity, and the activity of the outer surface layer of sorbed lysozyme were determined using the two different techniques. Micrococcal cellular interaction with surface-adsorbed lysozyme was imaged using confocal microscopy. RESULTS: The differences between total extracted activities, total in situ activities, and surface activities were both measurable and material specific. In most cases, total extracted activity is greater than total in situ activity, which, in turn, is greater than surface activity. After 1 week, etafilcon A had the highest extracted activity at 137 µg/lens, followed by omafilcon A, balafilcon A, comfilcon A, senofilcon A, and lotrafilcon B at 27.4, 2.85, 2.02, 0.46, and 0.27 µg/lens, respectively. Micrococcal cell adhesion was greatest on contact lenses with high contact angles, such as balafilcon A, omafilcon A, and senofilcon A and lowest on contact lenses with low contact angles, such as etafilcon A, comfilcon A, and lotrafilcon B. Subsequent removal/prevention of adhered micrococcal cells was greatest on balafilcon A, which had the highest surface activity, and lowest on lotrafilcon B, which had the lowest surface activity. CONCLUSIONS: This study has measured and made direct comparisons between two established techniques for measuring the activity of adsorbed lysozyme. The extraction technique determines the activity of underlying layers of lysozyme or lysozyme within the matrix of the material. Conversely, the in situ technique allows conclusions to be drawn about only the biologically relevant lysozyme including the activity of just the outer surface of adsorbed lysozyme. © American Academy of Optometry.
Hui,A., Willcox,M., Jones,L.
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of novel ciprofloxacin-releasing silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2014;55(8):4896-4904
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PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate ciprofloxacin-releasing silicone hydrogel contact lens materials in vitro and in vivo for the treatment of microbial keratitis. METHODS. Model silicone hydrogel contact lens materials were manufactured using a molecular imprinting technique to modify ciprofloxacin release kinetics. Various contact lens properties, including light transmission and surface wettability, were determined, and the in vitro ciprofloxacin release kinetics elucidated using fluorescence spectrophotometry. The materials then were evaluated for their ability to inhibit Pseudomonas aeruginosa growth in vitro and in an in vivo rabbit model of microbial keratitis. RESULTS. Synthesized lenses had similar material properties to commercial contact lens materials. There was a decrease in light transmission in the shorter wavelengths due to incorporation of the antibiotic, but over 80% light transmission between 400 and 700 nm. Modified materials released for more than 8 hours, significantly longer than unmodified controls (P 0.05), which is significantly less than corneas treated with unmodified control lenses or those that received no treatment at all (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. These novel contact lenses designed for the extended release of ciprofloxacin may be beneficial to supplement or augment future treatments of sight-threatening microbial keratitis. © 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
Mohammadi,S., Jones,L., Gorbet,M.
Extended latanoprost release from commercial contact lenses: In vitro studies using corneal models
PLOS ONE 2014;9(9):e106653
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In this study, we compared, for the first time, the release of a 432 kDa prostaglandin analogue drug, Latanoprost, from commercially available contact lenses using in vitro models with corneal epithelial cells. Conventional polyHEMA-based and silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses were soaked in drug solution ( solution in phosphate buffered saline). The drug release from the contact lens material and its diffusion through three in vitro models was studied. The three in vitro models consisted of a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) membrane without corneal epithelial cells, a PET membrane with a monolayer of human corneal epithelial cells (HCEC), and a PET membrane with stratified HCEC. In the cell-based in vitro corneal epithelium models, a zero order release was obtained with the silicone hydrogel materials (linear for the duration of the experiment) whereby, after 48 hours, between 4 to 6 of latanoprost (an amount well within the range of the prescribed daily dose for glaucoma patients) was released. In the absence of cells, a significantly lower amount of drug, between 0.3 to 0.5 , was released, (). The difference observed in release from the hydrogel lens materials in the presence and absence of cells emphasizes the importance of using an in vitrocorneal model that is more representative of the physiological conditions in the eye to more adequately characterize ophthalmic drug delivery materials. Our results demonstrate how in vitro models with corneal epithelial cells may allow better prediction of in vivo release. It also highlights the potential of drug-soaked silicone hydrogel contact lens materials for drug delivery purposes.
Ngo,W., Srinivasan,S., Schulze,M., Jones,L.
Repeatability of grading meibomian gland dropout using two infrared systems
Optometry and Vision Science 2014;91(6):658-667
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PURPOSE: To determine the interobserver and intraobserver repeatability in using the OCULUS Keratograph 4 (K4) and 5M (K5M) to grade meibomian gland (MG) dropout using meibography grading scales. METHODS: The inferior and superior eyelids of 40 participants (35 women, 5 men; mean age = 32 years) were imaged three times each on both instruments. The images were split into one training and two study sets; the latter were graded (four-point meibography scale) by two observers on two separate occasions (24 hours apart) to determine repeatability. Semiobjective quantification of percentage MG dropout was conducted using ImageJ on K4 and K5M images. A finer seven-point meibography scale was used to grade a separate set of K5M images. RESULTS: For the four-point scale, interobserver mean difference (MD) (±SD) was 0.08 (±0.55) on day 1 and 0.13 (±0.50) on day 2, and the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) was 0.79 and 0.81 on days 1 and 2, respectively. Intraobserver MD (±SD) was 0.04 (±0.54), CCC = 0.79 for observer 1; intraobserver MD (±SD) was -0.09 (±0.60), CCC = 0.74 for observer 2. For the seven-point scale, interobserver MD (±SD) was 0.05 (±0.45), CCC = 0.89 on day 1, and interobserver MD (±SD) was 0.01 (±0.41), CCC = 0.91 on day 2. Intraobserver MD (±SD) was -0.10 (±0.35), CCC = 0.93 for observer 1, and intraobserver MD (±SD) was -0.06 (±0.30), CCC = 0.95 for observer 2. Percentage dropout measured between the K4 and K5M images showed lack of agreement, with 21.8% coefficient of repeatability. There was no significant correlation (r 0.05) between meibography score and clinical signs (corneal staining, gland expressibility, telangiectasia, vascularity, lash loss); however, there was a high correlation (r = 0.77; p < 0.05) between meibography score with percentage dropout. CONCLUSIONS: Observers graded from -1 to +1 grade units between and within themselves for a four-point scale, 95% of the time. Although the interobserver and intraobserver repeatability of the K4 and K5M were very similar, a high rate of disagreement in percentage dropout between K4 and K5M images suggests that the two instruments cannot be interchanged. Meibomian gland dropout scores did not correlate significantly with clinical signs. Using a finer scale may be beneficial for detecting change.
Phan,C. -M, Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
In vitro drug release of natamycin from ß-cyclodextrin and 2-hydroxypropyl-ß-cyclodextrin-functionalized contact lens materials
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2014;25(17):1907-1919
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Purpose: The antifungal agent natamycin can effectively form inclusion complexes with beta-cyclodextrin (ß-CD) and 2-hydroxypropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HP-ßCD) to improve the water solubility of natamycin by 16-fold and 152-fold, respectively (Koontz, J. Agric. Food. Chem. 2003). The purpose of this study was to develop contact lens materials functionalized with methacrylated ß-CD (MßCD) and methacrylated HP-ßCD (MHP-ßCD), and to evaluate their ability to deliver natamycin in vitro. Methods: Model conventional hydrogel (CH) materials were synthesized by adding varying amounts of MßCD and MHP-ßCD (0, 0.22, 0.44, 0.65, 0.87, 1.08% of total monomer weight) to a monomer solution containing 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA). Model silicone hydrogel (SH) materials were synthesized by adding similar concentrations of MßCD and MHP-ßCD to N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMAA)/10% 3-methacryloxypropyltris(trimethylsiloxy)silane (TRIS). The gels were cured with UV light, washed with ethanol and then, hydrated for 24 h (h). The model materials were then incubated with 2 mL of 100 g/mL of natamycin in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 for 48 h at room temperature. The release of natamycin from these materials in 2 mL of PBS, pH 7.4 at 32 ± 2 °C was monitored using UV-vis spectrophotometry at 304 nm over 24 h. Results: For both CH and SH materials, functionalization with MßCD and MHP-ßCD improved the total amount of drugs released up to a threshold loading concentration, after which further addition of methacrylated CDs decreased the amount of drugs released (p < 0.05). The addition of CDs did not extend the drug release duration; the release of natamycin by all model materials reached a plateau after 12 h (p < 0.05). Overall, DMAA/10% TRIS materials released significantly more drug than HEMA materials (p < 0.05). The addition of MHP-ßCD had a higher improvement in drug release than MßCD for both HEMA and DMAA/10% TRIS gels (p < 0.05). Conclusions: A high loading concentration of methacrylated CDs decreases overall drug delivery efficiency, which likely results from an unfavorable arrangement of the CDs within the polymer network leading to reduced binding of natamycin to the CDs. HEMA and DMAA/10% TRIS materials functionalized with MHP-ßCD are more effective than those functionalized with MßCD to deliver natamycin.
Phan,C. -M, Subbaraman,L., Jones,L.
Contact lenses for antifungal ocular drug delivery: A review
Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 2014;11(4):537-546
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Introduction: Fungal keratitis, a potentially blinding disease, has been difficult to treat due to the limited number of approved antifungal drugs and the taxing dosing regimen. Thus, the development of a contact lens (CL) as an antifungal drug delivery platform has the potential to improve the treatment of fungal keratitis. A CL can serve as a drug reservoir to continuously release drugs to the cornea, while limiting drug loss through tears, blinking, drainage and non-specific absorption. Areas covered: This review will provide a summary of currently available methods for delivering antifungal drugs from commercial and model CLs, including vitamin E coating, impregnated drug films, cyclodextrin-functionalized hydrogels, polyelectrolyte hydrogels and molecular imprinting. This review will also highlight some of the main factors that influence antifungal drug delivery with CLs. Expert opinion: Several novel CL materials have been developed, capable of extended drug release profiles with a wide range of antifungal drugs lasting from 8 h to as long as 21 days. However, there are factors, such as first-order release kinetics, effectiveness of continuous drug release, microbial resistance, ocular toxicity and potential complications from inserting a CL in an infected eye, that still need to be addressed before commercial applications can be realized. © Informa UK, Ltd.
Phan,C. -M, Subbaraman,L., Liu,S., Gu,F., Jones,L.
In vitro uptake and release of natamycin Dex -b- PLA nanoparticles from model contact lens materials
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2014;25(1):18-31
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Purpose: To evaluate the uptake and release of the antifungal agent natamycin encapsulated within poly(D,L-lactide)-dextran nanoparticles (Dex-b-PLA NPs) from model contact lens (CL) materials. Methods: Six model CL materials (gel 1:poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate, pHEMA); gel 2:85% pHEMA: 15% [Tris(trimethylsiloxy)silyl]-propyl methacrylate (TRIS); gel 3: 75% pHEMA: 25% TRIS; gel 4: 85% N,N dimethylacrylamide (DMAA): 15% TRIS; gel 5:75% DMAA: 25% TRIS; and gel 6: DMAA) were prepared using a photoinitiation procedure. The gels were incubated in: (1) natamycin dissolved in deionized (DI) water and (2) natamycin encapsulated within Dex-b-PLA NPs in dimethylsulfoxide/DI water. Natamycin release from these materials was monitored using UV-visible spectrophotometry at 304 nm over 7 d. Results: Natamycin uptake by all model CL materials increased between 1 and 7 d (p < 0.001). The uptake of natamycin-NPs was higher than the uptake of the drug alone in DI water (p < 0.05). Drug release was higher in materials containing DMAA than pHEMA (p < 0.05). All gels loaded with natamycin-NPs also released more drug compared to gels soaked with natamycin in DI water (p < 0.001). After 1 h, CL materials loaded with natamycin alone released 28-82% of the total drug release. With the exception of gel 6, this burst released was reduced to 21-54% for CL materials loaded with natamycin-NPs. Conclusions: Model CL materials loaded with natamycin-Dex-b-PLA NPs were able to release natamycin for up to 12 h under infinite sink conditions. DMAA-TRIS materials may be more suitable for drug delivery of natamycin due to the higher drug release observed with these materials. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.
Phan,CM, Hui,A., Subbaraman,L., Jones,L.
Insights to Using Contact Lenses for Drug Delivery
Clin Exp Pharmacol 2014;3(145):2161-1459
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There has been considerable interest in the potential application of contact lenses for ocular drug delivery. This short communication provides an overview of the challenges faced by delivering drugs using contact lenses, highlights the solutions to limitations that have already been achieved, and describes the barriers that remain before commercial application can be realized.
Samsom,M., Chan,A., Iwabuchi,Y., Subbaraman,L., Jones,L., Schmidt,TA
In vitro friction testing of contact lenses and human ocular tissues: Effect of proteoglycan 4 (PRG4)
Tribology International 2014;89:27-33
Verma,M. S., Chen,P. Z., Jones,L., Gu,F. X.
Branching and size of CTAB-coated gold nanostars control the colorimetric detection of bacteria
RSC Advances 2014;4(21):10660-10668
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Rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria is challenging because conventional methods require long incubation times. Nanoparticles have the potential to detect pathogens before they can cause an infection. Gold nanostars have recently been used for colorimetric biosensors but they typically require surface modification with antibodies or aptamers for cellular detection. Here, CTAB-coated gold nanostars have been used to rapidly (<5 min) detect infective doses of a model Gram-positive pathogen Staphylococcus aureus by an instrument-free colorimetric method. Varying the amounts of gold nanoseed precursor and surfactant can tune the size and degree of branching of gold nanostars as studied here by transmission electron microscopy. The size and morphology of gold nanostars determine the degree and rate of color change in the presence of S. aureus. The optimal formulation achieved maximum color contrast in the presence of S. aureus and produced a selective response in comparison to polystyrene microparticles and liposomes. These gold nanostars were characterized using UV-Visible spectroscopy to monitor changes in their surface plasmon resonance peaks. The visual color change was also quantified over time by measuring the RGB components of the pixels in the digital images of gold nanostar solutions. CTAB-coated gold nanostars serve as a promising material for simple and rapid detection of pathogens. © 2014 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Verma,M. S., Chen,P. Z., Jones,L., Gu,F. X.
"Chemical nose" for the visual identification of emerging ocular pathogens using gold nanostars
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2014;61:386-390
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Ocular pathogens can cause serious damages in the eye leading to severe vision loss and even blindness if left untreated. Identification of pathogens is crucial for administering the appropriate antibiotics in order to gain effective control over ocular infection. Herein, we report a gold nanostar based "chemical nose" for visually identifying ocular pathogens. Using a spectrophotometer and nanostars of different sizes and degrees of branching, we show that the "chemical nose" is capable of identifying the following clinically relevant ocular pathogens with an accuracy of 99%: S. aureus, A. xylosoxidans, D. acidovorans and S. maltophilia. The differential colorimetric response is due to electrostatic aggregation of cationic gold nanostars around bacteria without the use of biomolecule ligands such as aptamers or antibodies. Transmission electron microscopy confirms that the number of gold nanostars aggregated around each bacterium correlates closely with the colorimetric response. Thus, gold nanostars serve as a promising platform for rapid visual identification of ocular pathogens with application in point-of-care diagnostics. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
Duench,S., Sorbara,L., Keir,N., Simpson,T., Jones,L.
Impact of silicone hydrogel lenses and solutions on corneal epithelial permeability
Optometry and Vision Science 2013;90(6):546-556
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PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this pilot study was to compare epithelial barrier function (EBF) and staining in a small group of participants using a silicone hydrogel (SH) lens worn on a daily basis with two different care regimens. Secondarily, the aim was to see if there was any correlation between corneal staining and EBF. METHODS: The corneal EBF of 10 non-lens wearers (control) and 15 age-matched asymptomatic SH contact lens wearers (test) were assessed using fluorophotometry. Biomicroscopy was performed to assess corneal staining after the EBF was measured. The lens wearers wore PureVision (FDA group V) SH lenses for two consecutive 1-month periods while using either Alcon Opti-Free Express or Renu Fresh using a randomized, investigator-masked, crossover design. Control subjects were assessed on one occasion, and lens wearers were examined before fitting with lenses and after 7, 14, and 28 days of lens wear, with each combination. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, both study groups had an increase in epithelial permeability at baseline (p = 0.04). There were no changes in EBF during the treatment period for either solution (p = 0.87). A significant difference in EBF was found between the test groups during the treatment period (p = 0.02), with greater permeability in the Renu Fresh-disinfected lenses. There was poor correlation between corneal staining and EBF (r = 0.35, p > 0.05) because of large individual variations. CONCLUSIONS: Daily wear of highly oxygen-permeable SH lenses increases corneal epithelial permeability to fluorescein probably because of increased mechanical effects. In addition, certain lens-solution interactions can add to this effect, as seen in this study. Despite having a low amount of central corneal staining in the Renu Fresh group, staining and EBF did not prove to be well correlated. The presence of central corneal staining is a confounding factor when measuring EBF. Copyright © 2013 American Academy of Optometry.
Dumbleton,K. A., Richter,D., Woods,C. A., Aakre,B. M., Plowright,A., Morgan,P. B., Jones,L. W.
A multi-country assessment of compliance with daily disposable contact lens wear
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2013;36(6):304-312
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Purpose: To investigate compliance with daily disposable contact lens (DDCL) wear and investigate re-use of lenses according to country and DDCL material worn. Methods: Optometrists invited eligible DDCL patients from their practices to participate in a survey on DDCL wear in Australia, Norway, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). Eligible participants completed an online or paper version of the survey. Results: 805 participants completed the survey (96% online): Australia 13%, Norway 32%, UK 17%, US 38%. The median age was 38 years; 66% were female. Silicone hydrogel (SiHy) DDCLs were worn by 14%. Overall, 9% were non-compliant with DDCL replacement; Australia 18%, US 12%, UK 7% and Norway 4%. There were no differences with respect to sex, years of contact lens wear experience or DDCL material (SiHy versus hydrogels). The primary reason for re-use was "to save money" (60%). Re-use of DDCLs resulted in inferior comfort at insertion and prior to lens removal (p= 0.001). 75% reported occasional napping and 28% reported sleeping overnight for at least one night in the preceding month, while wearing their DDCLs. Conclusion: Non-compliance with replacement of DDCLs occurred in all countries investigated; the rate was highest in Australia and lowest in Norway. Re-use of DDCLs was associated with reduced comfort. DDCL wearers often reported wearing lenses overnight. It is important for optometrists to counsel their patients on the importance of appropriate lens wear and replacement for DDCLs. © 2013 British Contact Lens Association.
Dumbleton,K. A., Spafford,M. M., Sivak,A., Jones,L. W.
Exploring compliance: A mixed-methods study of contact lens wearer perspectives
Optometry and Vision Science 2013;90(8):898-908
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PURPOSE: Using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, this article explores in detail the lens wear and care habits of adapted contact lens wearers and seeks a better understanding of what enables and constrains patient compliance with appropriate lens wear and lens care. METHODS: The study was conducted in two phases: a preliminary online questionnaire (quantitative phase), identifying types of noncompliance, and a series of sequentially conducted focus groups (qualitative phase), exploring constraints to, and enablers of, compliance. RESULTS: One hundred participants completed the online questionnaire; 12 of them also participated in one of four focus groups. The most frequently reported aspects of noncompliance revealed were failure to replace lenses when scheduled, inappropriate lens purchase and supply, sleeping while wearing lenses, use of tap water with lenses and failure to wash hands, failure to clean and replace cases regularly, and inappropriate use of care systems. Using an iterative process, a number of "themes" associated with noncompliance were identified in the focus group discussions. The most frequently occurring themes related to the consequences that may occur if patients were noncompliant with one or more aspects of their contact lens wear and the importance of receiving instructions regarding the most appropriate way to wear and care for their lenses. Most of the themes that emerged during the analysis were both constraints to, and enablers of, compliance. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the frequent types of noncompliance with contact lens wear and care while offering a greater understanding of what may constrain and enables contact lens wear and care compliance. Future qualitative studies may help eye care practitioners and the contact lens industry to develop strategies and tools to aid compliance and success in contact lens wear. © 2013 American Academy of Optometry.
Dumbleton,K., Richter,D., Bergenske,P., Jones,L. W.
Compliance with lens replacement and the interval between eye examinations
Optometry and Vision Science 2013;90(4):351-358
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PURPOSE: Eye care practitioners (ECPs) acknowledge that their patients do not always follow recommendations for lens replacement, but many may not realize the possible implications for their offices. The study was conducted to investigate whether there is a relationship between contact lens compliance and the interval between full eye examinations (IEE). METHODS: The study was conducted in ECP offices in the United States. Eye care practitioners and patients independently completed linked questionnaires, evaluating their contact lens wear and care. Patients were required to be current wearers of daily disposable (DD) lenses or reusable silicone hydrogel lenses with a manufacturer-recommended replacement frequency (MRRF) of 2 weeks (2WR) or 1 month (1MR). RESULTS: A total of 2147 questionnaires from 141 offices were eligible. Fifty-four percent of patients were wearing 2WR, 37% 1MR, and 9% DD lenses. Wearers of 2WR lenses were significantly less compliant with replacement than wearers of both DD and 1MR lenses (34% vs. 74% and 67%, both p < 0.001); patients purchasing an annual supply were more compliant (55% vs. 45%, p < 0.001). The mean IEE was 16 months and was longer for wearers who were noncompliant with the MRRF (17.4 months vs. 14.5 months, p < 0.001). Other factors affecting IEE were household income (p = 0.030), insurance (p < 0.001), purchase source (p < 0.001), and sex (p = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: Patients who were not compliant with the MRRF had longer IEEs and were less likely to purchase an annual supply of lenses. Patients who purchased lenses from their ECP, had a higher household income, had eye examination insurance, and were female had shorter IEEs. Patients failing to replace their lenses when scheduled were also found to be less compliant with lens care procedures. Eye care practitioners should reinforce the importance of all aspects of lens wear and care with their patients, with the overall aim of reducing possible complications and retaining successful contact lens wearers in their offices. Copyright © 2013 American Academy of Optometry.
Dumbleton,K., Woods,C. A., Jones,L. W., Fonn,D.
The impact of contemporary contact lenses on contact lens discontinuation
Eye and Contact Lens 2013;39(1):93-99
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OBJECTIVES: Discontinuation or "dropout" from contact lens (CL) wear continues to afflict the CL industry. This study was conducted to determine whether the advent of new CL materials and designs has impacted the dropout rate and the reasons for discontinuation. METHODS: Current and lapsed CL wearers residing in Canada were recruited using Facebook to take part in an on line survey investigating CL wearing experiences during 2008 to 2010 and to establish the percentage of participants who temporarily and permanently discontinued CL wear during the period surveyed. RESULTS: Four thousand two hundred seven eligible surveys were received (64% female; median age 27 years). Forty percent had lapsed from lens wear for at least 4 months; however, 62% of the lapsed wearers (LWs) resumed wear. There were no differences between LWs and nonlapsed wearers (NLWs) with respect to gender; however, LWs were older, started lens wear when older, and had not worn lenses for as long as NLWs (all P<0.001). More NLWs than LWs wore silicone hydrogel CLs (49% vs. 38%, P<0.001) and more LWs than NLWs wore daily disposable lenses and hydrogel CLs (24% vs. 19% and 22% vs. 18%, respectively, P=0.001). Primary reasons for discontinuation were discomfort (24%), dryness (20%), red eyes (7%), and expense (7%). Compliance with lens replacement was no different between LWs and NLWs (48% vs. 45%). CONCLUSIONS: About 23% of those surveyed had discontinued CL wear permanently. The primary reasons for dropping out continue to be discomfort and dryness. Dropout rates were lower in silicone hydrogel wearers. © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Efron,N., Brennan,N. A., Bright,F. V., Glasgow,B. J., Jones,L. W., Sullivan,D. A., Tomlinson,A., Zhang,J.
Contact lens care and ocular surface homeostasis
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2013;36(SUPPL.):S9-S13
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The early focus of contact lens wear and ocular health was on oxygen delivery. However, as we learn more about how the eye works, and investigate how the contact lens interacts with the cornea, the role of the tear film has risen in prominence. A healthy tear film is critical for normal ocular homeostasis, and abnormalities of the tear film are the primary cause of dry eye. In order to improve patient eye health and comfort during lens wear, we need to further elucidate the relationship among contact lenses, contact lens solutions, the tear film, and the corneal epithelium, and find ways to maintain homeostasis of the ocular surface. In this section, we review the latest data and opinions on this complex relationship between contact lenses and lens care solutions. © 2013 British Contact Lens Association.
Efron,N., Jones,L., Bron,A. J., Knop,E., Arita,R., Barabino,S., McDermott,A. M., Villani,E., Willcox,M. D. P., Markoulli,M.
The TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: Report of the contact lens interactions with the ocular surface and adnexa subcommittee
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2013;54(11):TFOS98-TFOS122
Hall,B., Jones,L., Forrest,J. A.
Measuring the kinetics and activity of adsorbed proteins: In vitro lysozyme deposited onto hydrogel contact lenses over short time periods
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A 2013;101 A(3):755-764
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A new process has been developed to determine the biological activity of an intact layer of lysozyme deposited onto a biomaterial surface. This process is applied to a number of common hydrogel contact lenses. The activity of the surface-adsorbed protein is measured using a standard micrococcal activity assay, with extra steps to distinguish between protein on the surface and protein in solution. This is in contrast to protein extraction work in which the activity of all adsorbed protein is measured. For ionic materials, which are known to deposit large amounts of protein, particularly positively charged proteins such as lysozyme, there is evidence for loosely bound protein re-entering the solution, thus making it impossible to truly separate out the surface-adsorbed protein. This optimized process provides the first quantification of the biological activity of an intact layer of surface-adsorbed protein at a hydrogel interface. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Jones,L., Brennan,N. A., González-Méijome,J., Lally,J., Maldonado-Codina,C., Schmidt,T. A., Subbaraman,L., Young,G., Nichols,J. J.
The TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: Report of the contact lens materials, design, and care subcommittee
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2013;54(11):TFOS37-TFOS70
Jones,L., Powell,C. H.
Uptake and release phenomena in contact lens care by silicone hydrogel lenses
Eye and Contact Lens 2013;39(1):29-36
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Contact lens solutions are highly complex mixtures of biocides (preservatives), surfactants, and other agents designed to disinfect, clean, and wet contact lenses. The commercialization of silicone hydrogel (SiHy) lenses has resulted in unique challenges to the manufacturers of contact lens solutions, because the properties of these materials differ markedly from those seen previously with poly-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-based hydrogels. Historically, hydrogel lens uptake and release of low-molecular weight preservatives such as chlorhexidine and thimerosal were known to result in allergic reactions, resulting in corneal irritation, stinging, conjunctival hyperemia, development of corneal infiltrates, palpebral lid changes, and corneal staining. However, little is known about the interaction of modern care systems with modern soft lens materials. Factors to be considered when evaluating the uptake and release of care components include the water content, charge, relative hydrophobicity, surface treatment, and porosity of the lens material, in conjunction with the concentration, charge/molecule, ionicity in the product matrix, molecular weight, and hydrophobicity of the care component in question. These factors control the sorption of the solution components by lenses, resulting in a variety of differences in the amount of the component taken up into the lens material and the amount and rate of subsequent release onto the ocular surface. Because both natural (ocular) and environmental biota become part of the solution-lens system during regimen use of any lens care product, these extraneously introduced substances should also be considered regarding their potential for uptake and either subsequent release onto the ocular surface or functioning as a scaffold for the adhesion of microbes. This article will review current knowledge concerning these interactions and investigate what clinically observable complications may arise from these interactions. It also reviews whether current methods to determine these interactions could be improved on. © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Keech,A., Senchyna,M., Jones,L.
Impact of time between collection and collection method on human tear fluid osmolarity
Current eye research 2013;38(4):428-436
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Aim: To generate data on the variability of tear osmolarity in a control (normal, non-dry eye) and symptomatic dry eye population (Ocular Surface Disease Index: OSDI ≥20). A secondary outcome is the determination of the effect that tear collection technique has on the osmolarity of the sample. Materials and methods: This was a two-phase study that recruited 20 subjects (n = 10 normal, n = 10 dry eye) to evaluate the influence of time between measurements (Phase I) and 30 subjects (n = 15 normal, n = 15 dry eye) to evaluate the influence of collection technique (Phase II). As part of Phase I, serial tear osmolarity measurements were performed on each eye; four separated by 15min followed by four separated by lmin, at each of three visits. Phase II compared the consecutive measurement of four in vivo tear samples to four in vitro measurements on tears collected and dispensed from a glass capillary tube. Results: During Phase I, the dry eye group had a significantly higher maximum osmolarity (334.2 ± 25.6 mOsm/L) compared to the normal group (304.0 ± 8.4mOsm/L, p = 0.002). No significant differences were observed whether collections were performed at 15 or 1 min intervals. During Phase II, the in vivo osmolarity was equivalent to in vitro measurements from glass capillary tube samples for both the dry eye group (323.0± 16.7mOsm/L versus 317.7±24.8, p = 0.496), and for the normal subjects (301.2±7. 2mOsm/L versus 301.9 ± 16.0 mOsm/L, p = 0.884). Conclusion: Symptomatic dry eye subjects exhibited a significantly higher tear osmolarity and variation over time than observed in normal subjects, reflecting the inherent tear film instability of dry eye disease. There was no change in the distribution of tear osmolarity measurements whether tears were collected in rapid succession or given time to equilibrate, and collection method had no impact on tear osmolarity. © Informa Healthcare USA Inc.
Keir,N., Jones,L.
Wettability and silicone hydrogel lenses: A review
Eye and Contact Lens 2013;39(1):100-108
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One of the major breakthroughs in the development of silicone hydrogel contact lenses has related to the ability of manufacturers to overcome the surface hydrophobicity that occurred with silicone elastomer lenses. However, the wettability of silicone hydrogel lenses continues to be of interest as a potential link between in vivo lens performance and contact lens-related comfort. This article will review some of the knowledge we have gained in the area of contact lens wettability over the past decade and will discuss some of the challenges related to its measurement. © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Ng,A., Heynen,M., Luensmann,D., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Impact of tear film components on the conformational state of lysozyme deposited on contact lenses
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 2013;101(7):1172-1181
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Purpose To investigate the impact of lactoferrin and lipids on the kinetic denaturation of lysozyme deposited on silicone and conventional hydrogel lenses, using a complex artificial tear solution (ATS). Methods Two silicone hydrogel lenses (AIR OPTIX AQUA; lotrafilcon B and ACUVUE OASYS; senofilcon A) and two conventional hydrogel lenses (ACUVUE 2; etafilcon A and PROCLEAR; omafilcon A) were incubated in four solutions: an ATS, ATS without lactoferrin, ATS without lipids, and ATS without lactoferrin and lipids. At various time points over a 28-day period, the percentage of active lysozyme per lens was determined using a fluorescence activity assay and an ELISA. Results After 28 days, the percentage of active lysozyme extracted from etafilcon A lenses in all solutions was significantly higher than all other lens materials (p 0.05). The inclusion of lipids in the ATS significantly increased the lysozyme denaturation on both silicone hydrogel materials (p 0.05). The inclusion of lipids in the ATS significantly increased the lysozyme denaturation on both silicone hydrogel materials (p 0.05). Conclusions Lactoferrin and lipids have an impact on the denaturation of lysozyme deposited onto silicone hydrogel contact lenses, while conventional hydrogel lenses were unaffected. Future in vitro studies should consider the impact of tear film components when investigating protein deposition and denaturation on contact lenses. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 1172-1181, 2013. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., a Wiley Company.
Ng,A., Heynen,M., Luensmann,D., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Optimization of a fluorescence-based lysozyme activity assay for contact lens studies
Current eye research 2013;38(2):252-259
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Purpose: To optimize a fluorescence-based lysozyme activity assay to investigate the conformational state of lysozyme in solution and to determine the impact of extraction and evaporation procedures and the possible interference of contact lens materials on lysozyme activity. Methods: The fluorescence-based lysozyme activity assay, Enzchek (Molecular Probes Inc, Eugene, OR) which utilizes fluorescently quenched Micrococcus lysodeikticus, was compared to the gold standard, classical lysozyme turbidity assay, using four differently concentrated lysozyme samples (20, 10, 5.0 and 2.0 ng/µL). Furthermore, six differently concentrated lysozyme samples (2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 and 0.01 µg/µL) were quantified using the fluorescence-based assay in the presence of extraction solvents consisting of 0.2% and 0.02% trifluroacetic acid/acetonitrile and following evaporation procedures. Results: A standard curve was generated by the fluorescence-based assay ranging from 2 to 150 ng. The total active lysozyme quantified in the four lysozyme samples was not significantly different between the two assays (p > 0.05) and the concordance correlation coefficient was determined to be 0.995. However an average discrepancy between the two assays was found to be 0.474 ng, with the turbidity assay typically reporting higher active lysozyme measurements. The sensitivity of the fluorescence-based assay was higher than the classical turbidity assay when quantifying 20 ng or less active lysozyme. Following the extraction and evaporation procedures and the addition of lens extracts, the total active lysozyme recovered was 95% or greater. Conclusions: In comparison to the classical turbidity assay, the fluorescence-based assay is a very sensitive method, making it a favorable technique, particularly when studying contact lens materials that deposit relatively low levels of lysozyme. © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
Ngo,W., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L.
Historical overview of imaging the meibomian glands
Journal of Optometry 2013;6(1):1-8
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Growing knowledge of the role of the meibomian glands in dry eye disease and contact lens discomfort has resulted in a surge of interest in visualizing these glands within the eyelids. This manuscript provides an overview of the many different visualization methods that have evolved over the past 30-40 years. Some of the visualization methods covered in this review include lid transillumination, video and non-contact meibography, and imaging methods employing confocal microscopy, optical coherence tomography and ultrasound. This review has also highlighted all the studies to date that have employed meibography as part of their methods. An overview of the available meibography dropout grading systems will also be provided. © 2012 Spanish General Council of Optometry.
Nichols,J. J., Jones,L., Daniel Nelson,J., Stapleton,F., Sullivan,D. A., Willcox,M. D. P.
The TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: Introduction
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2013;54(11):TFOS1-TFOS6
Nichols,J. J., Willcox,M. D. P., Bron,A. J., Belmonte,C., Ciolino,J. B., Craig,J. P., Dogru,M., Foulks,G. N., Jones,L., Nelson,J. D., Nichols,K. K., Purslow,C., Schaumberg,D. A., Stapleton,F., Sullivan,D. A.
The TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: Executive summary
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2013;54(11):TFOS7-TFOS13
Phan,C. -M, Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
In vitro uptake and release of natamycin from conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials
Eye and Contact Lens 2013;39(2):162-168
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OBJECTIVES:: To investigate the uptake and release of the antifungal ocular drug, natamycin from commercially available conventional hydrogel (CH) and silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lens (CL) materials and to evaluate the effectiveness of this delivery method. METHODS:: Five commercial SH CLs (balafilcon A, comfilcon A, galyfilcon A, senofilcon A, and lotrafilcon B) and four CH CLs (etafilcon A, omafilcon A, polymacon, vifilcon A) were examined in this study. These lenses were incubated with natamycin solubilized in dimethyl sulfoxide, and the release of the drug from these lenses, in Unisol 4 pH 7.4 at 32±1 C, was determined using UV-visible spectrophotometry at 305 nm over 24 hours. RESULTS:: There was a significant uptake of natamycin between 0 hour and 24 hours (P0.05). There was a significant difference in release between all the SH materials (P0.05). There was a significant difference in release between all the SH materials (P0.05). There was a significant difference in release between all the SH materials (P0.05). Overall, the release of natamycin was higher in CH than SH lenses (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS:: All CLs released clinically relevant concentrations of natamycin within 30 minutes, but this release reached a plateau after approximately 1 hour. Further CL material development will be necessary to produce a slow and sustained drug releasing device for the delivery of natamycin. © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Srinivasan,S., Heynen,M. L., Martell,E., Ritter III,R., Jones,L., Senchyna,M.
Quantification of MUCIN 1, cell surface associated and MUCIN16, cell surface associated proteins in tears and conjunctival epithelial cells collected from postmenopausal women
Molecular Vision 2013;19970-979
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Purpose: To quantify the expression of mucin 1, cell surface associated (MUC1) and mucin 16, cell surface associated (MUC16) proteins and messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in a cohort of postmenopausal women (PMW), to explore the relationship between mucin expression, dry eye symptomology, and tear stability. Methods: Thirty-nine healthy PMW (>50 years of age) were enrolled in this study. No specific inclusion criteria were used to define dry eye; instead, a range of subjects were recruited based on responses to the Allergan Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire and tear stability measurements as assessed by non-invasive tear breakup time (NITBUT). Tears were collected from the inferior tear meniscus using a disposable glass capillary tube, and total RNA and total protein were isolated from conjunctival epithelial cells collected via impression cytology. Expression of membrane-bound and soluble MUC1 and MUC16 were quantified with western blotting, and expression of MUC1 and MUC16 mRNA was assessed with real-time PCR. Results: OSDI responses ranged from 0 to 60, and NITBUT ranged from 18.5 to 2.9 s. Only two statistically significant correlations were found: soluble MUC16 protein concentration and MUC16 mRNA expression with OSDI vision related (-0.47; p=0.01) and ocular symptom (0.39; p=0.02) subscores, respectively. Post hoc exploratory analysis on absolute expression values was performed on two subsets of subjects defined as asymptomatic (OSDI =6, n=12) and moderate to severe symptomatic (OSDI =20, n=12). The only significant difference between the two subgroups was a significant reduction in MUC16 mRNA expression found in the symptomatic dry eye group (1.52±1.19 versus 0.57±0.44; p=0.03). Conclusions: A broad exploration of mucin expression compared to either a sign (NITBUT) or symptoms of dry eye failed to reveal compelling evidence supporting a significant relationship, other than a potential association between MUC16 with specific symptoms. Furthermore, comparison of mucin protein and expression levels between the asymptomatic and moderate to severe symptomatic subgroups revealed only one significant difference, a reduction in MUC16 mRNA expression in the symptomatic subgroup. © 2013 Molecular Vision.
Srinivasan,S., Menzies,K. L., Sorbara,L., Jones,L. W.
Imaging meibomian glands on a patient with chalazia in the upper and lower lids: A case report
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2013;36(4):199-203
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Aim: To describe the meibomian gland (MG) appearance in a case of eyelid chalazia, using a novel meibography method. Methods: A 29-year-old female of South Asian origin presented with mild swelling in the lower lid of the left eye. The patient also presented with a history of a recurrent chalazion in the upper lid of the same eye, which later progressed to an active chalazion. A chalazion also developed in the upper lid of the right eye. Meibography was performed using a novel Keratograph (Keratograph 4, OCULUS, Wetzlar, Germany) to evaluate the structure of the MG in the area affected by the chalazia. Results: The area of the recurrent chalazion in the upper left lid showed partial and/or complete MG loss. The active chalazia in the lower left lid and the upper right lid showed inflammation and MG drop out at the affected site. The inflammation was found to be reduced during the follow-up visits, however disappearance of MG very specific to the region of the chalazion was observed. Conclusion: The Keratograph 4 was able to image the MG structures clearly, allowing the clinician to monitor the progression of chalazia and the MG loss in the affected areas. © 2013 British Contact Lens Association.
Varikooty,J., Keir,N., Richter,D., Jones,L. W., Woods,C., Fonn,D.
Comfort response of three silicone hydrogel daily disposable contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2013;90(9):945-953
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PURPOSE: To evaluate subjective ocular comfort across the day with three silicone hydrogel daily disposables (SHDDs) in a group of adapted lens wearers. METHODS: Masked subjects (asymptomatic or symptomatic of end-of-day (EOD) dryness with habitual lenses) wore three SHDDs: DAILIES TOTAL1 (DT1), Clariti 1day (C1D), or 1-DAY ACUVUE TRUEYE (AVTE), each for 3 days. On day 2, wearing time (WT) and comfort ratings after insertion, at 4, 8, and 12 hours, and at EOD were recorded. Because not all subjects wore lenses for 12 hours, comfort was analyzed across the day (up to 8 hours, 8 to 12 hours), and a new variable ("cumulative comfort" [CC]) was calculated for EOD. RESULTS: One hundred four subjects completed the study (51 asymptomatic, 53 symptomatic). The two groups had different WTs (mean WT, 14.0 and 12.7 hours, respectively; p < 0.001). Ocular comfort was rated higher in the asymptomatic group throughout the day (p < 0.001). One hundred four subjects wore all three SHDDs for at least 8 hours, whereas 74 (45 asymptomatic, 29 symptomatic) subjects wore them for 12 hours or longer. Comfort ratings were higher with DT1 (least square means [LSM] = 91.0) than with C1D (LSM = 86.5; p < 0.001) and AVTE (LSM = 87.7; p = 0.011) for the first 8 hours and lower with C1D compared with DT1 (p = 0.012) from 8 to 12 hours. Mean EOD (± SD) comfort with the C1D lens was 72 ± 21, lower than both DT1 (mean, 79 ± 17; p = 0.001) and AVTE (mean, 78 ± 21; p = 0.010). Mean CC was higher in the asymptomatic group (mean, 1261 ± 59) compared with that in the symptomatic group (mean, 1009 ± 58; p < 0.001) and higher for DT1 (mean, 1184 ± 258) than C1D (mean, 1094 ± 318; p = 0.002) and AVTE (mean, 1122 ± 297; p = 0.046). CONCLUSIONS: All three SHDDs had average WTs of 12 hours or longer for 1 day. Comfort during the first 12 hours was highest with DT1 (similar to AVTE between 8 and 12 hours) and lowest with C1D. End-of-day comfort was lowest with C1D, and CC was highest for DT1. Cumulative comfort may be a valuable new metric to assess ocular comfort during the day. © 2013 American Academy of Optometry.
Walther,H., Lorentz,H., Heynen,M., Kay,L., Jones,L. W.
Factors that influence in vitro cholesterol deposition on contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2013;90(10):1057-1065
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact that incubation time, lipid concentration, and solution replenishment have on silicone hydrogel (SiHy) and conventional hydrogel (CH) contact lens cholesterol deposition via in vitro radiochemical experiments. METHODS: Four SiHy (senofilcon A, lotrafilcon B, comfilcon A, balafilcon A) and two CH (etafilcon A and omafilcon A) contact lenses were incubated in an artificial tear solution (ATS) that contained major tear film proteins, lipids, salts, salts, and a trace amount of radioactive C-cholesterol. Lenses were incubated for various incubation times (1, 3, 7, 14, or 28 days), with three concentrations of lipid (0.5×, 1×, 2× tear film concentration) and with or without solution replenishment to assess each variable's impact on cholesterol deposition. After incubation, the lenses were extracted using 2:1 chloroform:methanol, extracts were analyzed in a beta counter and masses (micrograms per lens) were extrapolated from standard curves. RESULTS: Within the SiHy materials, balafilcon A deposited the greatest amount of cholesterol (p replenishing > 1× > 0.5×. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, SiHy lenses deposit significantly more cholesterol than CH lens materials, and the mass of lipid deposited is dependent on the contact lens material, length of incubation, concentration of lipids in the ATS, and the replenishment of ATS. Copyright © 2013 American Academy of Optometry.
Weeks,A., Boone,A., Luensmann,D., Jones,L., Sheardown,H.
The effects of hyaluronic acid incorporated as a wetting agent on lysozyme denaturation in model contact lens materials
Journal of Biomaterials Applications 2013;28(3):323-333
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Conventional and silicone hydrogels as models for contact lenses were prepared to determine the effect of the presence of hyaluronic acid on lysozyme sorption and denaturation. Hyaluronic acid was loaded into poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)/TRIS - methacryloxypropyltris (trimethylsiloxy silane) hydrogels, which served as models for conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials. The hyaluronic acid was cross-linked using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)- carbodiimide in the presence of dendrimers. Active lysozyme was quantified using a Micrococcus lysodeikticus assay while total lysozyme was determined using 125-I radiolabeled protein. To examine the location of hyaluronic acid in the gels, 6-aminofluorescein labeled hyaluronic acid was incorporated into the gels using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide chemistry and the gels were examined using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Hyaluronic acid incorporation significantly reduced lysozyme sorption in poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (p < 0.00001) and poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)/TRIS - methacryloxypropyltris (trimethylsiloxy silane) (p < 0.001) hydrogels, with the modified materials sorbing only 20% and 16% that of the control, respectively. More importantly, hyaluronic acid also decreased lysozyme denaturation in poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (p < 0.005) and poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)/TRIS - methacryloxypropyltris (trimethylsiloxy silane) (p < 0.02) hydrogels. The confocal laser scanning microscopy results showed that the hyaluronic acid distribution was dependent on both the material type and the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid. This study demonstrates that hyaluronic acid incorporated as a wetting agent has the potential to reduce lysozyme sorption and denaturation in contact lens applications. The distribution of hyaluronic acid within hydrogels appears to affect denaturation, with more surface mobile, lower molecular weight hyaluronic acid being more effective in preventing denaturation. © The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.
Weeks,A., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L., Sheardown,H.
Physical entrapment of hyaluronic acid during synthesis results in extended release from model hydrogel and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials
Eye and Contact Lens 2013;39(2):179-185
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OBJECTIVES:: This study was designed to assess the duration of hyaluronic acid (HA) release from model contact lens materials when HA was physically incorporated into the hydrogel during synthesis and to assess the effects of the HA release on lysozyme sorption. METHODS:: Model conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials containing HA of various molecular weights as a releasable wetting agent were prepared. The HA was released into phosphate-buffered saline and MilliQ water, and the release was monitored using ultraviolet spectroscopy. Hyaluronic acid release was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The effect of the releasable HA on lysozyme sorption to the materials was also analyzed using 125-I-labeled protein. RESULTS:: Hyaluronic acid loaded into the materials using this method could be released from conventional hydrogel materials for 21 days; the model silicone hydrogels showed release of more than 7 weeks. With one exception, the releasable HA decreased lysozyme sorption. CONCLUSIONS:: Hyaluronic acid physically incorporated into contact lens materials during synthesis may therefore be released for extended periods of time of up to 7 weeks. Hyaluronic acid release leads to decreased protein adsorption in general. This method has potential for modification of conventional and silicone hydrogel lenses with releasable HA as a wetting agent. © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Woods,J., Guthrie,S. E., Keir,N., Dillehay,S., Tyson,M., Griffin,R., Choh,V., Fonn,D., Jones,L., Irving,E.
Inhibition of defocus-induced myopia in chickens
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2013;54(4):2662-2668
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PURPOSE. To determine the effect of wearing a lens with a unique peripheral optical design on the development and progression of defocus-induced myopia in newly hatched chickens.METHODS. Eighty-five newly hatched chickens underwent bilateral retinoscopy and A-scan ultrasound to determine their refractive error and axial length. They were randomly divided into Control and two Test groups, in which each chicken was fitted with a goggle-lens over the right eye, with the left eye remaining untreated. The Control group wore a lens of power - 10.00 diopters (D) of standard spherical optical design. The two Test lenses both had a central optical power -10.00 D, but used different peripheral myopia progression control (MPC) designs. For all groups, retinoscopy was repeated on days 3, 7, 10, and 14; ultrasound was repeated on day 14.RESULTS. On day 0 there was no statistical difference in refractive error (mean +6.92 D) or axial length (mean 8.06 mm) between Test and Control groups or treated and untreated eyes (all P > 0.05). At day 14, 37 (43.5%) of 85 chickens had not experienced goggle detachment and were included in the final analyses. In this cohort there was a significant refractive difference between the treated eyes of the Control group (n = 17) and those of Test 1 (n = 14) and Test 2 (n = 6) groups (both P < 0.01): Control -4.65 ± 2.11 D, Test 1 +4.57 ± 3.11 D, Test 2 +1.08 ± 1.24 D (mean ± SEM). There was also a significant axial length difference (both P < 0.01): Control 10.55 ± 0.36 mm, Test 1 9.99 ± 0.14 mm, Test 2 10.17 ± 0.18 mm.CONCLUSIONS. Use of these unique MPC lens designs over 14 days caused a significant reduction in the development of defocus-induced myopia in chickens; the degree of reduction appeared to be design specific. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.
Dumbleton,K., Woods,C. A., Jones,L. W., Fonn,D.
The impact of contemporary contact lenses on contact lens discontinuation
Eye and Contact Lens 2012
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OBJECTIVES: Discontinuation or "dropout" from contact lens (CL) wear continues to afflict the CL industry. This study was conducted to determine whether the advent of new CL materials and designs has impacted the dropout rate and the reasons for discontinuation. METHODS: Current and lapsed CL wearers residing in Canada were recruited using Facebook to take part in an on line survey investigating CL wearing experiences during 2008 to 2010 and to establish the percentage of participants who temporarily and permanently discontinued CL wear during the period surveyed. RESULTS: Four thousand two hundred seven eligible surveys were received (64% female; median age 27 years). Forty percent had lapsed from lens wear for at least 4 months; however, 62% of the lapsed wearers (LWs) resumed wear. There were no differences between LWs and nonlapsed wearers (NLWs) with respect to gender; however, LWs were older, started lens wear when older, and had not worn lenses for as long as NLWs (all P<0.001). More NLWs than LWs wore silicone hydrogel CLs (49% vs. 38%, P<0.001) and more LWs than NLWs wore daily disposable lenses and hydrogel CLs (24% vs. 19% and 22% vs. 18%, respectively, P≤0.001). Primary reasons for discontinuation were discomfort (24%), dryness (20%), red eyes (7%), and expense (7%). Compliance with lens replacement was no different between LWs and NLWs (48% vs. 45%). CONCLUSIONS: About 23% of those surveyed had discontinued CL wear permanently. The primary reasons for dropping out continue to be discomfort and dryness. Dropout rates were lower in silicone hydrogel wearers.
Hui,A., Sheardown,H., Jones,L.
Acetic and acrylic acid molecular imprinted model silicone hydrogel materials for ciprofloxacin-HCL delivery
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Contact lenses, as an alternative drug delivery vehicle for the eye compared to eye drops, are desirable due to potential advantages in dosing regimen, bioavailability and patient tolerance/compliance. The challenge has been to engineer and develop these materials to sustain drug delivery to the eye for a long period of time. In this study, model silicone hydrogel materials were created using a molecular imprinting strategy to deliver the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. Acetic and acrylic acid were used as the functional monomers, to interact with the ciprofloxacin template to efficiently create recognition cavities within the final polymerized material. Synthesized materials were loaded with 9.06 mM, 0.10 mM and 0.025 mM solutions of ciprofloxacin, and the release of ciprofloxacin into an artificial tear solution was monitored over time. The materials were shown to release for periods varying from 3 to 14 days, dependent on the loading solution, functional monomer concentration and functional monomer:template ratio, with materials with greater monomer:template ratio (8:1 and 16:1 imprinted) tending to release for longer periods of time. Materials with a lower monomer:template ratio (4:1 imprinted) tended to release comparatively greater amounts of ciprofloxacin into solution, but the release was somewhat shorter. The total amount of drug released from the imprinted materials was sufficient to reach levels relevant to inhibit the growth of common ocular isolates of bacteria. This work is one of the first to demonstrate the feasibility of molecular imprinting in model silicone hydrogel-type materials.
Jadi,S., Heynen,M., Luensmann,D., Jones,L.
Composition of incubation solution impacts in vitro protein uptake to silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Molecular Vision 2012;18337-347
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Purpose: To determine the impact of incubation solution composition on protein deposition to silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lenses using a simplistic and a complex model of the tear film. Methods: Three SH materials - senofilcon A (SA), lotrafilcon B (LB), and balafilcon A (BA) - were incubated in two different solutions; Solution A was a simplistic augmented buffered saline solution containing a single protein, whereas Solution B was a complex artificial tear solution (ATS), containing the augmented buffered saline solution in addition to proteins, lipids, and mucins (pH=7.4). The proteins of interest (lysozyme, lactoferrin, albumin) were radiolabeled with Iodine-125 (2% protein of interest) and the accumulation of the conjugated protein to the lens materials was determined after 1, 7, 14, and 28 days of incubation. Protein deposition was measured using a gamma counter and the raw data were translated into absolute amounts (μg/lens) via extrapolation from standards. Results: After 28 days, lysozyme uptake was significantly lower on BA lenses when incubated in Solution A (33.7 μg) compared to Solution B (56.2 μg), p0.05. LB lenses also deposited similar amounts of lysozyme for both solutions (Solution A: 5.0 μg, Solution B: 4.7 μg, p>0.05). After 28 days, BA lenses accumulated approximately twice the amount of lactoferrin than the other lens materials, with 30.3 μg depositing when exposed to Solution A and 22.0 μg with Solution B. The difference between the two solutions was statistically significant (p0.05. LB lenses also deposited similar amounts of lysozyme for both solutions (Solution A: 5.0 μg, Solution B: 4.7 μg, p>0.05). After 28 days, BA lenses accumulated approximately twice the amount of lactoferrin than the other lens materials, with 30.3 μg depositing when exposed to Solution A and 22.0 μg with Solution B. The difference between the two solutions was statistically significant (p0.05). After 28 days, albumin deposition onto BA lenses was significantly greater when lenses were incubated in Solution B (1.7 μg) compared to Solution A (0.9 μg), p0.05). LB lenses incubated in Solution A deposited more albumin compared to Solution B (0.9 μg versus 0.6 μg), p=0.003. Discussion: Protein deposition onto SH materials varied when contact lenses were incubated in either a complex ATS compared to a single protein solution. More lysozyme accumulated onto BA lenses incubated in a complex analog of the human tear film, whereas lactoferrin deposited onto SA lenses independent of incubation solution composition. To better mimic the ex vivo environment, future studies should use more appropriate analogs of the tear film. © 2012 Molecular Vision.
Leiske,D. L., Leiske,C. I., Leiske,D. R., Toney,M. F., Senchyna,M., Ketelson,H. A., Meadows,D. L., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L., Fuller,G. G.
Temperature-induced transitions in the structure and interfacial rheology of human meibum
Biophysical journal 2012;102(2):369-376
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Meibomian lipids are the primary component of the lipid layer of the tear film. Composed primarily of a mixture of lipids, meibum exhibits a range of melt temperatures. Compositional changes that occur with disease may alter the temperature at which meibum melts. Here we explore how the mechanical properties and structure of meibum from healthy subjects depend on temperature. Interfacial films of meibum were highly viscoelastic at 17°C, but as the films were heated to 30°C the surface moduli decreased by more than two orders of magnitude. Brewster angle microscopy revealed the presence of micron-scale inhomogeneities in meibum films at higher temperatures. Crystalline structure was probed by small angle x-ray scattering of bulk meibum, which showed evidence of a majority crystalline structure in all samples with lamellar spacing of 49 that melted at 34°C. A minority structure was observed in some samples with d-spacing at 110 that persisted up to 40°C. The melting of crystalline phases accompanied by a reduction in interfacial viscosity and elasticity has implications in meibum behavior in the tear film. If the melt temperature of meibum was altered significantly from disease-induced compositional changes, the resultant change in viscosity could alter secretion of lipids from meibomian glands, or tear-film stabilization properties of the lipid layer. © 2012 Biophysical Society.
Leiske,D. L., Miller,C. E., Rosenfeld,L., Cerretani,C., Ayzner,A., Lin,B., Meron,M., Senchyna,M., Ketelson,H. A., Meadows,D., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L., Radke,C. J., Toney,M. F., Fuller,G. G.
Molecular structure of interfacial human meibum films
Langmuir 2012;28(32):11858-11865
Liu,S., Jones,L., Gu,F. X.
Development of Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery System Using Phenylboronic Acid Functionalized Poly(D,L-lactide)-b-Dextran Nanoparticles
Macromolecular Bioscience 2012;12(12):1622-1626
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Mucoadhesive NP drug carriers have attracted substantial interest as a potential treatment for anterior eye diseases. NPs composed of PLA-Dex surface functionalized with a mucoadhesive ligand, PBA, were developed as drug carriers with particle sizes ranging from 25 to 28nm. Using CycA as a model drug, we showed that NPs encapsulated up to 13.7wt% CycA and exhibited sustained release for up to 5 d in vitro at a clinically relevant dose. We fine-tuned the PBA density on the NP surface to maximize the mucin-NP interaction without compromising the particle stability in vitro. This block copolymer conjugate may be useful to improve the bioavailability of topical formulations. © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Lorentz,H., Heynen,M., Khan,W., Trieu,D., Jones,L.
The impact of intermittent air exposure on lipid deposition
Optometry and Vision Science 2012;89(11):1574-1581
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PURPOSE: To analyze the impact of intermittent air exposure on the in vitro deposition of two radioactive lipids on various contact lens (CL) materials, using a custom-designed model blink cell. METHODS: Six different CL materials (balafilcon A, lotrafilcon B, comfilcon A, senofilcon A, etafilcon A, and omafilcon A) were mounted on the model blink cell pistons, which cycled the lenses in and out of a complex artificial tear solution (ATS) that contained a trace amount of C-cholesterol or C-phosphatidylcholine. For the short-term experiment, air-exposed lenses were continuously cycled in and out of the ATS for 10 h. Longer term incubations for 6 days were tested with lotrafilcon B and balafilcon A materials incubated in C-cholesterol ATS. The air-exposed CLs were cycled for 14 h then submerged for 10 h each day. For both experiments, the control lenses were submerged for the entire test period. After incubation, lenses were processed, and deposited masses were quantified. RESULTS: Exposure to air resulted in increased amounts of cholesterol deposited by 1.6 to 4.3 fold on omafilcon A, balafilcon A, comfilcon A, and senofilcon A (p ≤ 0.03) compared with submerged lenses. No differences in deposition were observed for etafilcon A and lotrafilcon B (p > 0.05). The longer term incubation of lotrafilcon B and balafilcon A showed statistically significant increases in cholesterol deposition for both air-exposed lens materials (p 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study found that lipid deposition profiles are CL material dependent and that intermittent air exposure can influence the mass of lipid deposited. Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Optometry.
Lorentz,H., Heynen,M., Tran,H., Jones,L.
Using an in vitro model of lipid deposition to assess the efficiency of hydrogen peroxide solutions to remove lipid from various contact lens materials
Current eye research 2012;37(9):777-786
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Purpose: To test the ability of two commercially available hydrogen peroxide disinfection solutions, one containing a surfactant and one without, to remove lipid from various contact lens materials using in vitro radiochemical experiments. Methods: Etafilcon A, senofilcon A and balafilcon A contact lens materials were incubated in an artificial tear solution (ATS) containing a mixture of lipids, proteins, mucin and either 14C-cholesterol or 14C-phosphatidylcholine for 8 h. Following incubation, the lenses were removed, rinsed, and placed for 16 h in either a surfactant-containing peroxide solution (ClearCare ®), a peroxide solution devoid of a surfactant (AOSept ®) or stored without solution (control). This process was repeated every day for 1 week. The lenses were extracted with a previously optimized extraction protocol, evaporated, re-suspended, fluor added and counted for their radioactive signals. Masses of lipids deposited were calculated based on standard calibration curves, the disinfection solutions were compared and repeated measures ANOVA and post hoc statistical analysis was completed using Statistica 9. Results: The results of this experiment found that daily disinfection with hydrogen peroxide solutions reduced the amount of cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine deposited on the three contact lens materials examined, however in many cases the reduction in deposition was less than 15% when compared to the control. Disinfection with the solution containing the surfactant (ClearCare), resulted in the least deposited cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine for all materials, however not all of the comparisons were statistically significant. Conclusions: Overall, ClearCare hydrogen peroxide disinfection solution containing Pluronic 17R4 removed the most lipid from lenses when compared to the non-surfactant containing AOSept or the control, for both lipids and all lens materials. However, the differences found were quite small at times and whether these differences are clinically significant are yet to be determined. © 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
Lorentz,H., Heynen,M., Trieu,D., Hagedorn,S. J., Jones,L.
The impact of tear film components on in vitro lipid uptake
Optometry and Vision Science 2012;89(6):856-867
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Purpose. To analyze the influence of various tear film components on in vitro deposition of two lipids (cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine) on three contact lens materials. Methods. Etafilcon A, balafilcon A, and senofilcon A were incubated in four different incubation solutions for 3 or 14 days: an artificial tear solution containing lipids and proteins, a protein tear solution containing proteins and the lipid of interest, a lipid tear solution containing lipids and no proteins, and a single lipid tear solution containing the lipid of interest only. Each incubation solution contained one of the two radiolabeled lipids: C-cholesterol (C) or C-phosphatidylcholine (PC). After soaking, lenses were removed from the incubation solution, the lipids were extracted and quantified using a beta counter, and masses of lipid were calculated using standard calibration curves. Results. This experiment examined several different parameters influencing lipid deposition on contact lenses, including lens material, length of incubation, and the composition of the incubation solution. Overall, lipid deposited differently on different lens materials (p senofilcon > etafilcon. Incubation solution had a large impact on how much lipid was deposited (p < 0.00001), although cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine demonstrated different deposition patterns. Lipid deposition after 14 days of incubation was consistently greater than after 3 days (p < 0.02). Conclusions. This in vitro study demonstrates that C and PC deposition are cumulative over time and that silicone hydrogel materials deposit more lipid than group IV conventional hydrogel materials. It also clearly demonstrates that deposition of C and PC is influenced by the composition of the incubation solution and that in vitro models must use more physiologically relevant incubation solutions that mimic the natural tear film if in vitro data is to be extrapolated to the in vivo situation. © 2012 American Academy of Optometry.
Luensmann,D., Jones,L.
Protein deposition on contact lenses: The past, the present, and the future
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2012;35(2):53-64
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Proteins are a key component in body fluids and adhere to most biomaterials within seconds of their exposure. The tear film consists of more than >400 different proteins, ranging in size from 10 to 2360 kDa, with a net charge of pH 1-11. Protein deposition rates on poly-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (pHEMA) and silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses have been determined using a number of ex vivo and in vitro experiments. Ionic, high water pHEMA-based lenses attract the highest amount of tear film protein (1300 μg/lens), due to an electrostatic attraction between the material and positively charged lysozyme. All other types of pHEMA-based lenses deposit typically less than 100 μg/lens. Silicone hydrogel lenses attract less protein than pHEMA-based materials, with <10 μg/lens for non-ionic and up to 34 μg/lens for ionic materials. Despite the low protein rates on silicone hydrogel lenses, the percentage of denatured protein is typically higher than that seen on pHEMA-based lenses. Newer approaches incorporating phosphorylcholine, polyethers or hyaluronic acid into potential contact lens materials result in reduced protein deposition rates compared to current lens materials. © 2012 British Contact Lens Association.
Ng,A., Heynen,M., Luensmann,D., Jones,L.
Impact of tear film components on lysozyme deposition to contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2012
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PURPOSE: To investigate the impact of lactoferrin and lipids on the kinetic deposition of lysozyme on silicone and conventional hydrogel lenses, using a complex artificial tear solution (ATS). METHODS: Two silicone hydrogel lenses (AIR OPTIX AQUA; lotrafilcon B and ACUVUE OASYS; senofilcon A) and two conventional hydrogel lenses (ACUVUE 2; etafilcon A and PROCLEAR; omafilcon A) were investigated. Lenses were incubated in four different solutions: a complex ATS consisting of various salts, lipids, proteins, and mucins, an ATS without lactoferrin (ATS w/o Lac), an ATS without lipids (ATS w/o Lip), and an ATS without lactoferrin and lipids (ATS w/o Lac & Lip), each containing 2% radiolabeled (125I) lysozyme (1.9 mg/ml). After each time point (4, 12 h and 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28 days), the amount of lysozyme per lens was quantified. RESULTS: After 28 days, lotrafilcon B lenses incubated in ATS deposited significantly less lysozyme (9.7 ± 1.4 μg) than when incubated in solutions not containing lactoferrin and lipids (more than 11.8 μg) (p < 0.001). Lysozyme uptake to senofilcon A lenses was higher in ATS w/o Lip (5.3 ± 0.1 μg) compared with other solutions (less than 3.9 μg) (p < 0.001). Etafilcon A lenses deposited the most lysozyme in all four solutions compared with the rest of the lens types (p < 0.001). For etafilcon A lenses, less lysozyme was deposited when incubated in ATS w/o Lip (588.6 ± 0.4 μg) compared with the other solutions (more than 642.6 μg) (p < 0.001). Omafilcon A lenses in ATS w/o Lac accumulated significantly less lysozyme (12.8 ± 1.0 μg) compared with the other solutions (more than 14.2 μg) (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: An ATS containing lactoferrin and lipids impacts lysozyme deposition on both silicone and conventional hydrogel contact lenses. When performing in vitro experiments to study protein deposition on contact lenses, more complex models should be used to better mimic the human tear film.
Srinivasan,S., Menzies,K., Sorbara,L., Jones,L.
Infrared imaging of meibomian gland structure using a novel keratograph
Optometry and Vision Science 2012;89(5):788-794
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PURPOSE.: To examine the ability of a novel non-contact device (Keratograph 4) to image the meibomian gland (MG) structures and their morphological changes in the upper and lower eyelids. METHODS.: Thirty-seven participants (mean age 57.8 ± 8.5 years; 3 males and 34 females) completed the Ocular Surface Disease Index questionnaire to assess dryness symptoms. Meibum secretion quality score, number of blocked gland orifices, and meibum expressibility scores were assessed. The lower lid (LL) and upper lid (UL) of all subjects were everted and images of the MGs were taken using the Keratograph 4 (OCULUS). A MG dropout score (MGDS) due to complete or partial gland loss of both lids was obtained using a subjective 4-grade scoring system, and digital analysis of the images using ImageJ was performed. Presence of tortuosity and visible acinar changes of the MGs were also noted. RESULTS.: MGDS for both lids was significantly positively correlated with the Ocular Surface Disease Index score (r = 0.51; p < 0.05). The MGDS determined using the digital grading was also significantly positively correlated (UL: r = 0.68, p < 0.05; LL: r = 0.42, p < 0.05). The sum of the MGDS for both lids using the subjective grading scale was significantly different between the non-MGD and MGD group (1.3 ± 1.0 vs. 3.1 ± 1.1; p = 0.0004). MGDS assessment using the digital grading was significantly different between non-MGD (UL = 6%, LL = 8%) and MGD group (UL = 32%, LL = 42%; p = 0.001). Tortuous MG was observed only on the UL in 6% of the participants. Visible acinar changes were noted in 40% of the study participants. CONCLUSIONS.: Infrared meibography is now possible in a clinical setting using commercially available devices, and meibography can help determine differences in MG structure in subjects symptomatic of dry eye. Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Optometry.
Subbaraman,L. N., Glasier,M. -A, Varikooty,J., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L.
Protein deposition and clinical symptoms in daily wear of etafilcon lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2012;89(10):1450-1459
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Purpose.: To determine the relationship between clinical signs and symptoms and protein deposition over 8 h of wear of etafilcon A lenses in symptomatic and asymptomatic contact lens wearers. Methods.: Thirty adapted soft contact lens wearers (16 symptomatic and 14 asymptomatic) were fitted with etafilcon A lenses. In vivo wettability, non-invasive tear break-up time, and subjective symptoms (vision, comfort, and dryness) were assessed at baseline and after 2, 4, 6, and 8 h. After 2, 4, 6, and 8 h time points, lenses were collected, and total protein, total lysozyme, and active lysozyme deposition were assessed. Results.: There was a significant reduction (p = 0.032) in the non-invasive tear break-up time at 8 h in both groups. In the symptomatic group, there was a significant reduction in subjective comfort and dryness ratings at 6 and 8 h measurement with respect to baseline (p 94% at 8 h). Pearson's correlations between subjective symptoms and protein deposition showed poor correlations for total protein/lysozyme and any subjective factor (r 0.05), and only weak correlations between dryness and % active lysozyme (r = 0.3 to 0.5 for all time points). However, stronger correlations were found between active lysozyme and subjective comfort (r = 0.6 to 0.7; p < 0.001). Conclusions.: In addition to investigating total protein deposited on contact lenses, it is of significant clinical relevance to determine the conformational state of the deposited protein. Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Optometry.
Weeks,A., Morrison,D., Alauzun,J. G., Brook,M. A., Jones,L., Sheardown,H.
Photocrosslinkable hyaluronic acid as an internal wetting agent in model conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A 2012;100 A(8):1972-1982
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Photocrosslinkable methacrylated hyaluronic acid (HA) was prepared and incorporated into model conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lenses as an internal wetting agent. The molecular weight of the HA, the degree of methacrylation as well as the amount (0.25 to 1.0 wt %) incorporated were varied. The HA-containing hydrogels were analyzed using a variety of techniques including water contact angles, equilibrium water content (EWC), and lysozyme sorption. The presence of HA could be detected in the materials using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopya - attenuated total reflectance. The materials containing methacrylated HA had improved hydrophilicity and reduced lysozyme sorption. Effects of modified HA on EWC were dependent upon the materials but generally increased water uptake. Increased mobility of the HA associated with a lower molecular weight and lower degree of methacrylation was found to be more effective in improving hydrophilicity and decreasing lysozyme sorption than the less mobile HA. All results found suggest that photocrosslinkable HA has significant potential in contact lens applications. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2012. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Weeks,A., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L., Sheardown,H.
The competing effects of hyaluronic and methacrylic acid in model contact lenses
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2012;23(8):1021-1038
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The aim of this study was to determine the influence of hyaluronic acid (HA) on lysozyme sorption in model contact lenses containing varying amounts of methacrylic acid (MAA). One model conventional hydrogel (poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA)) and two model silicone hydrogels (pHEMA, methacryloxypropyltris(trimethylsiloxy)silane (pHEMA TRIS) and N,N-dimethylacrylamide, TRIS (DMAA TRIS)) lens materials were prepared with and without MAA at two different concentrations (1.7 and 5%). HA, along with dendrimers, was loaded into these model contact lens materials and then cross-linked with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino propyl)-carbodiimide (EDC). Equilibrium water content (EWC), advancing water contact angle and lysozyme sorption on these lens materials were investigated. In the HA-containing materials, the presence (P < 0.05) and amount (P < 0.05) of MAA increased the EWC of the materials. For most materials, addition of MAA reduced the advancing contact angles (P < 0.05) and for all the materials, the addition of HA further improved hydrophilicity (P < 0.05). For the non-HA containing hydrogels, the presence (P < 0.05) and amount (P < 0.05) of MAA increased lysozyme sorption. The presence of HA decreased lysozyme sorption for all materials (P < 0.05). MAA appears to work synergistically with HA to increase the EWC in addition to improving the hydrophilicity of model pHEMA-based and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials. Hydrogel materials that contain HA have tremendous potential as hydrophilic, protein-resistant contact lens materials. © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2012.
Woods,J., Jones,L., Woods,C., Schneider,S., Fonn,D.
Use of a photographic manipulation tool to assess corneal vascular response
Optometry and Vision Science 2012;89(2):215-220
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Purpose. Corneal vasculature change in contact lens wearers has been linked to the level of hypoxia within the cornea. To assess the impact a treatment has on limbal vessels, a sensitive method of measurement and quantification is required. Methods. A group of 21 highly myopic, hydrogel wearers, with preexisting signs of corneal hypoxia, were enrolled into a study where they wore sifilcon A silicone hydrogel lenses (Dk/t = 117), on a daily wear basis for 9 months. At all scheduled visits, photographs were taken of the superior, inferior, temporal, and nasal limbal regions which were then imported into Adobe Photoshop. A red-free filter was applied to enhance the contrast of the blood columns. In each quadrant, the length of the longest visible blood column was measured and the blood columns that penetrated -0.5 mm into the cornea were counted. A control group of 11 non-lens wearers was recruited. Their photographs were taken at the beginning of the study and 9 months later. An independent, masked observer assessed the photographs. Results. There was a significant decrease in the maximum penetration of the blood column in all quadrants (p + 0.001) from baseline to the 9-month visit (e.g., superior: baseline 0.84 ± 0.39 mm; 9 months 0.63 ± 0.20 mm). There was also significant reduction in the number of visible blood columns longer than 0.5 mm in each quadrant (p + 0.001) from baseline to 9 months in all quadrants (e.g., superior: baseline 14.0 ± 8.2; 9 months 6.5 ± 6.0). The control group showed no change over time for the maximum blood column length (p = 0.638) or the number of columns >0.5 mm (p = 0.341). Conclusions. A group of highly myopic subjects exhibited reduction in the maximum length and number of blood columns in the cornea when refit with a highly permeable silicone hydrogel material. The use of photography, along with Adobe Photoshop software, provides a reliable way of measuring corneal vascular responses over time. (Optom Vis Sci 2012;89:215-220). © 2012 American Academy of Optometry.
Dumbleton,K. A., Woods,C. A., Jones,L. W., Fonn,D.
The relationship between compliance with lens replacement and contact lens-related problems in silicone hydrogel wearers
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2011;34(5):216-222
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To evaluate the relationship between compliance with replacement frequency (RF) and contact lens (CL)-related problems in silicone hydrogel (SiHy) wearers. Methods: 501 SiHy wearers from seven optometry offices completed surveys regarding their lens wear and any CL related problems which they may have experienced in the preceding 12 months. File review was subsequently conducted at their optometry offices to confirm the information provided. Results: 49% of respondents were wearing 2-week replacement (2WR) and 51% 1-month replacement (1MR) SiHy lenses. 67% wore their lenses for longer than the manufacturers' recommended RF (MRRF) and 60% for longer than their optometrist's recommended RF (ORRF). The mean RF was 2.6× the MRRF for 2WR and 1.5× for 1MR wearers (p< 0.001) with median values of 31 and 37 days, respectively. Twenty-three percent reported signs or symptoms consistent with potential complications relating to CL wear. This rate was significantly higher for wearers who were non-compliant with the ORRF than compliant wearers (26% versus 18%, p= 0.028). It was also higher for those multipurpose solution users who reported never/almost never rubbing and rinsing their lenses when compared with those who did this every night (29% versus 17%, p= 0.007). Conclusions: Two thirds of the SiHy wearers did not comply with the MRRF and 2WR wearers stretched the replacement interval of their lenses to a greater degree than 1MR wearers. Failing to replace lenses when recommended and failing to rub and rinse lenses were associated with a higher rate of patient-reported CL problems. © 2011 British Contact Lens Association.
Dumbleton,K. A., Woods,M., Woods,C. A., Jones,L. W., Fonn,D.
Ability of patients to recall habitual contact lens products and enhancement of recall using photographic aids
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2011;34(5):236-240
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To determine the proportion of soft contact lens (CL) wearers who are able to recall their habitual products (lenses and care system) correctly from memory, and to evaluate the value of using photographic aids (PAs) to improve recall. Methods: 103 soft lens wearers attended 2 visits to investigate their habitual CL product use. At the first visit they were asked to recall which products they were using and then to identify their products from PAs. They returned for a second visit with their products for confirmation. Results: 51% correctly reported their lens brands from memory alone, which improved to 87% with the use of the PAs (p< 0.001). 41% correctly reported their habitual care system from memory alone, which improved to 80% with the use of PAs (p< 0.001). Females were better at recalling care system brand names than males (49% versus 27% correct, p= 0.040) and wearers with more than 1 year experience with their habitual CLs had better recall than those with up to 1 year experience (63% versus 27%, p= 0.014). Conclusion: Less than 50% of contact lens wearers were able to recall the names of their habitual lens and lens care products correctly from memory. PAs improved this recall significantly for both contact lenses and contact lens care systems. © 2011 British Contact Lens Association.
Gorbet,M. B., Tanti,N. C., Crockett,B., Mansour,L., Jones,L.
Effect of contact lens material on cytotoxicity potential of multipurpose solutions using human corneal epithelial cells
Molecular Vision 2011;173458-3467
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Purpose: Multipurpose solutions (MPS) are used daily to clean and disinfect silicone hydrogel (SiHy) contact lenses. This in vitro study was undertaken to identify the potential for interaction between MPS, SiHy surface treatments, and lens materials, which may lead to changes in the response of human corneal epithelial cells (HCEC) to MPS-soaked lenses. Methods: The MPS tested were renu fresh (formerly known as ReNu MultiPlus; ReNu), OptiFree Express (OFX), OptiFree RepleniSH, SoloCare Aqua, and Complete Moisture Plus. The SiHy materials evaluated were lotrafilcon A, lotrafilcon B, comfilcon A, galyfilcon A, and balafilcon A (BA). MPS-soaked lenses were placed on top of adherent HCEC. The effect of MPS dilutions (0.1 to 10% final concentration in medium) was also characterized. Cell viability, adhesion phenotype and caspase activation were studied after 24-h cell exposure. OFX released from lenses was determined using UV absorbance. Results: A significant reduction in viability (between 30 to 50%) was observed with cells exposed to lenses soaked in ReNu and OFX. A significant downregulation of α3 and β1 integrins, with integrin expression ranging from 60% to 75% of control (cells with no lens), was also observed with OFX and ReNu-soaked lenses. With the exception of BA, all other lenses soaked in OFX resulted in significant caspase activation, whereby over 18% of cells stained positive for caspases. Minimal caspase activation was observed in cells exposed to ReNu and Solo soaked lenses. For both OFX and ReNu, exposing cells to at least a 5% dilution had a significant effect on viability and integrin expression. While Complete and Solo did not lead to reduction in viability, cells exposed to a 10% dilution showed reduced integrin expression down to less than 70% of control value. Comparing cell response to diluted MPS solutions and various MPS-soaked lenses showed that it is not possible to reliably use cell response to MPS dilution alone to assess MPS biocompatibility. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that the reaction of HCEC to MPS are affected by the type of lenses the MPS is released from and may potentially be influenced by the surface treatment (or lack of it) of SiHy materials. © 2011 Molecular Vision.
Heynen,M., Lorentz,H., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L.
Quantification of non-polar lipid deposits on senofilcon A contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2011;88(10):1172-1179
Kao,E. C. Y., McCanna,D. J., Jones,L. W.
Utilization of in vitro methods to determine the biocompatibility of intraocular lens materials
Toxicology in Vitro 2011;25(8):1906-1911
Keir,N. J., Simpson,T., Hutchings,N., Jones,L., Fonn,D.
Outcomes of wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis for hyperopia
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery 2011;37(5):886-893
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Purpose: To determine the impact of wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for hyperopia on corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), contrast sensitivity, and higher-order aberrations (HOAs). Setting: Centre for Contact Lens Research, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Design: Case series. Methods: This study comprised patients who had LASIK for hyperopia. The HOAs up to the 4th order (5.0 mm pupil) in right eyes were analyzed. Results: The study enrolled 31 patients. The preoperative mean values were sphere, +2.60 diopters (D) ± 1.15 (SD) (range +1.00 to +5.00 D); astigmatism, -0.87 ± 0.74 D (range 0.00 to -3.75 D); and spherical equivalent (SE), +2.16 ± 1.00 D (range +0.63 to +4.50 D). The postoperative refractive SE was within ±0.50 D in 71.0% of eyes. The uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/20 or better in 87.2% of eyes. There was no significant change in CDVA or contrast sensitivity (all P>.05). There was a significant change in Zernike coefficients Z(0,4), Z(-1,3), Z(-3,3), and Z(3,3) (range of mean absolute change ± SEM: 0.092 ± 0.013 μm to 0.208 ± 0.018 μm; all P<.001). Coefficients Z(-1,3) and Z(3,3) increased and Z(0,4) and Z(-3,3) decreased in magnitude; each had a reversal of sign. The only significant postoperative association was between low-contrast CDVA and Z(0,4) (r = 0.617, P<.001). Conclusions: Low-contrast CDVA after LASIK surgery for hyperopia was correlated with Z(0,4). There were no significant changes in CDVA or contrast sensitivity. The relative risk for losing low-contrast CDVA increased if more than 1 Zernike term had a sign change. Financial Disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. © 2011 ASCRS and ESCRS.
Lorentz,H., Heynen,M., Kay,L. M. M., Dominici,C. Y., Khan,W., Ng,W. W. S., Jones,L.
Contact lens physical properties and lipid deposition in a novel characterized artificial tear solution
Molecular Vision 2011;173392-3405
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Purpose: To characterize various properties of a physiologically-relevant artificial tear solution (ATS) containing a range of tear film components within a complex salt solution, and to measure contact lens parameters and lipid deposition of a variety of contact lens materials after incubation in this ATS. Methods: A complex ATS was developed that contains a range of salts, proteins, lipids, mucin, and other tear film constituents in tear-film relevant concentrations. This ATS was tested to confirm that its pH, osmolality, surface tension, and homogeneity are similar to human tears and remain so throughout the material incubation process, for up to 4 weeks. To confirm that silicone hydrogel and conventional hydrogel contact lens materials do not alter in physical characteristics beyond what is allowed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 18369-2. The diameter, center thickness, and calculated base curve were measured for five different lens materials directly out of the blister pack, after a rinse in saline and then following a two week incubation in the modified ATS. To test the ATS and the effect of its composition on lipid deposition, two lens materials were incubated in the ATS and a modified version for several time points. Both ATS solutions contained trace amounts of carbon-14 cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine, such that deposition of these specific lipids could be quantified using standard methods. Results: This ATS is a complex mixture that remains stable at physiologically relevant pH (7.3-7.6), osmolality (304- 306 mmol/kg), surface tension (40-46 dynes/cm) and homogeneity over an incubation period of three weeks or more. The physical parameters of the lenses tested showed no changes beyond that allowed by the ISO guidelines. Incubations with the ATS found that balafilcon A lenses deposit significantly more cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine than omafilcon A lenses (p<0.05) and that removing lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G from the ATS can significantly decrease the mass of lipid deposited. Conclusions: This paper describes a novel complex artificial tear solution specially designed for in-vial incubation of contact lens materials. This solution was stable and did not adversely affect the physical parameters of the soft contact lenses incubated within it and showed that lipid deposition was responsive to changes in ATS composition. © 2011 Molecular Vision.
Menzies,K. L., Jones,L.
In vitro analysis of the physical properties of contact lens blister pack solutions
Optometry and Vision Science 2011;88(4):493-501
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Purpose. Since the initial development of silicone hydrogels, many modifications to the bulk and surface properties of the lenses have been undertaken to improve the wettability and comfort of the lenses. Recently, manufacturers have incorporated various "wetting agents" or surface-active agents into the blister packaging solutions (BPSs) of the lenses to improve initial comfort of the lens on eye. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the pH, surface tension (ST), viscosity, and osmolality of BPSs for a variety of silicone hydrogel and polyHEMA-based hydrogel lenses. In addition, two saline solutions were tested for comparison purposes. Methods. The pH, osmolality, ST, and viscosity were measured for the BPSs for lotrafilcon B and lotrafilcon A and lotrafilcon B with a "modified BPS" (m-lotrafilcon A, m-lotrafilcon B) (CIBA Vision, Duluth, GA); balafilcon A (Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY); galyfilcon A, senofilcon A, and narafilcon A (Johnson & Johnson, Jacksonville, FL); and comfilcon A and enfilcon A (CooperVision, Pleasanton, CA) and BPSs from two conventional polyHEMA-based materials-etafilcon A (Johnson & Johnson) and omafilcon A (CooperVision). The two saline solutions tested were Unisol (Alcon, Fort Worth, TX) and Softwear Saline (CIBA Vision). Results. The pH results for the two saline solutions and all BPSs remained in the pH range of tears (6.6-7.8). The ST of the modified BPS was significantly lower (p 0.05) between BPSs made by the same manufacturer but were significantly different compared with BPSs made by different manufacturers (p < 0.05). Conclusions. The incorporation of wetting agents and surfactants into BPSs does alter the physical properties of the BPSs, which may have clinical implications regarding initial in-eye comfort. Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Optometry.
Subbaraman,L. N., Borazjani,R., Zhu,H., Zhao,Z., Jones,L., Willcox,M. D. P.
Influence of protein deposition on bacterial adhesion to contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2011;88(8):959-966
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Purpose. The aim of the study is to determine the adhesion of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria onto conventional hydrogel (CH) and silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lens materials with and without lysozyme, lactoferrin, and albumin coating. Methods. Four lens types (three SH-balafilcon A, lotrafilcon B, and senofilcon A; one CH-etafilcon A) were coated with lysozyme, lactoferrin, or albumin (uncoated lenses acted as controls) and then incubated in Staphylococcus aureus (Saur 31) or either of two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Paer 6294 and 6206) for 24 h at 37°C. The total counts of the adhered bacteria were determined using the H-thymidine method and viable counts by counting the number of colony-forming units on agar media. Results. All three strains adhered significantly lower to uncoated etafilcon A lenses compared with uncoated SH lenses (p 0.05). Lactoferrin coating on lenses increased binding (total and viable counts) of Saur 31 (p < 0.05). Lactoferrin-coated lenses showed significantly higher total counts (p < 0.05) but significantly lower viable counts (p < 0.05) of adhered P. aeruginosa strains. There was a significant difference between the total and viable counts (p < 0.05) that were bound to lactoferrin-coated lenses. Albumin coating of lenses increased binding (total and viable counts) of all three strains (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Lysozyme deposited on contact lenses does not possess antibacterial activity against certain bacterial strains, whereas lactoferrin possess an antibacterial effect against strains of P. aeruginosa. © 2011 American Academy of Optometry.
Tanti,N. C., Jones,L., Gorbet,M. B.
Impact of multipurpose solutions released from contact lenses on corneal cells
Optometry and Vision Science 2011;88(4):483-492
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Purpose. To assess, in vitro, the effect of the release of contact lens multipurpose solutions (MPS) from two silicone hydrogel lenses on human corneal epithelial cells. Methods. A monolayer of immortalized human corneal epithelial cells was seeded in a 24-well plate in keratinocyte serum-free medium. Lotrafilcon A (LA) and balafilcon A (BA) lenses were placed on top of the adherent cells for 8 and 24 h, after being soaked in MPS, borate-buffered (Unisol) or phosphate-buffered saline overnight. Cells were assayed for viability using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay or for α3, β1, and β4 integrin expression and caspase activation by flow cytometry. Results. After 8 h, LA lenses soaked in Unisol, Opti-Free Express (OFX), and ReNu MultiPlus (ReNu) showed decrease in cell viability. LA and BA soaked in Complete Moisture Plus (Complete) had similar viability at around 85% of control. After 24 h, a further decrease in viability was observed with all MPS-soaked lenses; LA soaked in OFX significantly reduced viability compared with Unisol-soaked lenses. In addition, reduced levels of integrin expression for lenses soaked in OFX and ReNu, and for BA soaked in Complete were observed. At 24 h, only LA soaked in OFX led to an increase in caspase activation. Conclusions. Our results indicate an increase in cytotoxicity with borate-based MPS solutions in vitro when compared with both phosphate-buffered saline and borate-exposed lenses, suggesting that biocides and/or additives play a role in the observed cell reaction. Moreover, the mechanism of in vitro solution-induced toxicity appeared to be mediated by lens type, suggesting differences in the preferential adsorption/release profile of certain compounds. Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Optometry.
Weeks,A., Luensmann,D.,Boone,A, Jones,L., Sheardown,H.
Hyaluronic acid as an internal wetting agent in model DMAA/TRIS contact lenses
2011 1-10
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Model silicone hydrogel contact lenses, comprised of N,N-dimethylacrylamide and methacryloxypropyltris (trimethylsiloxy) silane, were fabricated and hyaluronic acid (HA) was incorporated as an internal wetting agent using a dendrimer-based method. HA and dendrimers were loaded into the silicone hydrogels and cross-linked using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide chemistry. The presence and location of HA in the hydrogels was confirmed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy, respectively. The effects of the presence of HA on the silicone hydrogels on hydrophilicity, swelling behavior, transparency, and lysozyme sorption and denaturation were evaluated. The results showed that HA increased the hydrophilicity and the equilibrium water content of the hydrogels without affecting transparency. HA also significantly decreased the amount of lysozyme sorption (p < 0.002). HA had no effect on lysozyme denaturation in hydrogels containing 0% and 1.7% methacrylic acid (MAA) (by weight) but when the amount of MAA was increased to 5%, the level of lysozyme denaturation was significantly lower compared to control materials. These results suggest that HA has great potential to be used as a wetting agent in silicone hydrogel contact lenses to improve wettability and to decrease lysozyme sorption and denaturation.
Woods,C. A., Dumbleton,K., Jones,L., Fonn,D.
Patient use of smartphones to communicate subjective data in clinical trials
Optometry and Vision Science 2011;88(2):290-294
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Purpose. Various methods have been used in clinical trials to collect time-sensitive subjective responses, including study diaries, telephone interviews, and use of text messaging. However, all of these methods are limited by the uncertainty of when the participants enrolled in the study actually record their responses. This technical note reports on the utility of the BlackBerry smartphone to collect such data and why such a system provides advantages over other methods to report subjective ratings in clinical studies. Methods. The Centre for Contact Lens Research developed an on-line web-enabled system that permits participants to record and immediately transmit subjective rating scores in numerical form directly into a web-enabled database. This, combined with the utility of BlackBerrys, enabled time-specific e-mail requests to be sent to the study participants and then for that data to be simultaneously transmitted to the web-enabled database. This system has been used in several clinical trials conducted at the Centre for Contact Lens Research, in which data were collected at various times and in several specific locations or environments. Results. In the clinical trials conducted using this system, participants provided responses on 97.5% of occasions to the requests for data generated by the automated system. When the request was for data on a set date, this method resulted in responses of 84.1% of the time. Conclusions.The series of clinical trials reported here show the benefits of the utilization of the BlackBerry to collect time- or environment-sensitive data via a web-enabled system. Copyright © 2011 American Academy of Optometry.
Youn,H. -Y, McCanna,D. J., Sivak,J. G., Jones,L. W.
In vitro ultraviolet-induced damage in human corneal, lens, and retinal pigment epithelial cells
Molecular Vision 2011;17237-246
Bitton,E., Jones,L., Simpson,T., Woods,C.
Influence of the blink interval on tear meniscus height in soft contact lens and nonlens wearers
Eye and Contact Lens 2010;36(3):156-163
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Purpose: Tear meniscus height (TMH) is an indirect measurement of tear film volume. This study investigated the temporal changes in the TMH during the blink interval in the morning (8-9 am) and at the end of the day (5-6 pm) in both soft contact lens (CL) and nonlens wearers (NLW). Methods: Fifty participants (25 CL; 25 NLW) were evaluated for their subjective symptoms, TMH, noninvasive break up time, and bulbar hyperemia at the am and pm visits on the same day. The TMH was measured at set intervals between 2 and 15 sec during the blink interval, using an optical coherence tomographer. Results: The NLW group revealed no changes in a variety of symptoms during the day, whereas the CL group reported an increase in dryness (P=0.03) and grittiness (P=0.02) over the day. For both groups, the TMH and calculated tear meniscus volume revealed lower values immediately after the blink and increased progressively afterwards, mainly due to reflex tearing. The am tear meniscus volume values tended to be higher than the pm values for both groups, but this was not significant (NLW P=0.13; CL P=0.82). Noninvasive break up time deteriorated during the day for both groups but was only significant for the CL group (P=0.002), whereas bulbar hyperemia revealed no statistically significant change for either group. Conclusions: Reflex tearing may play a substantial role in the TMH differences observed over the blink interval. Standardization of the time when a TMH measurement is performed will be valuable in comparing tear film clinical studies. Copyright © Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Inc.
Boone,A., Heynen,M., Joyce,E., Jones,L.
Ex vivo protein deposition on bi-weekly silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2010;87(2):146
Caffery,B., Heynen,M. L., Joyce,E., Jones,L., Robert III,R., Senchyna,M.
MUC1 expression in Sjogren's syndrome, KCS, and control subjects
Molecular Vision 2010;161720-1727
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Purpose: To quantify and compare human mucin 1 (MUC1) protein and mRNA expression in tears and conjunctival epithelial cells collected from Sjogren's syndrome (SS), non-Sjogren's keratoconjunctivitus sicca (KCS) and non-dry eyed (NDE) control subjects. Methods: Seventy-six subjects were recruited for this study: 25 SS (confirmed via American-European Consensus Criteria 2002), 25 KCS (confirmed by symptoms and Schirmer scores ≤10 mm) and 26 NDE. Tears were collected using an eyewash technique. Impression cytology was used to gather protein and mRNA from conjunctival epithelial cells. Soluble and membrane bound MUC1 were quantified via western blotting and MUC1 mRNA was quantified by real time qPCR. Results: The SS group demonstrated significantly higher concentrations of soluble MUC1 (0.12±0.11 [SS]; 0.013±0.02 [KCS; p=0.001]; 0.0023±0.0024 [NDE; p<0.001]) and MUC1 mRNA (3.18±1.44 [SS]; 1.79±1.18 [KCS; p<0.05]; 1.60±0.74 [NDE; p<0.05]) compared to both KCS and NDE groups. Soluble MUC1 expression was also higher in the KCS group compared to the NDE group (p=0.02), where as MUC1 mRNA expression was similar in both KCS and NDE groups. Membrane bound MUC1 expression differed only between the SS and NDE groups (0.005±-0.003 [SS]; 0.003±0.002 [NDE; p=0.002]). Conclusions: These results demonstrate that SS subjects express greater quantities of MUC1 protein and mRNA compared to both KCS and control subjects. Increased soluble MUC1 expression was also found in KCS subjects compared to controls. Membrane bound MUC1 was present in higher concentration in SS versus NDE only. These significant changes in MUC1 expression may represent compensatory or protective responses to chronic insult to the ocular surface. © 2010 Molecular Vision.
Dalton,K., Schneider,S., Sorbara,L., Jones,L.
Confocal microscopy and optical coherence tomography imaging of hereditary granular dystrophy
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2010;33(1):33-40
Dumbleton,K., Richter,D., Woods,C., Jones,L., Fonn,D.
Compliance with contact lens replacement in Canada and the United States
Optometry and Vision Science 2010;87(2):131-139
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PURPOSE.: To assess eye care practitioners (ECPs) recommendations for replacement frequency (RF) of silicone hydrogel (SH) and daily disposable (DD) lenses in Canada and the U.S. and to compare noncompliance (NC) with manufacturer recommended RF by the ECP and patient, and the reasons given for NC. METHODS.: Invitations to participate were sent by e-mail to ECPs in Canada and the U.S. Twenty patient surveys were sent to 420 ECPs, and 2232 eligible surveys were received from 216 ECPs (26% Canada, 74% U.S.). Questions related to patient demographics, lens type, wearing patterns, ECP instructions for RF, and actual patient RF. ECPs provided lens information and their recommendation for RF after the surveys were completed and sealed in envelopes. Responses were anonymous. RESULTS.: DD accounted for 18% (Canada) vs. 16% (U.S.) of wearers (p > 0.05); 35% (Canada) vs. 45% (U.S.) wore 2-week replacement SH (2WR; p = 0.011); and 47% (Canada) vs. 39% (U.S.) wore 1-month replacement SH (1MR) lenses (p = 0.025). Thirty-four percent (Canada) vs. 18% (U.S.) of ECPs recommended longer RFs than the manufacturer recommended RF for 2WR lens wearers (p 0.05) and were lowest for DD (13% Canada, 12% U.S.), followed by 1MR (33% Canada, 28% U.S.). The highest NC rates were with 2WR (50% Canada, 52% U.S.). The most frequent reason for NC with 2WR and 1MR was 'forgetting which day to replace lenses' (54% Canada, 53% U.S.) and in DD wearers 'to save money' (56% Canada, 29% U.S., p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS.: 1MR lenses are more frequently prescribed in Canada. ECPs in Canada were NC with 2WR lenses more frequently than U.S. ECPs, but patient NC rates were the same in both countries for all lens types. ECP and patient NC rates were highest for 2WR lens wearers. Copyright © 2010 American Academy of Optometry.
Dumbleton,K., Woods,C., Jones,L., Richter,D., Fonn,D.
Comfort and vision with silicone hydrogel lenses: Effect of compliance
Optometry and Vision Science 2010;87(6):421-425
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PURPOSE. Silicone hydrogel (SH) lenses are usually replaced after 2 weeks (2W) or 1 month (1M); however, many patients do not comply with the manufacturers' recommended replacement frequency (MRRF). The purpose of this analysis was to investigate the effect of compliance with MRRF on comfort and vision in SH wearers. METHODS. As a part of a larger study investigating compliance with MRRF, patients were asked to rate their subjective comfort and vision from 0 (very poor) to 10 (excellent) in the morning, at the end of the day (EVE), when lenses were new, and needed replacing (NR). RESULTS. One thousand three hundred forty-four patients wore 2W replacement modality (2WR) (n = 717) or 1M replacement modality (1MR) (n = 617) SH lenses. Comfort and vision in the morning and when lenses are new were significantly higher than for EVE and NR (p < 0.001). Twenty-nine percent (95% confidence interval 25.3-32.4) of 1MR and 59% (95% confidence interval 55.5-62.7) of 2WR wearers were non-compliant with the MRRF. Compliance had a significant effect on EVE (p = 0.002, p = 0.008) and NR (p < 0.001, p < 0.001) comfort and vision. After accounting for compliance, EVE and NR comfort and EVE vision were higher for 1MR than 2WR (p = 0.015, p = 0.044, p = 0.019). CONCLUSIONS. Compliant patients had better EVE and NR comfort and vision than non-compliant patients, regardless of replacement modality. Optimal subjective performance with SH lenses seems to be facilitated by replacing lenses as recommended. Copyright © 2010 American Academy of Optometry.
Gorbet,M. B., Tanti,N. C., Jones,L., Sheardown,H.
Corneal epithelial cell biocompatibility to silicone hydrogel and conventional hydrogel contact lens packaging solutions
Molecular Vision 2010;16272-282
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Purpose: Although all contact lenses (CLs) are applied initially to the eye directly from a packaging solution, little is known about the effects of these solutions on human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs). Due to the porous nature of CL materials, they have the potential to sorb components of the packaging solution during storage, which could then be subsequently released upon insertion of the CL on the eye. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of various packaging solutions on HCECs, using an in vitro model. Methods: An in vitro assay was developed whereby various silicone hydrogels and conventional, poly-2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate (polyHEMA)-based lens materials were removed directly from their packaging and then incubated for up to 24 h with HCECs. The effect of the retained and released packaging solution components on HCECs was assessed by measuring cell viability, adhesion phenotype, and apoptosis. Results: Incubation of HCECs with CLs stored in borate-buffered packaging solutions resulted in a significant reduction in cell viability. Adherent cells incubated with these CLs also exhibited reduced levels of β1 and α3 integrin. Soaking borate-buffered packaged CLs in PBS before cell incubation resolved viability and integrin expression in all cases, with the exception of galyfilcon A and balafilcon A, from which a 20% reduction in cell viability was still observed. In comparison, CLs stored in phosphate-buffered packaging solutions had cellular viability and expression of integrins similar to control cells (cells incubated in the absence of a lens). When incubated with cells at a 10% concentration in serum-free medium, borate-buffered packaging solutions and borate-containing saline (Unisol 4) significantly reduced cell viability and integrin expression. Neither caspase activation nor annexin V binding was observed on cells following exposure to borate buffer solution. However, a significant decrease in reactive oxygen species was observed at 24 h. These latter results suggest that in vitro exposure to low concentration of borate/boric acid results in cell dysfunction, leading to necrosis rather than apoptosis. Conclusions: Borate-buffered packaging solutions were shown to adversely affect the viability and integrin expression of HCECs in vitro. When used in ophthalmic packaging solutions, the antimicrobial properties of borate buffer may be outweighed by its relatively cytotoxic effects on cells. © 2010 Molecular Vision.
Hall,B. J., Jones,L.
Contact lens cases: The missing link in contact lens safety?
Eye and Contact Lens 2010;36(2):101-105
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Purpose: To summarize a variety of issues associated with contact lens case contamination and discuss appropriate methods that can limit this. Methods: A literature review was undertaken investigating the major factors associated with case contamination, with specific reference to the major pathogens associated with contamination, the role of bacterial biofilms, and methods that can limit contamination. Results: The use of antimicrobial cases, regular case cleaning and case replacement, avoidance of topping up solutions, and not using tap water to rinse cases all appear to be important in avoidance of significant case contamination. Conclusions: Contact lens case contamination is a significant public health concern and may contribute significantly to the development of microbial keratitis in contact lens wearers. Patients should be reminded that they must clean and disinfect their lens cases daily, should avoid the use of tap water for rinsing them, must not top up their solutions, must take into careful consideration where and how the cases are stored during the time that lenses are being worn and that they must be replaced regularly. The adoption of these methods will substantially reduce the levels of contamination of cases with pathogenic microbes. © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Keech,A., Simpson,T., Jones,L.
Repeatability of pachymetry and thinnest point localization using a Fourier-domain optical coherence tomographer
Optometry and Vision Science 2010;87(10):736-741
Keir,N., Woods,C. A., Dumbleton,K., Jones,L.
Clinical performance of different care systems with silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2010;33(4):189-195
Luensmann,D., Heynen,M., Liu,L., Sheardown,H., Jones,L.
The efficiency of contact lens care regimens on protein removal from hydrogel and silicone hydrogel lenses
Molecular Vision 2010;16(10-11):79-92
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Purpose: To investigate the efficiency of lysozyme and albumin removal from silicone hydrogel and conventional contact lenses, using a polyhexamethylene biguanide multipurpose solution (MPS) in a soaking or rubbing/soaking application and a hydrogen peroxide system (H2O2). Methods: Etafilcon A, lotrafilcon B and balafilcon A materials were incubated in protein solutions for up to 14 days. Lenses were either placed in radiolabeled protein to quantify the amount deposited or in fluorescent-conjugated protein to identify its location, using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Lenses were either rinsed with PBS or soaked overnight in H2O2 or MPS with and without lens rubbing. Results: After 14 days lysozyme was highest on etafilcon A (2,200 μg) >balafilcon A (50 μg) >lotrafilcon B (9.7 μg) and albumin was highest on balafilcon A (1.9 μg) =lotrafilcon B (1.8 μg) >etafilcon A (0.2 μg). Lysozyme removal was greatest for balafilcon A >etafilcon A >lotrafilcon B, with etafilcon A showing the most change in protein distribution. Albumin removal was highest from etafilcon A >balafilcon A >lotrafilcon B. H2O2 exhibited greater lysozyme removal from etafilcon A compared to both MPS procedures (p0.62). Albumin removal was solely material specific, while all care regimens performed to a similar degree (p>0.69). Conclusions: Protein removal efficiency for the regimens evaluated depended on the lens material and protein type. Overall, lens rubbing with MPS before soaking did not reduce the protein content on the lenses compared to nonrubbed lenses (p=0.89). © 2010 Molecular Vision.
Luensmann,D., Jones,L.
Impact of fluorescent probes on albumin sorption profiles to ophthalmic biomaterials
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 2010;94(2):327-336
Menzies,K. L., Jones,L.
The impact of contact angle on the biocompatibility of biomaterials
Optometry and Vision Science 2010;87(6):387-399
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Biomaterials may be defined as artificial materials that can mimic, store, or come into close contact with living biological cells or fluids and are becoming increasingly popular in the medical, biomedical, optometric, dental, and pharmaceutical industries. Within the ophthalmic industry, the best example of a biomaterial is a contact lens, which is worn by ∼125 million people worldwide. For biomaterials to be biocompatible, they cannot illicit any type of unfavorable response when exposed to the tissue they contact. A characteristic that significantly influences this response is that related to surface wettability, which is often determined by measuring the contact angle of the material. This article reviews the impact of contact angle on the biocompatibility of tissue engineering substrates, blood-contacting devices, dental implants, intraocular lenses, and contact lens materials. Copyright © 2010 American Academy of Optometry.
Menzies,K. L., Rogers,R., Jones,L.
In vitro contact angle analysis and physical properties of blister pack solutions of daily disposable contact lenses
Eye and Contact Lens 2010;36(1):10-18
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to measure the advancing and receding contact angles (CAs) of five daily disposable (DD) lenses and the osmolality, surface tension (ST), and pH of each blister pack solution. Methods: The advancing and receding CAs were measured directly out of the blister pack for five DD lenses: omafilcon A (CooperVision), nelfilcon A (CIBA Vision), modified nelfilcon A (CIBA Vision), etafilcon A (Johnson & Johnson), and narafilcon A (Johnson & Johnson). Advancing CAs were measured using sessile drop and Wilhelmy balance methods. Receding CAs were measured using the Wilhelmy balance method. ST, pH, and osmolality were measured for each blister pack solution from all the DD lenses. Results: The advancing CAs for the nelfilcon A lenses were statistically lower (P<0.05) than the advancing CAs of the other three lenses. The receding CAs for etafilcon A were statistically lower (P<0.05) than the receding CAs for the other four lenses. The pH of all the blister pack solutions was relatively neutral (7.01-7.43). The ST of the blister pack solution for the modified nelfilcon A was significantly lower (P<0.05) than the ST of all other blister pack solutions. The osmolality of the blister pack solutions for the etafilcon A and narafilcon A lenses were significantly higher (P<0.05) than the other blister pack solutions. Conclusions: The modified nelfilcon A lens had low advancing CAs and low receding CAs showing minimal hysteresis. The blister pack solution for the modified nelfilcon A lens had the lowest ST, a low osmolality, and a neutral pH. Copyright © Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Inc.
Papas,E., Wolffsohn,J. S., Jones,L.
Innovation in contact lenses: Basic research and clinical science
Journal of Optometry 2010;3(3):123-124
Peterson,R. C., Fonn,D., Woods,C. A., Jones,L.
Impact of a rub and rinse on solution-induced corneal staining
Optometry and Vision Science 2010;87(12):1030-1036
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Purpose.: To investigate whether the inclusion of a rub and rinse step before contact lens disinfection has an impact on solution-induced corneal staining. Methods.: This was a prospective, double-masked, single investigator study. Twenty participants were recruited for two visits, where balafilcon-A lenses were worn bilaterally for 2 h. Each pair of lenses was prepared using two different methodologies. The "control" lens was transferred from the blister pack directly into a storage case containing polyhexamethylene biguanide-based lens care solution. The contralateral "test" lens was rubbed and simultaneously rinsed using the same polyhexamethylene biguanide-based care solution, for either 60 s (visit 1) or 20 s (visit 2). Both lenses were then soaked in the solution overnight. After baseline corneal staining assessments, the lenses were inserted following a randomized contralateral model. After 2 h, lenses were removed, corneal staining was regraded, and comfort scores were obtained. Results.: Rubbed and rinsed test lenses induced significantly less corneal staining than control lenses for all participants during visit 1 (mean ± SD: 516 ± 843 vs. 2170 ± 902; p 0.05). Conclusions.: Corneal staining induced after 2 h of lens wear with the combination of balafilcon-A and polyhexamethylene biguanide-based lens care solution can be significantly reduced by including a rub and rinse step before overnight soaking. Further work is required to establish the longevity of this effect during the monthly wearing cycle. Copyright © 2010 American Academy of Optometry.
Situ,P., Simpson,T. L., Jones,L. W., Fonn,D.
Effects of silicone hydrogel contact lens wear on ocular surface sensitivity to tactile, pneumatic mechanical, and chemical stimulation
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2010;51(12):6111-6117
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PURPOSE. To determine the effects of silicone hydrogel lens wear and lens-solution interactions on ocular surface sensitivity. METHODS. Forty-eight adapted lens wearers completed the study, which comprised two phases. Phase 1 included habitual lens wear, no lens wear (7 ± 3 days), and balafilcon A lenses (PV; PureVision; Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY) with a hydrogen peroxide-based regimen for 2 weeks; phase 2 included wear of PV with the use of a multipurpose solution containing either polyhexamethylene-biguanide (PHMB) or Polyquad/Aldox (Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX) preservative, each for 1 week, with a 2-week washout period between solutions. Tactile and pneumatic (mechanical and chemical) stimuli were delivered, and thresholds were determined by Cochet-Bonnet (Luneau Ophthalmologie, Chartres, France) and Belmonte (Cooperative Research Centre for Eye Research and Technology, Sydney, NSW, Australia) pneumatic esthesiometers, respectively. Corneal and conjunctival thresholds and staining scores were assessed at baseline, after 2 and 8 hours of lens wear on day 1 and at the end of each wearing cycle (2 hours). RESULTS. In phase 1, compared to the no-lens baseline, corneal tactile thresholds increased at the 1-day, 8-hour and the 2-week visits (P < 0.05), whereas conjunctival mechanical thresholds decreased at the 1-day, 2-hour and the 2-week visits (P < 0.05). In phase 2, the chemical thresholds were lower with PHMBpreserved solution compared with the Polyquad/Aldox system at the 1-day, 2-hour and the 1-week visits (P < 0.05). Staining scores correlated inversely with conjunctival chemical thresholds (all P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. Ocular surface sensitivity changed in adapted lens wearers, when lenses were refit after a no-lens interval and during lens wear with different care regimens. The corneal staining that was observed with certain lens-solution combinations was accompanied by sensory alteration of the ocular surface-that is, higher levels of staining correlated with increased conjunctival chemical sensitivity. © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
Srinivasan,S., Joyce,E., Boone,A., Simpson,T., Jones,L., Senchyna,M.
Tear lipocalin and lysozyme concentrations in postmenopausal women
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 2010;30(3):257-266
Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Kinetics of lysozyme activity recovered from conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2010;21(3):343-358
Boone,A., Heynen,M., Joyce,E., Varikooty,J., Jones,L.
Ex vivo protein deposition on bi-weekly silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2009;86(11):1241-1249
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Purpose. This study investigated the protein deposition that occurs on daily wear silicone hydrogel (SH) lenses, after 2 weeks of wear. Methods. A total of 40 subjects were divided into equal groups, based on their habitual SH contact lens [CIBA Vision O2OPTIX (O2); Johnson & Johnson ACUVUE ADVANCE with HYDRACLEAR (ADV); Bausch & Lomb PureVision (PV); CIBA Vision Night & Day (ND)]. A randomized, double-masked, cross-over study was conducted in which subjects wore either their habitual SH material or Johnson & Johnson ACUVUE OASYS with HYDRACLEAR PLUS (OAS) for 2 weeks. At the end of the 2-week period, lenses were collected for analysis of total protein, total lysozyme, and percent denatured lysozyme. Results. Total protein was greatest for PV (33 ± 6 μg/lens), with other lenses depositing 0.05). Total lysozyme was also greatest for the PV lens (11 ± 3 μg/lens), with other lenses depositing 0.05). Total lysozyme was also greatest for the PV lens (11 ± 3 μg/lens), with other lenses depositing 0.05). Total lysozyme was also greatest for the PV lens (11 ± 3 μg/lens), with other lenses depositing 0.05). The percentage of lysozyme that was denatured was greatest for ND (90 ± 8%) and lowest for PV (23 ± 10%). The lysozyme extracted from ND and O2 lenses was significantly more denatured than that extracted from the other lens materials (p 0.05) or between ADV, OAS, and PV (p > 0.05). The amount of denatured lysozyme/lens was <3 μg/lens for all materials. Lysozyme as a percentage of the total protein deposited ranged from 32 (PV) to 6% (O2). Conclusions. This study confirms that all SH lenses deposit low levels of protein, and that the amount and percentage of denatured lysozyme can vary, depending on the overall surface charge of the material and absence or type of surface treatment. © 2009 American Academy of Optometry.
Boone,A., Hui,A., Jones,L.
Uptake and release of dexamethasone phosphate from silicone hydrogel and FDA group I, II, and IV hydrogel contact lenses
Eye and Contact Lens 2009;35(5):260-267
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OBJECTIVES: To investigate the uptake and release kinetics of the synthetic glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone into various conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials. METHODS: Three conventional and six silicone hydrogel lenses were used in this study. A 0.1% dexamethasone solution was formulated and used to dope the various contact lens materials. The uptake and release of the drug was measured using a UV-visible light spectrophotometer at various time points during a period of 24 hr for each phase. RESULTS: Statistical analysis showed that all lenses took up a significant amount of dexamethasone. Alphafilcon A and lotrafilcon A showed the greatest uptake of dexamethasone, at 118 +/- 10 microg/lens and 102 +/- 11 microg/lens, respectively, and galyfilcon took up the least amount of drug at 34 +/- 6 microg/lens. The release of the drug from the lens materials was also statistically significant. The majority of the lenses released between 20 and 30 microg/lens, except for alphafilcon A and lotrafilcon A, which released a statistically different amount of drug when compared with the other lens materials. Alphafilcon A released 65 +/- 1.3 microg/lens, whereas lotrafilcon A slowly released only 11 +/- 0.2 microg/lens. CONCLUSIONS: Although most of the lenses released enough drug to have anti-inflammatory action, none of the materials released drug for a long enough period of time to be clinically useful as a drug delivery device.
Chow,L. M., Subbaraman,L. N., Sheardown,H., Jones,L.
Kinetics of in vitro lactoferrin deposition on silicone hydrogel and FDA group II and group IV hydrogel contact lens materials
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2009;20(1):71-82
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The aim of this study was to compare the kinetics of lactoferrin deposition on silicone hydrogel (SH) and conventional FDA group II and group IV hydrogel contact lens materials. Seven lens materials, two conventional (etafilcon A, FDA group IV; omafilcon A, FDA group II) and five SH (lotrafilcon A, lotrafilcon B, balafilcon A, galyfilcon A and senofilcon A), were incubated in 1 ml (125)I-labeled lactoferrin solution for time periods ranging from 1 h to 28 days. At the end of specified incubation periods radioactive counts were determined on the lenses using an Automatic Gamma Counter. There was a gradual increase in lactoferrin deposition on all the lenses across all time points. At the end of 28 days the amount of lactoferrin/lens in microg was 11.3 +/- 1.9 for etafilcon A, 6.8 +/- 2.0 for omafilcon A, 2.1 +/- 0.9 for lotrafilcon A, 3.1 +/- 1.0 for lotrafilcon B, 11.8 +/- 2.9 for balafilcon A, 5.4 +/- 1.1 for galyfilcon A and 5.6 +/- 0.6 for senofilcon A. After 28 days, etafilcon A and balafilcon A deposited lactoferrin to the greatest degree (P < 0.05), but these were not different from each other (P = 0.48), while lotrafilcon A and B deposited the least (P < 0.05 vs. other lenses; P = 0.57 with each other). Galyfilcon A, senofilcon A and omafilcon A (P < 0.05 compared with other lenses; P > 0.05 with each other) deposited intermediate levels of lactoferrin. We concluded that radiochemical analysis is a sensitive and effective technique to determine the small quantities of lactoferrin deposited on SH lenses. The kinetics of lactoferrin deposition on contact lens materials depend on the chemical structure of the lens material.
Dumbleton,K., Woods,C., Jones,L., Fonn,D., Sarwer,D. B.
Patient and practitioner compliance with silicone hydrogel and daily disposable lens replacement in the United States
Eye and Contact Lens 2009;35(4):164-171
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OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to assess current recommendations for replacement frequency (RF) of silicone hydrogel (SH) and daily disposable (DD) lenses, to determine compliance with these recommendations, and to investigate the reasons given for noncompliance. METHODS: A package containing 20 patient surveys was sent to 309 eye care practitioners (ECPs) in the United States who had agreed to participate in the study. One thousand eight hundred fifty-nine completed surveys were received from 158 ECPs and 1,654 surveys were eligible for analysis. Questions related to patient demographics, lens type, lens wearing patterns, the ECP instructions for RF, and the actual patient reported RF. ECPs were asked to provide lens information and their recommendation for RF after the surveys had been completed and sealed in envelopes. All responses were anonymous. RESULTS: Sixty-six percent of patients were women and their mean age was 34 ± 12 years. Eighty-eight percent of lenses were worn for daily wear, 12.8 ± 3.2 hours a day, 6.2 ± 1.5 days a week. Lens type distribution was 16% DD, 45% 2 week (2W) SH, and 39% 1 month (1M) SH. ECP recommendations for RF varied according to the lens type; 1% of 1M (95% CI 0.2-1.7), 4% of DD (95% CI 2.1-7.2), and 18% of 2W (95% CI 15.1-20.7) patients were given instructions that did not conform to the manufacturers' recommended RF (MRRF). When considering only those patients who were given the correct instructions for RF, 38% were not compliant with the MRRF; noncompliance rates varied according to the lens type and were 12% for DD (95% CI 8.6-17.2), 28% for 1M (95% CI 24.9-32.1), and 52% for 2W (95% CI 47.8-55.8). The most frequent reasons for over wearing lenses were "forgetting which day to replace lenses" (51%) and "to save money" (26%). Fifty-three percent believed that a reminder system would aid compliance; the most popular methods being a cell phone reminder or text message (29%) and a nominated day each week or month (26%). Discussions between the ECPs and the patients were more extensive for patients who were compliant with the MRRF. CONCLUSIONS: ECPs recommended RFs more frequently with DD and 1M SH lenses than with 2W SH lenses, consistent with manufacturers' recommendations. Patients were less compliant with RF than ECPs for all lens types investigated. Patients were most compliant with RF when wearing DD lenses and least compliant when wearing 2W SH lenses. Better communication facilitated greater compliance with RF. More than half of those not replacing lenses, when recommended, reported that this was because they forgot which day to replace their lenses. © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Keech,A., Flanagan,J., Simpson,T., Jones,L.
Tear meniscus height determination using the OCT2 and the RTVue-100
Optometry and Vision Science 2009;86(10):1154-1159
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PURPOSE: To compare anterior segment spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SOCT) tear meniscus height (TMH) measures with those from the more commonly used time-domain OCT (TOCT). METHODS: The right eye of 50 healthy subjects had images of their TMH captured with TOCT (OCT2) and SOCT (RTVue-100). Data were acquired using two different anterior segment lenses, the cornea/anterior module-short (CAM-S) and long (CAM-L), on the SOCT. Images were then analyzed for differences in their derived TMH. RESULTS: The average TMH for TOCT was 0.280 ± 0.139 mm, whereas the mean TMH measured using the SOCT was 0.354 ± 0.163 mm and 0.345 ± 0.167 mm for the CAM-S and CAM-L, respectively. There was a significant difference (p < 0.001) when comparing TOCT with either of the SOCT lenses. There was no statistically significant difference between the CAM-L and CAM-S (p = 1.0). Bland-Altman analysis showed poor agreement between TOCT and SOCT (95% limits of agreement -0.138 to + 0.285 mm for the CAM-S and -0.185 to +0.315 mm for the CAM-L). CONCLUSIONS: The RTVue-100 produces TMH measurements that are significantly higher than OCT2 in a normal patient population. However, the RTVue-100 showed a number of other advantages over the OCT2 in the measurement and analysis of images. Future work needs to determine the causative factors behind the observed differences.
Keir,N. J., Simpson,T., Jones,L. W., Fonn,D.
Wavefront-guided LASIK for myopia: Effect on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and higher order aberrations
Journal of Refractive Surgery 2009;25(6):524-533
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PURPOSE: To determine the impact of wavefrontguided LASIK for myopia with or without astigmatism on high and low contrast best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA), photopic and mesopic contrast sensitivity, and higher order aberrations. METHODS: Bilateral wavefront-guided LASIK (LADARVision4000; Hansatome microkeratome) was performed on 324 eyes (162 patients) with a mean spherical manifest refraction of -2.84±1.35 diopters (D) (range: -0.25 to -6.50 D) and astigmatism of -0.81±0.74 D (range: 0 to -4.00 D). Mean age was 37.7±9.3 years (range: 20 to 60 years). Best spectacle-corrected visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were assessed using ETDRS charts and vertical sinusoidal gratings, respectively. Higher order aberrations were measured using a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor, analyzed across a 5-mm pupil. Repeated measures and post hoc analyses determined statistical significance (P<.0025). Only right eyes were analyzed. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-six eyes (84%) had uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better 6 months postoperative; 80.9% (131 eyes) were within ±0.50 D of attempted correction. Statistically significant postoperative improvements were noted in high and low contrast BSCVA (both P≤.001); in photopic contrast sensitivity at 3, 6, and 12 cycles per degree (cpd); and in mesopic contrast sensitivity at 12 and 18 cpd (all P<.001). With respect to higher order aberrations, a statistically significant change was seen in Zernike coefficients Z 3 -1, Z 3 1, Z 3 -3, Z 3 3, and Z 3 4 following surgery (range of mean absolute change: 0.042 to 0.142 μm; all P<.001). All increased in magnitude except for Z 3 -3, which decreased. CONCLUSIONS: Despite an increase in higher order aberrations, wavefront-guided LASIK yields excellent visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. Spherical aberration, which increases the most following non-wavefront-guided LASIK, showed no significant change.
Luensmann,D., Heynen,M., Liu,L., Sheardown,H., Jones,L.
Determination of albumin sorption to intraocular lenses by radiolabeling and confocal laser scanning microscopy
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery 2009;35(11):2000-2007
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Purpose: To determine albumin adsorption profiles and penetration depth of 3 intraocular lens (IOL) materials over time using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and radiolabeling. Setting: Centre for Contact Lens Research, School of Optometry, and Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Methods: Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), silicone, and foldable hydrophilic acrylic IOLs were incubated in 0.5 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA) for 1, 7, and 14 days. The BSA was conjugated with lucifer yellow VS to allow identification of the protein location by fluorescent imaging with CLSM. Next, the protein uptake was quantified using 2% 125I-labeled BSA. Results: Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed increasing BSA uptake for silicone and PMMA IOLs after 14 days of incubation (P<.05), with an apparent penetration depth of 8.7 μm ± 1.9 (SD) and 9.2 ± 1.4 μm, respectively. For hydrophilic acrylic IOLs, BSA was detected at a depth of 38 ± 7.4 μm after 1 day, followed by an increase to 192.7 ± 16.2 μm after 14 days. Despite the penetration depth into the hydrophilic acrylic IOLs, quantitative results confirmed that PMMA and hydrophilic acrylic deposited significantly less BSA (mean 278.3 ± 41.7 ng and 296.5 ± 33.1 ng, respectively) than silicone IOLs (mean 392.6 ± 37.6 ng) (P<.05). Conclusions: Silicone and PMMA IOL materials showed BSA sorption near the lens surface only, while BSA penetrated deep into the hydrophilic acrylic IOL matrix. Combining the qualitative CLSM method and quantitative radiolabeling technique provided detailed information on protein interactions with implantable biomaterials. © 2009 ASCRS and ESCRS.
Luensmann,D., Zhang,F., Subbaraman,L., Sheardown,H., Jones,L.
Localization of lysozyme sorption to conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lenses using confocal microscopy
Current eye research 2009;34(8):683-697
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PURPOSE: To investigate the distribution profile of hen egg lysozyme (HEL) through poly-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (pHEMA)-based lens materials and silicone hydrogel (SH) lens materials using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). METHODS: Five silicone SH materials (balafilcon A, lotrafilcon A, lotrafilcon B, galyfilcon A, senofilcon A) and four pHEMA-based materials (alphafilcon A, etafilcon A, omafilcon A, vifilcon A) were incubated in 1.9 mg/ml protein solution for 24 hours. The protein solution consisted of HEL, which was conjugated with either fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) or lucifer yellow VS dilithium salt (LY). CLSM (Zeiss LSM 510 META) identified the location of the fluorescently labeled protein by using 1 micro m depth scans through the lens. In a second experiment, lenses were incubated with 2% (125) I labeled HEL to determine the amount of deposited protein on each lens. Both techniques were combined to describe the individual HEL profiles. RESULTS: After the incubation in fluorescently labeled HEL, all pHEMA-based materials and the SH material balafilcon A accumulated protein throughout the entire lens material, while, for the SH lenses lotrafilcon A and lotrafilcon B, HEL was primarily detected on the lens surface alone. Differences in protein uptake pattern due solely to the two conjugated dyes were most apparent for the SH materials galyfilcon A and senofilcon A; HEL was detected throughout these lenses when conjugated with LY but accumulated primarily on the surface when conjugated with FITC. CONCLUSION: CLSM in combination with a radiolabel technique can describe both the location and degree of protein deposition on different contact lens materials.
Ngo,W., Heynen,M., Joyce,E., Jones,L.
Impact of protein and lipid on neutralization times of hydrogen peroxide care regimens
Eye and Contact Lens 2009;35(6):282-286
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Purpose: To investigate the effect of protein, lipid, and lens material on the neutralization kinetics of one-step hydrogen peroxide disinfection systems. Methods: A UV-based assay was used to determine the rate of neutralization of three one-step hydrogen peroxide systems (CIBA Vision Clear Care; CIBA Vision AOSEPT; Abbott Medical Optics UltraCare). Protein (bovine serum albumin and lysozyme) and various lipids were added to the lens cases during the neutralization phase to determine whether they influenced the rate of neutralization. Finally, rates were determined when the cases contained a silicone hydrogel lens material (lotrafilcon A) or Food and Drug Administration group IV (etafilcon A) lenses. Results: Neutralization for all three systems was complete within 90 minutes. The rate of neutralization for Clear Care and AOSEPT were not significantly different from each other (P=NS). UltraCare exhibited statistically higher levels of peroxide up to the 20-minute time point (P<0.001) Protein, lipid, or lens material did not significantly affect the rate of neutralization for any regimen (P=NS). Conclusions: Tablet-based one-step disinfection systems neutralize at a slower rate than disc-based peroxide systems, but this difference is only significant during the first 20 minutes after the onset of neutralization. Neither lens deposition nor lens material plays a role in the speed of neutralization of peroxide-based systems. © 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Sorbara,L., Jones,L., Williams-Lyn,D.
Contact lens induced papillary conjunctivitis with silicone hydrogel lenses
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2009;32(2):93-96
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PURPOSE: To describe the refitting of a soft lens wearer into a silicone hydrogel lens due to neovascularization. This change, in turn, caused contact lens induced papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC) and a further refitting was necessary. METHODS: The patient was refit into a high Dk surface treated silicone hydrogel with a high modulus value. A second refitting was undertaken into a lower Dk silicone hydrogel contact lens with a lower modulus value which had no surface treatment but incorporated an internal wetting agent. RESULTS: A high Dk/t lens was used to resolve existing neovascularization and chronic hyperaemia. Subsequently, CLPC response occurred, possibly due to a combination of factors, resulting in irritation of the palpebral conjunctiva. This resulted in temporary lens discontinuation. A second silicone hydrogel lens was fit, along with the use of a non-preserved care system, which led to improvement and eventual resolution of the condition. CONCLUSION: High Dk silicone hydrogel lenses have shown excellent efficacy in resolving hypoxic complications such as neovascularization and hyperaemia. However, attention needs to be paid to their potential effect on the upper tarsal plate. More than one silicone hydrogel lens may be needed to help resolve these issues.
Subbaraman,L. N., Glasier,M. A., Sheardown,H., Jones,L.
Efficacy of an extraction solvent used to quantify albumin deposition on hydrogel contact lens materials
Eye and Contact Lens 2009;35(2):76-80
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OBJECTIVES: Extracting proteins from conventional hydrogel (CH) and silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lens materials using a mixture of trifluoroacetic acid/acetonitrile (TFA/ACN) is a well-established procedure for quantifying individual and total protein deposited on contact lenses. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of TFA/ACN in extracting albumin from SH and a CH group IV lens material using an in vitro model. METHODS: One CH group IV lens material (etafilcon A) and five different SH lens materials (lotrafilcon A, lotrafilcon B, balafilcon A, galyfilcon A, and senofilcon A) were incubated in both simple albumin solution and a complex artificial tear protein solution containing 125I-labeled albumin. All the lens materials were incubated for 14 days at 37 degrees C with constant rotations. Following the incubation period, radioactive counts were determined and the lenses were placed in an appropriate volume of the extraction solvent. After the specified time, the lenses were removed and radioactive counts were determined again to calculate the amount of albumin remaining on the lenses post-extraction. RESULTS: Extraction efficiencies for albumin from the artificial tear protein solution were 97.2% +/- 2 for etafilcon A, 77.3% +/- 6.2 for lotrafilcon A, 73.5% +/- 5.6 for lotrafilcon B, 81.5% +/- 5.8 for balafilcon, 91.2% +/- 3.4 for galyfilcon A, and 89.2% +/- 3.4 for senofilcon A. Results were similar for the albumin extracted after incubating in the simple albumin solution. CONCLUSIONS: Although TFA/ACN is efficient at extracting albumin deposited on etafilcon lenses, it does not extract all the albumin that is deposited on SH lenses and alternative extraction procedures should be sought.
Subbaraman,L. N., Woods,J., Teichroeb,J. H., Jones,L.
Protein deposition on a lathe-cut silicone hydrogel contact lens material
Optometry and Vision Science 2009;86(3):244-250
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PURPOSE: To determine the quantity of total protein, total lysozyme, and the conformational state of lysozyme deposited on a novel, lathe-cut silicone hydrogel (SiHy) contact lens material (sifilcon A) after 3 months of wear. METHODS: Twenty-four subjects completed a prospective, bilateral, daily-wear, 9-month clinical evaluation in which the subjects were fitted with a novel, custom-made, lathe-cut SiHy lens material. The lenses were worn for three consecutive 3-month periods, with lenses being replaced after each period of wear. After 3 months of wear, the lenses from the left eye were collected and assessed for protein analysis. The total protein deposited on the lenses was determined by a modified Bradford assay, total lysozyme using Western blotting and the lysozyme activity was determined using a modified micrococcal assay. RESULTS: The total protein recovered from the custom-made lenses was 5.3 +/- 2.3 microg/lens and the total lysozyme was 2.4 +/- 1.2 microg/lens. The denatured lysozyme found on the lenses was 1.9 +/- 1.0 microg/lens and the percentage of lysozyme denatured was 80 +/- 10%. CONCLUSIONS: Even after 3 months of wear, the quantity of protein and the conformational state of lysozyme deposited on these novel lens materials was very similar to that found on similar surface-coated SiHy lenses after 2 to 4 weeks of wear. These results indicate that extended use of the sifilcon A material is not deleterious in terms of the quantity and quality of protein deposited on the lens.
Bitton,E., Keech,A., Jones,L., Simpson,T.
Subjective and objective variation of the tear film pre- and post-sleep
Optometry and Vision Science 2008;85(8):740-749
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PURPOSE: To date, few studies have correlated the overnight effects of the preocular tear film (POTF) with subjective symptoms. This study investigates the POTF volume and stability, bulbar hyperemia (BH), tear ferning (TF) and the participant's subjective symptoms, pre- and post-sleep. METHODS: Thirty subjects were recruited, consisting of two evenly distributed groups who were symptomatic of dry eye (DE) and those that were asymptomatic dry eye, determined using the McMonnies questionnaire. Subjects were evaluated at 10 p.m. (baseline), on waking at 7 a.m., and then hourly until 10 a.m. At each visit, tear meniscus height (TMH), various subjective factors, BH and POTF stability by non-invasive break-up time (NIBUT) were assessed. Tear collection was performed at 10 p.m, 7 and 10 a.m. for TF analysis. RESULTS: With the exception of burning, all other symptoms (comfort, dryness, clarity of vision, and grittiness) revealed an overnight change (p < 0.05) within each group, but not between the two groups (p > 0.05). Both the tear meniscus height and BH were elevated upon waking and differed significantly between test times for each group (p < 0.05), but not between groups (p > 0.05). NIBUT was lower for the DE group (p < 0.001). The non-dry eye (NDE) group did not significantly alter over time (p > 0.05), but the DE group did (p = 0.004), with a longer NIBUT in the morning. TF demonstrated a degraded pattern upon waking for both groups (p < 0.05). Most of the changes returned to baseline within an hour after waking. CONCLUSIONS: The properties of the POTF undergo a change during extended periods of eye closure and the human POTF is different upon waking to that present immediately before sleep. Most of the parameters determined rapidly revert to baseline levels once the POTF is allowed to refresh.
Caffery,B., Joyce,E., Boone,A., Slomovic,A., Simpson,T., Jones,L., Senchyna,M.
Tear lipocalin and lysozyme in sjögren and non-sjogren dry eye
Optometry and Vision Science 2008;85(8):661-667
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PURPOSE.: To evaluate the concentration of tear lipocalin, lysozyme, and total protein in Sjogrens Syndrome (SS), non-Sjogrens keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), and non-dry-eyed (NDE) individuals. METHODS.: Seventy-six subjects were recruited for this study: 25 SS subjects; 25 KCS subjects, and 26 NDE individuals. Symptoms were measured with a visual analogue scale. Tear flow was measured by the Schirmer I test without anesthesia. Tears were collected using an eye wash technique. Total tear protein was quantified using the DC Protein Assay Kit. Tear lipocalin and lysozyme were quantified via Western blotting performed on a Phast System. RESULTS.: By definition, the SS and KCS groups both had significantly lower mean Schirmer scores (5.12 ± 5.96 mm and 7.84 ± 7.35 mm) compared with the NDE group (23.83 ± 7.85 mm; p < 0.0001). There was no difference in mean Schirmer scores between SS and KCS groups (p = 0.19). The tear film of the SS group was characterized by significantly reduced (p < 0.0001) total protein and lipocalin concentrations compared with both KCS and NDE groups. No difference between the KCS and NDE groups was found in total protein (p = 0.92) or lipocalin (p = 0.19) concentration. In contrast, the concentration of tear film lysozyme was found to be statistically similar in all three groups examined. No statistically significant correlation was found in any group between mean Schirmer values compared with total protein, lipocalin or lysozyme concentration. CONCLUSION.: Our data demonstrate a biochemical distinction between the Sjogrens group compared with both KCS and control groups, in that both tear lipocalin and total tear protein were significantly reduced. Although correlations were not found between protein measurements and tear flow, a combination of tests including Schirmer I and quantitation of tear film biomarkers may allow for the identification of SS patients without the need for invasive testing. © 2008 American Academy of Optometry.
Dalton,K., Subbaraman,L. N., Rogers,R., Jones,L.
Physical properties of soft contact lens solutions
Optometry and Vision Science 2008;85(2):122-128
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Purpose. To investigate the physical properties of commercially available soft contact lens solutions.
Methods. The pH, osmolality, surface tension (ST), and viscosity of various soft contact lens solutions were measured at room temperature. Viscosity measurements were also taken at 34°C. The solutions examined were Opti-Free Express (OFX), Opti-Free RepleniSH (OFR), Complete Moisture Plus (COM), UltraCare (UC), ReNu MultiPlus, Sensitive Eyes, AOSept (AO), Clear Care, SoloCare Aqua, and SoftWear saline. The peroxide solutions were measured before and after neutralization.
Results. The pH of most solutions was close to neutral (range 7.00-7.36), except for OFX and neutralized AO and Clear Care. The osmolality values of most solutions were in the 275 to 310 mOsm/kg range. OFX exhibited a significantly lower osmolality (225 mOsm/kg; p < 0.001), whereas UC was significantly higher (329 mOsm/kg; p < 0.001). Neutralized AO and SoftWear saline had ST values of approximately 67 mN/m. OFX, OFR, and SoloCare Aqua exhibited low ST values in the 30 to 35 mN/m range. The remaining solutions exhibited intermediate ST values of approximately 40 mN/m. These three groupings were significantly different (p < 0.001). The average viscosity of most solutions at room temperature was between 0.95 and 1.26 cP, except for COM (3.02 cP; p < 0.001). At 34°C, the average viscosity of most solutions was between 0.70 and 0.83 cP, except for COM, which had a viscosity of 1.92 cP (p < 0.001). The un-neutralized peroxide solutions had very different pH and osmolality values from all the solutions that would directly contact the eye (p < 0.001). Their viscosity and ST values were similar (p = NS).
Conclusions. This study detailed many physical properties of soft lens solutions that are not readily available and indicated that certain properties vary significantly among these products.
Dumbleton,K. A., Woods,C. A., Jones,L. W., Fonn,D.
Comfort and adaptation to silicone hydrogel lenses for daily wear
Eye and Contact Lens 2008;34(4):215-223
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Objectives. To investigate initial comfort and adaptation of currently successful low oxygen transmissibility soft lens wearers refitted with silicone hydrogel (SH) lenses for daily wear. Methods. Fifty-five subjects were enrolled in a subject-masked 5-month clinical trial in which they wore 5 SH lenses in a randomized, crossover design. Comfort, burning, and dryness were rated on scales of 0 to 100 immediately on insertion and the time for lens settling was recorded. Symptoms were then rated at various times, using BlackBerry wireless communication devices (Research in Motion, Waterloo, Canada), during the day for 2 cycles of 2 weeks wear for each lens type. Results. Comfort immediately on insertion varied between lens types (P=0.002). All lens types were reported by the subjects to have settled within 30 to 45 sec of insertion (P=0.14) and "settled" comfort was greater than comfort immediately on insertion (P<0.001). Comfort within the first hour of wear also varied between lens types (P=0.02). Comfort during the day decreased significantly for all lenses (P=0.001), but there was no difference between lenses (P=0.19) and no effect of lens age (P=0.15). The wearing times were greater with the SH lenses than the habitual lenses worn before study commencement (P=0.001). Overall performance of the lenses after 4 weeks was high, with no difference between lenses (P=0.45). Conclusions. Initial comfort and adaptation to all SH lenses were good and no differences in the overall ratings were found between the 5 SH lenses investigated. Decreased comfort was noted later in the day with all lens types, but longer wearing times were reported with the SH lenses than previous hydroxyethyl methacrylate-based lenses. © 2008 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Inc.
Glasier,M. -A, Keech,A., Sheardown,H., Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Conformational and quantitative characterization of lysozyme extracted from galyfilcon and senofilcon silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Current eye research 2008;33(1):1-11
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PURPOSE: To compare two solvents for retrieval of lysozyme deposited on a silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lens material galyfilcon A (GA; Acuvue Advance). METHODS: Two buffers used were 50:50 acetonitrile/0.02% trifluoroacetic acid (buffer 1) and 50:50 acetonitrile/50 mM NaOH (buffer 2). RESULTS: Extraction efficiency from GA lenses was 74% (buffer 1) and 83% (buffer 2). Buffer 2 decreased lysozyme activity > buffer 1. Ex vivo GA lenses showed total protein deposition of 2-16 microg/lens with total lysozyme deposition of 0.3-3.9 microg/lens. CONCLUSIONS: We have developed a low acid strength extraction buffer that can be used to efficiently extract active lysozyme protein from novel siloxane-based contact lens materials.
Glasier,M. -A, Subbaraman,L. N., Senchyna,M., Jones,L.
A solid-phase assay for the quantitation of total protein eluted from balafilcon, lotrafilcon, and etafilcon contact lenses
Current eye research 2008;33(8):631-640
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PURPOSE: To compare two variations of a membrane-based protein assay utilizing Amido black (AB) detection with a commercially available 3-(4-carboxybenzoyl) quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde (CBQCA) assay for use in the quantitation of individual tear proteins, pooled human tear proteins, and protein extracted from ex vivo lotrafilcon A, balafilcon A, and etafilcon A contact lens materials. METHODS: Ex vivo contact lens extracts, pooled human tears, and individual tear proteins (human serum albumin (HSA), bovine lactoferrin, human secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), human lysozyme) were subjected to three solid-phase assays: AB on polyvinylidene difluoride (AB on PVDF) and AB on nitrocellulose (AB on NC) and the CBQCA assay. Micro-bicinchonic acid (micro-BCA) assay was also employed with lens extracts to determine total protein concentration. Individual and pooled tear proteins were referenced to a micro version of the quantitative ninhydrin protein assay. RESULTS: The CBQCA demonstrated the greatest overall sensitivity and lowest intra- and inter-assay variability. AB on NC demonstrated the most accurate ability to quantify total protein in pooled human tear samples, although it also displayed the greatest protein-to-protein variation using individual tear proteins. The CBQCA assay displayed the greatest cross-reactivity with unworn balafilcon and lotrafilcon lens extracts, whereas AB on NC demonstrated the least. AB on NC measured similar amounts of total protein in extracted ex vivo lenses as the CBQCA assay if background interference was subtracted from CBQCA values. AB on PVDF measured the lowest amount of deposited protein from ex vivo lenses. CONCLUSION: Both the AB on NC and CBQCA assays can be used to measure protein in extracts of lotrafilcon, balafilcon, and etafilcon lens materials.
Haque,S., Fonn,D., Simpson,T., Jones,L.
Epithelial thickness changes from the induction of myopia with CRTH RGP contact lenses
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008;49(8):3345-3350
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PURPOSE. To investigate changes in epithelial thickness after overnight wear of CRTH rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses (Paragon Vision Sciences, Mesa, AZ) for the correction of hyperopia. METHODS. Twenty subjects wore a +3.50 D hyperopia-correcting CRTH lens on one eye for a single night in an attempt to induce myopia (first study). The untreated eye served as the control. Corneal and epithelial thickness was measured at nine points across the horizontal meridian by OCT. Measurements were obtained the night before lens wear, immediately after lens removal the next morning, and 1, 3, 6, and 12 hours after removal. Measurements were obtained 28 hours later, to observe recovery. Then, the attempted hyperopic corrections of +1.50 and +3.50 D were evaluated, using CRTH lenses in both eyes of 20 subjects for a single night (second study). RESULTS. All values were compared to baseline unless otherwise stated. In the first study, the treated eye's central and midperipheral epithelial thickness increased by 21.5% ± 8.6% and 13.3% ± 7.6%, respectively, after lens removal (P < 0.001). The control eye's central epithelial thickness (CET) increased by 7.1% ± 6.0% (P < 0.05). In the second study, CET increased by 17.6% ± 8.5% (P < 0.001) in the +3.50 D-treated eye and by 13.3% ± 4.8% (P < 0.001) in the +1.50 D-treated eye. Midperipheral epithelial thickening was 5.9% ± 4.7% (P < 0.05) in the +3.50 D-treated eye and 6.0% ± 6.3% (P < 0.05) in the +1.50 D-treated eye. CONCLUSIONS. CRTH lenses, designed to correct hyperopia, when worn overnight, caused an increase in CET. The amount of epithelial change seemed to differ with modified lens design. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
Hui,A., Boone,A., Jones,L.
Uptake and release of ciprofloxacin-HCl from conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials.
Eye & contact lens 2008;34(5):266-271
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OBJECTIVES: To investigate the uptake and release characteristics of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin-HCl in conventional and silicone hydrogel lenses, and evaluate their potential as therapeutic drug delivery devices. METHODS: Nine differing soft contact lens materials were soaked in a 0.3% ciprofloxacin-HCl solution at 34 degrees C. The uptake of the drug into the lenses was measured by the change in concentration over 24 hours using fluorescence spectrophotometry. The lenses were then placed in a buffered saline solution, and the release of the drug from the lenses was also measured using spectrophotometry. RESULTS: The release of drug varied from 0.016 +/- 0.004 mg/lens for lotrafilcon A lenses to 0.42 +/- 0.03 mg/lens for etafilcon A lenses, with an average of 0.133 mg/lens. The 3 conventional lenses used in the study released a statistically significantly different amount of drug when compared with the silicone hydrogels. The release of drug was very rapid, with drug release reaching a plateau after no more than 10 minutes for the majority of the lenses. The majority of the lenses were able to release enough drug to achieve minimum inhibitory concentration 90 for most resistant ocular pathogens. Ciprofloxacin was found to heavily precipitate on the etafilcon A lenses during the release phase at physiologic pH. CONCLUSION: While balafilcon A released the most drug from the silicone hydrogel materials, all materials released the drug too quickly to be effective as drug delivery devices.
Luensmann,D., Jones,L.
Albumin adsorption to contact lens materials: A review
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2008;31(4):179-187
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During contact lens wear, tear film components such as lipids, mucins and proteins tend to deposit on and within the lens material and may cause discomfort, reduced vision and inflammatory reactions. The tear film protein that has attracted most interest when studying contact lens deposition is the small (14 kDa), positively charged protein lysozyme. Albumin, which is a much larger protein (66 kDa) with an overall net negative charge is also of interest, and shows very different adsorption patterns to lysozyme. The concentration of albumin in the tear film is relatively low compared to the concentration in blood serum, but this value increases markedly under various conditions, including when the eye is closed, during contact lens wear and in various dry eye states. Gaining an understanding of the manner in which albumin deposits on biomaterials is of importance for contact lens wear, as well as for other medical applications where HEMA-based materials are used for implants, artificial blood vessels or drug delivery devices. This review paper summarizes the impact of individual material compositions, water content, hydrophobicity and electrostatic attraction on the adsorption behavior of the protein albumin.
Simpson,T. L., Situ,P., Jones,L. W., Fonn,D.
Dry eye symptoms assessed by four questionnaires
Optometry and Vision Science 2008;85(8):E692-E699
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PURPOSE.: To establish the relationships between commonly used questionnaires including Dry Eye Questionnaire, McMonnies Questionnaire, and Ocular Surface Disease Index, and to test the construct and face validity of the simple Subjective Evaluation of Symptom of Dryness. METHODS.: Ninety-seven non-contact lens wearing subjects were enrolled in the study and classified into either a "dry" and "non-dry" group using a single score from an initially applied subjective evaluation of symptom of dryness. The four questionnaires were then completed in a random order. The unidimensionality and accuracy of the responses was assessed using Rasch and receiver (or relative) operating characteristics curve analysis and the characteristics of and association between symptoms were compared using non-parametric statistics. RESULTS.: The responses from the Dry Eye Questionnaire, McMonnies Questionnaire, and Ocular Surface Disease Index met the Rasch analysis criterion of unidimensionality. Each test separated the symptomatic and asymptomatic groups well [all receiver (or relative) operating characteristics area-under-the-curve statistics at least 0.88] and there were significant associations between the results from each questionnaire (all Spearman ρ at least 0.64). CONCLUSIONS.: The results illustrate that different questionnaire-based instruments examining symptoms in controls and symptomatic subjects derive unidimensional data that are similar inasmuch as the overall scores are highly correlated. The data also point to the utility of a quick, three-question screening tool in dry eye research. © 2008 American Academy of Optometry.
Situ,P., Simpson,T. L., Fonn,D., Jones,L. W.
Conjunctival and corneal pneumatic sensitivity is associated with signs and symptoms of ocular dryness
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008;49(7):2971-2976
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PURPOSE: To investigate the relationships of dry eye symptoms and corneal and conjunctival sensitivity to pneumatic stimulation, tear film stability, and clinical ocular surface characteristics in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects. METHODS: Ninety-seven subjects were enrolled and grouped by a questionnaire-based single score for symptoms of ocular dryness (none to trace, non-dry group; mild to severe, symptomatic group); 43 were symptomatic and 54 were non-dry. Corneal (K) and conjunctival (C) sensitivities were measured with a computer-controlled Belmonte pneumatic (room temperature) stimulus. Symptoms were assessed according to the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI). Ocular surface staining with fluorescein (FL) and lissamine green (LG), noninvasive tear film break-up time (NIBUT), and the phenol red thread test (PRT) were assessed. RESULTS: The symptomatic group showed lower K and C thresholds (P < 0.01), greater corneal FL and conjunctival LG staining, and shorter NIBUT than did the non-dry eye group (all others P < 0.05). The OSDI scores were higher in the symptomatic group (P < 0.001). K and C thresholds and NIBUT were inversely correlated with the OSDI and corneal and conjunctival staining (all P < 0.05). The K and C threshold and NIBUT (all P < 0.01) correlated positively. Step-wise multiple regression analysis showed that ocular surface sensitivity and NIBUT were significant predictors of the OSDI. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular irritation assessed with the OSDI is associated with ocular surface hyperesthesia to cooling, corneal epitheliopathy, and tear film instability. Although cause and effect are unclear, the analysis showed that altered corneal and conjunctival sensory processing and tear film attributes are essential aspects of what characterizes dry eye.
Situ,P., Simpson,T. L., Jones,L. W., Fonn,D.
Conjunctival and corneal hyperesthesia in subjects with dryness symptoms
Optometry and Vision Science 2008;85(9):867-872
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PURPOSE.: To compare conjunctival and corneal sensitivity in noncontact lens wearing subjects with and without symptoms of ocular dryness, stratified by age and gender. METHODS.: Ninety-seven subjects were enrolled, 54 of whom were asymptomatic and 43 of whom were symptomatic of ocular dryness. A single score for the symptom of dryness was used to classify nondry eye (scores of none to trace) and dry eye symptomatic (scores of mild to severe) groups. The subjects were further stratified into "younger" (19 to 49 years) and "older" age groups (50 to 80 years). Conjunctival and corneal sensitivity of the right eye was measured at the central cornea and temporal conjunctiva, using a computer-controlled pneumatic esthesiometer with stimulus temperature set at 20°C. The ascending method of limits was used to determine the thresholds. RESULTS.: Conjunctival and corneal thresholds were significantly lower in the dry eye symptomatic than in the nondry eye group (both p 0.05). Conjunctival threshold in the nondry eye women was lower than the men (p 0.05). CONCLUSIONS.: Conjunctival and corneal sensitivity to pneumatic cool stimulation is increased in subjects with symptoms of ocular dryness. This hyperesthesia seems to be more significant in the conjunctiva. © 2008 American Academy of Optometry.
Teichroeb,J. H., Forrest,J. A., Jones,L. W., Chan,J., Dalton,K.
Quartz crystal microbalance study of protein adsorption kinetics on poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)
Journal of colloid and interface science 2008;325(1):157-164
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The interaction of macromolecules with artificial biomaterials may lead to potentially serious complications upon implantation into a biological environment. The interaction of one of the most widely used biomaterials, polyHEMA, with lysozyme, bovine serum albumin (BSA), and lactoferrin was investigated using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). The concentration dependence of adsorption was measured for the aforementioned proteins individually as well as for lysozyme-BSA, and lysozyme-lactoferrin combinations. An extension of Voinova's viscoelastic model to n layers was used to create thickness-time graphs for adsorption. For each of lactoferrin and lysozyme, two distinctly different timescales of adsorption could be differentiated. However, the mechanisms of adsorption appeared to differ between the two. Negative dissipation shifts were measured for low concentrations of lysozyme, trending to positive dissipation at higher concentrations. This suggested that lysozyme was adsorbed initially into the matrix, stiffening the hydrogel, and later onto the surface of polyHEMA. Additionally, trials with commercial no-rub cleaning solutions indicated little added effectiveness over buffer solutions. Mixtures of proteins showed behaviour which differed in some cases from the simple combination of single protein adsorption experiments. Crown Copyright © 2008.
Van Beek,M., Jones,L., Sheardown,H.
Hyaluronic acid containing hydrogels for the reduction of protein adsorption
Biomaterials 2008;29(7):780-789
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Recently, new contact lens materials have been introduced which are reported to improve comfort by incorporating wetting agents either in a releasable or nonreleasable form. In the present work, model lens materials based on poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA) were developed which incorporate releasable or crosslinked and therefore physically entrapped hyaluronic acid (HA) of various molecular weights as a wetting agent. Crosslinked HA, despite being only present in very small amounts, resulted in consistently lower water contact angles over 4 h in comparison to controls, indicating that HA is present at the interface and was not being released over time. The presence of HA in the material was further confirmed by increases in the glass transition temperature measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and small increases in the stiffness as measured by Instron testing. This crosslinking procedure appeared to have no effect on optical transparency using 35 kDa HA, whereas small decreases in optical transparency at higher wavelengths were noted for the 169 kDa HA crosslinked material, as measured by UV spectrophotometry. Most importantly, protein adsorption results indicated that the adsorption of all proteins studied was considerably decreased by the presence of the small amount of crosslinked HA. The results provide insight into the mechanisms of comfort improvement with commercially available lens materials and suggest that HA containing materials may have significant potential for use in contact lens applications. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Varikooty,J., Srinivasan,S., Jones,L.
Atypical manifestation of upper lid margin staining in silicone hydrogel lens wearers with symptoms of dry eye
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2008;31(1):44-46
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Purpose: To report an atypical manifestation of upper lid margin staining (ULMS) that occurred in adapted silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lens wearers who complained of ocular surface dryness. Methods: Sequential staining with sodium fluorescein (FL) and lissamine green (LG) strips was performed in 38 SH lens wearers. The "wiper area" of the upper lid was examined with the slit lamp, at 8× and 12× magnifications. Results: Four out of 38 subjects (10.5%) showed fimbriated or "feathery" extensions from the superior margin of the subtarsal fold onto the upper tarsal plate. The extent of these feathery extensions varied between subjects, with a mean (±S.D.) length of 2 ± 0.8 mm. In all cases a broad band of staining with both FL and LG was demonstrated, which extended along the entire length of the lid margin. Conclusion: The staining patterns shown on the subjects' upper lid margins and tarsal plates suggest that ULMS may include more complex variants. The putative tissue damage revealed through the staining, points to a mechanism not simply restricted to the upper lid margin. © 2007 British Contact Lens Association.
Bitton,E., Keech,A., Simpson,T., Jones,L.
Variability of the analysis of the tear meniscus height by optical coherence tomography
Optometry and Vision Science 2007;84(9):E903-E908
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PURPOSE. Tear meniscus height (TMH) is an established parameter indicative of tear film volume and has recently been determined using an optical coherence tomographer (OCT). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inter and intra observer variability in TMH assessment using OCT. METHODS. Ten subjects (6 M, 4 F; aged 32.5 ± 6.4 years) had 10 consecutive scans taken of their inferior central tear meniscus (5 scans originating at 90° and 5 origination at 270°) using the OCT2 (Humphrey-Zeiss). Images were analyzed by two observers using custom software on three separate occasions. Following a training session among observers, the images were reevaluated to assess differences in variability. Data were analyzed for differences within and across examiners, for the effect of examiner training and between scan directions. RESULTS. The mean TMH and tear volume collapsed across subjects were between 0.24 and 0.25 mm and 25 to 27 nL/mm, respectively. No difference was noted within observers. An interobserver mean volume difference (p = 0.044) was present but was eliminated post training (p = 0.167). Variability was less with scans originating at 90°. CONCLUSIONS. The values of the TMH and tear volume are similar to those reported in the literature. Due to the interobserver differences observed, a training session between examiners may prove to be valuable, especially in a large or multicenter study. © 2007 American Academy of Optometry.
Dracopoulos,A., Dixon,D. G., Jones,L. W., Sivak,J. G., Bantseev,V.
In vitro assessment of medical device toxicity: Interactions of benzalkonium chloride with silicone-containing and p-HEMA-containing hydrogel contact lens materials
Eye and Contact Lens 2007;33(1):26-37
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PURPOSE. To analyze the interactions of benzalkonium chloride (BAK) with silicone-containing (lotrafilcon A and galyfilcon A) and p-HEMA-containing (etafilcon A and vifilcon A) hydrogel contact lenses and to examine the possibility of using sodium fluorescein permeability assay (SFPA), 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol- 2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and the bovine lens assay in conjunction with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) as a battery of in vitro alternatives to evaluate the potential toxicity of soft contact lenses. METHODS. Four soft contact lens types (Focus Monthly [vifilcon A], Focus NIGHT & DAY [lotrafilcon A], ACUVUE Advance With Hydraclear [galyfilcon A], and SUREVUE [etafilcon A]) were soaked for 24 hours in various concentrations of BAK (1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%) in 20-mL glass vials. After 24 hours, the lenses were gently washed in Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), placed in 5 mL of HBSS, and incubated for a total of 7 days at 37°C, 5% CO2. BAK released into HBSS (i.e., the extract) was recovered from the vials and used as the test chemical in the SFPA (epithelium integrity), MTT assay (cellular viability), and the bovine lens assay with CLSM (mitochondrial metabolism and optical properties). The amount of BAK extracted from the various contact lenses was measured using an Abbe refractometer. Negative controls consisted of HBSS and contact lenses subjected to the same conditions as the treated contact lenses, but without BAK. RESULTS. Extracts obtained from soaking Focus Monthly lenses in BAK caused the most damage to the epithelium and mitochondrial metabolism. However, at 0.1% BAK extraction, all lens extracts showed increased levels of back vertex distance variability of the cultured bovine lens. CONCLUSIONS. Unexpectedly, lenses extracted with HBSS showed SFPA and MTT assay responses and an observed effect on the bovine lens epithelium visualized by CLSM, indicating that unknown chemical agents may be leached from contact lens polymers. © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Duench,S., Simpson,T., Jones,L. W., Flanagan,J. G., Fonn,D.
Assessment of variation in bulbar conjunctival redness, temperature, and blood flow
Optometry and Vision Science 2007;84(6):511-516
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PURPOSE. To assess the diurnal variation in bulbar conjunctival redness, conjunctival temperature, and conjunctival blood flow. METHODS. Bulbar redness was quantified by CIE u' chromaticity using a SpectraScan PR650 spectrophotometer. Conjunctival temperature was measured using a Tasco-Thi 500 infrared thermometer. Measurements of conjunctival blood flow were obtained using a modified Heidelberg Retinal Flowmeter (HRF). Measurements on 10 subjects were made on a periodic basis over the day and on waking. RESULTS. For each factor measured a cyclical pattern was observed, with highest values on waking, a reduction in values towards mid-day, and then a gradual increase over the remainder of the day. There was a significant effect of time for redness, temperature, and conjunctival blood flow (p < 0.001 for all three variables), with no significant difference in the cyclical pattern between eyes being observed (p = NS). CONCLUSIONS. Diurnal bulbar redness, temperature, and conjunctival blood flow variation may be objectively quantified and all three are lowest during the middle of the day and maximal at the start of the day. This information should be considered when undertaking studies in which redness, temperature, and ocular surface blood flow are important outcome variables and time of day is a potential confounding factor. © 2007 American Academy of Optometry.
Haque,S., Fonn,D., Simpson,T., Jones,L.
Corneal refractive therapy with different lens materials, Part 1: Corneal, stromal, and epithelial thickness changes
Optometry and Vision Science 2007;84(4):343-348
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PURPOSE. To assess the corneal swelling response to two myopic correction corneal refractive therapy (CRT) lenses of varying Dk/t values, worn for a single night. Change in thickness of the total cornea, stroma, and epithelium was measured across the horizontal meridian using optical coherence tomography (OCT). METHODS. In this double-masked, randomized study, twenty subjects wore a CRT design lens in each eye, manufactured from Menicon Z (MenZ; Dk/t = 91) and Equalens II (EqII; Dk/t = 47) materials. Baseline corneal thickness was measured centrally and at four points either side of the central cornea using OCT, the night before sleeping at the Centre for Contact Lens Research. The next morning, lenses were removed, and thickness measurements were repeated 1, 3, 6, and 12 h after removal. RESULTS. On lens removal, the MenZ eye had central and paracentral corneal swelling (mean ± SD) of 4.1 ± 2.0% and 5.6 ± 2.4%, and the EqII eye had 5.8 ± 2.6% and 7.0 ± 2.6%. These values were significantly different from baseline (ReANOVA; p 0.05). Stromal swelling values on lens removal were 5.7 ± 2.2% centrally and 5.5 ± 3.0% mid-peripherally (MenZ) and 7.7 ± 3.1% centrally and 6.6 ± 2.9% mid-peripherally (EqII) (all p < 0.001 from baseline). Central stromal swelling was different between eyes at lens removal (p < 0.001). Stromal thickness in both eyes returned to baseline values within 3 h. CONCLUSION. The higher-Dk/t MenZ material caused significantly less overnight corneal and stromal swelling than the Eqll material, which reinforces the need to prescribe lenses with high Dk/t for overnight wear. Neither central epithelial thinning nor paracentral thickening are significantly affected by Dk/t. © 2007 American Academy of Optometry.
Klenkler,B., Sheardown,H., Jones,L.
Growth factors in the tear film: Role in tissue maintenance, wound healing, and ocular pathology
Ocular Surface 2007;5(3):228-239
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Numerous biologically active growth factors are secreted by the lacrimal gland and distributed via the tears over the ocular surface where they affect cellular proliferation, migration, differentiation, and survival. The role of growth factors and their receptors in maintenance of tissue homeostasis and wound healing continues to be elucidated, and the effect of growth factor imbalances In ocular surface diseases is just beginning to be understood. For Instance, in eyes with ocular surface diseases, Including conjunctivitis, corneal erosion, keratitis, and corneal ulcers, epidermal growth factor release rates have been shown to be significantly lower than in normal eyes during reflex tearing. Future research into the mechanisms of dry eye disease will focus on reasons for decreased tear and growth factor production in the neuronal reflex loop or the acinar lacrimal gland cells. Animal models to test therapeutic approaches must be developed. © 2007 Ethis Communications, Inc.
Lorentz,H., Jones,L.
Lipid deposition on hydrogel contact lenses: How history can help us today
Optometry and Vision Science 2007;84(4):286-295
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The tear film is a complex fluid that is precisely maintained and which is essential to the health of the ocular surface. One of the major components of the tear film is lipid, which is produced by the meibomian glands and serves many important functions on the ocular surface. It is estimated that there are more than 45 individual lipids within the tear film, which vary greatly in their structure and properties. The composition of the lipid within the tear film has an enormous influence on the stability of the tear film, with a subsequent impact on the occurrence of dry eye and the ultimate success of contact lens wear. The purpose of this review article is to describe the composition of the tear film lipids and their interaction with contact lens materials, with a particular emphasis on how the chemistry of novel silicone hydrogel materials has resulted in clinicians needing to understand the deposition of lipids onto contact lenses and how they may best manage this complication.
Lorentz,H., Rogers,R., Jones,L.
The impact of lipid on contact angle wettability
Optometry and Vision Science 2007;84(10):946-953
Luensmann,D., Glasier,M. -A, Zhang,F., Bantseev,V., Simpson,T., Jones,L.
Confocal microscopy and albumin penetration into contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2007;84(9):839-847
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Purpose. To develop a novel in vitro method to detect the depth of penetration of the tear film protein albumin into contact lens materials using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM).
Methods. A poly-HEMA-based hydrogel (etafilcon A) and a silicone hydrogel material (lotrafilcon B) were examined. In vitro, bovine serum albumin (BSA) was labeled with 5-(4,6-dichloro-s-triazin-2-ylamino) fluorescein hydrochloride (DTAF). The lenses were incubated in this protein solution (0.5 mg/ml) at 37°C. After 1 and 7 days incubation, the lenses were examined using CLSM (Zeiss 510, config. META 18) and the location of the fluorescently labeled BSA was identified.
Results. BSA adsorption on the surface and penetration into the lens matrix occurred at a higher concentration for etafilcon compared to lotrafilcon (p < 0.001). For both materials, BSA was detected on the surface after 1 day of incubation. Significant levels of BSA were detected within the matrix of etafilcon after as little as 1 day (p < 0.001), but no BSA was detected in the matrix of lotrafilcon at any time (p > 0.05).
Conclusion. CLSM can be successfully used to examine the depth of penetration of fluorescently labeled proteins into various hydrogel polymers. Our results show that etafilcon lenses both adsorb BSA on the surface and absorb BSA within the matrix, whereas lotrafilcon B adsorbs small amounts of BSA on the surface only.
Srinivasan,S., Chan,C., Jones,L.
Apparent time-dependent differences in inferior tear meniscus height in human subjects with mild dry eye symptoms
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2007;90(5):345-350
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PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to track the volume of tears contained in the inferior tear meniscus over the course of the day in subjects with symptoms of mild dry eye and a control asymptomatic group. METHODS: Forty non-contact lens-wearing subjects (aged 27 +/- 6 years) were enrolled in this investigator-masked study. They were divided into 'dry eye' (DE) and 'non-dry eye' (NDE) individuals based on their responses to the Allergan Subjective Evaluation of Symptoms of Dryness (SESOD) questionnaire. Measurement of the tear meniscus height (TMH) was undertaken on the centre of the right eye at 9:00 am, noon, 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm on the lower lid using a non-contact, non-invasive optical coherence tomographer (OCT). The TMH was determined from scanned images using customised software. RESULTS: A monotonous and significant reduction in the central TMH occurred over the course of the day in both groups (p < 0.05), with the values constantly decreasing (NDE = 0.162 to 0.125 mm; DE = 0.154 to 0.121 mm). While the TMH values in the DE group were always lower than the NDE group, these were not significantly different at any time (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A diurnal reduction in tear volume, as assessed by evaluation of the inferior TMH, may be one of the reasons responsible for the common increase in end-of-day ocular dryness symptoms reported by many patients in clinical practice.
Srinivasan,S., Joyce,E., Jones,L. W.
Tear osmolality and ferning patterns in postmenopausal women
Optometry and Vision Science 2007;84(7):588-592
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PURPOSE: To compare tear osmolality and ferning patterns in postmenopausal women (PMW) with and without dry eye symptoms. METHODS: Thirty-seven healthy PMW (>50 years of age), not on hormone replacement therapy, were categorized as being symptomatic or asymptomatic of dry eye based on their responses to an Allergan "Single-Item Score Dry Eye Questionnaire" (SIDEQ). They subsequently completed the Allergan "Ocular Surface Disease Index" (OSDI) questionnaire. Tear samples were collected from participants to evaluate osmolality and ferning patterns. A novel freezing point depression osmometer (Advanced Instruments Inc., Model 3100 Tear Osmometer), was used to measure the osmolality of the tear film. The tear ferning test was performed and evaluated for the quality of ferning based on the Rolando grading system. RESULTS: SIDEQ responses revealed 21 symptomatic and 16 asymptomatic participants. The OSDI total score was 6.5 +/- 5.9 for the non-dry-eyed (NDE) group and 25.7 +/- 12.4 for the dry-eyed (DE) group. The subscores for the DE group were significantly greater than the NDE group (p < 0.001). Osmolality values in DE individuals were significantly different from NDE (328.1 +/- 20.8 vs. 315.1 +/- 11.3 mOsm/kg; p = 0.02). Fifty percent of the DE participants showed type II ferning patterns and 29% of the DE participants showed type III ferning patterns, whereas the NDE participants showed either type I (44%) or II (66%) ferning patterns. There was a significant difference between the DE and NDE participants for the ferning patterns (p = 0.019). There was no significant correlation between tear osmolality and tear ferning (DE: r = 0.12; p > 0.05, NDE: r = -0.17; p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Osmolality in mild and moderately DE PMW is higher than in NDE PMW and tear ferning is a rapid, simple, noninvasive laboratory procedure that indicates altered tear quality in PMW with symptoms of dry eye.
Subbaraman,L. N., Glasier,M. A., Senchyna,M., Sheardown,H., Jones,L.
Extraction efficiency of an extraction buffer used to quantify lysozyme deposition on conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials
Eye and Contact Lens 2007;33(4):169-173
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PURPOSE: Extracting lysozyme from Food and Drug Administration group IV etafilcon lenses by using 0.2% trifluoroacetic acid and acetonitrile (TFA/ACN) is a well-established procedure. TFA/ACN has been the extraction buffer of choice for extracting proteins from silicone hydrogel contact lenses. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of TFA/ACN in extracting lysozyme from silicone hydrogel and etafilcon lenses by using an in vitro model. METHODS: ACUVUE 2, Focus NIGHT & DAY, O2 Optix, PureVision, and ACUVUE Advance lenses were incubated in simple lysozyme solution and a complex artificial tear solution consisting of multiple tear components containing lysozyme labeled with iodine 125. All the silicone hydrogel lenses were incubated for 28 days, whereas the ACUVUE 2 lenses were incubated for 7 days at 37 degrees C with constant rotation. After the incubation period, radioactive counts were determined, and the lenses were placed in an appropriate volume of the buffer for 24 hours in darkness. The lenses were removed from the buffer, and radioactive counts were determined again. RESULTS: Extraction efficiencies for lysozyme from the artificial tear solution were 97.2% +/- 1.2% for ACUVUE 2, 64.3% +/- 6.2% for Focus NIGHT & DAY, 62.5% +/- 5.6% for O2 Optix, 53.5% +/- 5.8% for PureVision, and 89.2% +/- 3.4% for ACUVUE Advance. Results were similar for the lysozyme extracted after incubating in the simple lysozyme solution. CONCLUSIONS: TFA/ACN is extremely efficient at extracting lysozyme deposited on etafilcon lenses. However, it does not extract all the lysozyme deposited on silicone hydrogel lenses, and alternative extraction procedures should be sought.
Suwala,M., Glasier,M. -A, Subbaraman,L. N., Jones,L.
Quantity and conformation of lysozyme deposited on conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials using an in vitro model
Eye and Contact Lens 2007;33(3):138-143
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PURPOSE: To determine the activity of hen egg lysozyme (HEL) deposited on conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lens materials by using an in vitro model. METHODS: ACUVUE 2 (etafilcon A), PureVision (balafilcon A), ACUVUE Advance (galyfilcon A), Focus NIGHT & DAY (lotrafilcon A), O2 Optix (lotrafilcon B), Proclear (omafilcon A), and ACUVUE OASYS (senofilcon A) contact lenses were deposited in vitro in a phosphate-buffered solution (PBS) containing 2 mg/mL HEL. Lenses were briefly rinsed in PBS to remove unbound material and extracted in a mixture of acetonitrile and trifluoroacetic acid. After lyophilization, extracts were examined for lysozyme activity by micrococcal assay and total protein by Western blot. RESULTS: In terms of total protein accumulation, ACUVUE 2 showed the most, with 1,800 microg per lens. Proclear was next, with 68 microg per lens, and Focus NIGHT & DAY showed the least, with 2 microg per lens. ACUVUE Advance, ACUVUE OASYS, and O2 Optix accumulated similar amounts of lysozyme, at approximately 6 microg per lens. Lysozyme deposited on ACUVUE 2 showed the greatest activity (91% +/- 5%), and this result was statistically different from all other lens types (P<0.001). Lysozyme deposited on Focus NIGHT & DAY (24% +/- 5%) and O2 Optix (23% +/- 11%) showed the lowest activity. Lysozyme deposits on other lens materials showed intermediate activity (ACUVUE Advance, 60% +/- 15%; ACUVUE OASYS, 51% +/- 9%; PureVision, 58% +/- 8%; and Proclear, 38% +/- 3%). CONCLUSIONS: Silicone hydrogel lenses acquire less lysozyme deposit than conventional group II (Proclear) or group IV (ACUVUE 2) lenses do, and the levels of activity of the lysozyme are highly variable between materials.
Woods,C. A., Jones,D. A., Jones,L. W., Morgan,P. B.
A seven year survey of the contact lens prescribing habits of Canadian optometrists
Optometry and Vision Science 2007;84(6):505-510
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PURPOSE: Little is known about the contact lens prescribing habits of optometrists in North America. The purpose of this survey was to obtain data on the types of lenses and solutions prescribed by Canadian optometrists. METHODS: One thousand Canadian optometrists were surveyed annually over seven consecutive years (2000 to 2006; n = 7000) on their contact lens prescribing preferences. Each survey requested a range of information about the contact lenses prescribed to the first 10 patients after its receipt. RESULTS: Over this time period, 1008 (14.4%) of the surveys were returned, providing data on 9383 fits. During the seven-year period, the ratio of male:female fits was 1:2 (3123:6217, 43 not reported), with a mean age of 31.3 +/- 13.6 years (range 2 to 82 years). The ratio of new fits to refits was 2:3 (3780:5518, 85 not reported), with 91.3% of all fits being soft contact lenses (SCL). Of the SCL fits, 59.5% were spherical, 28.5% toric, 9.7% multifocal, and 2.3% cosmetic tints. Gas permeable (GP) fits were 46.6% spherical, 18.6% toric, 19.5% multifocal, and 6.6% were for orthokeratology (OK). Over the seven-year period, SCL prescribed for continuous wear (CW) increased from 3.2% to 14.3% between 2000 and 2004 and reduced to 8.1% in 2006, for all fits. The use of mid-water content (MWC) materials decreased from 34.6% to 2.7% and the use of silicone hydrogel (SH) lenses increased from 61.4% to 96.2%, for all CW fits. GP lens continuous wear increased from 0.7% to 30.6% of all GP lens fits by 2006. Daily wear (DW) of SH lenses decreased from 49.6% (2000) to 33.7% (2004) and then increased to 86.1% in 2006, for SH fits. MWC SCL fit on a monthly planned replacement (PR) basis reduced in popularity over the seven-year period (75.0% to 39.9%) and in 2006 more patients were fit overall with SH lenses (42.9%). The use of non-PR SCL declined from 20.5% to 4.5% of all fits. Fitting of low-water content lenses also declined (15.1% to 7.0%). High-water content (5.4% to10.2%) and SH lenses (5.4% to 42.9%) both increased. By 2006, the majority of GP lenses fit were with high Dk (HDK) materials (50.3%). CONCLUSIONS: The preferred contact lens modality for Canadian optometrists appears to be DW SCL, which are replaced monthly. The proportion of lenses used for CW peaked in 2004, with SH SCL being the preferred material. The market share for GP lenses remains relatively unchanged, with an increasing proportion used for OK and CW. The launch of DW SH lenses in 2004 resulted in a marked increase in their reported fits, with a similar effect following the launch of a HDK GP lens material for CW.
Dumbleton,K., Keir,N., Moezzi,A., Feng,Y., Jones,L., Fonn,D.
Objective and subjective responses in patients refitted to daily-wear silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2006;83(10):758-768
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PURPOSE. Silicone hydrogel (SiH) lenses offer many physiological advantages for daily wear (DW) in addition to the continuous-wear modality for which they were originally developed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical performance and physiological responses in a group of successful long-term wearers of conventional hydrogel lenses when refitted with DW SiH contact lenses. METHODS. Eighty-seven successful soft lens wearers (8.4 ± 4.7 years of prior lens wear) participated in this study. Bulbar and limbal hyperemia were subjectively graded and digitally photographed for subsequent masked objective evaluation. Subjective symptoms were scored using visual analog scales. In addition, refractive error, corneal curvature, and corneal thickness were measured. All subjects were refitted with Focus Night & Day (lotrafilcon A) SiH lenses; however, to reduce the potential for bias, they were informed that they were being randomly assigned to wear either low oxygen permeability (Dk) lenses or high Dk SiH lenses and were "masked" as to their lens assignment. Subjects returned after 1 week, 1 month, and 2 months of DW, at which time all gradings, photographs, and measurements were repeated. End-of-day subjective symptoms were also graded periodically during the study. RESULTS. Ninety-three percent of subjects were successfully refitted. Both objective and subjective evaluations showed that bulbar and limbal hyperemia decreased significantly in all quadrants during the study (p < 0.001), particularly for those subjects with greater baseline hyperemia (p < 0.001). Subjects reported a concurrent reduction in end-of-day dryness and improved end-of-day comfort compared with their habitual lenses (p < 0.001). No significant changes in refractive error, tarsal papillary response, corneal curvature, or corneal thickness were found during the study. CONCLUSIONS. Hyperemia in contact lens wearers may be attributed to a number of factors, including hypoxia. Refitting existing low Dk lens wearers with SiH lenses on a DW basis can result in a decrease in hyperemia, which may be significant for some subjects and also results in improvements in symptoms of dryness and discomfort. © 2006 American Academy of Optometry.
Haque,S., Simpson,T., Jones,L.
Corneal and epithelial thickness in keratoconus: A comparison of ultrasonic pachymetry, Orbscan II, and optical coherence tomography
Journal of Refractive Surgery 2006;22(5):486-493
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PURPOSE: To compare corneal thickness measurements in individuals with keratoconus using optical coherence tomography (OCT), Orbscan II, and ultrasonic pachymetry and to measure epithelial and stromal thickness in these individuals using OCT. METHODS: Twenty individuals with keratoconus and 20 controls (without keratoconus) were enrolled. The Orbscan II was used to locate the steepest area of the cornea, which was taken to represent the cone apex. Each instrument was used to obtain four total corneal thickness measurements-from the cone apex, corneal center, mid-nasal, and mid-temporal cornea. Optical coherence tomography scans were analyzed to provide epithelial and stromal thickness readings. RESULTS: In individuals with keratoconus, mean central corneal thickness (CCT) measured by ultrasonic pachymetry, Orbscan, and OCT was 494.2±50.0 μm, 438.6±47.7 μm, and 433.5±39.7 μm, respectively. The central keratoconic cornea was 57.7 μm thinner than the normal cornea (post-hoc P.05). CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasonic pachymetry produced the highest corneal thickness readings in the center and apex, compared to Orbscan II and OCT. Centrally, the total cornea, epithelium, and stroma were thinner in individuals with keratoconus than in normal individuals.
Lu,F., Simpson,T., Fonn,D., Sorbara,L., Jones,L.
Validity of pachymetric measurements by manipulating the acoustic factor of Orbscan II
Eye and Contact Lens 2006;32(2):78-83
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PURPOSE. To assess the validity of pachymetric measurements by examining the constancy of the acoustic factor (AF) of the Orbscan II (Orbtek, Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY) after overnight rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lens wear. METHODS. Twenty participants wore CRT (Paragon Vision Sciences, Mesa, AZ) HDS 100 contact lenses on one eye and control lenses on the contralateral eye for one night while sleeping. Another 24 participants wore CRT lenses on both eyes for one night. Central corneal thickness was measured using optical coherence tomography and Orbscan II on the night before lens use, immediately after lens removal on the following morning, and 1, 3, 6, and 12 hours later. By using optical coherence tomography as a reference, the adjusted AF was calculated by using a least squares method over time. RESULTS. The adjusted AF depended on the corneal thickness in normally hydrated corneas. The adjusted AF and the percentage change of the adjusted AF varied before and after overnight lens wear. There was a strong and significant correlation between the corneal swelling and the percentage change of the adjusted AF (all r at least 0.91, P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS. The adjusted AF is a variable, not a constant. The AF is a function of the corneal thickness and its alteration with, for example, corneal swelling. The validity of the adjusted Orbscan II pachymetric measures using a single AF is untenable. © 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Subbaraman,L. N., Bayer,S., Glasier,M. -A, Lorentz,H., Senchyna,M., Jones,L.
Rewetting drops containing surface active agents improve the clinical performance of silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2006;83(3):143-151
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of using a rewetting drop (RWD) containing surface active agents (OPTI-FREE RepleniSH; Alcon, Fort Worth, TX) on the clinical performance and protein deposition when using a continuous-wear (CW) silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lens. METHODS: Subjects wore lotrafilcon A SH lenses on a 30-day CW basis for two consecutive 1-month periods while inserting either 0.9% unpreserved unit-dose saline (control) or multidose OPTI-FREE RepleniSH (test RWD). Subjective comfort and symptoms were assessed after 2 and 4 weeks with each product. After 1 month of wear with each product, lenses were collected and analyzed in the laboratory for total protein, total lysozyme, and percentage of denatured lysozyme. RESULTS: Symptoms of dryness and comfort varied across the day regardless of drop type (p < 0.001) with dryness being maximal on waking, least in the middle of the day, and increased towards the evening. The test RWD provided greater comfort on insertion (p = 0.02), better visual quality (p < 0.01), and less mucous discharge on waking (p = 0.02) than the control product. Lysozyme deposition was significantly reduced after the use of the test RWD as compared to saline (0.73 +/- 0.5 microg/lens vs. 1.14 +/- 0.7 microg/lens; p < 0.001) as was total protein deposition (1.17 +/- 0.7 microg/lens vs. 1.86 +/- 0.8 microg/lens; p < 0.001). Lysozyme denaturation was also reduced with the use of the test RWD compared with the control (76 +/- 10% vs. 85 +/- 7%; p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The use of a RWD containing surface active agents provided greater subjective satisfaction, reduced lysozyme and total protein deposition, and reduced denatured lysozyme than a RWD containing saline alone.
Subbaraman,L. N., Glasier,M. -A, Senchyna,M., Sheardown,H., Jones,L.
Kinetics of in vitro lysozyme deposition on silicone hydrogel, PMMA, and FDA groups I, II, and IV contact lens materials
Current eye research 2006;31(10):787-796
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We sought to compare the kinetics of in vitro lysozyme deposition on silicone hydrogel (SH), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and FDA groups I, II, and IV contact lenses. Lenses were incubated in 125I-labeled lysozyme for time periods ranging from 1 hr to 28 days, and radioactive counts were determined. SH lenses and PMMA deposited less lysozyme than conventional hydrogel lenses (p < 0.05). Lysozyme accumulation on group IV lenses reached a maximum on the seventh day and then plateaued, whereas on groups I, II, and SH lenses, deposition continued to increase across all time periods, reiterating that kinetics of lysozyme deposition is highly material dependent.
Teichroeb,J. H., Forrest,J. A., Ngai,V., Jones,L. W.
Anomalous thermal denaturing of proteins adsorbed to nanoparticles
European Physical Journal E 2006;21(1):19-24
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We have used localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) to monitor the structural changes that accompany thermal denaturing of bovine serum albumin (BSA) adsorbed onto gold nanospheres of size 5nm-60nm. The effect of the protein on the LSPR was monitored by visible extinction spectroscopy. The position of the resonance is affected by the conformation of the adsorbed protein layer, and as such can be used as a very sensitive probe of thermal denaturing that is specific to the adsorbed protein. The results are compared to detailed calculations and show that full calculations can lead to significant increases in knowledge where gold nanospheres are used as biosensors. Thermal denaturing on spheres with diameter > 20 nm show strong similarity to bulk calorimetric studies of BSA in solution. BSA adsorbed on nanospheres with d ≤ 15nm shows a qualitative difference in behavior, suggesting a sensitivity of denaturing characteristics on local surface curvature. This may have important implications for other protein-nanoparticle interactions. © EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag 2006.
Srinivasan,S., Joyce,E., Jones,L. W., Senchyna,M.
Subconjunctival cyst-like formations following impression cytology
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2005;28(4):181-184
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Purpose: To report a case of an unusual adverse event subsequent to undertaking Conjunctival Impression Cytology (CIC). Methods: CIC was un dertaken on a 54-year-old healthy Caucasian female, using a 10 mm Millipore™ membrane on the bulbar conjunctiva. Prior to the CIC procedure, two drops of topical proparacaine (Alcaine®) were instilled and following the procedure two drops of artificial tears (GenTeal®) were administered. Results: The subject reported excessive bulbar conjunctival hyperaemia in the left eye 5 min postprocedure, with no marked pain or discomfort. Slitlamp biomicroscopic evaluation revealed several "bubbles" or cystic formations trapped underneath the conjunctival tissue, in association with moderate to severe bulbar conjunctival redness. These cysts began to regress fairly rapidly and completely disappeared within 1 h. Conclusion: CIC is a useful tool for studying the ocular surface; however, care should be taken while performing this mildly invasive procedure. This is the first report of bubble formation in the conjunctiva following CIC. Subjects should be advised about the short term redness and discomfort that could occur following CIC. © 2005 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Subbaraman,L. N., Glasier,M. -A, Senchyna,M., Jones,L.
Stabilization of lysozyme mass extracted from lotrafilcon silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2005;82(3):209-214
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PURPOSE: Lysozyme deposits extracted from lotrafilcon silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lens materials demonstrate a loss in total mass as a function of storage time when assessed by Western blotting. This loss represents a potential source of error when quantifying total lysozyme deposition on SH lenses. The purpose of this study was to devise a method whereby lysozyme mass would be preserved over time to allow for its accurate quantitation after its removal from SH lenses. METHODS: Lysozyme deposits from 12 human worn lotrafilcon lenses were extracted using a 50:50 mixture of 0.2% trifluoroacetic acid and acetonitrile. Extracts were lyophilized to dryness, then resuspended in either reconstitution buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA) or modified reconstitution buffer (reconstitution buffer + 0.9% saline). BIOSTAB Biomolecule Storage Solution (Sigma-Aldrich) was added to one half of the samples from each buffer group. One microliter of each of the samples was immediately subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting, whereas the remaining volume was aliquoted and stored at -20 degrees C or -70 degrees C and subjected to the same procedures after 48 h of storage. Comparison of lysozyme band intensity in stored vs. fresh samples enabled calculation of percentage mass loss of lysozyme. RESULTS: Samples stored at -20 degrees C in reconstitution buffer with no BIOSTAB demonstrated a 33% loss in mass over 48 h of storage. Identical samples stored at -70 degrees C in modified reconstitution buffer with BIOSTAB added demonstrated <1% loss in mass. Statistical analysis indicated that buffer composition (p < 0.001), storage temperature (p = 0.04), and addition of BIOSTAB (p < 0.001) were all important in controlling loss of mass over time. CONCLUSION: We have optimized a procedure whereby the extracted mass of lysozyme deposits found on lotrafilcon SH lenses can be preserved, thus enabling accurate quantitation after extraction and resuspension.
Haque,S., Fonn,D., Simpson,T., Jones,L.
Corneal and epithelial thickness changes after 4 weeks of overnight corneal refractive therapy lens wear, measured with optical coherence tomography
Eye and Contact Lens 2004;30(4):189-193
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Purpose. To investigate thickness changes of the total cornea and epithelium across the horizontal corneal meridian after 4 weeks of overnight corneal refractive therapy (CRT) rigid contact lens (Paragon Vision Sciences, Mesa, AZ) wear. Methods. Thirty subjects were fitted with CRT contact lenses (Dk/t = 67), which were worn overnight for 4 weeks. Corneal thickness was measured at nine locations along the horizontal meridian by using optical coherence tomography (OCT) before lens insertion in the evening. Corneal thickness was measured the next morning immediately after lens removal and 1, 3, 7, and 14 hours later. This was repeated on days 4, 10, and 28 of the study and then 3 days after discontinuing lens wear. Results. Twenty-three subjects completed the study. At lens removal on day 1, the central and paracentral cornea swelled by 4.9% and 6.2%, respectively (both P = 0.000). The central epithelium thinned by 7.3%, and the mid peripheral epithelium thickened by 13% (both P = 0.000). Corneal swelling recovered throughout the day, with most of the deswelling taking place within the first 3 hours after lens removal. Maximal central epithelial thinning reached 13.5% by day 4. Three days after the study completion, corneal and epithelial thickness had recovered to baseline values. Conclusions. This study shows that CRT lenses induce differential overnight swelling across the cornea, with rapid deswelling during the day. Central epithelial thinning and paracentral thickening occurs, with recovery 3 days after discontinuation of lens wear. © 2004 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Inc.
Karlgard,C. C. S., Sarkar,D. K., Jones,L. W., Moresoli,C., Leung,K. T.
Drying methods for XPS analysis of PureVision™, Focus® Night&Day™ and conventional hydrogel contact lenses
Applied Surface Science 2004;230(1-4):106-114
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The surface composition of hydrogel contact lenses that contain silicon-based monomers, PureVision™ (balafilcon A) and Focus® Night&Day™ (lotrafilcon A), were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Conventional and daily disposable hydrogel lenses based on hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) were also studied, with the commonly prescribed 1-day Acuvue® lens (etafilcon A) used as a control. All the lenses were pre-washed and dehydrated by three different methods, including drying in air, drying in nitrogen or freezing with subsequent freeze-drying, before the XPS analysis. The lenses dried in air had more impurities on the surface, and the lenses that were freeze-dried lost transparency, suggesting that drying lenses in nitrogen is the preferred preparation method for XPS analysis. Surface compositions for all lens materials were obtained and this data can be used as a control/base-value for future analysis of the interactions of soft contact lens materials with chemicals such as drugs or tear components. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sorbara,L., Simpson,T., Vaccari,S., Jones,L., Fonn,D.
Tear turnover rate is reduced in patients with symptomatic dry eye
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2004;27(1):15-20
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Purpose: Tear turnover rate (TTR) is defined as the percent decrease of fluorescein concentration in the tears per minute after the instillation of fluorescein. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in TTR in a sample with symptoms of dry eye and an asymptomatic control sample using the Fluorotron Master™ Fluorophotometer. Methods: TTR was measured using the OcuMetrics Fluorotron Master™. It measures the decay of the fluorescence of high molecular weight fluorescein FITC Dextran instilled into the tear film. Twenty participants (post-menopausal women) were enrolled in the study (10 asymptomatic (age 64.7±6.99) and 10 symptomatic (age 61.5±7.98)). Participants were grouped according to either a positive (symptomatic) or negative (asymptomatic) McMonnies Dry Eye Questionnaire, i.e., an indication of self-reported ocular dryness and the use of rewetting/lubricating drops (questions 4 and 5). TTR was measured in the afternoon only. Measurements were made on the right eye with a controlled blink rate (15 blinks/min), for up to 30 min, post-insertion of 2 μl of 2% FITC Dextran (MW 9500). The scan data were used to construct a graph of log fluorescein concentration (ng/ml) as a function of time and the TTR calculated (%/min=(1-ln (slope))×100). Results: There was a significant difference in the TTR between symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects. Mean TTR (symptomatic) was 4.89±2.74%/min (range, 2.04-11.81) and mean TTR (asymptomatic) was 11.85±3.31%/min (range, 5.76-16.45) (P<0.0001). Conclusions: Fluorophotometry may be used to demonstrate differences in the tear turnover rate in this post-menopausal group of women, with patients experiencing symptoms of dry eye having a lower TTR than the normals. © 2003 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Jones,L., Senchyna,M., Glasier,M. A., Schickler,J., Forbes,I., Louie,D., May,C.
Lysozyme and lipid deposition on silicone hydrogel contact lens materials.
Eye Contact Lens 2003;29(1 Suppl):S75-79; discussion S83-84, S192-194
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PURPOSE: We sought to determine whether there were differences in lysozyme (quantity and conformation) and lipid deposition on in vivo worn conventional (etafilcon) and silicone hydrogel (balafilcon and lotrafilcon) contact lenses. METHODS: After extraction, lysozyme concentration in each extract was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting. Lysozyme activity was determined by the rate of lysis of Micrococcis lysodeikticus cells. Lipid deposition was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Lysozyme deposition on etafilcon lenses was significantly greater than that measured on silicone hydrogel (SH) lenses (985 microg per lens versus 10 and 3 microg per lens for balafilcon and lotrafilcon materials, respectively; P<0.001). The degree to which lysozyme was denatured was influenced by the lens material, with the lowest degree of denaturation (22%) seen on the conventional lens material, as compared with 50% for balafilcon and 80% for lotrafilcon (P<0.001). Lipid deposition was greatest on the SH materials, with up to 600 microg per lens of certain lipid classes being deposited on balafilcon, as compared with 20 microg per lens on etafilcon (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: The quantity and conformation of lysozyme and the quantity of lipid deposited on hydrogel contact lenses is significantly influenced by the composition of the lens material. SH contact lens materials deposit low levels of lysozyme and high levels of lipid deposition compared with ionic contact lens materials. Although SH materials deposit only small amounts of lysozyme, the degree of lysozyme denaturation that occurs is higher relative to that seen on ionic lens materials.
Karlgard,C. C. S., Jones,L. W., Moresoli,C.
Ciprofloxacin interaction with silicon-based and conventional hydrogel contact lenses
Eye and Contact Lens 2003;29(2):83-89
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Purpose. Hydrogel contact lenses can be used as bandage lenses to protect the corneal surface after injury. The use of novel silicon-based hydrogel lens materials as bandage lenses has not gained widespread acceptance. As a first step toward advocating their usefulness as bandage lenses, their interaction with ocular pharmaceuticals must be understood because topical agents are often administered in conjunction with bandage lenses. Methods. The in vitro uptake and release of ciprofloxacin from silicone-based hydrogel (SH) and conventional pHEMA-based (CH) hydrogel contact lenses was examined by spectrophotometric evaluation of the drug concentration in saline solution. Results. The hydrogel contact lenses tested showed similar drug uptake (average 1800 μg/lens) but different levels of drug release. Multiphoton laser microscopy indicated that ciprofloxacin was distributed throughout the lens thickness, with higher levels of drug at the surface owing to drug precipitation. The drug adsorption onto the lenses was partially reversible. The SH lenses released a lower amount of drug than CH lenses (72 vs. 168 μg/lens). Ionic lenses released less drug than non-ionic lenses (127 vs. 151 μg/lens). Conclusions. The differences in ciprofloxacin uptake and release between SH and CH materials may not be clinically significant because the amount of drug released from all lenses would be above the MIC90 of ciprofloxacin for common ocular pathogens. These results indicate that material properties have a significant impact on drug-lens interactions. © 2003 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Inc.
Karlgard,C. C. S., Wong,N. S., Jones,L. W., Moresoli,C.
In vitro uptake and release studies of ocular pharmaceutical agents by silicon-containing and p-HEMA hydrogel contact lens materials
International journal of pharmaceutics 2003;257(1-2):141-151
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The in vitro uptake and release behaviour of cromolyn sodium, ketotifen fumarate, ketorolac tromethamine and dexamethasone sodium phosphate with silicon-containing (lotrafilcon and balafilcon) and p-HEMA-containing (etafilcon, alphafilcon, polymacon, vifilcon and omafilcon) hydrogel contact lenses indicated that both drug and material affected the uptake and release behaviour. Rapid uptake and release (within 50min) was observed for all drugs except ketotifen fumarate which was more gradual taking approximately 5h. Furthermore, the maximum uptake differed significantly between drugs and materials. The highest average uptake (7879±684μg/lens) was cromolyn sodium and the lowest average uptake (67±13μg/lens) was dexamethasone sodium phosphate. Partial release of the drug taken up was observed for all drugs except dexamethasone sodium phosphate where no release was detected. Sustained release was demonstrated only by ketotifen fumarate. Drug uptake/release appeared to be a function of lens material ionicity, water and silicon content. The silicon-containing materials released less drug than the p-HEMA-containing materials. The lotrafilcon material demonstrated less interactions with the drugs than the balafilcon material which can be explained by their different bulk composition and surface treatment. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Wang,J., Fonn,D., Simpson,T. L., Jones,L.
Precorneal and pre- and postlens tear film thickness measured indirectly with optical coherence tomography
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2003;44(6):2524-2528
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PURPOSE. To demonstrate the feasibility of indirectly measuring the precorneal tear film thickness and pre- and postlens tear film (PLTF) thickness using optical coherence tomography (OCT). METHODS. Central corneal thickness (C1) which includes the tear film (T) of both eyes of 40 non-contact lens wearers was measured using OCT after calibration. The mean age of the 40 subjects was 31.2 ± 9.3 years with a mean horizontal K-reading of 7.87 mm. Rigid contact lenses with base curves 0.3- to 0.5-mm steeper than the flattest K of the eye were fitted to measure real corneal thickness (C2), independently of the postlens tear film. T was calculated by T = C1 - C2. To measure pre- and postlens tear film thickness, Focus Night & Day and Acuvue lenses (Vistakon, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Jacksonville, FL) were fitted on both eyes. Central soft lens thickness (L1), which includes the prelens tear film (P), was measured by OCT in situ and in saline in a wet cell (L2). P was calculated by P = L1 - L2. Thickness of the central cornea plus the postlens tear film (C3) was measured during lens wearing. Postlens tear film (PLTF) was calculated by PLTF = C3 - C2. RESULTS. The mean ± SD precorneal tear film thickness was 3.3 ± 1.5 μm (range, 0-6.9) before lens insertion and 4.7 ± 2.3 μm (range, 0.7-11.0) after lens fitting, which was significantly thicker (paired t-test: P < 0.01). The prelens tear film thickness was 3.9 ± 2.6 and 3.6 ± 2.1 μm (mean ± SD; paired t-test: P = 0.52) and the postlens tear film thickness was 4.5 ± 2.3 and 4.7 ± 3.1 μm (paired t-test: P = 0.08) on and under Focus Night & Day and Acuvue lenses, respectively. Post hoc tests showed that precorneal (baseline) and prelens tear films were equivalent, and each was different (thinner; Tukey honestly significant difference P < 0.05) from the postlens tear film. CONCLUSIONS. OCT can noninvasively measure the thickness of the precorneal and prelens tear film as well as the postlens tear film. The thickness of the normal precorneal tear film is approximately 3 μm and becomes thicker after lens fitting. The postlens tear film is thicker than the precorneal and prelens tear films with soft contact lenses. The thickness of both preand postlens tear films appears to be independent of the investigated lens types.
Jones,L., Macdougall,N., Sorbara,L. G.
Asymptomatic corneal staining associated with the use of balafilcon silicone-hydrogel contact lenses disinfected with a polyaminopropyl biguanide-preserved care regimen
Optometry and Vision Science 2002;79(12):753-761
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PURPOSE: To compare subjective symptoms and signs in a group of individuals who wear silicone-hydrogel lenses on a daily wear basis while they sequentially used two differing care regimens. METHODS: Fifty adapted soft-lens wearers were fitted with a silicone-hydrogel lens material (PureVision, Bausch & Lomb). The lenses were worn on a daily wear basis for two consecutive 1-month periods, during which the subjects used either a Polyquad (polyquaternium-1) -based system or a polyaminopropyl biguanide (PHMB) -based system, using a double-masked, randomized, crossover experimental design. RESULTS: Significant levels of relatively asymptomatic corneal staining were observed when subjects used the PHMB-based system, with 37% of subjects demonstrating a level of staining consistent with a classical solution-based toxicity reaction. Only 2% of the subjects exhibited such staining when using the Polyquad-based system. These results were significantly different (p < 0.001). Significant symptoms were not correlated with the degree of staining, with no differences in lens comfort or overall preference being reported between the regimens (p = NS). The only statistically significant difference in symptoms related to minor differences in stinging after lens insertion being reported, with the Polyquad-based system demonstrating less stinging (p < 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: Practitioners who fit silicone-hydrogel contact lenses on a daily wear basis should be wary of the potential for certain PHMB-containing multipurpose care systems to invoke corneal staining. Switching to non-PHMB based regimens will eliminate this complication in most instances.
Jones,L., May,C., Nazar,L., Simpson,T.
In vitro evaluation of the dehydration characteristics of silicone hydrogel and conventional hydrogel contact lens materials
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2002;25(3):147-156
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Purpose: This study investigated the in vitro dehydration performance of silicone hydrogel and conventional hydrogel contact lens materials. Methods: In vitro dehydration was assessed using a gravimetric method. The mass loss over time of Focus Night&Day, PureVision, Optima, Acuvue and Proclear Compatibles was measured as the ambient temperature increased from room temperature to 34°C under varying airflow and humidity conditions. Results: Dehydration data demonstrated a typical ogival form. The results were best fitted with a double exponential, non-linear regression model, which accounted for at least 99% of the variance. Regardless of material, increased airflow had a greater impact on dehydration rate than increased humidity (P < 0.05). Relative dehydration amounts were strongly correlated with initial water content (r2 = 0.92), with higher water content materials dehydrating to a greater extent. Conclusions: In vitro dehydration studies of conventional and novel silicone-containing hydrogel materials indicated that evaporation rates from materials are predominantly water content related, with only subtle differences between materials of similar water contents being seen. Environmental conditions have a significant impact on in vitro dehydration, with increased airflow having a greater impact than reduced humidity on increasing dehydration rates. In vitro dehydration is closely related to bulk water diffusion rates and, as a result of their low water content, silicone-containing hydrogel materials exhibit low levels of dehydration compared with high water content hydrogel contact lens materials. Further, in vivo studies are necessary to see if the in vitro dehydration behaviour of silicone hydrogel materials is predictive of in-eye performance. © 2002 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mann,A. M., Jones,L. W., Tighe,B. J.
The application of counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) in ocular protein studies. Part I: Time dependent deposition patterns of immunoregulatory proteins on anionic hydrogel contact lenses
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2002;25(2):73-80
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This paper focuses on the effects of wear regime on the deposition pattern of important immunoregulatory proteins on FDA Group IV etafilcon-A lenses. Specifically, the aim was to assess the extent to which the daily disposable wear modality produces a different deposition of proteins from the conventional daily wear regime which is coupled with cleaning and disinfection. Counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) was employed to detect individual proteins in lens extracts from individual patients and focused on the analysis of five proteins, IgA, IgG, lactoferrin, albumin and kininogen. Deposition was monitored as a function of time; significantly lower deposition was detected on the daily disposable lenses. cr 2002 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wang,J., Fonn,D., Simpson,T. L., Jones,L.
Relation between optical coherence tomography and optical pachymetry measurements of corneal swelling induced by hypoxia
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2002;134(1):93-98
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PURPOSE: To determine the relation between optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical pachymetry (OP) measurements of corneal swelling induced by hypoxia. DESIGN: Experimental study. METHODS: One randomly selected eye of 20 noncontact lens wearers (10 males and 10 females, age 35.6 ± 9.6 years) was patched during 3 hours of soft contact lens (SCL) wear while the contralateral eye acted as control. Central corneal thickness of both eyes was measured before and after SCL wear using OCT and OP in randomized order. RESULTS: Baseline central corneal thickness was 523.6 ± 33.0 μm (mean ± standard deviation [SD]) measured with OCT and 490.6 ± 25.5 μm with OP. Immediately after contact lens removal, corneal thickness measured with OCT increased by 13.8 ± 2.3% compared with 12.1 ± 1.8% (paired t test: P < .001) measured with OP. Thereafter, corneal thickness decreased at the rate of 5.6% per hour for OCT and 5.4% per hour for OP. The difference in thickness between instruments before lens insertion, which was 33 μm compared with the difference after lens removal (edematous cornea), which ranged from 46 to 41 μm. The difference between instruments decreased during the corneal deswelling period after lens removal. The correlation coefficient between OCT and OP was 0.914 before lens insertion and 0.932 after lens removal. CONCLUSION: This study has demonstrated the difference of corneal thickness measured with OCT and OP. Although both instruments are correlated highly in all conditions tested, OCT may overestimate corneal thickness in normal and edematous corneas. © 2002 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Wang,J., Fonn,D., Simpson,T. L., Jones,L.
The measurement of corneal epithelial thickness in response to hypoxia using optical coherence tomography
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2002;133(3):315-319
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PURPOSE: To determine if corneal epithelial thickness increases in association with corneal edema induced by wearing soft contact lenses during eye closure. DESIGN: Experimental study. METHODS: One eye (randomly selected) of twenty noncontact lens wearers (10 males and 10 females, age 35.6 ± 9.6 years) was patched during 3 hours of soft contact lens (SCL) wear and the contralateral eye acted as a control. Corneal and epithelial thickness of both eyes was measured before and after SCL wear using optical coherence tomography (OCT). RESULTS: Immediately after contact lens removal, total corneal thickness was increased significantly by 13.8 ± 2.3% (mean ± SD) compared with baseline (P .05, paired t test). Immediately after contact lens removal, corneal epithelial thickness was increased by 1.7 ± 4.8%, but this change was not statistically significant (P > .05, paired t test). Following contact lens removal, epithelial thickness changed significantly (Repeated measure analysis of variance [Re-ANOVA]: F(7,133) = 4.91, pH-F < 0.001) over the next 100 minutes with thinning recorded at 60, 80, and 100 minutes (P < .05, paired t test). There was no significant change over time in epithelial thickness of the control eyes (Re-ANOVA: F(4, 76) = 0.91, pH-F = 0.464). CONCLUSION: OCT demonstrated that corneal epithelial thickness does not increase in response to hypoxia from SCL wear and eye closure, in contrast to a significant increase in total corneal thickness. © 2002 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Jones,L. W., Jones,D. A.
Non-inflammatory corneal complications of contact lens wear
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2001;24(2):73-79
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Contact lenses can induce changes in the epithelium, stroma and endothelium of the cornea, all of which can be observed clinically using the slit-lamp biomicroscope. These complications include epithelial microcysts, vacuoles and staining, stromal oedema and vascularization, and endothelial polymegethism and blebs. Each complication can be attributed to one or more aetiological factors such as hypoxia, hypercapnia, tissue acidosis, trauma, hypersensitivity and toxicity. This review outlines the way in which these complications manifest clinically, and consideration is given to management strategies and likely prognoses. Early detection of these conditions and appropriate action can usually prevent more serious ocular complications.
Tonge,S., Jones,L., Goodall,S., Tighe,B.
The ex vivo wettability of soft contact lenses
Current eye research 2001;23(1):51-59
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Purpose. To investigate the ex vivo wettability of Etafilcon A contact lenses over an eight hour period of wear and observe the influence of surfactant pre-treatment. Methods. Etafilcon A hydrogel lenses, comprising poly[2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid] and 58% water, were soaked for 12 hours in either 0.9% saline (control) or a 1% aqueous solution of poloxamine 1107 (treated). The advancing and receding contact angles were subsequently determined ex vivo after various periods of wear in six adapted contact lens wearers using a single-blind, randomised protocol. Contact angles were measured with a dynamic contact angle tensiometer, using the Wilhelmy plate technique. Patient comfort scores were recorded and the static surface tensions of the probe fluids assessed. Results. Control lenses exhibited no change in wetting angles over time, indicating a lack of surface modification by components within the tear film. Treated lenses exhibited a significantly reduced advancing angle (p > 0.001) and hysteresis angle (p < 0.001) when compared with control lenses. In addition, treated lenses were consistently rated as being more comfortable than control lenses (p = 0.04). Conclusions. This study has shown clearly that new Etafilcon A lenses do not exhibit significant changes in wettability during the initial four hour wearing period. Pre-treatment of such lenses with a polymeric surfactant results in wetting of the lenses due to the adsorption of surfactant. The surfactant is retained by the lens for at least eight hours of wear, resulting in significant improvements in subjective comfort, especially over the first 30 minutes of wear.
Dumbleton,K., Jones,L., Chalmers,R., Williams-Lyn,D., Fonn,D.
Clinical characterization of spherical post-lens debris associated with lotrafilcon high-DK silicone lenses
CLAO Journal 2000;26(4):186-192
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Purpose: Experience with high Dk silicone hydrogel lenses has revealed post-lens debris, which is characterized by the appearance of spherical, translucent particles referred to as 'mucin balls.' The objectives of this analysis were to characterize the presence of mucin balls, determine whether any ocular characteristic predicts the development of mucin ball debris, and determine whether there is any association between mucin balls and the ocular response to contact lens wear. Methods: Ninety-two subjects wore lotrafilcon A lenses on an extended wear basis for up to 30 nights and were followed for 6 months. Mucin balls were graded on a 0 to 4 scale at three visits. Subjective ratings and biomicroscopic appearance were recorded at all visits. Results: Mucin balls were observed in 70% of subjects at one or more visits, and 29% of subjects at all three visits. There was no change in the mean grade of mucin balls over time. Mucin balls were graded > 1 in 20% of eyes, > 2 in 6% of eyes, and > 3 in 2% of eyes. Subjects who exhibited mucin balls at each clinical visit had significantly steeper keratometry readings along the flatter meridian (44.3 D) than those who never exhibited mucin balls (42.9 D, P<0.0001). The percentage of subjects who 'never' use lubricating drops was higher in the subjects with mucin balls (P=0.0014). No association was found between mucin ball observation and biomicroscopic appearance, inflammatory responses, or subjective responses. Conclusions: The presence of mucin balls does not appear to be detrimental to contact lens wear. Eyes with steeper corneal curvature were significantly more likely to present with mucin ball debris, indicating they may be a function of lens fit. Clinical factors that may be modified in order to menage the more severe presentation of mucin balls are the use of lubricating drops and the number of nights extended wear schedule.
Pritchard,N., Jones,L., Dumbleton,K., Fonn,D.
Epithelial inclusions in association with mucin ball development in high-oxygen permeability hydrogel lenses
Optometry and Vision Science 2000;77(2):68-72
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Debris trapped behind contact lenses may be associated with adverse reactions in extended wear. Although streaks and clumps of cellular material have been reported after overnight wear of conventional materials, recent experience with several high-oxygen permeability (Dk), silicone-containing hydrogel lenses indicates that certain participants are prone to the development of a unique back surface debris. This debris forms as spherical, translucent entities and results in depressions within the ocular surface after lens removal. Little information is known about these spherical bodies, particularly with respect to their composition and development. In this report, we provide photographic evidence of this debris (sometimes termed 'mucin balls' or 'lipid plugs'), discuss its differential diagnosis and describe a case in which material seems to be embedded in the epithelium as a direct consequence of their presence.
Mathur,A., Jones,L., Sorbara,L.
Use of reverse geometry rigid gas permeable contact lenses in the management of the postradial keratotomy patient: Review and case report
International Contact Lens Clinic 1999;26(5):121
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Radial keratotomy (RK) is a well-known procedure for reducing myopia. However, the complications associated with the procedure and the development of newer technologies, such as photorefractive keratectomy and laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, has resulted in the technique of RK falling out of favor. A number of patients who received RK during the 1980s are now experiencing a shift in their prescription and are presenting to primary care practitioners for contact lens fitting. These patients pose a significant challenge to the contact lens practitioner, and novel methods frequently are required to fit corneas that exhibit such abnormal topography. This article reviews the potential problems associated with fitting patients who have received RK and describes a case in which a novel lens design was used to achieve a successful lens fit.
Scientific Presentations
Fadel D, Wong S, Luensmann D, Guthrie S, Woods J, Jones L, Voltz K, Vega J. Evaluation of Scleral Lenses in the Management of Dry Eye Symptoms American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 8, 2024 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: This study aimed to determine if scleral lenses (SLs), either with or without a covalently bonded polyethylene glycol-based lens surface treatment (Hydra-PEG) (Tangible Science), could improve ocular comfort and decrease dryness in symptomatic habitual soft contact lens (CL) wearers and non-CL wearers.
Methods: This prospective, randomized, double-masked, 1-month bilateral cross-over, daily wear study recruited soft CL wearers with a CLDEQ-8 score ≥12 and non-CL wearers with an OSDI score ≥13. Eligible participants were fit with SLs (Onefit MED, Blanchard Contact Lens, a CooperVision Company) and wore one pair with and one pair without lens coating (coated (C-SL)/uncoated (U-SL)) in a randomized order for 1 month each. Participants completed the CLDEQ-8 and rated their overall satisfaction with ocular comfort, dryness, and vision clarity after each wear period using a 0-10 scale (10=best). These data were compared between study SLs and habitual correction (hab-correction), which is habitual CL (hab-CL) or baseline (BL) for non-CL wearers.
Results: 38 completed all study visits and were included in the analysis (20 hab-CL, 18 non-CL). At 1 month, the CLDEQ-8 score improved with both study SLs in comparison to hab-CL (p0.05) and were better than hab-correction (p0.05) but higher with C-SL than hab-CL (p< 0.05) (Hab-CL: 7.3, C-SL: 8.4, U-SL: 7.7). For non-CL wearers, comfort was improved with both study SLs compared to BL (p0.05) (BL: 4.7, C-SL: 7.3, U-SL: 7.1). Overall satisfaction with vision clarity was similar with hab-correction and study SLs (p >0.05) (hab-correction: 7.9, C-SL: 8.2, U-SL: 7.8). However, it was significantly higher with C-SL compared to U-SL for CL wearers (p< 0.05) (C-SL: 8.6, U-SL: 7.7). At study completion, 45% of participants (9 hab-CL and 8 non-CL) expressed interest in future SL wear.
Conclusion: Symptomatic soft CL wearers and non-CL wearers could successfully be fit with Onefit MED SLs. Both study SLs performed well, and only minor differences were seen between study SLs, which were typically in favor of the coated SL. After 1 month, comfort and dryness satisfaction ratings were better with SLs than hab-correction, indicating that SLs are a good option to manage patients with dry eye symptoms, irrespective of whether they are hab-CL or non-CL wearers.
Garg P, Shokrollahi P, Phan CM, Jones L. 3D printing of PVA loaded ocular inserts for ocular drug delivery The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, WA, May 9, 2024 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To develop ocular inserts comprised of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and gelatin methacrylate (GelMA), using 3D printing technology.
Methods: Inserts were synthesized using a bioink formulation consisting of 10% (w/v) GelMA, 5% (w/v) and 7.5% (w/v) PVA, 0.6% (w/v) lithium phenyl-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoylphosphinate (LAP), and 5% (v/v) yellow dye as a light absorbing agent to improve print resolution. They had a 4mm diameter, 1mm thickness and were fabricated using a commercial masked-stereolithography (mSLA) 3D printer at 95% humidity and 37°C temperature. Morphology of the inserts was investigated by freeze-drying samples and imaging them using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Release of PVA over 5 hours was studied by incubating at 35°C in PBS in an incubator shaker at 50rpm. The hydrogel samples were freeze dried and their equilibrium swelling was studied in PBS using gravimetric method.
Results: The PVA-loaded ocular inserts were 3D printed within 30 minutes. SEM images showed that 7.5% PVA loaded inserts had more uniform pore size distribution compared to the gels with no PVA. Approximately 37% of PVA was released within the first 2 hrs from the inserts containing PVA, and the release continued up to approximately 4 hrs before reaching a plateau. The release kinetics can be attributed primarily due to passive diffusion. The swelling curves of these hydrogels suggest that they reach equilibrium swelling within 24hr. From the slope of the swelling curve in the first hour, it can be inferred that swelling happens at a slower rate for GelMA/PVA compared to GelMA alone. This slower swelling rate helps to control the release and supports a sustained release of PVA from the combination.
Conclusions: This study showed that a GelMA-PVA based bioink can be used to 3D print ocular inserts that can release PVA for up to 4 hours. Future work will focus on designing 3D scaffolds to increase the release duration of PVA from these gels.
Ho B, Phan CM, Garg P, Shokrollahi P, Jones L. A screening platform for simultaneous evaluation of biodegradation and therapeutic release from an ocular hydrogel and its effect on human corneal epithelial cells The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, WA, May 7, 2024 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To integrate human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) into a millifluidic screening platform that quantifies biodegradation and release of an entrapped therapeutic from an ocular hydrogel.
Introduction: Biodegradable hydrogels are novel drug delivery methods designed to release entrapped drugs or therapeutics as the gel degrades in situ. The primary challenge in developing biodegradable hydrogels for drug delivery lies in accurately measuring their degradation over time, while simultaneously being able to evaluate the drug release kinetics, which is typically a cumbersome procedure. To properly evaluate the biodegradation of a hydrogel, it is also essential to simulate key factors of the target tissue environment. In the context of the eye, this includes ocular temperature, tear flow, and low tear volume. Recent advances in organ-on-a-chip technologies have made it possible to emulate the human corneal environment. This will allow more accurate measurements of hydrogel degradation rates, subsequent drug or therapeutic release, and ultimately the overall effect on human corneal epithelial cells.
Methods: Gelatin Methacrylate (GelMA) ocular inserts with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) (10% GelMA 7.5% PVA) were placed inside a custom-designed millifluidic device. Ocular inserts were degraded with up to 200 μg/mL of matrix metallipeptidase 9 (MMP9) for 24 hours at 37oC in PBS. Biodegradation of the ocular insert was quantified using a computational image analysis pipeline. The eluates containing the degradation products were collected to measure PVA released using a spectrophotometric assay, and its toxicity on human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) was determined by alamarBlueTM assays.
Results: There was significant biodegradation of the GelMA-PVA inserts with increasing concentration of MMP9 in the millifluidic device, which was accurately quantified using a custom computational analysis. Degradation products in the eluate were collected, and there was a ~2-fold increase of PVA released in samples treated with MMP9 compared to the control. The same eluates were non-toxic to HCECs, and interestingly protected HCECs from hyperosmotic conditions mimicking dry eye disease.
Ho B, Phan CM, Jones L, Hui A, Ketelson H. Evaluating Protective Effects of Hyaluronic Acid Containing Ophthalmic Lubricants on an in Vitro Dry Eye Model American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 6, 2024 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To evaluate the protective effects of hyaluronic acid (HA) with the actives glycerin and polyethylene glycol/propylene glycol in ophthalmic lubricants on an in vitro model for dry eyes.
Methods: Three different topical formulations ((non-HA) containing the active hydroxyethyl cellulose, Optase® Dry Eye Intense (OI) containing the active glycerin and Systane® Hydration (SH)) containing the actives polyethylene glycol/propylene glycol were tested. The OI eye drops contained a single high MW HA polymer whereas the SH formulation contained a dual polymer system of HA and hydroxypropyl guar. The in vitro cell model consisted of immortalized human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) cultured in DMEM/F12 media with 1% FBS and 1% penicillin/streptomycin. HCECs were seeded into 96-well plates at a density of 15,000 cells/well and incubated for 16 hr at 37°C and 5% CO2. Once confluent, media was aspirated, and HCECs were treated with HA and non-HA-based formulations for 30 min and imaged every min by brightfield microscopy. The formulations were removed, and HCECs were washed with 100 µL of PBS 0-3 times to simulate removal of the formulation from the ocular surface by tear dilution. Cells were then exposed to a dry eye environment by completely removing media for 90 seconds. Morphology changes were observed by time-lapse microscopy, and HCEC viability was determined using alamarBlueTM.
Results: There was a significant reduction in cell viability to 78% (Fig 1A) for cells desiccated in the PBS control condition (p < 0.05, two-tailed T-test). Treatment with the non-HA eyedrop showed no protection of cell viability. HA-containing formulations protected HCECs from desiccation by 98-99% (Fig 1B) compared to respective controls (p < 0.05, two-tailed T-test). This protection was maintained after multiple PBS washes. Despite the SH formulation containing two polymers, the OI treatment showed similar levels of protection against desiccation. However, the OI and SH formulations resulted in different cell morphologies. Under desiccation stress, the morphology of HCECs changed from elongated to a rounded shape (Fig 1C). HCECs treated with OI remained elongated whereas cells in SH were more circular.
Conclusion: This study utilized an in vitro dry eye cell model to evaluate the effects of HA with the actives glycerin and polyethylene glycol/propylene glycol in topical ophthalmic eye drops. Formulations containing HA protected against dry eye conditions, yet those without HA did not. HA also maintained more durable protection when exposed to rinsing mechanisms. Interestingly, protection levels may differ between different formulations of HA with the various actives when based on changes in cell morphology, warranting further investigation to identify HAs with optimal properties for ocular benefits.
Jabeen A, Luensmann D, Woods J, Hill J, Jones L. Short-term effect of DOT spectacle lenses on choroidal thickness in emmetropic children The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, WA, May 9, 2024 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To investigate regional changes in choroidal thickness (ChT) following short-term wear of Diffusion Optics Technology™ (DOT) spectacle lenses, designed to control myopia by lowering retinal contrast.
Method: Emmetropic children (SER +1.00 to -0.75 D) aged 8 to 14 years wore plano DOT spectacle lenses without central apertures and +3.00D spectacle lenses in a two-visit, prospective, randomized, subject-masked crossover study. High-resolution OCT (Triton DRI-OCT, Topcon) evaluated central, parafoveal (3 mm from the fovea) and perifoveal (6 mm from the fovea) ChT after 0, 30 and 60 minutes of viewing a high contrast video at each visit.
Results: A total of 30 participants (17F, 13M) with a mean (± SD) age of 10.9 (1.7) years completed the study. After 30 minutes of spectacle lens wear, a significant increase in ChT was observed with DOT spectacle lenses compared to +3.00D spectacle lenses in 4 of the 9 macula regions evaluated (p<0.05 for all). DOT spectacles showed a significant ChT thickening in the central (+7.69 ± 4.19 μm), parafoveal regions at nasal (+9.01 ± 2.77 μm) and temporal (+6.20 ± 5.46 μm) and inferior perifoveal (+9.79 ± 2.31 μm) compared to myopic defocus with +3.00D lenses. After 60 minutes, ChT remained higher only in the inferior parafoveal region (+3.96 ± 8.33 μm, p=0.03), while all other regions returned to baseline levels.
Conclusion: After short-term DOT spectacle lens wear, emmetropic children experienced macula ChT thickening, similar or greater than the response observed with +3.00D spectacle lens wear. These results indicate the choroid is able to respond to contrast reduction. Further research is required to investigate the long-term impact of contrast modulation on ChT.
Jones L. New materials and emerging techniques Minisymposium: Contact lens is not a piece of plastic: Back to the future. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, WA, May 8, 2024 [ Show Abstract ]
Recent advancement and diversification in contact lenses are remarkable. Today, contact lenses are not merely correcting tools for refractive errors, but can be used as therapeutic modalities for various diseases. With new materials and technologies entering the market, several options, such as lenses with internal wetting agents and silicone hydrogel lenses, have become available for wearers seeking relief from contact lens discomfort. Custom-made contact lenses can address irregular astigmatism and improve the vision in eyes with irregular corneas. Myopia has become increasingly prevalent worldwide over the past century. Contact lenses such as orthokeratology lenses or multifocal soft contact lenses are commonly used for myopia control. Numerous studies and clinical experience show that we can prescribe interventions that significantly slow the rate of myopia progression. Contact lenses can be used as biosensors and medication depots. Intraocular pressure monitoring is essential in the diagnosis and management of glaucoma patients. Currently, continuous ocular monitoring contact lens sensor is available in clinical use, which helps clinicians personalize glaucoma treatment according to the patients intraocular pressure profiles. Drug-eluting contact lenses can be used for ocular drug delivery with widespread therapeutic applications. Future development of both types of lenses are of great interest. This symposium will cover some of the hottest topics in contact lenses today. Attendees will learn about exciting new lens technologies and how these lenses can help their patients.
Jones L. TFOS Dry Eye Workshop III - Management and therapy of dry eye disease Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society Conference, Venice, Italy, Nov 1, 2024
Jones L, Schallhorn J, Ng AY, Alster Y, Bosworth C. Sign and Symptom Improvements Rates Among MGD Patients Following Treatment with AZR-MD-001 for 6 Months Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society Conference, Venice, Italy, Nov 2, 2024
Jones L, Schallhorn J, Stapleton F, Alster Y, Bosworth C. AZR-MD-001 Opens Meibomian Glands, Improves Meibum and Tear Quality Resulting in Increased Wear Time and Desired Lens Use in Patients With CLD The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, WA, May 6, 2024 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: Contact lens discomfort (CLD) is a common problem for practitioners and wearers. Individuals with CLD experience episodic or persistent ocular discomfort symptoms related to lens wear, including visual disturbances, decreased wear time, or discontinuation overall. AZR MD 001 (AZR) is an ophthalmic keratolytic, keratostatic, and lipogenic ointment containing selenium sulfide, developed to improve signs and symptoms of MGD. This study evaluated if biweekly AZR can open meibomian glands and improve comfortable wear time, allowing patients with CLD who continue to challenge their ocular surface, tear film, and meibomian glands with contact lens use, to wear their contact lenses as desired.
Methods: Adults with CLD and evidence of meibomian gland obstruction (n=67) were randomized (1:1) to AZR 0.5% (n=34) or vehicle (n=33) applied twice weekly at bedtime for 3 months in a Phase 2, multi-center, single-masked parallel-group study (NCT05548491). Key efficacy endpoints evaluated were the change from baseline (CFB) at month 3 compared to vehicle in meibomian gland secretion score (MGS), Tear film stability (TBUT) post lens removal, and total and comfortable wear time.
Results: At month 3, AZR 0.5% significantly improved signs (MGS; TBUT) and lens wear time vs vehicle. Mean [SE] CFB in MGS was 13.8 [0.67] vs vehicle 3.8 [0.68], p<0.0001; TBUT was +3.31 s [0.70] vs vehicle 0.65 s [0.72], p<0.0001; and total comfortable wear time was +192 min [38.07] vs vehicle +2.9 min [38.01], p<0.0001. Significantly more patients, who were unable to comfortably wear contact lenses as desired at baseline, were able to wear them as long as desired by month 3 (42.5% vs vehicle 6.2%, p=0.0015). Improvements over vehicle were first seen on Day 14 in MGS (Mean [SE] CFB 3.2 [0.97] vs vehicle 0.8 [0.91], p<0.0007) and at Month 1 for comfortable wear time +41.6 minutes [24.04] vs vehicle -14.2 minutes [24.04], p=0.0111. All treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) (47/47, 100%) in the 0.5% group were mild to moderate. There were no discontinuations due to a TEAE.
Conclusion: AZR MD 001 significantly improved the meibum and tear film quality, resulting in improved wear time in patients with CLD compared to vehicle starting as early as 8 doses of treatment. AZR demonstrated efficacy, safety, and tolerability, with no major adverse events observed.
Moezzi A, Moghadas M, Laachiri K, Lamrani M, Woods J, Jones L, Ngo W. Dry Eye Diagnostic Efficacy of Novel Ocular Thermography Metrics American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 8, 2024 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: This pilot study aimed to investigate the efficacy of novel ocular thermography metrics for screening and diagnosis of dry eye disease (DED).
Methods: This was a prospective study that enrolled 20 DED participants that were sex- and age-matched (12 female, 8 male, 33.3 ± 14.8 years) to 20 non-DED controls (12 female, 8 male, 33.6 ± 14.6 years). Participants were non-contact lens wearers, healthy, and free of ocular disease, except for DED in the DED group. During the screening visit (V1), OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index) score, Dry Eye Questionnaire-5 (DEQ5) score, non-invasive tear-break-up time (NITBUT), tear meniscus height (TMH), meibomian gland dysfunction (MG) score and corneal staining were obtained from both groups. DED group was defined as: OSDI score of ≥ 13 or DEQ-5 score of ≥ 6, and ≥ 1 of DED signs in at least one eye (corneal/conjunctival/lid margin staining, NITBUT < 5, Tear film osmolarity ≥ 308 mOsm/L). The next day (V2), a 30 second thermography recording of the ocular surface was conducted using an infrared recording camera (FLIR A655sc™), during which participants maintained natural blinking and constant straight-ahead gaze. Thermal cooling rate and thermal interblink interval (IBI) were derived from the recording.
Results: Thermal IBI was significantly lower in the DED group compared to the non-DED group (Mean ± SD) (1.89 ± 0.89 vs 2.54 ± 0.88; p=0.034). Thermal cooling rate (°C/sec) for 30 second measurement was significantly faster in the DED group than in the non-DED group (-0.12 ± 0.07 vs -0.08 ± 0.04; p=0.047). For clinical measurements, significant differences were noted between groups for the OSDI score, DEQ-5 score, NITBUT, MG score, corneal staining (all p<0.001) and TMH (p=0.011). Thermal IBI significantly correlated with DEQ5 score (r=-0.37; p=0.025) and OSDI score (r=-0.37; p=0.026). Thermal cooling rate correlated with DEQ5 score (r=-0.39; p=0.022) and OSDI score (r=-0.36; p=0.036). Area under the curve of the receiver operator characteristics (ROC) function was 0.70 for thermal cooling rate and thermal IBI. Thermal cooling rate (p=0.047) and TMH (p=0.044) were found as significant predictor variables for the dependent variable ‘DEQ5 score’ (linear mixed model). Thermal IBI (p=0.037) and MG score (p<0.001) were also found as significant predictor pair for ‘DEQ5 score'.
Conclusion: Thermal IBI and thermal cooling rate over 30 seconds of natural blinking were found as significant predictors of DED, suggesting the efficacy of these novel ocular thermography-derived metrics for DED screening.
NG AY, Jones L, Woods J, Basuthkar S, Keir N. Diurnal changes in corneal dendritic cell density and morphology in symptomatic and asymptomatic contact lens wearers The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, WA, May 6, 2024 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To explore corneal dendritic cell (DC) density and morphology in soft contact lens (CL) wearers using in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) after different wear times, imaging with and without CLs in situ.
Methods: This was a prospective study involving hydrogel and silicone hydrogel CL wearers (17F, 3M; 29.5±10.5 years): 10 symptomatic (S-CL) and 10 asymptomatic (A-CL), by Young’s criterion and comfortable wear time. Eligible participants attended a baseline day (no CL wear, IVCM conducted in the morning (AM) and 8 hours later (PM), three separate CL wearing days (IVCM after 1, 4 or 8 hours [randomized] with CLs removed immediately before imaging and topical anesthesia), and a day where CLs were worn all day (IVCM after 1, 4 and 8 hours of CL wear, with CLs in situ during imaging and no anesthesia). At least five non-overlapping sequence scans were taken at the central and inferior cornea with the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph III with Rostock Cornea Module. Up to five images per location were analyzed with automated DC counting software. A linear mixed model was applied for all statistical analyses.
Results: At the central cornea, DC density was greater in the AM/1 hour compared to PM/8 hours (p<0.001), and for the A-CL group compared to the S-CL group (p=0.041). There was no effect of imaging with CLs in situ on DC density; DC density with and without CLs in situ strongly correlated across all time points at both corneal locations (r=0.694 to 0.843, all p≤0.01). For cell morphology, immature dendritic cells were the dominant cell type in both groups at both locations (S-CL ≥77%, A-CL ≥78%). Mature cells made up 8-15% of all DCs. The A-CL group had 5% more mature cells than the S-CL group at the inferior cornea only (p=0.034). At both locations, 5% more mature cells were observed on lens wearing days (central p=0.043, inferior p=0.027). Time of imaging was not a significant effect on the proportion of immature or mature cells at either location.
Conclusions: This study shows subtle differences in DC density and morphology between symptomatic and asymptomatic CL wearers and over the course of the day in different corneal regions. The clinical significance of these results requires further investigation. This study supports the imaging of DCs with CLs in situ, which could simplify monitoring these cells during CL wear.
Otchere H, Jones L, Gorbet M. Subjective Assessment of Hydra-PEG Coated and Uncoated Scleral Contact Lens Wear Among Dry Eye Subjects American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 8, 2024 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To assess wearing habits and subjective ratings comparing Hydra-PEG coated and uncoated scleral lens wear among dry eye disease subjects and to determine the relationship between the measured parameters.
Methods: This was a prospective, double-masked, randomized, dispensing, cross-over clinical trial involving five visits, where 20 subjects with mild to moderate dry eye disease (DED) were enrolled. The first visit involved screening and baseline measurements where scleral contact lenses (SL) were trial fitted. The second visit involved randomization and dispensing of customized SL, where each pair of lenses were worn on a daily wear basis for four weeks. Also, an internally developed wearing habit and subjective questionnaire was provided to subjects and completed daily. The third visit (after 4 weeks) involved a follow-up of the first randomized SL, where the lenses were evaluated, and questionnaires reviewed. A wash-out period of at least 48 hours was allowed before dispensing and follow-up of the other pair of SL, using the same procedures and visit schedule.
Results: Eighteen females and two males were enrolled in the study. The mean age and standard deviation (SD) were 29.10 ±7.48 (range: 21-47). The overall OSDI and SPEED scores were 36.45 ± 17.08 and 12.50 ± 4.03 respectively. The overall mean and SD of the measured parameters comparing uncoated and coated SL were: Days/hours (26.00 ± 3.42/7.18 ±1.75 vs 26.10 ± 3.65/7.16 ± 1.61), Dryness (73.43 ± 19.55 vs 76.02 ± 21.78), Burning (82.18 ± 21.69 vs 83.60 ± 22.16), Vision (71.71 ± 22.69 vs 71.01 ± 22.61), and Comfort (74.52 ± 17.83 vs 73.01 ± 20.81). There were no significant differences among the measured parameters comparing uncoated and Hydra-PEG coated SL (all, p > 0.05). However, the results showed a significant correlation in almost all of the measured parameters (p 0.6).
Conclusion: This study represents the first attempt to characterize SL-related wearing habit and subjective ratings in healthy subjects with mild to moderate DED. Since there are no established cut-off points to compare our results, it is difficult to suggest that these scores can be used to make any clinical decisions. However, these scores provide some valuable information on subjective assessment and wearing behavior of DED subjects wearing SL. The results show that patients with mild to moderate DED can successfully wear SL, with some potential benefits over their usual form of vision correction. Our results also suggest that Hydra-PEG coating did not lead to additional improvements compared to uncoated lenses.
Schulze M, Guthrie S, Ho B, Woods J, Jones L. Do Symptomatic Contact Lens Wearers Benefit from Using Lifitegrast Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society Conference, Venice, Italy, Nov 1, 2024
Schulze M, Guthrie S, Woods J, Jones L. Does Lifitegrast Improve Symptoms of Discomfort and Dryness in Symptomatic Contact Lens Wearers American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Indianapolis, Nov 8, 2024 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To evaluate whether symptomatic contact lens (CL) wearers achieve improvements in comfort and dryness when using lifitegrast 5.0% ophthalmic solution (Xiidra) for 12 weeks.
Methods: CL wearers who rated their CL end-of-day dryness as ≥40 on a 0-100 visual analog scale (VAS; 100 = worst) and who met Young’s criteria for contact lens related dryness symptoms were classified as symptomatic CL wearers and qualified for the study. Eligible participants were asked to use lifitegrast twice/day for 12 weeks while continuing to wear their habitual contact lenses and refraining from using any other eye drops. The performance of lifitegrast was assessed after 2, 6 and 12 weeks (2W, 6W, 12W) by comparing to baseline (BL) measures for end-of-day dryness and end-of-day discomfort VAS ratings (0-100 scale; 100 worst) and the CLDEQ-8 questionnaire. Total and comfortable wear times were collected at baseline and at all study visits.
Results: A total of 40 participants completed the study (33F; mean age 30.8 ± 12.1 years). Reusable CLs were habitually worn by 35% of participants, while 65% wore daily disposable CLs. Mean (±SD) subjective ratings of CL wear-related dryness (BL: 66 ± 25; 2W: 42 ± 26; 6W: 31 ± 26; 12W: 21 ± 22) and discomfort (BL: 61 ± 27; 2W: 41 ± 27; 6W: 30 ± 26; 12W: 20 ± 22) improved over time, with significant differences after 2, 6 and 12 weeks of lifitegrast use for both end-of-day dryness and discomfort (all p< 0.01). All participants (100%) scored at least 40/100 for CL end-of-day dryness rating at baseline (inclusion criterion), and this percentage (count) dropped to 55% (22) at 2W, 25% (10) at 6W and 17% (7) at 12 weeks of lifitegrast use. CLDEQ-8 scores at 2W (16 ± 5), 6W (13 ± 6) and 12W (11 ± 6) were all significantly lower (all p0.05), there was a significant improvement (all p< 0.01) in comfortable wear time at 2 weeks (8 ± 3 hours), 6 weeks and 12 weeks (both 9 ± 3 hours) compared to baseline (6 ± 2 hours).
Conclusion: Using lifitegrast for as little as 2 weeks resulted in significant improvements in symptoms of end-of-day of discomfort and dryness and a longer comfortable wear time. Lifitegrast may be a suitable alternative for symptomatic CL wearers who are unable to achieve satisfactory comfort and dryness with alternate CLs or over-the-counter comfort enhancing drops.
Shukla M, Jones L, Hui A.. Poly (vinyl alcohol) elution from commercial contact lenses . Controlled Release Society Annual Meeting and Expo, Bologna, Italy, Jul 10, 2024 [ Show Abstract ]
Introduction: Contact lenses (CL) are a common form of refractive error correction, with approximately 140 million contact lens wearers across the world and 40 million in the US. Unfortunately, wearing contact lenses can cause discomfort and dryness, with almost half of all wearers experiencing these type of symptoms during use. (2) (1) Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a lubricant which is effective against CL discomfort when used as an eye drop.(3) The purpose of this study was to investigate PVA elution from commercial contact lenses for a one-day wear modality. This study hypothesizes that by incorporating freezing as part of PVA loading into contact lenses, hydrogen bonding of PVA to lens materials will be enhanced, enabling the formation of a surface layer on contact lenses and increased PVA elution.
Methods: Commercial contact lenses (1-Day Acuvue® Moist® (etafilcon A, Johnson and Jonson), Acuvue® Oasys (senofilcon A, Johnson and Johnson), and DAILIES® AquaComfort PLUS® (nelfilcon A, Alcon)) were soaked in 2.5% w/v high molecular weight (avg. - 166 kDa) PVA solutions at 37°C for 48 hours. This was followed by 1 hour at either room temperature or freezing at -80°C. Total PVA release from lenses was determined in a vial containing 2 mL PBS on an orbital shaker at 50 RPM for 24 h. PVA was quantified using UV at 630 nm. All experiments were performed with n=6.
Results: A significant (p0.05) change in the amount of PVA released after freezing. Etafilcon A lenses released 17.03 ± 3.03 μg and 20.21 ± 2.51 μg (p>0.05), and senofilcon A showed 20.33 ± 6.60 μg and 24.14 ± 2.58 μg (p>0.05) at room temperature and after freezing at -80°C for one hour, respectively. However, nelfilcon A did not show significant (p>0.05) effect after 5 free-thaw cycles.
Conclusions/Implications: The findings suggest that the freezing technique has potential applications in enhancing the release of PVA from nelfilcon A contact lenses, which contains PVA internally. This provides insights into optimizing contact lens design for improved comfort by utilizing PVA release. The impact of freezing on nelfilcon A lenses releasing PVA indicates a promising potential avenue for enhancing the release of other comfort agents. Learning Objective 1: Understand the impact of freezing on enhancing the release of PVA from different contact lenses
Wang T, Jones L, Semp D, Trave-Huarte S, Wolffsohn J and TFOS Ambassadors. Clinical Practice Patterns in The Diagnosis of Dry Eye Disease: A TFOS International Longitudinal Survey Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society Conference, Venice, Italy, Nov 1, 2024
Chan V, Drolle E, Phan CM, Hui A, Shi C, Subbaraman L, Wu J, Jones L. Evaluating the activity of lysozyme deposited on contemporary reusable silicone hydrogel contact lenses using an in vitro eye model The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2023 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To evaluate lysozyme activity (LA) on five contemporary reusable silicone hydrogel contact lens (CL)materials over their proposed wear period using an advanced in vitro blink model.
Methods: Five CL materials (lotrafilcon B, samfilcon A, comfilcon A, senofilcon A, and serafilcon A) were cycled daily for 16h on an eye model, followed by 8h of soaking in OPTI-FREE PureMoist, to mimic a typical wear cycle. An artificial tear solution containing physiologically representative proteins and lipids was delivered to the model at a rate of 1.2-2.1μl/min. The model includes an artificial eyelid that blinks at a rate of 6blinks/min, which was kept at room temperature and humidity above 50%. Serafilcon A and senofilcon A were tested over 14 days, whereas the other CLs were evaluated for 30 days. At specified time intervals, including after 1, 7, 14 and 30 days, CLs were removed from the model and lysozyme extracted using a solvent containing acetonitrile and trifluoroacetic acid. The LA from the extracts were then evaluated using a micrococcal absorbance assay.
Results: Overall, LA decreased over time, reaching non-detectable levels by day 30 (p<0.05). Serafilcon A (13.9 ± 7.8μg/lens), and samfilcon A (9.6 ± 2.3μg/lens), had the highest LA after 1 day, followed by comfilcon A (4.7 ± 1.8μg/lens), lotrafilcon B (3.3 ± 1.6μg/lens), and senofilcon A (2.2 ± 3.7μg/lens). By day 7, LA for the weekly replacement lens, serafilcon A, decreased to 0.5 ± 0.6μg/lens. By day 14, LA for the biweekly replacement lens, senofilcon A, decreased to 0.6 ± 0.7μg/lens. Lotrafilcon B, samfilcon A, and comfilcon A, all monthly replacement lenses, decreased in activity by day 30 (0.1 ± 0.2μg/lens, 0.5 ± 0.7μg/lens, 0.0 ±0.0μg/lens respectively).
Conclusions: Deposition of biologically active lysozyme has been proposed to be an important factor for biocompatible CL wear. A decline in activity over time as the deposited protein becomes denatured may impact overall CL performance and has been linked to reduced comfort. LA decreases over time and reaches near zero for all lens types by the end of their proposed wearing period, confirming that they should be replaced within their specified replacement intervals. Compared to simple in vitro vial models, using an advanced blink model for CL deposition testing aims to provide more physiologically relevant results prior to clinical testing.
Garg P, Wulff D, Phan CM, Jones L. Evaluation of a biodegradable bioink for the fabrication of ophthalmic devices using 3D printing The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, New Orleans, LA, USA, April, 2023 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To develop a degradable bioink for fabricating ophthalmic devices using 3D printing.
Methods: The bioink formulation consisted of 10% gelatin methacrylate (GelMA), 0.6% lithium phenyl-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoylphosphinate (LAP), and 5% yellow dye as a light absorbing agent to improve print resolution. The bioink was used to 3D print square sheets (7x7x1 mm) using a commercial masked-stereolithography (mSLA) 3D printer at 95% humidity and 37°C temperature. The degradation of printed sheets was evaluated with different concentrations (0,25,50,100 μg/ml) of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP9) enzyme 37°C. MMP9s are naturally found in the tear film and elevated in various diseased states such as in corneal wounds and dry eye disease. The weights of the sheets were measured at t = 0,4,6,8,12,16,24 hrs. Another set of cubes (1x1x1 cm) was autoclaved and kept sealed in storage at different temperatures (4°C, 25°C, and 37°C) in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and their weight was measured on day 10. An attempt was made to fabricate a contact lens using this bioink.
Results: Samples that were exposed to MMP9 enzymes showed a time-dependent degradation with increasing enzyme concentration. The samples incubated with 100 and 50 μg/ml of MMP9 were completely degraded by the end of 12 and 16 hrs, respectively. At the end of 24 hrs, the samples incubated at 25 μg/ml enzyme showed 72.8% degradation whereas the control samples did not show any signs of degradation. Interestingly, samples that were autoclaved and kept in storage also did not show any signs of degradation at all temperatures. A 3D-printed CL with overall diameter 14mm and thickness 1mm was printed without any support structures within 1 hour.
Conclusion: This study showed GelMA-based bioink can be used to fabricate biodegradable devices such as contact lenses. The biomaterials degrade in the presence of MMP-9 and future work will work on tuning the degradation kinetics of these materials, as well as incorporating ocular drugs.
Garg P, Wulff D, Phan CM, Jones L. Fabrication of a degradable ocular drug delivery system using 3D printing CBB 2023 Conference: Waterloo for Health, Technology and Society, March, 2023 [ PDF ]
Ho B, Phan CM, Ramasamy M, Hui A, Jones L. PDMS microfluidic devices fabricated from commercial 3D printers support growth of viable HCECs and enable cell biological assays for low-cost high-throughput screening The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, New Orleans, LA, USA, April, 2023 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To integrate human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) into a PDMS microfluidic chip fabricated from a novel 3D printing method to perform cell biological assays.
Introduction: The advent of microfluidic devices has enabled tight control over the physical and chemical cellular environment in vitro, while allowing for large-scale imaging and biochemical reactions at single-cell resolution. These devices are capable of miniaturizing assays to the microliter and nanoliter range, thereby increasing assay throughput with high sensitivity, a feature that is highly advantageous in high-throughput cell-based screens. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) has been widely used in microfluidics devices due to its optical clarity and non-toxicity to cells, among other desirable features. However, the fabrication of PDMS devices traditionally requires specialized facilities and instruments. Additionally, PDMS itself is highly hydrophobic and does not support mammalian cellular viability and growth.
Methods: PDMS devices were cured in 3D-printed moulds generated using the FormLabs stereolithography (SLA) printer (FormLabs 3B+, FormLabs, Somerville, MA). These devices were sterilized by autoclaving, and coated with 0.01% polydopamine (PDA) and 20μg/mL collagen. HCECs were seeded onto the device, and allowed to grow for 18-36 hours in DMEM/F12 media at 37oC. HCECs were imaged by light microscopy, and viability was assessed by alamarBlue assays.
Results: Here, we present a novel and simple method of generating PDMS microfluidic devices suitable for mammalian cell biology assays using commercial 3D printing. We show that PDMS devices coated with polydopamine (PDA) support the growth of human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) that are metabolically active (~60-90% viability) and are comparable to HCECs cultured in standard tissue culture plastic consumables. Finally, HCECs cultured in our devices are capable of growth with fluid flow rates of up to 1mm/s.
Conclusion: Our study shows that PDMS devices manufactured through the aid of a novel 3D printing pipeline support the growth of HCECs. We aim to utilize these microfluidic devices as a tool to screen different compounds and formulations while assessing cellular viability and acquiring high resolution microscopic and fluorescence images of HCECs.
Hui A, Heynen M, Chan V, Mirzapour P, Enstone D, Saad M, George M, Ngo W, Jones L. The impact of RGP care solutions on ISO measured lens parameters and the protein deposition on RGP lenses when managed with a hydrogen peroxide care solution Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Jan 20, 2023 [ PDF ]
Jin Y, Jones L, Gorbet M. Investigation of the Circadian Recruitment of Tear Neutrophils to the Ocular Surface and Their Phenotypes The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, New Orleans, LA, USA, April, 2023 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: Hundreds of thousands of leukocytes (with approximately 60% of the population being polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs)) can be collected from the ocular surface immediately on waking, while only a few are harvested during the daytime. To better understand their role in ocular surface homeostasis and inflammation, this study aimed to investigate potential factors contributing to the circadian infiltration of tear PMNs and changes in phenotype across different time points in a 24-hour cycle.
Methods: Tear leukocytes were collected from 30 participants using a gentle eyewash after 2-hr and 7-hr of sleep at night, after 2-hr sleep during the day, and towards the end of the day (around 5 pm). Cell count and morphology were determined using a Moxi Z cell counter and May-Grunwald stain, respectively. Cells were stimulated by fMLP. Changes in the degranulation (lactoferrin, CD66b, CD63) and cell aging state (CD184) of PMNs were measured via flow cytometry. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) were also identified by flow cytometry and microscopy following staining with myeloperoxidase, citrullinated histones, and CD15.
Results: Significantly more cells were collected from the nighttime compared to the daytime (p<0.001). There was a positive correlation between IL-8 concentrations and PMN numbers, but not with C5a, suggesting that the recruitment of tear PMNs to the ocular surface may be driven mainly by IL-8. 2hr-sleep-derived tear PMNs were less degranulated than 7hr-sleep-derived tear PMNs (p<0.03) and possessed a larger functional activation potential in response to stimulus (p<0.03). Furthermore, 7hr-sleep-derived tear PMNs exhibited hyper-segmented nuclei and were prone to aggregation, when compared to 2hr-night-derived tear PMNs, suggesting an aged and activated phenotype. A significantly increased number of NETs were present in 7hr-night-derived tear samples (p<0.05).
Conclusions: The diurnal-nocturnal recruitment pattern of tear PMNs may be driven by the increase in IL-8 in nighttime tears. Higher levels of degranulation and NETs indicate that tear PMNs become more activated on the ocular surface during prolonged eye closure at night. This PMN inflammatory response must then be balanced by other anti-inflammatory processes to prevent ocular surface damage.
Jones L. Osmolarity: Gold Standard for Dry Eye Disease Determination or Random Number Generator? XXV Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Eye Research, Feb 23, 2023 [ Show Abstract ]
The potential impact of osmolarity on dry eye symptoms dates back to the early 1970’s. The concept that tear film instability leads to hyperosmolarity and that this is a key factor in the development of dry eye disease (DED) is described in the 2017 TFOS Reports. Both aqueous deficient and evaporative DED can lead to tear hyperosmolarity, which stimulates ocular surface inflammation through increased expression and production of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, resulting in corneal epithelial cell death by apoptosis. Ocular surface disease and tear hyperosmolarity have also been associated with goblet cell loss, which can lead to altered mucin expression and tear film instability, further exacerbating inflammatory processes. These changes may stimulate sensory nerve fibers innervating the ocular surface, generating sensations of ocular discomfort. Although osmolarity has gained fairly widespread acceptance as a DED diagnostic, findings suggest that tear osmolarity measurements do not possess the very high sensitivity and specificity claimed by some studies and it may have limited value in the diagnosis of DED. A key factor in determining the relationship between DED and osmolarity relates to the ability to measure osmolarity, a process that is not without its challenges. The low volume of tears on the ocular surface necessitate using techniques that can estimate osmolarity using micolitre or nanolitre volumes of fluid. Clinical assessment methods typically occur through estimation of the osmolarity of the inferior tear meniscus. However, calculations using fluorescence assessments and hyperosmolar drops suggest that hyperosmolar levels in the tear film overlying the ocular surface may transiently spike during tear instability to levels far greater than that determined in the inferior tear meniscus, resulting in corneal inflammation and triggering sensory neurons. This may explain the relative disconnect between DED symptoms and osmolarity measurements.
Additonally, variability in results obtained between instruments, within-visit measures, differences between eyes and the impact
of treatments on osmolarity values over time require further examination.
In addition to DED, this review will examine other factors that may impact osmolarity values, including contact lens wear, cataract
and refractive surgery and systemic drugs. Finally, the osmolarity of ocular lubricants and contact lens blister packs and their
clinical relevance will be discussed.
Jones L, Craig J, Hinds M, Alster Y, Bosworth C, Ng A.. Sign and Symptom Improvement Rates Among MGD Patients Following 6 Months of Treatment With AZR MD 001 American Academy of Optometry, New Orleans, October 12, 2023 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: AZR MD 001, a topical ophthalmic ointment consisting of selenium sulfide as an active ingredient (either 0.5% or 1.0% concentration), was investigated in a Phase 2 clinical trial as a new treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Treatments for MGD seek to demonstrate strong efficacy, restore gland function, and improve patient symptoms. The aim of this study was to determine the responder rates for signs and symptoms in patients with MGD following 6 months of treatment with AZR MD 001.
Methods: For this multicenter, double-masked, vehicle-controlled, parallel-group trial (NCT03652051), randomized patients (1:1:1) received AZR MD 001 (0.5% [n=82] or 1.0% [n=83]) or vehicle (n=80) twice weekly before bed for 6 months. Eligible patients were ≥18 years of age, exhibited meibomian gland obstruction (Meibomian Gland Secretion [MGS] score ≤12 for 15 lower lid glands), and were required to discontinue topical prescription ocular surface treatments for ≥2 weeks and topical ophthalmic preparations (including artificial tear substitutes). Predefined responder criteria, based on literature thresholds, were: Meibomian Glands Yielding Liquid Secretion (MGYLS) change from baseline ≥5, MGS score >12, and Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) score <13. Analyses included all data through month 6.
Results: AZR MD 001 showed a higher percentage of patients with a clinically meaningful improvement of ≥5 more glands yielding meibum compared with vehicle (MGYLS: 60%, p12) as early as 14 days (20%, p=0.0380 for AZR MD 001 0.5%; 19%, p=0.0949 for AZR MD 001 1.0%; 7.6% for vehicle). Patients continued to demonstrate normal meibum at month 6 (74%, p=0.0017 for AZR MD 001 0.5%; 63%, p=0.1273 for AZR MD 001 1.0%; 48% for vehicle). By month 6, significantly more patients treated with AZR MD 001 were asymptomatic for disease (OSDI <13: 48%, p=0.0333 for AZR MD 001 0.5%; 50%, p=0.0205 for AZR MD 001 1.0%; 30% for vehicle).
Conclusion: Over 6 months, a statistically significant proportion of patients applying AZR MD 001 demonstrated a clinically meaningful response, with normalization of their meibomian gland function and the achievement of asymptomatic status for disease.
Luensmann D, Schulze M, Guthrie S, Woods J, Jones L. Evaluating the change in symptoms when symptomatic daily disposable lens wearers are refit with delefilcon A Optometry's Meeting ePosters Virtual Event, Jun 13, 2023
Luensmann D, Schulze M, Guthrie S, Woods J, Jones L. Early lens handling experience of neophyte wearers fitted contralaterally with a hydrogel and a silicone hydrogel daily disposable contact lens Optometry's Meeting ePosters Virtual Event, Jun 13, 2023
Ng A, Tan J, Read S, Alster Y, Bosworth C, Jones L. AZR-MD-001 Improved Tear Film Stability and Symptoms of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in a 6-Month Study American Academy of Optometry, New Orleans, October 12, 2023 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: Abnormalities of the tear film and subsequent ocular surface disease symptoms can be caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). In a Phase
2 clinical trial, AZR-MD-001 topical ointment (selenium sulfide, 0.5% or 1.0% concentration) was investigated as a new treatment for MGD.
Changes in tear film stability, meibomian gland secretion and ocular surface symptoms were monitored in adults with signs and symptoms of
Methods: For this multicenter, double-masked, vehicle-controlled, parallel-group trial (NCT03652051), 245 adults were randomized to receive treatment
(AZR-MD-001 0.5% [n=82] or AZR-MD-001 1.0% [n=83]) or vehicle (n=80) twice a week before bed. Eligible patients were ≥18 years old, had a
Meibomian Gland Secretion (MGS) score ≤12 in both eyes, and an Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) score from 13 to 33, and TBUT <10
seconds. Prespecified co-primary endpoints were change from baseline in Meibomian Glands Yielding Liquid Secretion (MGYLS) and OSDI score at
month 3. Tear film stability was considered improved if tear breakup time (TBUT; with 2% fluorescein sodium) increased by more than 2 seconds
from month 3 onward. Patients were defined as asymptomatic if their OSDI score was <13. Statistical differences from baseline were calculated
for visit days 14, 45 (1.5 months), 90 (3 months), 135 (4.5 months), and 180 (6 months). Co-primary endpoints were evaluated using a
hierarchical approach that controlled for family-wise Type I error, using an ANCOVA model. Responder endpoints were evaluated via Cochran-
Mantel-Haenszel test using Wilson-Hilferty transformation.
Results: AZR-MD-001 0.5% achieved statistically significant improvements vs vehicle for both co-primary endpoints, MGYLS (p=0.0004) and OSDI score
(p=0.0438), at month 3, which continued through to month 6 (MGYLS: p=0.0002; OSDI: p=0.0135). Tear film stability (TBUT) significantly
increased from baseline in both treatment groups compared with vehicle at month 3 (AZR-MD-001 0.5% mean change=2.2 s, p<0.0001 vs
vehicle; AZR-MD-001 1.0%=1.5 s, p=0.0187 vs vehicle; vehicle=0.5 s), with increases generally sustained at month 6 but no longer significant vs
vehicle (0.5%=2.3 s; 1.0%=1.3 s; vehicle=1.6 s; p>0.05 vs vehicle for both concentrations). Many patients treated with AZR-MD-001 were
considered asymptomatic for disease (OSDI 0.05 vs vehicle; vehicle=28%),
which was sustained for the 0.5% concentration and improved for 1.0% concentration at month 6 (0.5%=48%, p=0.0333 vs vehicle; 1.0%=50%
p=0.0205 vs vehicle; vehicle=30%).
Conclusion: Compared to vehicle, AZR-MD-001 significantly improved meibomian gland secretions and tear film stability, which resulted in clinically significant
improvements in ocular symptoms after 6 months of treatment.
Phan C-M, Chan V, Walther H, Pereira da Mota A, Lorenzo CA, Jones L. Developing a High-throughput in vitro Eye Model for Evaluating Ocular Drug Delivery with Contact Lenses XXV Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Eye Research, Feb 21, 2023 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To develop a high-throughput in vitro eye model for evaluating ocular drug delivery with contact lenses (CLs).
Method: The eye model was designed using CAD software and manufactured using a combination of fabrication methods, including moulding, CNC machining, laser cutting, and 3D printing. The model consists of an eyeball, an upper and lower eyelid, and a collection tray to collect flow-through fluid. The portion of the upper eyelid that comes into contact with the eyeball is moulded with a highly wettable and durable polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel. The centre of the eyeball is designed with a 300 µm thick, 15 mm diameter cut-out that allows for a contact lens to be mounted. Simulated tear fluids can be delivered through an inlet located on the upper eyelid using a pump. During each blink cycle, the eyelid slides and flexes across the eyeball to create an artificial tear film layer. The blink distance, speed and rate are actuated using a motor controlled by an Arduino board and software. The release of a red dye from two CLs (etafilcon A and senofilcon A) and the release of two drugs (resveratrol and pravastatin sodium) from drug-loaded CLs were evaluated using the model and compared to the traditional vial testing method. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was used as the simulated tear fluid and infused into the model at 5 µL/min, at a blink rate of 1 blink/10 s.
Results: The fluid flows from the inlet, spreads across the eye, accumulates in the lower eyelid and then flows into the collection tray via gravity. During this process, approximately 25% of the fluid originally injected into the model was lost due to evaporation, nonspecific absorption, and residual dead volume. Overall, the release of the dye and drugs from the CLs was higher in a vial compared with the eye model. Interestingly, the drug release profiles from the drug-loaded CLs on the eye model were similar to in vivo results previously collected from a rabbit study, although the total amount of drugs released was significantly less. 9 or 24 CLs can be tested with one syringe or peristaltic pump, respectively.
Conclusion: The current eye model developed from this study could be used to measure the release of ophthalmic drugs or comfort agents from CLs in a high-throughput manner. However, further work is required to fine-tune the parameters of the model, such as the composition of the tear fluid, blink rate, tear flow rates, and temperature, to better simulate in vivo conditions.
Phan CM, Ramasamy M, Ho B, Hui A, Jones L. Fabrication of a microfluidic chip using 3D printing for evaluating ocular cytotoxicity The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, New Orleans, LA, USA, April, 2023 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To develop a PDMS (polydimethyl siloxane) microfluidic chip to evaluate ocular cytotoxicity with ophthalmic formulations and materials.
Methods: The microfluidic chip was designed using CAD software (FreeCAD), and the moulds of the chips were printed using (1) a stereolithography (SLA) and (2) digital light processing (DLP) 3D printer. The printed moulds were washed with isopropyl alcohol (IPA), UV-cured for 1-hour at 60oC, followed by heating in an oven at 120oC for 2 hours to remove any unreacted polymers. The surface of the chips was smoothed with sandpaper with increasing grit, followed by an application of nail polish. The moulds were then cast with PDMS, a gas-permeable and clear polymer commonly used for the fabrication of microfluidic chips. The moulds and chips were imaged using SEM (scanning electron microscopy). The light transmittance of the chips was also measured. The PDMS top half of the chip was adhered to a microscope slide using medical-grade double-sided tape. For a pilot study, the PDMS chips were sterilized via autoclaving, coated with 0.1% polydopamine to improve their surface wettability, and then seeded with immortalized human corneal epithelial cells (HCEC). After 2 days of incubation in a nutrient media broth (no flow), cell adhesion and growth were evaluated using light microscopy.
Results: Both 3D printers were able to print moulds with high resolution, with channel dimensions as low as 50 µm, and with faster print times for the DLP printer. SEM images revealed that moulds that were both sanded and had a nail coating were significantly smoother than the original 3D-printed moulds. The chips cast from the polished moulds were transparent, with >85% transmittance from 450-700 nm, and could be used to image cells through a microscope. The microfluidic chips were able to handle flow rates up to 1 mL/min for 24 hours without any signs of leakage. HCEC cells were able to adhere and grow on the coated PDMS microfluidic chip after 2 days.
Conclusion: This study showed that SLA and DLP printers could be used to fabricate PDMS microfluidic chips as a low-cost rapid prototyping approach. The fabricated chips were clear and could be used to incorporate HCEC cells. Future work will examine the viability of cells under different flow rates and shear stress conditions on these chips.
Ramasamy M, Ho B, Phan CM, Jones L. Fabrication of a microfluidic chip for ophthalmic drug delivery studies using 3D printing The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, New Orleans, LA, USA, April, 2023 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To develop a microfluidic chip for testing the release of ocular drugs from soft contact lenses using 3D printing.
Methods: The microfluidic chips were designed using CAD (computer-aided design) software consisting of a top and bottom portion. The top portion comprised of inlet, outlet, and channels for fluid flow. The lower portion contained a dome-shaped mount to mount a contact lens. The chips were printed using clear resin on a commercial stereolithography (SLA) 3D-printer. The printed chips were washed in isopropyl alcohol (IPA) for 30 minutes, air dried and UV cured for 30 minutes. The top and bottom portions of the chip were fused by applying a thin layer of resin, followed by UV-curing for 10 minutes. In another design iteration, moulds for the chips were 3D printed and casted with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The two halves of the PDMS chips were fused using double-sided adhesive tape. In a preliminary study, two commercial contact lenses, etafilcon A and senofilcon A, were soaked in 2 ml of red food dye for 2 hours. The release of the dye was measured using the PDMS chip with phosphate-buffered saline at a flow rate of 1.5 L/min over 24 hours via absorbance at 520 nm. The dye extraction from both lenses was
performed by incubating the dye-soaked lenses in 1:1 acetonitrile/water solution for 24 hours with gentle shaking.
Results: Both the chip and moulds were printed in less than 5 hours, with a minimum resolution of 50 μm. The resulting resin and PDMS chips can also be sterilized by autoclaving. The top and bottom parts of the chips were completely sealed such that no leakage was detected at a flow rate of up to 100 μL/min for 24 hours. The release kinetics of the dye was linear throughout the 24 h period for both lens types under the current parameters. The total amount of dye released after 24 h was higher for etafilcon A (26.26 mg/lens) than senofilcon A (18.41 mg/lens), which corresponded to approximately 83.1% and 40.01% release, respectively. Both the lens types were still visibly red after 24 hours. The output of the microfluidic chip could be used as an input for subsequent analyses.
Conclusions: This study showed a cost- and time-efficient approach to fabricate a microfluidic chip for evaluating drug release from contact lenses. Future work will examine the release profile of various ocular drugs from contact lenses using different flow conditions.
Wulff D, Phan C-M, Jones L. Development of a 3D-printed hydrogel eye model for evaluating ocular drug delivery The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, New Orleans, LA, USA, April, 2023 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To 3D-print a soft hydrogel eye model using a novel bioink for evaluating ocular drug delivery.
Methods: The eye model was designed using CAD software. It includes several key components made from a hydrogel, including an upper and lower eyelid, a frontal surface to mimic the cornea and sclera, and an internal chamber to mimic the interior of the eye. The components were designed to fit with an existing blink model that was developed previously in our laboratory that allows for automated blinking and tear collection. The eyeball and the lower eyelid were 3D bioprinted using a modified commercial mSLA printer (Photon Mono X, AnyCubic, Shenzhen, China). Various bioinks were tested, consisting of 5-15% gelatin methacryloyl, 1-5% polyvinyl alcohol, 5-30% polyethylene glycol diacrylate, 0.4-0.6% lithium phenyl-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoylphosphinate, and 2-3% of a yellow food-grade dye in phosphate buffer solution. Different formulations were evaluated to create prints that were desirable in terms of print quality, stiffness, and flexibility. Printing was undertaken at 40˚C to ensure the ink remained a liquid and at 90% humidity to protect the parts and ink from desiccation.
Results: Both the eye and the lower eyelid were successfully printed in high resolution using 100 µm layer heights without any support structures within 3 hours. The prints are hydrophilic with a 60-80% water content, are soft and flexible, and are fabricated with biocompatible biomaterials. Both components were able to be incorporated into an in vitro blink model which will allow for improved testing that more closely mimics a human ocular system, in particular, drug absorption through the cornea. A port on the eye allows for the sampling of fluid from the interior eye model for testing the diffusion of drugs to the posterior chamber when released by topical ophthalmic formulations or anterior segment devices such as contact lenses.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that a modified mSLA 3D printer can be used to fabricate soft, hydrophilic ocular model components using a novel biocompatible bioink.
Chan V, Phan CM, Walther H, Ngo W, Jones L. Effects of temperature and blinking on contact lens dehydration using an in vitro blink model 10th Canadian Optometry School Research Conference, Montréal, Canada, Dec 3, 2022
Chan VWY, Phan CM, Walther H, Jones L. Fabrication of an in vitro eye model for practicing corneal foreign body removal 10th Canadian Optometry School Research Conference, Montréal, Canada, Dec 3, 2022
Jones L, Bose S, Phan CP, Rizwan M, Tse JW, Yim EKF. Fabrication of an enzyme-triggered therapeutic releasing biomaterial for bandage contact lenses American Academy of Optometry, San Diego, 2022 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: The use of a soft bandage contact lens in combination with a therapeutic could help improve the treatment of corneal injuries. The purpose of this study was to develop an enzyme-triggered therapeutic release platform using a unique gelatin methacrylate formulation (GelMA+) and bovine-lactoferrin (BLF), a model therapeutic.
Methods: Two formulations of GelMA+, 20% and 30% w/v, were prepared using UV polymerization. The properties of the material, including porosity, tensile strain, and swelling were characterized. The degradation of GelMA+ in the presence of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), typically found upregulated at a wounded sight, from 0 – 300 µg/mL of the enzyme was also evaluated. Cell viability, cell growth, and cytotoxicity on the GelMA+ gels were determined using the AlamarBlueTM assay and the LIVE/DEAD™ Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit staining with immortalized human corneal epithelial cells after 5 days. For a preliminary drug release study, the 30% GelMA+ gels were also loaded with 3 µg of BLF, and the release of the therapeutic was evaluated over 5 days at various MMP-9 concentrations (0, 100, 300 µg/mL) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS 1X) at 37 °C. The gels were washed for 1 hour at room temperature (22 – 24 °C) before the release phase to remove any loosely bound BLF on the surface. The amount of BLF released was measured using an ELISA kit and UV absorbance at 450 nm, n=4.
Results: The 30% w/v GelMA+ had a higher crosslinking density, tensile strength, smaller pore size, and lower swelling ratio than the 20% w/v GelMA+ (p<0.05). The degradation rate of the 20% w/v gel was much faster (p<0.001), degrading almost completely after 48 hours at 300 µg/mL of MMP9. After 5 days, There was no cytotoxicity detected in the live/dead staining for either concentration, but the 30% w/v GelMA+ showed significantly higher cell viability (p<0.05). In the drug release study, there was no burst release of BLF observed for the 30% w/v gel, and the release of the therapeutic was sustained over 5 days. The rate of release from the gel significantly increased with increasing concentrations of MMP-9 (p<0.001), correlated to the rate of degradation of the gels.
Conclusion: The results showed that degradation of GelMA+ can be tuned by modifying the cross-linking density or exposure to different concentrations of MMP-9. The release of BLF from 30% GelMA+ is driven by a combination of diffusion and degradation of the material by MMP-9 enzymes. Future work will focus on optimizing the materials to deliver other therapeutic agents at physiologically-relevant concentrations of MMP enzymes
Nagaarudkumaran N, Mirzapur P, McCanna DJ, Jones L, Ngo W. The effect of Lifitegrast on cytokine response from immortalized human corneal epithelial cells under hyperosmolar stress American Academy of Optometry, San Diego, 2022 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: Lifitegrast is a topical ophthalmic pharmaceutical used to treat moderate to severe dry eye disease. Its mechanism of action occurs by inhibiting the binding between lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1). As an integrin antagonist, lifitegrast binds to LFA-1, preventing the formation of the LFA-1/ICAM-1 complex.
Given that lifitegrast is a small molecule with potential to act on other intracellular targets, this study aimed to examine its effect on the inflammatory response of immortalized human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) undergoing hyperosmolar stress.
Methods: HCECs were exposed to hyperosmolar media (500 mmol/kg via sodium chloride) and treated with 1% or 3% lifitegrast. A treatment without lifitegrast was used as a control. Following an exposure period of 0.25-hours, 3-hours, 6-hours and 12-hours, the conditioned cell media was collected and cytokines IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-13, TNF-α and IL-17A were quantified using electrochemiluminescent multiplexing assays.
Results: Cells exposed to 1% lifitegrast exhibited significantly lower IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α compared to the control (all p < 0.0172) at 6-hours and lower IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α (all p < 0.0053) at 12-hours. With the 3% lifitegrast exposure, there was a significant reduction in IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α (all p < 0.0224) at 6 and 12-hours. By the 12-hour mark, IL-10, IL-17A, IFN-γ, and IL-2 were significantly higher in both 1% and 3% lifitegrast compared to the control (all p < 0.0254). IL-12p70 was significantly higher with 3% lifitegrast only at all time points (all p < 0.0146), and IL-4 was significantly higher with 3% lifitegrast only at 0.25 and 3-hours (both p < 0.0249) compared to the control. There was no significant difference in IL-13 concentration between 1% and 3% lifitegrast at any time point.
Conclusion: Lifitegrast reduced IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α from HCEC exposed to hyperosmotic stress. However, lifitegrast also increased IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-17A, IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-γ. Therefore, in addition to LFA-1/ICAM-1 antagonism, it is possible that lifitegrast may function additionally to inhibit the innate immune response and promote suppressive immune function.
Nagaarudkumaran N, Mirzapur P, McCanna DJ, Jones L, Ngo W. The effect of Lifitegrast on the hyperosmotic stress-induced cytokine response from immortalized human corneal epithelial cells 10th Canadian Optometry School Research Conference, Montréal, Canada, Dec 3, 2022
Ng AY, Dantam J, Woods J, McEwen B, Jones L.. Examining Symptomatic Relief and Kinetic Tear Film Stability of I-DROP MGD Eye Drops Optometry's Meeting ePosters Virtual Event, Jun 8, 2022 [ Show Abstract ]
I-DROP MGD is a novel formulation of viscoadaptive hyaluronan, phosphorylcholine and glycerin to support integration, stabilization and enhancement of the tear film lipid layer as well as hydration of the ocular surface. The purpose of this study was to compare the difference in tear film measures after instilling I-DROP MGD (test) compared with another hyaluronic acid-based lubricant, Thealoz Duo (control), and to examine the subjective relief of dry eye symptoms with I-DROP MGD over 1-week.
This prospective pilot study (n=10) comprised of two parts. Part 1 was a non-dispensing, doublemasked study involving contralateral application of test and control drops, followed by a two-hour observation period. Non-invasive tear break-up time (NITBUT), tear meniscus height (TMH) and lipid layer thickness (LLT) were measured out to 2 hours. Part 2 was a dispensing study, where one bottle of I-DROP MGD was provided to participants to use bilaterally at least once daily for 7 days. After 7 days, subjective ratings (0-100 scale) of comfort, soothing and quality of vision along with OSDI and SPEED scores were collected and compared with participant's habitual eye drops.
Part 1: NITBUT and TMH were significantly greater with I-DROP MGD (14.2 ± 5.1s and 0.42 ± 0.22mm) compared to Thealoz Duo (10.5 ± 5.7s and 0.29 ± 0.10mm) after 60 minutes (p =0.037) and 5-minutes of instillation (p =0.022) respectively; LLT was significantly thicker with Thealoz Duo (79.5 ± 15.7nm) compared to I-DROP MGD (68.5 ± 13.8nm) after 5 minutes of instillation (p=0.005). Part 2: Subjective ratings for comfort and soothing were significantly greater with I-DROP MGD (81.6 ± 5.7 and 86.8 ± 8.1) compared to habitual eye drops (73.3 ± 13.7 and 75.3 ± 19.8), p=0.027 and p=0.010 respectively. No significant differences were observed for quality of vision. OSDI and SPEED scores were significantly lower following use of I-DROP MGD (33.2 ± 11.7 and 11.1 ± 3.6) when compared to habitual drops (45.2 ± 14.7 and 14.9 ± 2.7), p=0.017 and p=0.006 respectively.
When used for 7 days, I-DROP MGD resulted in clinically relevant reductions in dry eye symptoms, measured with OSDI.
Ng AY, Woods J, Jones L. The impact of fluid intake on dry eye symptoms and signs American Academy of Optometry, San Diego, 2022 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: Preventing dehydration is essential for optimal bodily function. This study investigated if maintaining the recommended daily fluid intake set out by the Dietitians of Canada affects tear film measures and ocular symptoms in participants with and without dry eye disease (DED).
Methods: This was a prospective, non-randomized interventional pilot study. Twenty participants were enrolled: 10 with DED and 10 healthy controls. At Baseline, symptom questionnaires (Ocular Surface Disease Index [OSDI] and Ocular Comfort Index [OCI]) and habitual fluid intake was documented. Baseline tear film measures (non-invasive tear break-up time [NITBUT], tear meniscus height [TMH], non-anaesthetized Schirmer test) were also assessed. Eligible participants were instructed to attain the recommended daily intake (3.0L for males, 2.2L for females) for 7 days, while keeping a diary to track all fluids consumed during this time. On Day 8, participants returned for follow-up: symptom questionnaires and tear film measures were reassessed and fluid intake diaries were collected.
Results: Twenty participants completed the study; 4/20 (3 DED, 1 control) met the fluid intake recommendation prior to starting the study and were excluded from data analysis. All remaining 16 participants (8 male, 8 females; 7 DED, 9 control) increased their fluid intake for 7 days. There was a statistically significant and clinically relevant improvement in OSDI scores in the DED group after the fluid intake intervention only (Control baseline: 4 ± 3, Day 8: 2 ± 3, p>0.05; DED baseline: 40 ± 12, Day 8: 29 ± 8, p<0.001). Similarly, OCI scores (0-100, where 100=worst level of discomfort) were 5-points better in both groups after maintaining the fluid intake (Control baseline: 26 ± 5, Day 8: 21 ± 9; DED baseline: 40 ± 3, Day 8: 35 ± 4; both p0.05; DED baseline: 0.21 ± 0.09, Day 8: 0.31 ± 0.15, p=0.043. Schirmer Control baseline: 26 ± 12, Day 8: 27 ± 10; DED baseline: 24 ± 14, Day 8: 23 ± 15; both p>0.05). Compared to baseline, a small increase in NITBUT was observed in the control group and a small decrease observed in the DED group, however neither changes were statistically significant (Control baseline: 11.7 ± 6.5, Day 8: 12.9 ± 8.3; DED baseline: 8.1 ± 4.2, Day 8: 6.4 ± 3.1; both p>0.05).
Conclusions: In participants with DED, maintaining increased fluid intake for 7 days significantly improved OSDI and OCI scores and increased tear volume however, there was no change in non-anaesthetized Schirmer tests or NITBUT. In the control group, small changes in tear film measures were found, however these were not clinically or statistically significant.
Phan C-M, Wulff D, Garg P, Jones L.. Developing a novel in vitro eye model using 3D bioprinting for drug delivery studies The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Denver, CO, USA, May 1, 2022 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To develop an in vitro eye model using a novel 3D bioprinting method for testing the release of ophthalmic formulations to the posterior ocular region.
Methods: The eye model was designed using CAD software and includes both an anterior aqueous chamber and a posterior vitreous chamber. The vitreous chamber is surrounded by a blood chamber to mimic vessels that can be used to transport a blood-like substance. Three inlet ports control the flow of fluid into the chambers and the blood channels, and the three outlet ports allow fluids to exit these compartments. The eye model was 3D printed on a commercial mSLA printer (Photon Mono X, AnyCubic), which was retrofitted with a humidity and temperature control module to create a printing environment at 37°C and >80% humidity. The bioink formulation consisted of 10% gelatin methacrylate (GelMa). After printing, the models were incubated at 37°C to remove any uncured GelMa within any hollow compartments. For this study, phosphate-buffered saline was used as an aqueous and vitreous humour mimic. To evaluate the diffusion of a small hydrophilic molecule on the eye model, a contact lens (Air Optix) was soaked with a water-soluble red food dye for 1 hour and then placed on the eye model. The amount of dye in the anterior chamber, posterior chamber, and blood channels was measured using UV spectrophotometry after 24 hours.
Results: The entire model can be printed without any support structures within approximately 3 hours. The 3D printed eye model can also be autoclaved for testing that requires sterility. Because there were no diffusion barriers present in the current model, the red dye was detected in all three chambers after 24 hours. The highest concentration of dye was found in the anterior chamber, followed by the blood chamber and then the posterior chamber.
Conclusions: The prototype developed in this study can be used as a starting point to develop enhanced 3D printed eye models to test drug release kinetics of various devices and formulations. Future work will focus on adding the appropriate diffusion barriers to better simulate drug diffusion through ocular tissues.
Layman Abstract: The aim of the study was to create an advanced eye model using commercial 3D printing methods. Current 3D bioprinters are extremely expensive and regular commercial 3D printers do not have the capabilities to print biological materials. We are developing a method to 3D print sophisticated eye models using inexpensive 3D printers. The models from this research can further be refined for studying drug absorption in the eye. This research will also enable researchers to create their own biological models using 3D printing methods.
Phan C-M, Wulff D, Jones L.. Developing bioinks for commercial mSLA printers and a method for quantifying print quality Canadian Biomaterial Society Conference, Banff, AB, May 25, 2022 [ PDF ]
Phan CM, Chan V, Drolle E, Shi C, Subbaraman L, Wu J, Jones L. Evaluating the in vitro wettability of contemporary reusable soft contact lenses using an in vitro blink model American Academy of Optometry, San Diego, 2022 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To evaluate the in vitro wettability of four contemporary reusable soft contact lens materials (serafilcon A, senofilcon A, senofilcon C, lotrafilcon B, comfilcon A) over a 14-day simulated wearing period using a novel, physiologically relevant in vitro eye model.
Methods: The 14-day wearing period was simulated using an in vitro blink model (OcuBlink). A tear mimic solution containing relevant proteins and lipids was delivered to the eye model at a rate of 1.25 -2.25 µL/min. A tear film was created over the lens via an artificial eyelid that slid across an eyeball surface at 6 blinks/minute, with a lens in-situ, at room temperature and humidity above 50%. For each cycling day, the lenses were incubated on the eye model for 16 hours, followed by a 10 second rub-rinse each side with OPTI-FREE PureMoist Solution, and then incubated overnight for 8 hours in the same solution. Lens wettability was quantified at t = 0 (straight from blister pack), 1, 7, and 14 days via two methods, (1) sessile drop contact angle (CA) and (2) non-invasive keratographic tear-break-up time (NIKBUT), n = 4 for each lens type. Contact angles were measured using the Optical Contact Analyzer (DataPhysics, Germany). NIKBUT measurements were assessed on the OcuBlink via the OCULUS Keratograph 5M (OCULUS, Germany).
Results: At t = 0, comfilcon A (24.0 ± 5.3°) had the lowest contact angle, followed by lotrafilcon B (29.6 ± 6.5°), serafilcon A (67.7 ± 16.0°), senofilcon C (89.2 ± 6.0°), and senofilcon A (92.0 ± 3.1°). All contact lens materials had similar CA out of the blister pack compared to 7 days (p >0.05). There was a slight increase in CA between 7-14 days for serafilcon A and lotrafilcon B, but this was not statistically significant (p>0.05). The NIKBUT for all contact lens materials ranged between 4 – 9 seconds, and there were no significant differences between NIKBUT within the same lens type at any time point (p>0.05). NIKBUT at t = 0 was highest for serafilcon A (8.3 ± 1.7 s) (p<0.05), followed by lotrafilcon B (6.3 ± 1.4 s), comfilcon A (6.1 ± 1.5 s), senofilcon A (5.6 ± 1.1 s), and senofilcon C (5.5 ± 0.8 s).
Conclusion: Lenses with a very low CA did not translate into significantly higher NIKBUT. For some lens materials, notably serafilcon A, there was an increase in CA after 7 days of in vitro testing, which warrants further investigation.
Phan CM, Kapadia W, Qin Nm Zhao P, Ren C, Haines L, Jones L. Development of a microfluidic viscometer for measuring microliter-volume fluid samples American Academy of Optometry, San Diego, 2022 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To develop a microfluidic viscometer capable of measuring the viscosity of microliter-volume fluid samples such as human tear fluid.
Methods: The microfluidic chip was designed using CAD software and laser cut from acrylic sheets into the desired shape and sizes. The various parts of the microfluidic chips were assembled and combined together using medical-grade double-sided tape. The micro-channels were coated with a repellant coating to provide a smooth and hydrophobic surface, which provided a straight flow path for a sample to approach flow equilibrium as it moves through the chip. The chip was attached to a syringe pump to control the flow rate. Additional supporting devices, including a high-speed camera and a pressure transducer, were used for analysis. Based on the difference in capillary pressure at the air-liquid interface, channel dimension, sample length, sample velocity, volumetric flow rate and contact angle, the viscosity of the fluid sample can be derived. For a preliminary experiment, the viscosity of an eye drop (Hydrasense, Bayer Inc., Canada) was measured by the developed microfluidic viscometer as well as a commercial cone/plate rheometer (Model: LVDV-III+, Brookfield Engineering Laboratories Inc, MA, USA) at a shear rate between 27.8 – 308 s-1, n=3.
Results: The minimum sample volume that was needed for measurement was 12 microliters, but this volume can be reduced with further optimization. The results showed that the viscosity values obtained for both the commercial rheometer and the microfluidic viscometer were in strong agreement. At a low shear rate (141 s-1), the viscosity of the eye drop was at 8.03 mPa·s, and at higher shear rates (622 s-1), the viscosity decreased to 6.33 mPa·s. The viscosity of the eye drop decreased with increasing shear rate, which reflects its shear-thinning properties. The maximum shear that was tested was 622 s-1 with no signs of fluid leakage.
Conclusion: The developed microfluidic chip and analysis setup can be used to analyze the viscosity of fluids using very low sample volumes and at very high shear rates. Future work will focus on optimizing the system to further reduce the sample volume requirements to permit testing with human tear samples. This device will provide valuable data in clinical studies investigating dry eye and other ocular surface diseases.
Ramasamy M, Qin N, Phan C-M, Jones L. Developing a microfluidic chip using 3D printing for testing drug release from contact lenses 10th Canadian Optometry School Research Conference, Montréal, Canada, Dec 3, 2022
Schulze M, Luensmann D, Ng A, Guthrie S, Woods J, Jones L. Performance of verofilcon A daily disposable contact lenses in digital device users American Academy of Optometry, San Diego, 2022 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To evaluate the performance of Precision1 (verofilcon A) daily disposable (DD) contact lenses (CLs) in habitual CL wearers who undertake substantial digital device use.
Methods: CL wearers between 18-40 years of age who reported a daily digital device use of ≥6 hours while wearing their habitual CLs participated in the study. Eligible participants were dispensed with verofilcon A DD CLs for a period of 12-16 days and were asked to wear these for at least 5 days/week and at least 10 hours/day, while continuing their normal routine of ≥6 hours digital device use. At the 2-week follow-up visit, participants rated their experience with the study lenses on a 0 to 100 scale, with 100 being best, and reported their lens wear times and digital device use. Comfort, dryness and clarity of vision ratings with verofilcon A lenses were collected directly after lens insertion, after 6 hours of digital device use, just before removal, and for overall lens performance. Participants also completed a 4-point (strongly agree, slightly agree, slightly disagree, strongly disagree) Likert scale-based questionnaire. Subjective ratings were not normally distributed, therefore non-parametric analysis was conducted and data are reported as median (range). The Likert scale responses were analyzed using binomial testing.
Results: Thirty-two participants completed the study (27F:5M), mean age of 25.8 ± 6.0 years (range 19-40). Participants reported total and comfortable CL wear time of 14 hours (10-17) and 11.6 hours (2.8-16), respectively, and digital device use of 8.5 hours (6-18) on a typical day. Subjective ratings for overall lens performance after 2 weeks of CL wear were high, with median ratings of 90 (68 – 100) for comfort, 90 (52-100) for dryness and 95 (70-100) for clarity of vision. There were no differences in comfort, dryness and clarity of vision ratings over the course of a typical day, with similar ratings at insertion, after 6 hours of digital device use and just before removal (all p≥0.05). The majority of participants agreed that the study lenses provided good comfort (28/32 subjects; p<0.01) and good vision (29/32; p<0.01) all day long. Considering CL performance when using digital devices for 6 hours, the majority of participants were satisfied with CL comfort (27/32; p<0.01) and vision (29/32; p<0.01) and most agreed that the verofilcon A lenses provided good performance (26/32; p<0.01). Most study participants (24/32; p<0.01) agreed that they did not experience any eye strain during digital device use while wearing verofilcon A lenses. No significant lens-related ocular health findings were observed after 2 weeks of wear.
Conclusions: After 2 weeks of wear, most participants rated the performance of verofilcon A DD CLs highly, with median overall performance ratings for comfort, dryness and vision all 90 on a 0 to 100 scale.
Shukla M, Phan CM, Jones L. Effect of methacrylic acid on atropine sulfate loading into model contact lens materials 10th Canadian Optometry School Research Conference, Montréal, Canada, Dec 3, 2022
Wulff D, Phan C-M, Jones L. 3D printing using a novel bioink with a commercial mSLA printer to fabricate a model contact lens The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Denver, CO, USA, May 2, 2022 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To develop a cost-effective and scalable 3D printing method and novel bioinks to fabricate contact lenses.
Methods: The bioink formulations consisted of GelMA (gelatin methacrylate), LAP (Lithium phenyl-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoylphosphinate), and a yellow food-grade dye. The dye minimizes unwanted light leakage during the photopolymerization process. A commercial mSLA (masked stereolithography) printer, the Photon Mono X (AnyCubic, Shenzhen), was retrofitted with a custom temperature and humidity control kit. The printing process was performed at 40 oC and 90% humidity to ensure that the GelMA remained at a liquid state and to prevent the bioink from drying out, respectively. A set of matrix cubes of varying sizes with holes was used as a standard control. Images of the cubes were taken with a camera, top-down and side-review, analyzed with the ImageJ software and compared with the original CAD designs to derive an overall print quality score. Two print variables, exposure time (5 s to 40 s) and yellow dye concentration (1 – 7%), were analyzed in this study.
Results: The best resolution with the highest print scores were obtained at either 5% yellow dye concentration and 30 seconds exposure time, or 3% yellow dye concentration and 20 seconds exposure time. There was an overall optimal range for both print times (20 - 30 s) and yellow dye concentration (3 - 5%). Values above or below this critical value resulted in lower print quality scores of the standard cubes. A prototype contact lens with a 200 µm thickness was able to be 3D printed using the developed print methods and parameters, with a total print time of approximately 20 minutes. Approximately 28 contact lenses can be printed at the same time using the 3D printer. However, the surface and edges of the 3D printed contact lens were still visually very rough.
Conclusions: The current study demonstrated that a low-cost commercial 3D mSLA printer can be used to fabricate model contact lenses using a hydrogel material. Still, further work is necessary to improve the print quality for fabricating ultra-thin devices such as contact lenses. Future work will use this 3D printing method to fabricate contact lenses for drug delivery.
Basuthkar S, Stahl U, Jones L, Keir N. Impact of monocular lens wear on tear film characteristics The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. San Francisco, May, 2021
Boegel S, Nogueira C, Shukla M, Ngo W, Jones L, Aucoin M. The impact of a rub and rinse step on the removal of an enveloped virus from a contemporary silicone hydrogel contact lens material American Academy of Optometry, Boston, November, 2021
Bose S, Phan CM, Yim E, Jones L. Fabrication of a MMP-9 triggered biomaterial for corneal wound healing The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. San Francisco, May, 2021
Nogueira CL, Boegel SC, Shukla M, Ngo W, Jones L, Aucoin MG. Antiviral activity of contemporary contact lens solutions against human seasonal coronavirus strains American Academy of Optometry, Boston, November, 2021
Wong S, Srinivasan S, Murphy P, Jones L.. Comparison of meibomian gland dropout using two infrared imaging devices Vision Institute of Canada, October, 2021
Chan V, Phan CM, Jones L. Evaluating lysozyme deposition on contemporary daily disposable contact lenses in a novel in vitro blink model The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2020 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose : To evaluate total lysozyme deposition on daily disposable (DD) contact lenses (CL) using a novel in vitro eye-blink model.
Methods : Three conventional hydrogel (CH) DD CL materials (etafilcon A, omafilcon A, nelfilcon A) and three silicone hydrogel (SH) DD CL materials (delefilcon A, senofilcon A, somofilcon A) were tested. The lenses were removed from their blister packs and placed directly on the eye model. An artificial tear solution (ATS) was flown over the lenses at a flow rate of 1 µl/min. The blink rate was set to 6 blinks per minute and the model was incubated at room temperature (23-26°C) and >45% humidity. After exposure periods of 2, 4 or 8 hours the lenses were removed and the lysozyme was extracted using acetonitrile: 0.2% trifluoroacetic acid (n=3). A separate experiment was conducted with lenses incubated in a vial containing 480 µL of ATS on an orbital shaker at 60 rpm for 8 hours (n=3). The lysozyme activity was measured using a spectrophotometric assay.
Results : Etafilcon A had the highest amount of active lysozyme absorption at all time points (p>0.001). After 8 hours, a cumulative total of 402 ± 102µg/lens of active lysozyme was absorbed on etafilcon A. Delefilcon A had the highest cumulative amount of active lysozyme (26 ± 1µg/lens) for SH materials (p<0.05). Nelfilcon A, senofilcon A and somofilcon A had the lowest amount of lysozyme activity (p0.05). The amount of active lysozyme sorption for certain lens types was different when measured using the eye-blink model as compared to a vial (p<0.05). Etafilcon A had a higher amount of active lysozyme when incubated on the blink model as compared to the vial (p<0.05), whereas somofilcon A and senofilcon A had a higher amount of lysozyme activity in the vial compared to the eye model (p0.05).
Conclusions : The in vitro eye-blink model provides quantitative data that is close to that determined from ex vivo studies and is an excellent model to assess the deposition of lysozyme on DD CL materials.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.
Craig J, Bitton E, Dantam J, Ngo W, Jones L. Subjective ocular awareness with the use of eyelid cleansing products available for the management of demodex folliculorum Academy at Home, 2020
Craig J, Jones L, Willcox M, James W, Muntz A, Luensmann D, Tan J, Trave-Huarte S, Wang MTM, Xue AL. Evaluating the therapeutic profiles of lipid and non-lipid based dry eye supplements The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2020 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose : A lack of clinical evidence on how long dry eye treatment is to be administered, before a significant improvement in signs and symptoms may be observed, has been identified in the literature. This study sought to assess the three-month therapeutic profiles of lipid-based and non-lipid-based artificial tear supplements in patients with dry eye disease.
Methods : Ninety-nine participants fulfilling the TFOS DEWS II criteria for dry eye disease (66 females, 33 males; mean±SD age, 44±16 years) were enrolled in a prospective, multi-centre, double-masked, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial. Participants were randomised to receive minimum four times daily application of lipid-based (Systane® Complete) or non-lipid-based tear supplements (Systane® Ultra) for three months. Dry eye symptomology, tear film parameters, and ocular surface characteristics were assessed at days 0, 30, 60 and 90 and compared using a multiplicity-adjusted mixed model analysis of variance.
Results : Baseline measurements did not differ between treatment groups (all p>0.05). Sustained reductions in OSDI, DEQ-5, and SANDE dry eye symptomology scores were observed by day 30 onwards (all p<0.05), and significant improvements in non-invasive tear film breakup time were detected by day 90 (both p0.05).
Conclusions : Improvements in dry eye symptomology preceded tear film stability during the three-month treatment period with both lipid-based and non-lipid-based artificial tear supplements. However, significant changes in lipid layer grade were limited to the lipid-based tear supplement.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.
Craig J, Muntz A, Luensmann D, Tan J, Jones L, Willcox M, Wolffsohn J. Six-month therapeutic profiles of lipid and non-lipid-based artifical tear supplements in managing dry eye disease Academy at Home, 2020
Guthrie S, Woods J, Vega J, Orsborn G, Ng AY, Jones L. Exploring the factors which impact overall satisfaction with contact lenses Academy at Home, 2020 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To evaluate the performance of two spherical lenses, one silicone hydrogel (SiHy) (somofilcon A) and one hydrogel (Hy) (etafilcon A), using subjective evaluations after 1-week and to correlate the relationships between specific subjective evaluations of lens performance and subjective overall satisfaction.
Methods: Fifty-five subjects participated in a prospective, double-masked, bilateral crossover dispensing study, wearing each lens for 1 week in a randomized order. Subjective ratings (0-10 scale) were completed after 1 week based on a typical day experience and a 4-point Likert scale (Strong/slight preference for each lens) was used to determine lens preference.
Results: Data for both lenses were combined and correlation analyses were conducted. Overall satisfaction was found to be significantly correlated (p<0.01) with handling for insertion (r=0.64), overall satisfaction with vision (r=0.64), handling for removal (r=0.50), comfort at insertion (r=0.59), comfort at end of day (r=0.61) and overall satisfaction with comfort (r=0.88). In addition, insertion comfort was significantly correlated with overall satisfaction with comfort (r=0.66). Considering the lenses separately, SiHy was rated significantly higher for handling for lens insertion compared to Hy (9.4 vs 8.1, p<0.01) and correlation strength with overall satisfaction varied greatly with lens material (SiHy: r=0.26, p=0.05 vs Hy: r=0.72, p<0.01). Overall lens preference based on lens handing for insertion also strongly favoured SiHy (37 subjects vs 18, p<0.01). Comfort at insertion was rated significantly higher at insertion with SiHy (9.0 vs 8.1, p<0.01) and similarly at end of day (8.1 vs 7.9, p=0.80). Correlation strength of comfort at insertion/end of day with overall satisfaction again varied with lens material (Insertion: SiHy: r=0.40 vs Hy: r=0.61; End of day: SiHy: r=0.76 vs Hy: r=0.58; all p≤ 0.01). There were no other statistically significant differences in subjective results for SiHy and Hy.
Conclusions: Significant correlations were found between overall satisfaction and the specific subjective evaluations of handling, vision and comfort. Interestingly, handling for insertion had a similar correlation (r) value as vision, suggesting that handling for insertion should not be underestimated when considering overall patient satisfaction. And while insertion and end of day comfort correlated moderately with overall satisfaction, overall satisfaction with comfort highly correlated with overall satisfaction. Separate analysis of SiHy and Hy also indicate that lower handling and comfort scores for Hy at insertion drove a higher correlation, suggesting that dissatisfaction with both handling for lens insertion and comfort upon lens insertion can play major roles in overall dissatisfaction with a lens.
Luensmann D, Schulze M, Ng AY, Woods J, Jones L. Refitting symptomatic daily disposable contact lens wearers with dry eye disease with delefilcon A lenses Academy at Home, 2020 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To refit symptomatic wearers of daily disposable (DD) contact lenses with a confirmed dry eye diagnosis with Dailies Total1 (delefilcon A, Alcon) to evaluate the performance of the new lenses after one month of wear.
Methods: In this prospective, participant-masked study (over-labelled lenses), symptomatic DD lens wearers were recruited who demonstrated symptoms and signs of dry eye disease according to the TFOS DEWS II criteria. The performance of the lenses after one month was evaluated using subjective ratings and comfort scores, and by determining average wear time and comfortable wear time. Lens wear times as well as subjective symptom scores for comfort, dryness and vision (0-100 scale, with 100 being best) with habitual DD were collected at the screening visit and these results were then compared to delefilcon A after 1 month of wear. The data were not normally distributed, therefore non-parametric analysis (Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test) was conducted. Data are reported as median (range), with delefilcon A data reported first.
Results: In total, 27 symptomatic DD lens wearers (19 female, 8 male) completed the study. Comfort ratings across all participants were significantly higher (p=0.014) for delefilcon A (80 (40-100)) compared to habitual DD lenses (80 (25-90)). Participants reported less dryness (p=0.007) with delefilcon A compared to their own lenses (80 (40-100) vs 70 (20-95)), and no difference in vision (p>0.05, 90 (50-100) vs (85 (60-100)). There were no statistically significant differences in total hours of lens wear per day (p>0.05, 12.5 hours (6.5-17) vs 11 hours (2.5-16)) or for comfortable wearing time (p>0.05, 8 hours (1-17) vs 6 hours (1-14.8). There were no lens-related ocular findings after one month of delefilcon A wear.
Conclusion: In general, participants had a positive lens wear experience with delefilcon A and rated this lens more comfortable and less dry compared to their habitual DD lenses. This suggests that symptomatic DD lens wearers with dry eye disease may benefit when refit into delefilcon A lenses.
Nagaarudkumaran N, McCanna D, Ngo W, Jones L. In vitro quantification of cytokines adhered to contemporary contact lens materials The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2020 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose : Contact lenses (CL) may induce a low-level inflammatory response on the ocular surface. Previous studies have quantified the concentration of inflammatory mediators present in the tear film during CL wear. Analyzing the inflammatory mediators loosely adhered to CL materials may provide another perspective on the role that contact lenses play in inflammation. The purpose of this in vitro study was to quantify a variety of cytokines found in the tear film that adhered to various CL materials and to develop a method that could extract them.
Methods : Cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α (Meso Scale Diagnostics, Rockville, MD) were combined with 5 mL of Diluent 2 to prepare a cytokine solution with a final concentration of 119.41, 166.05, 101.48 and 40.73 pg/mL, respectively. Contact lenses (etafilcon A, somofilcon A, omafilcon A, delefilcon A) (n=4 each) were each placed into a polypropylene tube containing a volume of 200 μL of the prepared cytokine solution and were incubated at 23°C for 6 hours. The lenses were removed from the tubes using tweezers and placed into a 0.6 mL microcentrifuge tube containing 200 μL of Diluent 2 and were incubated at 23°C for 1 hour. The microcentrifuge tube was then vortexed for 5 seconds and pin sized holes were made at the base of the tube. The tube was then placed into a larger 2.0 mL microcentrifuge tube acting as a carrier and were centrifuged at 604 RCF. The eluent in the 2.0 mL microcentrifuge was then collected and stored at -80°C for cytokine quantification at a later date, using the MESO QuickPlex SQ 120 (Meso Scale Diagnostics, Rockville, MD). Statistical analysis was performed using a one-way ANOVA.
Results : There was no significant difference between cytokine concentrations for all CL materials (p>0.05).
Conclusions : While there were no significant differences between the concentrations of cytokines found loosely adhered to the soft CL materials investigated, the results support this method as a means to quantify such cytokines on soft lens materials. This method may be used to examine human-worn lenses in future studies.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.
Phan CM, Shukla M, Heynen M, Walther H, Jones L. Development of an In Vitro Blink Model for Measuring Drug and Comfort Agent Elutes from Soft Contact Lens Polymers Academy at Home, 2020 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To develop an advanced in vitro blink model that could be used to examine release of a wide variety of components (topical drugs; comfort agents etc) from soft contact lenses.
Methods: The model was designed using CAD software and 3D printed using an SLA printer. A UV-curable resin polymer was used to fabricate the main components of the eye model to ensure water-sealed parts. The eyelid and eyeball were synthesized from a polyvinyl alcohol and a silicone material respectively. Simulated tear fluid is delivered through tubing attached to the eyelid. With each blink cycle (1 blink/10s), the eyelid slides and flexes across the eyeball to create an artificial tear film. The flow-through fluid is collected in a specialized trough. Two contact lenses, etafilcon A and senofilcon A, were incubated in 2 mL of a water-soluble red dye for 24 hours and then placed on the eye model. The release of the dye was measured at t= 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours (n=3) in phosphate buffered saline (flow rate = 5 µL/min). The dye release from the lenses was also evaluated in a vial containing 2 mL of PBS over 24 hours (n=3). The amount of dye in the samples was determined using a UV/Vis spectrophotometer at 520 nm.
Results: All of the contact lenses were visibly red after the incubation with the dye. After the release studies, the etafilcon A lenses became transparent with a slight red tint, whereas the senofilcon A lenses retained a moderate red colour. For the vial study, the release of the dye from the contact lenses was rapid within the first 4 hours, which was then followed by a slower release phase. In contrast, dye release from the lenses on the eye model was significantly slower and was sustained over the 24-hour period. The total amounts of dye released in the eye model were also significantly lower compared to the vial (p<0.05), which could be attributed to the absorption of the dye into the eyelid. From the total amount of tear fluid (7.2 mL) that was infused into the eye model, approximately 5.2 ± 0.6 mL of flow-through was collected. The loss of fluid can be attributed to fluid absorption into the eyelid and contact lenses, as well as evaporation.
Conclusion: The blink model developed in this study could be used to measure the release of topical ophthalmic drugs or comfort agents from contact lenses. The results showed that the release kinetics of a dye from contact lenses on the eye model was significantly different than that of a vial. The model also simulated non-specific absorption of the dye into the eyelid. Future work will focus on developing polymers to simulate the absorption of drugs on the eye.
Schulze M, Ng AY, Luensmann D, Guthrie S, Woods J, Jones L. The subjective response to verofilcon A daily disposable contact lenses during extensive digital device use Academy at Home, 2020 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To evaluate the subjective response of habitual lens wearers during extensive digital device use when switched to Precision1 (verofilcon A) daily disposable (DD) contact lenses (CLs).
Methods: Volunteers between 18-40 years of age who used digital devices for at least 6 hours/day while wearing their habitual CLs were recruited for the study. Eligible participants were dispensed with verofilcon A DD CLs for a period of 2 weeks, during which they were required to wear the study CLs for at least 5 days/week and at least 10 hours/day. Participants returned after 142 days for their final visit, where they reported their CL wear time and time spent using digital devices, and rated their typical experience on a 0 to 100 scale, with 100 being best. Comfort, dryness and clarity of vision with verofilcon A were rated directly after insertion, after 6 hours of digital device use, and just before removal, as well as by rating their overall performance. Participants also completed a 4-point (strongly agree, slightly agree, slightly disagree, strongly disagree) Likert scale-based questionnaire. Subjective ratings were not normally distributed, therefore non-parametric analysis was conducted and data are reported as median (range). The Likert scale responses were analyzed using binomial testing.
Results: Twenty participants completed the study (18F:2M), mean age of 25.1 ± 6.0 years (range 19-40). They reported their typical day to include median CL wear time of 13.8 hours (10.5-17), comfortable CL wear time of 12.1 hours (8-16.5) and digital device use of 9 hours (6-12). After 2 weeks of verofilcon A DD CL wear, subjective ratings after 6 hours of digital device use were high, with ratings for a typical day of 93 (68-100) for comfort, 93 (52-100) for dryness and 96 (70-100) for clarity of vision. After 2 weeks of wear, the majority of participants agreed that the study lenses provided good comfort (16/20 subjects; p=0.01) and good vision (18/20; p<0.01) all day long. Similarly, the majority of participants were satisfied with the comfort (16/20; p=0.01), vision (18/20; p<0.01) and overall performance (16/20; p=0.01) they experienced with the study lenses while using digital devices for 6 hours. Additionally, most reported they did not experience any eye strain while using verofilcon A lenses (n=16/20; p=0.01). No significant lens-related ocular findings were observed after 2 weeks of wear.
Conclusions: After 2 weeks of wear, participants rated the performance of verofilcon A DD CLs very highly, with median overall performance ratings for comfort, dryness and vision all 93 on the 0 to 100 scale (with 100 being best). Verofilcon A DD CLs may be a viable alternative for those struggling with their habitual lens performance when spending long hours using digital devices.
Srinivasan S, Jones L, Schulze M, Guillon M, Tauber J, Silverstein S, Yeu E, Venkiteshwar M. Efficacy of a propylene glycol/hydroxypropyl guar-based lubricant eye drop The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2020 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose : SYSTANE® Complete (propylene glycol/hydroxypropyl guar [PG/HPG]) lubricant eye drop formulation developed using advanced nano-droplet technology, helps replenish a deficient tear film. This study evaluated the improvement in tear film break up time (TFBUT) after 14 days of treatment with PG/HPG lubricant eye drops in patients with dry eye disease (DED).
Methods : This was a Phase IV, multicenter, open-label, single-arm, interventional study. Adult patients with a clinical diagnosis of mild to moderate DED (subtyped into aqueous deficient (ADDE), evaporative dry eye (EDE) and mixed dry eye (MDE)) were included. Eligible patients received one drop of PG/HPG, twice daily. The change from baseline in fluorescein stained tear film break-up time (TFBUT) was assessed at Day 14. Data were analyzed for the overall cohort and by DED subtypes.
Results : Of 134 patients who received the study treatment, 131 completed the study. The median age of the study cohort was 59 (range: 18–87) years, and majority of patients were female (75.4%). Number of patients per subtype were similar (ADE=41; EDE=44; MDE=49). Overall, the median TFBUT increased from 2.68s at baseline to 3.32s at Day 14 (change from baseline= 0.81s; CI for the median = 0.52 -1.18). Subtype analysis showed a median change from baseline in TFBUT of 0.72s for ADDE (CI of median = 0.17-1.22), 1.32s for EDE (CI of median = 0.61-2.26), and 0.55s for MDE (CI of median = 0.07-1.03), at Day 14. The change in TFBUT values were significant overall as well as in the subtypes of DE. The maximum increase in tear film stability was noted in the EDE subgroup (59.2%).
Conclusions : PG/HPG lubricant eye drops increased tear film break up time in patients with DED, with an improvement reported in all dry eye subtypes at Day 14 of treatment. These results show that PG-HPG lubricant eye drops provide an increase in tear film stability in patients with DED.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.
Wolffsohn J, Craig JP, Jones L, Trave-Huarte S, Wang MTM. Global approaches to dry eye diagnosis The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2020 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose : Dry eye is a chronic and often debilitating disease, but understanding the prevalence and the effectiveness of management is hampered by differences in diagnosis and subclassification. This cross-sectional survey of eye care practitioners across the world aimed to identify the current approaches to dry eye diagnosis.
Methods : A Survey Monkey questionnaire was developed in consultation with dry eye specialists. Questions sought to determine the tests practitioners consider essential in the diagnosis of dry eye. Which aid the diagnosis? Which aid the subclassification into evaporative or aqueous deficient dry eye? Descriptive statistics were applied.
Results : 1,139 responses were received from 51 countries, 38% from ophthalmologists and 58% from optometrists, with a median of 11-15years of experience. The main tests reported as critical for a diagnosis of dry eye were verbal symptoms (69%), fluorescein breakup time (67%) and corneal staining (64%). In addition, reports of visual disturbance (57%), symptomology results from a validated questionnaire (48%), ocular redness (54%) and blink/lid closure analysis (54%) were commonly used to aid diagnosis. A median of 7 tests were deemed essential to diagnose dry eye (range 0-28). Tests that proved popular for differentiating dry eye subtypes were Schirmer/Phenol red thread test (32%), meibomian gland expression (32%) and orifice examination (32%) and blink/lid closure analysis (32%); use of verbal (38%) and questionnaire (30%) symptomatology, fluorescein breakup time (39%) and corneal staining (37%), for this purpose, were also noted.
Conclusions : In 2018 when the data were collected, dry eye disease diagnosis among practitioners was not standardised and there was little agreement on subclassification to inform the optimal treatment strategy. Future studies will determine whether recent global consensus reports and position papers unify diagnosis of the disease to improve the quality of epidemiological and treatment efficacy data.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.
Wong S, Murphy P, Jones L. Impact of contemporary contact lens wear on tear evaporation measured using a novel evaporimeter The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2020 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose : To determine whether a novel binocular evaporimeter is able to detect changes in tear evaporation rate (TER) before and while wearing delefilcon A and nesofilcon A contact lenses (CL).
Methods : The evaporimeter consists of a pair of swimming goggles modified with a temperature and relative humidity (RH) sensor embedded in both the right and left goggle lenses. For each measurement, the evaporimeter goggles were positioned and held tightly over the palpebral aperture of both eyes (to ensure an air-tight seal) for 20 seconds. There were two measurement conditions: Open Eye, during which the participants blinked every 3 seconds, and Closed Eye, when the eyes were closed. The difference between the Open and Closed Eye measurements was used to determine the TER from the ocular surface. TER was calculated as the slope of the change in RH in the period 5 to 13 seconds after the evaporimeter was placed over the eyes. Three repeated measurements were taken and averaged together. Two baseline TER measurements were recorded (15-minute interval) prior to CL insertion. Participants were randomized for delefilcon and nesofilcon CL lens wear in either eye. TER was measured after 15 minutes and ≥6 hours of CL wear. Measurements over time and between CL types were compared using repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. (Mean±SD: Ambient temperature, 23.2±1.1°C; RH, 43.9±7.7%).
Results : Twenty habitual CL wearers (mean age: 28 years, range 18-71, 95% female) completed the study. Both evaporimeter sensors were able to detect a significant change in TER over time (right: p=0.003, left; p<0.0001). TER was significantly higher after 15 minutes (right: p=0.035, left: p<0.0001) and 6 hours of CL wear (right: p=0.002, left: p=0.001), compared to second baseline measurement. Both CLs showed a significant increase in TER between 15 minutes and 6 hours of lens wear (p=0.001). No significant difference in TER was observed between delefilcon and nesofilcon (p=0.770).
Conclusions : The novel evaporimeter was able to simultaneously measure TER from both eyes. TER significantly increased when CLs were worn and was highest after ≥6 hours of CL wear. No significant differences in TER were found between delefilcon A and nesofilcon A, which suggests that contemporary daily disposable CL materials behave in a similar manner with regards to their impact on TER, regardless of water content or material.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.
Woods J, Guthrie S, Varikooty J, Jones L. Satisfaction of habitual wearers of reusable multifocal lenses when refitted with a daily disposable, silicone hydrogel multifocal lens Contact Lens Anterior Eye 2020 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: Visual performance with multifocal contact lenses (MFCL) can vary with lens design. This study simulated a real-world refit of habitual wearers of reusable MFCL with a silicone hydrogel (somofilcon A), daily disposable multifocal (DDMF) lens to assess visual and overall experience with the new design and modality.
Method: Subjects rated the DDMF and compared it with their habitual reusable MFCL. The habitual MFCL prescription was not reviewed or confirmed as optimal, though all reported having an eye-examination within 2-years. Subjects were masked to the DDMF brand. After 2 weeks of daily wear with the new lens, subjects reported their experience using 0-10 ratings and Likert scales.
Results: Twenty-eight subjects, spanning 14 habitual lens brands, completed the study. Visual acuity with DDMF was statistically better than with habitual MFCL for all four distances measured (all p<0.05); distance (≥6m): -0.04±0.09, long intermediate (1.5m): -0.11±0.11, short intermediate (0.75m): -0.10±0.09, and near (0.4m): 0.02±0.09. Subjective vision clarity was statistically better with the DDMF for distance tasks in the dark, long intermediate tasks, and when considering all visual needs (all p0.05) for vision clarity performing tasks at distance, short intermediate and near. When asked for a preference, the DDMF was significantly preferred over habitual for long intermediate tasks (p=0.03), but not different for tasks at other distances. Ease of insertion was statistically better with the DDMF (p=0.03); ease of removal was not different. End of day comfort was not different from the habitual lenses (p=0.10), however the DDMF was rated better for end-of-day dryness (p=0.01) and overall satisfaction with lenses (p=0.04).
Conclusions: This daily disposable, silicone hydrogel (somofilcon A), multifocal lens provided good vision and overall performance. Many ratings showed it to provide statistically better performance than their habitual reusable MFCL, supporting the benefits of a trial wear period.
Yee A, Phan CM, Heynen M, Walther H, Jones L. The uptake and release kinetics of myristamidopropyl dimethylamine (MAP-D) from contact lenses using radioactive labelling he Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 2020 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose : Biocides are an important disinfecting component commonly found in contact lens (CL) multipurpose solutions (MPS). During the disinfection step, the uptake of biocides into CL materials can significantly reduce the efficacy of the MPS to disinfect the lens. An increased release of biocides from the CL can lead to clinical complications such as discomfort and corneal staining. However, detection methods using chromatography and spectrometry can be time-consuming and have low sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the uptake and release of myristamidopropyl dimethylamine (MAP-D; ALDOX®) using a radiolabel method.
Methods : Radioactive (14C) MAP-D was purchased from Moravek Inc. (CA, USA). Five soft CL materials (lotrafilcon B, balafilcon A, senofilcon A, etafilcon A, omafilcon A) were tested (N=4). The lenses were incubated in PBS (ISO 18369-3) solution containing 2mL of 14C radioactive MAP-D (5µg/mL) for 8 hours, followed by a release period in PBS for 16 hours. The cycle was continued over a 7-day period with a new replenishing solution for each day. The samples were counted for their radioactive signal (CPM) using the LS6500 Beckman Coulter liquid scintillation beta counter (ON, CA). A standard curve was used to convert CPM to µg of MAP-D.
Results : After 7-days, the silicone hydrogel (SH) lenses, lotrafilcon B (36.21±0.42µg), balafilcon A (36.29±1.15µg) and senofilcon A (35.54±1.37µg) had a significantly greater uptake of MAP-D compared to the conventional hydrogel (CH) lenses, etafilcon A (7.66±1.19µg) and omafilcon A (6.54±0.94µg) (p<0.01). However, the percent of MAP-D released was higher for CH lenses, etafilcon A (80%), omafilcon A (93%) compared to SH lenses, lotrafilcon B (25%), balafilcon A (19%) and senofilcon A (19%) over the 7-days (p<0.01).
Conclusions : Radioactive labelling offers a highly sensitive and accurate way of assessing the uptake and release kinetics of MAP-D to CL materials. Greater uptake of MAP-D occurs to SH materials, and the release of MAP-D is relatively minor. While CH materials take up only low amounts of MAP-D, the majority of it is easily released from these materials.
This is a 2020 ARVO Annual Meeting abstract.
Bitton E, Srinivasan S, Elder M, Luensmann D, Jones L. Dry Eye Disease (DED) in Canada: A retrospective chart review American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, 2019 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: Dry eye disease (DED) is a complex and common condition across populations, with an estimated prevalence ranging between 5 and 50%, affecting females more than males. While numerous epidemiological studies exist, few have focused on DED in a Canadian population. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of DED patients in University-based optometric clinics in Canada.
Methods: Charts of patients with DED were randomly reviewed at the University of Waterloo (UW) using ICD-9 diagnostic codes and at the dry eye clinic, University of Montreal (UM), which only accepts DED referrals. Demographics, health history, symptoms, diagnostic and management options were evaluated.
Results: 200 charts (100/clinic) were reviewed. The cohorts examined were broadly similar, consisting of similar ages (UM 57±15; UW 53±20yrs), were mainly female (76% UM, 72% UW) and used systemic medications frequently (76% UM; 62% UW). Symptom scores (0-100) by OSDI (ocular surface disease index) were: 38 UM; 33 UW. Clinical tests included TBUT (4.9sec UM; 3.9sec UW), cotton thread test (21mm UM; 20mm UW), positive corneal staining (46% UM; 68% UW). Recommended therapies included artificial tears (94% UM; 96% UW), warm compresses (63% UM; 83% UW), lid hygiene (29% UM; 22% UW), and Omega 3 supplementation (47% UM; 42% UW).
Conclusion: This review supports the literature that DED is typically seen with higher age, in females, and patients with systemic disease who use medications which can contribute to iatrogenic DED. No clear association was found between symptoms and signs, underlining the complexity of DED.
Bose S, Phan CM, Rizwan M, Tse J, Yim E, Jones L. Release of FitC-Dextran from a MMP9-triggered material for corneal wound healing ISCLR, Singapore, 2019
Guthrie S, Moezzi A, Varikooty J, Woods J, Jones L. A bilateral dispensing evaluation of two different toric lens geometries
BCLA Conference, Manchester, UK, 2019 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To evaluate the subjective acceptance of two different types of prism ballast toric lens geometries, when worn on a daily wear modality over 1 month.
Methods: The study was a prospective, double-masked, bilateral, randomized, cross-over, 1-month wear, dispensing study where 45 astigmats wore two different soft toric lenses: comfilcon A toric which utilises a uniform horizontal iso-thickness design and samfilcon A toric which utilises a thin-edge design. Assessments were completed at 1-month. Ratings (0-10 scale) were competed at 2-weeks and 1-month.
Results: At 1-month, investigator-rated lens fit acceptance was high for both lens designs (3.65 vs 3.58, p=0.29), as was logMAR visual acuity for high contrast, high illumination (-0.12 vs -0.12, p=0.63) and low illumination (-0.10 vs -0.09, p=0.71). Subjective ratings for ‘overall visual quality’ were significantly higher for comfilcon A at 1-month (8.1 vs 7.4, p=0.04), but not different at 2-weeks (8.2 vs 7,6, p=0.05). ‘Vision stability’ ratings were significantly higher for comfilcon A at 2-weeks (8.2 vs 7.3, p=0.01) and 1-month (8.0 vs 7.2, p=0.03). ‘Overall comfort’ was rated significantly better with comfilcon A at 2-weeks (8.1 vs 7.4, p=0.04) and 1-month (8.1 vs 7.4, p=0.03). ‘End of day comfort’ ratings were similar after 1-month but significantly better with comfilcon A at 2-weeks (7.2 vs 6.5, p=0.03). ‘Overall satisfaction’ was statistically higher for comfilcon A after 2-weeks (8.0 vs 7.0, p<0.01) and 1-month (7.8 versus 7.0, p=0.02). Comfortable wearing time was not different at 2-weeks (9.2 vs 8.8, p=0.12), but was significantly longer with comfilcon A at 1-month (8.9h vs 8.0h, p=0.03).
Conclusions: Although both comfilcon A and samfilcon A use a prism ballast stabilisation principle and both provide excellent acuity and lens fit results, comfilcon A provided better subjective results for vision, vision stability, comfort, comfortable wear time and overall satisfaction.
Guthrie S, Woods J, Moezzi A, Varikooty J, Jones L. Comparing in-office evaluations to subjective evaluations for two toric lenses American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, 2019 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To evaluate the performance of two monthly replacement silicone hydrogel toric lenses, comfilcon A toric and samfilcon A toric, using in-office assessments and subjective evaluations after 1 month.
Methods: A prospective, double-masked, bilateral, cross-over, dispensing study was conducted, where 45 subjects wore each lens type in a reusable, daily wear modality for 1 month, in a randomised order. Both in-office and subjective evaluations (0 [worst]-10 [best] scale) were completed at 1-month.
Results: Comfilcon A and samfilcon A toric lenses both performed well and similarly in all aspects of investigator lens evaluation. At 1-month, there was no significant difference for ‘fit acceptance’ grades (3.65 vs 3.58, p=0.29), ‘overall lens stability’ (3.56 vs 3.42, p=0.09) or for measures of logMAR high contrast acuity under ‘high illumination’ (-0.12 vs -0.12, p=0.63) or ‘low illumination’ (-0.10 vs -0.09, p=0.71). However, subject evaluations did show some significant differences related to comfort and vision. At 1-month comfilcon A toric lenses were rated significantly better for ‘overall comfort’ (8.1 vs 7.4, p=0.03). The difference in the 1-month ratings for ‘end of day comfort’ was not statistically significant (7.1 vs 6.7, p=0.15), however the ‘comfortable wear time’ was significantly longer for comfilcon A toric (8.9h vs 8.0h, p=0.03). For vision, comfilcon A toric was rated significantly better for ‘overall vision quality’ (8.1 vs 7.4, p=0.04) and ‘vision stability’ (8.0 vs 7.2, p=0.03). Subjects were asked to rate their ‘overall satisfaction’ and comfilcon A toric was rated significantly higher (7.8 versus 7.0, p=0.02). Subjects were also asked if they had a lens preference. Of those with a preference, significantly more subjects preferred the comfilcon A toric lens in terms of comfort (32 vs 10, p<0.01), dryness (28 vs 10, p=0.01) and overall (31 vs 13, p=0.01).
Conclusions: Although both comfilcon A and samfilcon A toric lenses both provided similar, high-level results for lens fit, stability and acuity, comfilcon A toric was rated statistically significantly higher in the subjective evaluations, specifically for comfort, vision, vision stability, overall satisfaction and comfortable wear time. These results illustrate that the patient experience cannot always be predicted from in-office evaluations.
Jones L, Jabeen A, Subbaraman L, Heynen M, Keir N, Srinivasan S. Method optimization to quantify four different neuropeptides in the human tear film Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2019 [ PDF ]
Jones L, Pucker A, Jones-Jordan LA, Marx S, Powell D, Kwan JT, Srinivasan S, Sickenberger W. Clinical factors associated with contact lens dropout ISCLR, Singapore, 2019
Jones L, Pucker A, Jones-Jordan LA, Marx S, Powell D, Kwan JT, Srinivasan S, Sickenberger W. Impact of soft contact lens factors and compliance on contact lens dropout ISCLR, Singapore, 2019
Jones L, Subbaraman L, Dare E, Fung CK. Establishment of optimal culture media in human corneal epithelial wound healing models Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2019 [ PDF ]
Jones L, Yee A, Jabeen A, Subbaraman L, McCanna D, Phan CM. Novel in-vitro method to study bacterial interaction with contact lenses Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2019 [ PDF ]
Muntz A, Subbaraman L, Jones L. Comparison of LWE grades with histological measures of the lid wiper region in contact lens wearers ISCLR, Singapore, 2019
Muntz A, Subbaraman L, Jones L. LWE grades compared with histological measures of the lid wiper region in contact lens wearers American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, 2019 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: The clinical assessment of lid wiper epitheliopathy (LWE) is often considered inconsistent. The number of publications reporting an association between contact lens (CL) wear and LWE is approximately equal to those that report a lack of association. To date, the extent of LWE has not been evaluated using histological techniques. The aim of this study was to histologically evaluate the extent of LWE staining in a diverse CL wearing population.
Methods: Seventy-seven participants were enrolled into four study groups: asymptomatic soft, symptomatic soft, rigid CL, and non-CL wearers. Subjective symptoms and CL wear habits were recorded, and an ocular surface assessment conducted. LWE at both lid margins of both eyes was graded using lissamine green according to the Korb scale. Impression cytology samples were collected from all lid margins, according to a previously optimized technique. Samples underwent histological staining with Papanicolaou dyes for keratinization and up to 100 high-resolution images were captured per sample and stitched into large-scale, panoramic images. The extent of the muco-cutaneous junction and lid wiper conjunctival areas were dimensioned using ImageJ.
Results: The histologically measured width (mean ± SD) of the keratinized lid wiper conjunctiva for samples clinically graded 0, 1, 2 and 3 for sagittal width of LWE staining was 279 ± 169, 406 ± 241, 513 ± 260 and 694 ± 292 µm, respectively. Average clinical grades for LWE sagittal width for asymptomatic, symptomatic, rigid and non-CL wearers were 0.4 ± 0.7, 0.5 ± 0.7, 1.2 ± 1.0 and 0.07 ± 0.2, whereas the histologically measured width of the keratinized lid wiper conjunctiva was 339 ± 218; 314 ± 185; 532 ± 278 and 243 ± 112 µm, respectively. Only 43% of all histologically measured widths (n=159) corresponded to the clinical grading range for LWE staining width proposed by Korb. Clinical LWE grades were overestimated in 25% and underestimated in 32% of cases, compared to objective histological measures.
Both clinical and histological measures of LWE were similar between symptomatic and asymptomatic soft CL wearers (all p>0.05). However, LWE was significantly higher in the rigid lens and significantly lower in the non-lens wear group, both clinically and histologically, versus all other groups. Clinical grades were underestimated by up to three times relative to the histological width in all cases, and particularly in the non-CL group.
Conclusion: We provide a first account of a histologically dimensioned equivalent of clinically observed LWE. The ranges proposed by Korb for grading LWE may not correspond with histological dimensions of the lid wiper width. Knowledge of patients’ habits (such as the lens type worn) may bias clinicians’ clinical appraisal of LWE. These findings lend support to the development and implementation of objective, computerized dimensioning methods for use in clinical settings.
Ng AY, Woods J, Jahn T, Jones L, Ritter J. The effect of a novel oral supplement containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids on the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, 2019 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To determine the effect of daily intake of an essential fatty acid supplement on the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease (DED) in patients with moderate to severe symptoms. The supplement contains omega-3 fatty acids (1200mg eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA] and 300mg docosahexaenoic acid [DHA]) and the novel addition of an omega-6 fatty acid (150mg gamma-linoleic acid [GLA]).
Methods: This was a prospective, double-masked, randomized, parallel group pilot study. Participants were eligible if they had an Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) score ≥ 23 and had not taken omega-3 or -6 supplements in the previous 3 months. Participants were randomized to use one of two liquid supplements: the treatment supplement (EPA, DHA and GLA combination), or the placebo supplement (coconut and olive oil). Participants were instructed to take one teaspoon, once daily for three months. In addition to keeping a diary, an omega-3 index blood test was conducted at baseline and 3 months to confirm compliance of supplement use. At baseline, 1 and 3 months the following assessments were conducted: OSDI questionnaire, non-invasive tear break-up time (NITBUT), tear meniscus height (TMH), tear osmolarity, ocular redness and surface staining, Schirmer test and meibography to assess meibomian gland (MG) dropout.
Results: Fifty participants completed the study: 24 randomized to the treatment group, 26 randomized to placebo. Participants were 95% compliant with daily dosing over the study period. After 3 months of supplement use, a 34% increase in omega-3 index blood values was observed in the treatment group (baseline: 5.3±0.8, 3 months: 8.0 ± 2.1, p50) at baseline demonstrated a clinically significant improvement with the treatment supplement (n=13, 20.8 point reduction, p=0.002) at 3 months compared to the placebo group (n=12, 8.4 point reduction, p=0.066). There were no clinically significant changes in NITBUT, TMH, tear osmolarity, ocular redness and surface staining, Schirmer test or MG dropout, (all p>0.05).
Conclusions: Omega-3 supplementation is an established therapeutic option for DED. This cohort of participants who were predominantly in the severe DED category by OSDI classification, experienced clinically meaningful improvements in their dry eye symptoms associated with supplementation with EPA, DHA and GLA. The addition of the omega-6 GLA in this formulation may have contributed to the significant improvement in dry eye symptoms.
Phan C, Walther H, Jones L.. Development of a blink model for testing contact lenses American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, 2019 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: To develop an eye model with a physiological blink mechanism to test contact lenses.
Methods: All parts of the eye model were designed using CAD software. The eyeball moulds were CNC machined to ensure a smooth finish for the corneal surface. A chamber to house the eye model was cut using a laser cutter, assembled, and sealed using methylene chloride. The eyelid consisted of a unique 3D printed structure containing teeth to physically secure a flexible membrane. Both the eyeball and eyelid membrane were synthesized using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Four molecular weights of PVA (89-98 kDa, 85-124 kDa, 130 kDa, and 146-186 kDa) were tested at a range of concentrations between 5 – 30 % w/v. The wettability and water content of these materials were compared with the bovine cornea and sclera. The rotational motion of the eyelid was controlled by a stepper motor and an Arduino. The model was connected to a microfluidic pump, which delivers artificial tear solution (ATS) to the eyelid. A corneal topographer was used to evaluate the tear break-up and tear film regeneration.
Results: The eyelid flexes and slides across the eyeball during each blink, which ensures direct contact between the two surfaces. When loaded with an ATS, this mechanism evenly spreads the solution over the eyeball to generate an artificial tear film. The speed, degree of actuation, and rate of blinking can be controlled using the open source Arduino software. The artificial tear film layer in this eye model had a tear break-up time (TBUT) of 5.13 ± 0.09 seconds at 1.4 µL/min flow rate, 6 blinks/min, and <25% humidity.
Conclusion: This model simulates a physiological blink actuation and an artificial tear film layer. Future studies will examine variations in flow rates and ATS composition to simulate clinical values of TBUT. The model could be used to study in vitro TBUT, tear deposition, and drug delivery from contact lenses.
Phan CM, Qiao H, Jones L. A simple method to synthesize PVA hydrogels Canadian Biomaterials Society, Quebec, 2019 [ PDF ]
Phan CM, Qiao H, Shinde R, Jones L. Development of an in vitro eye model with polyvinyl alcohol The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Vancouver, British Columbia, 2019 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a simple method to synthesize an in vitro eye model using polyvinyl alcohol with similar wettability and water content as the cornea, sclera, and lens.
Methods: Bovine eyes, donated by an abattoir, were used as the ex vivo eye model for comparison. The eyes were dissected fresh, and the wettability and water content for the cornea, sclera, lens, and vitreous humour were measured. Four molecular weights of polyvinyl alcohol, 89-98 kDa, 85-124 kDa, 130 kDa, and 146-186 kDa, were tested. The monomer was added to a mixed solvent of dimethyl sulfoxide and Milli-Q water to achieve a range of concentrations between 5 – 30 % w/v. The mixture was heated at 120oC for 3 hours, and polymerized at -30o C for 3 hours. The gels were then equilibrated with Milli-Q water for 3 days before characterization. A model eyeball from polyvinyl alcohol was also synthesized using a custom mould.
Results: The bovine cornea had the highest wettability, with the lowest advancing contact angle (28.0 ± 7.2°), followed by the lens (64.0 ± 4.6°) and sclera (56.73 ± 6.5°). The contact angles for the polyvinyl alcohol gels ranged between 40.4 ± 2.5° and 61.6 ± 4.7° for various gels. The vitreous humour had the highest water content (98.7 ± 0.2 %), followed by the cornea (80.9 ± 1.2%), sclera (64.8 ± 0.7%), and lens (59.7 ± 7.5%). The water content for the gels decreased with increasing concentrations of the polyvinyl alcohol (p<0.001), and ranged between 66.1 ± 0.1 % to 91.4 ± 0.2 %. The eye models made from polyvinyl alcohol were translucent, smooth, wettable, lubricous, and pliable.
Conclusion: This study presents a simple method to synthesize hydrogels from polyvinyl alcohol, which can be formulated to closely match the wettability and water content of a bovine cornea, sclera, and lens. The method can be easily modified in future studies to incorporate other reagents. The eye model synthesized from this study could be used as a potential model to study in vitro tear-break up or drug absorption.
Phan CM, Walther H, Jones L. Mass spectrometry detection of phosphatidyl choline from delefilcon A Canadian Biomaterials Society, Quebec, 2019 [ PDF ]
Phan CM, Walther H, Jones L. Development of a polymeric eye model for foreign body removal Canadian Biomaterials Society, Quebec, 2019
Phan CM, Walther H, Qiao H, Jones L. Development of a novel in vitro blink model Canadian Biomaterials Society, Quebec, 2019 [ PDF ]
Phan CM, Walther H, Qiao H, Jones L. The development of an eye model that truly blinks ISCLR, Singapore, 2019
Rangarajan R, Ketelson H, Do R, McCanna D, Suko A, Enstone D, Subbaraman L, Jones L, Meyer A. Characterization of a New Phospholipid Containing Nanoemulsion Lubricant Eye Drop for Dry Eye Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;E-abstract 303
Rappon J, Woods J, Jones D, Jones L. Tolerability of novel myopia control spectacle designs Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;E-abstract 5845
Rappon JM, Chalberg TW, Neitz M, Woods J, Jones D, Jones L Neitz J. Clinical Development of a Novel Myopia Treatment for Myopia Management The 17th International Myopia Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2019
Tichenor A, Cofield S, Gann D, Elder M, Ng AY, Walsh K, Jones L, Nichols J. Frequency of contact lens complications between contact lens wearers using multipurpose solutions versus hydrogen peroxide in the United States and Canada American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, 2019 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To retrospectively compare frequency and likelihood of contact lens complications in long-term soft contact lens (CL) users of hydrogen peroxide (PXD) and multipurpose solutions (MPS).
Methods: This was a multicenter, retrospective chart review study of soft CL patient records. The study was conducted at two academic clinic sites, the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry and CORE, School of Optometry & Vision Science, University of Waterloo, and across five private practice clinical sites (three in the US and two in Canada). Records of established, adult soft CL wearers were reviewed from the three most recent full examination visits. Patients must have used the same CL solution technology (either MPS or PXD) documented at the first and last visit for at least three years. Data collected included demographics, CL solution, and any complications for either eye. Univariate analyses were conducted using Chi-Square or Fisher’s Exact test for categorical measures, as applicable. Covariate adjusted logistic regression models were used for categorical outcomes using Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square Test.
Results: In total, there were 1137 subjects included across the seven clinical locations, with 670 (59%) MPS users and 467 (41%) PXD users. The MPS users were 57% female with a mean (±SD) age of 42.9 (±14.7) years. The PXD users were 43% female with a mean age of 43.2
(±14.2) years. At the academic clinic sites, 428 records (38%) were reviewed of which 244 (57%) were MPS users. At the private practice sites, 709 records (62%) were reviewed and 426 (60%) were MPS users. Of all subjects, 706 (62%) experienced at least one complication over three visits; 409 were MPS users and 297 were PXD users. The most common complication was papillae (n=311, 27%) followed by hyperemia (n=242, 21%) and discomfort (n=240, 21%).There was no difference in the proportion of subjects experiencing at least one complication over the three visits between MPS (61%) and PXD (64%) users (p=0.38). Nonetheless, MPS users were more likely to report discomfort at least one time over the three visits compared to PXD users (p=0.04). Infectious keratitis was experienced by 25 subjects (2%); 19 were MPS users and 9 were PXD users (p=0.60).
Conclusion: While no differences were found in the frequency of contact lens complications between MPS and PXD users, the ocular surface health benefits of PXD should be considered when determining the best lens care option for patients. In addition, MPS users were more likely to report low levels of discomfort at least once over the time period reviewed. Therefore, PXD may be a beneficial solution alternative in CL users who report discomfort.
Varikooty J, Woods J, Jones L. Visual performance with a daily disposable silicone hydrogel center-near progressive design multifocal lens with two independent intermediate zones BCLA Conference, Manchester, UK, 2019 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: Multifocal contact lens visual performance can vary with add-power and lens design. This study compared logMAR acuity (VA) and subjective ratings in habitual multifocal lens (HabMF) wearers refitted with a daily disposable multifocal lens (DDMF) of center-near progressive design, with two intermediate zones.
Methods: VA with HABMF was measured at four working distances (WDs) - distance (DV), long-intermediate (LI=1.5m), short-intermediate (SI=0.75m), and near (NV= 0.4m). Subjects were refit with a DDMF (somofilcon A) and after 2 weeks, VA and vision clarity rating (VC-rating) at these four WDs were measured; VC-rating options were ‘Exceeded expectations’, ‘Met expectations’ or ‘Fell-Short of expectations’. For each WD, changes in VA were analysed for the whole group and also for subjects grouped according to their VC-rating.
Results: For the 48 subjects who completed the study, VA was better at every WD with DDMF compared to HabMF (all p<0.032): mean logMAR VA improvement was DV=0.03, LI=0.06, SI=0.04 and NV=0.07. VC-ratings were significantly better for DDMF at LI (p=0.013), SI (p=0.042), NV (p=0.001), but not different at DV (p=0.068). When grouped by subjective VC-ratings into Exceeded and Met expectations, VA was also
better at every WD with DDMF: mean logMAR VA improvement was DV=0.05 (n=42), LI=0.07 (n=44), SI=0.05 (n=41) and NV=0.08 (n=40). Subjects reporting VC-ratings of Fell Short of expectations showed mean logMAR VA improvement with DDMF at SI=0.02 (n=7) and NV =0.05 (n=8) but showed reduction in mean logMAR VA with DDMF at DV=0.03 (n=6) and LI=0.04 (n=4).
Conclusions: While positive subjective responses for all WDs were always associated with improved VA, the negative subjective responses were not always associated with reduced VA. This supports the importance of allowing the wearer to experience the lens in order to determine acceptance, rather than rely solely on VA measures.
Walther H, Chan V, Phan CM, Jones L. Modelling non-invasive tear break-up times of soft lenses using a sophisticated in vitroblink platform Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;60, E-abstract 6328 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose : To evaluate the feasibility of a novel in vitro eye model to determine the pre-lens non-invasive tear breakup times (NIBUT) of two daily disposable (DD) contact lenses (CLs).
Methods : An artificial eyeball synthesized from polyvinyl alcohol (15% w/t, 89-98 kDa) was used on a novel in vitroeye model (OcuBlink), incorporating a blink and constant tear flow. A flat black disc was incorporated into the eyeball for contrast. The OcuBlink’s flexible eyelid design ensures contact with the eyeball, thereby enabling an even spread of the tear solution over the front of the CL. The blink interval was set to 10 seconds, and the flow rate of an artificial tear solution was set to 1.4 µL/min. A silicone hydrogel (SH; delefilcon A), and conventional hydrogel (CH; nelfilcon A) DD were placed over the corneal section and the NIBUT was evaluated after 1 h of blinking. A corneal topographer (Atlas, Zeiss Canada) was used to illuminate the lens surfaces and capture changes of the placido ring images. The humidity during the experiment was between 22-23%.
Results : A stable artificial tear film layer was formed over the artificial eyeball and the CLs. This layer was regenerated after each blink. The NIBUTs for delfilcon A, nelfilcon A, and the artificial eyeball were 7.55 ± 1.59 seconds, 8.16 ± 0.81 seconds, and 5.13 ± 0.09 seconds respectively. There were no significant differences between the two lens types (p>0.05), and between nelfilcon A and the artificial eyeball (p>0.05). However, delfilcon A had a longer NIBUT than the artificial eyeball (p<0.05).
Conclusions : The measured NIBUT values over the artificial eyeball and CLs are similar to those found in vivo. The OcuBlink simulates the blink motion and physiological tear flow rates, and could be used to measure in vitro pre-lens NIBUT values for various CLs.
Walther H, Phan CM, Jones L.. Detection of Phosphatidylcholine from Delefilcon A Contact Lenses using Mass Spectrometry American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, 2019 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: The gradual release of phospholipids from contact lenses could potentially stabilise the tear film over the front surface of the lens and increase comfort during wear. Delefilcon A (Dailies Total 1) contact lenses inherently contain phosphatidylcholine (PC), a zwitterionic phospholipid that is a potent wetting agent and lubricant found in the human tear film.Due to its molecular structure, PC is relatively difficult to detect using standard spectrophotometric techniques. However, it has been detected previously at low concentrations using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS). The aim of this study was to detect the presence of PC from contact lens extracts of delefilcon A lens materials and its blister packaging solution using UHPLC-MS.
Methods: PC was extracted from the contact lens and the blister pack using 3 mL of 2:1 chloroform: methanol and 0.5 mL of monosodium phosphate aqueous buffer. The chloroform layer containing PC was collected, dried down using nitrogen gas, and then resuspended in 100 µL sample buffer. A PC standard, L-α-Phosphatidylcholine (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), was prepared at 8 pmol/µL. The samples were analyzed using UHPLC-MS on a Waters and Thermo/Dionex system using a multi-step, reversed-phase gradient consisting of A: 60:40 acetonitrile: water and B: 90:10 isopropanol: acetonitrile, both with 10mM ammonium formate and 0.1% formic acid. The flow was set at 250 uL/min, the column was kept at 45C, sample tray at 4C, and injection volume was 10 uL.
Results: During the electrospray process, L-α-Phosphatidylcholine, also known as 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, protonates to form C42H10NO8P+, with a theoretical mass m/z = 758.57. Elution peaks from the UHPLC-MS corresponding to PC were detected in the PC standard at m/z = 758.5-758.6. Other elution peaks for PC were also detected at m/z = 760.58-760.60, 786.60-786.61, and 788.62-788.63. These same peaks, with nearly identical retention times, were detected in both the blister pack solution and contact lens extracts for delefilcon A.
Conclusion: These results indicate that PC is present within the delefilcon A material and also in its blister pack solution. Future studies will determine if PC is released over time from the contact lens using a novel in vitro blink platform.
Wong S, Bhamra T, Jones L, Tighe B. Subjective assessment of contact lens handling: what can we learn from the past? BCLA Conference, Manchester, UK, 2019 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: This study examines correlations between clinician-assessed subjective ease of handling of soft contact lenses, and laboratory-assessed physicochemical characteristics. High CL dropout rates caused by handling problems and difficulties in objectively measuring handling performance underline the clinical importance of such studies. The first stage involved assessment of conventional hydrogel lenses widely available in the 1980s, some currently available and some not. This is a platform for assessment of SiHy lenses in which effects of inherently lower coefficients of friction need to be assessed in parallel.
Methods: The prospective, single-masked study involved participants (no previous long-term CL wear history) each asked to rate the ease of handling of 23 different types of soft CLs on a 10-point continuous scale. Primary physicochemical data (e.g. EWC, lens thickness and mass, tensile modulus) were collected and additionally transposed into derived quantities (e.g. stiffness factor, plasticising factor).
Results: The data for the conventional hydrogels revealed:
• The early conventional hydrogels Hydrocurve II and SofLens 38 had lowest mean ± SD handling scores of 6.08 ± 1.56 and 6.08 ± 1.98, respectively.
• Excelens had the highest mean handling score of 8.67 ± 1.78.
• No significant correlation was found between handling and the equilibrium water content (Spearman’s r = -0.34, p = 0.11) or centre thickness (Spearman’s r = 0.33, p = 0.13)
• Handling of hydrogel CLs was strongly correlated with the stated modulus (Spearman’s r = 0.70, p = 0.02), the equilibrium water content (Spearman’s r = 0.64, p = 0.04) and centre thickness (Spearman’s r = 0.76, p = 0.01).
Conclusions: The poster will discuss detailed lens data including graphical presentation of “derived” factors combining thickness and modulus together
with the observations that SiHy CLs had higher mean handling scores than hydrogel CLs. All current CLs had mean handling scores of > 6.0.
Yang M, Moezzi A, Woods J, Jones L. Comparing Strip Meniscometry to Tear Meniscus Height & Schirmer Test American Academy of Optometry, Orlando, 2019 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: Evaluation of tear volume is an important parameter for investigating aqueous deficient dry eye disease (DED). Historically, this has been achieved using Schirmer (SCH) strips or non-invasively using estimation of tear meniscus height (TMH). A method using strip meniscometry (SM) (SMTube, Shirakawa Factory, Tokyo, Japan) has recently been developed as a fast (5-second) in-office diagnostic test. The purpose of this study was to determine how tear volume assessed by SM compared to TMH and SCH in a mixed cohort of subjects with and without DED.
Methods: Both eyes of 27 participants (7 males; 20 females) aged between 21 and 64 (mean 40.7 years) underwent all measurements. TMH and non-invasive tear breakup time (NITBUT) were assessed using the Keratograph5M (Oculus, Germany). Subjects completed the ocular surface disease index (OSDI). SM was undertaken, and after a 1 hour delay, SCH (without anesthetic) was measured over five minutes. Subjective preference between SM and SCH was also collected. The correlation between SM and NITBUT, TMH and SCH were analysed.
Results: Only right eye data is presented. The mean (±SD) scores were: SM 5.6 (±3.2) mm; NITBUT 8.82 (±5.35) seconds; TMH 0.23 (±0.07) mm; SCH 22.2 (±10.1) mm. Mean OSDI was 13.1 (±9.3). The linear correlations (Pearson r) with SM were all low: NITBUT (0.479), TMH (0.006), SCH (0.301) and OSDI (0.075). 100% of participants preferred SM to SCH, citing the reasons for their preference as better comfort and shorter test time.
Conclusion: Strip meniscometry (SM) is a more rapid test compared to Schirmer test, and was found to be significantly more comfortable by the participants. However, given the low correlation with standard tear film evaluation tests its ability to discriminate between patients with and without DED requires further evaluation.
Yee A, Chan V, Heynen M, Jones L. A radioactive labelling technique for evaluating the uptake and release of myristamidopropyl dimethylamine (MAP-D) from contact lenses Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2019;E-abstract 6370 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: The uptake and subsequent release of biocides from contact lens (CL) materials is of relevance as it has been linked with outbreaks of microbial keratitis and potential cytotoxic responses. Previous uptake and release studies of myristamidopropyl dimethylamine (MAP-D; ALDOX®) have used light-scattering techniques, which are time consuming and have relatively low sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to develop a radioactive labelling technique in order to improve the accuracy and sensitivity of biocide uptake and release to CL materials.
Methods: Four soft CL materials (lotrafilcon A, balafilcon A, senofilcon A, etafilcon A) were tested (N=4). Radioactive (14C) MAP-D was purchased from Moravek Inc. (California, USA). The lenses were incubated in PBS (ISO 18369-3) solution containing radioactive MAP-D (5µg/mL) for 8 hours. After the incubation period of 8 hours, the lenses were placed into the release condition. The release of MAP-D was assessed over 24 hours in 2 mL of PBS. Aliquots were removed at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 hour time points and added to scintillation fluor (PerkinElmer, USA). The samples were counted for their radioactive signal (CPM) using the LS6500 Beckman Coulter liquid scintillation beta counter (Beckman Coulter, ON, CA). The CPM was converted to µg of MAP-D based on a standard curve.
Results: After the incubation period of 8 hours, the uptake of MAP-D by etafilcon A (2.78±0.19µg) was significantly different than lotrafilcon A (4.69±0.1µg, p<0.01), balafilcon A (4.55±0.31µg, p<0.01), and senofilcon A (4.35±0.13µg, p<0.01). The total amount of MAP-D released by etafilcon A (1.41±0.09µg) was significantly greater than lotrafilcon A (0.27±0.02µg, p<0.01), balafilcon A (0.23±0.04µg, p<0.01), and senofilcon A (0.21±0.01µg, p<0.01). The results demonstrate that the uptake of MAP-D was higher for all silicone hydrogel (SH) lenses and lower for the conventional hydrogel lens. The release profile of etafilcon A was greater than the SH lenses, with a burst release of 0.33µg at 0.25 hr.
Conclusions: Radioactive labelling of MAP-D offers a highly sensitive, accurate way of assessing the uptake and release profiles of biocides to CL materials. Future studies using this methodology will investigate the profiles for other biocides, such as polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB), a common biocide used in CL solutions.
Jabeen A, Subbaraman L, Heynen M, Srinivasan S, Jones L. Method Optimization to Quantify Four Neuropeptides in the Human Tear Film American Academy of Optometry, San Antonio, USA, 2018 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: Ocular surface neuropeptides play a key role in modulating the infiltration and activation of immune cells in both tearing and ocular discomfort. The purpose of this study was to optimize a method to quantify the amount of four neuropeptides - calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), Substance P (SP), Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) - in the human tear film
Methods: Basal and flush tears (following instillation of 20 microliters of saline on the ocular surface) of 8 healthy participants were collected from the right and left eyes respectively, using a microcapillary method on day 1. On day 2, the same procedure was repeated. The concentration of the four neuropeptides in the tears was determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. The ELISA kits were tested for specificity and sensitivity as per manufacturer’s guidelines and the experiments were repeated three times to determine reproducibility. The limit of detection was based on the variance of the blank samples and the variance of the lowest level of each individual tear samples added.
Results: RM-ANOVA showed no statistical difference in the concentration of CGRP, NPY and VIP between basal and flush tears for days 1 and 2 (p > 0.05). However, statistically significant differences were found for SP between basal and flush tears for day 1 (p = 0.037) and flush tears for days 1 and 2 (p = 0.018) respectively.
Conclusion: ELISA is a sensitive method that can be adopted to quantify neuropeptides in the human tear film. The optimized technique can be used to identify differences in the level of various neuropeptides in patients with contact lens discomfort and varying degrees of dry eye.
Luensmann D, van Doorn K, May C, Srinivasan S, Jones L. Physical Dimension and Optical Assessment of Currently Marketed Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses After Exposure to Cosmetics American Academy of Optometry, San Antonio, USA, 2018 [ Show Abstract ][ PDF ]
Purpose: Contact lens wearers may inadvertently expose their lenses during the lens insertion and removal process or while wearing their lenses to cosmetic products being used. This study investigated the impact of various cosmetics on the physical dimension and optical properties of three recently marketed silicone hydrogel contact lenses.
Methods: In this in-vitro study, senofilcon C, samfilcon A, and lotrafilcon B+EOBO (polyoxyethylene-polyoxybutylene) were individually coated with cosmetic products followed by a 1-hour soak in phosphate-buffered saline. Cosmetic products included; 3 hand creams (HC1: Glysomed; HC2: Vaseline Healthy Hand & Nail Conditioning; HC3: Intense Relieve), 3 make-up removers (MR1: Lid-Care Towelettes; MR2: Gentle waterproof eye and Lip Makeup Remover; MR3: Oil-Free Makeup Remover), and 3 mascaras (MA1: Great Lash – waterproof; MA2: Wonder’Lash – waterproof, MA3: Voluminous Original). Lens diameter, sagittal depth, and base curve were measured using the Chiltern (Optimec Limited), while lens power and optical quality were assessed using the Contest Plus II (Rotlex) (n=6 for each lens/ cosmetic combination). The impact of cosmetics was tested between lenses and compared to baseline (uncoated control lenses).
Results: For lens diameter, makeup removers (MR2 & MR3) had the largest impact, with an increase of up to 0.27mm (MR2) and 0.36mm (MR3) for senofilcon C and samfilcon A respectively (p<0.01 compared to baseline), while lotrafilcon B+EOBO showed a decrease of only 0.01mm (p<0.01 between lens types). For sagittal depth, mascara MA1 had the greatest impact, followed by makeup removers MR2 & MR3. All lenses had increases in sagittal depth after MA1 exposure (0.16±0.06mm in lotrafilcon B+EOBO, 0.24±0.22 mm and 0.26±0.09mm in samfilcon A and senofilcon C respectively; p<0.01 for all lenses compared to baseline). For base curve, the makeup removers (MR2 & MR3) caused increases for both senofilcon C (up to 0.36mm) and samfilcon A (up to 0.45mm), but lotrafilcon B+EOBO was unaffected. Lens power changes were generally minor (less than 0.25D). However, senofilcon C had a significant increase 1.19±0.65D more minus after MA1 exposure (p0.05). Hand creams had no effect on any variable investigated for any lens material.
Conclusion: Overall, mascara MA1 and make-up removers MR2 & MR3 had the largest affect on lens dimensions, and mascara MA1 had the largest affect on optical lens properties. Some dimensional changes were outside of the ISO tolerance, which could affect lens fit. Lotrafilcon B+EOBO lenses were generally least affected by these cosmetic products.
Mohammadi S, Jones L, Gorbet M. Investigation of Latanoprost Release from Contact Lens Materials in the presence of cells and under in vitro Tear Replenishment Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2018;E-Abstract 1770 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To effectively mimic the ocular environment for biocompatibility and drug delivery studies, the limited volume and replenishment of the tear film and the presence of cells should be considered. By using an in vitro corneal epithelial cell model combined with a tear replenishment (TR) method, this study aimed to investigate the delivery of Latanoprost by commercially available contact lenses (CL) and compare the dynamic release results to non-replenished (immersion) conditions.
Methods: To enable in vitro “lens wear”, cell culture inserts were formed to recreate the geometry of the cornea prior to seeding of human corneal epithelial cells. The curved cornea models (CCMs) were ready after 7 and 14 days for mono-layer and stratified models respectively. The in vitro TR was achieved via intermittent flow of a tear solution analogue over the CCMs at a rate of 1mL/hour. Three CLs (balafilcon A; senofilcon A; etafilcon A), were soaked for 24hrs in the glaucoma drug, Latanoprost, at concentrations of 123 µg/mL (high doping; HD) and 9.5 µg/mL (low doping; LD). Lenses were then onlayed on the CCMs (n=3) and drug concentration was determined on the basal (diffusion/transport) and apical (supernatant) sides after 1, 4, 8 and 12hrs.
Results: A zero-order kinetic was observed for basal drug concentration over the 12hr period. The drug release and diffusion through the CCMs was significantly higher in etafilcon A (p<0.001). Also for HD lenses, the overall release was comparable to the prescribed daily dose. The apical release of the drug was significantly lower for replenished vs. immersed CCMs (p<0.001) in HD lenses. In contrast to stratified CCMs, cell viability was significantly lower under replenished conditions compared to immersed mono-layer CCMs (p=0.002). The release ratio of HD to LD lenses were in agreement to the doping ratio.
Conclusions: The Latanoprost release studies under dynamic conditions further confirmed the significant role that cells play in the release of that drug from a CL material. These results also demonstrated yet another important role that a dynamic release model will have in predicting the amount of drug that can be absorbed through the cornea or lost from a CL into the tear film/lacrimal system. Recreating the microfluidics of the TR in vitro can contribute to a better understanding of interactions between the ocular surface and drug-delivery CL.
Powell D, Jones-Jordan L, Srinivasan S, Kwan J, Marx S, Sickenberger W, Jones L, Pucker A. Impact of Soft Contact Lens Factors and Compliance on Contact Lens Dropout American Academy of Optometry, San Antonio, USA, 2018 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: To determine if certain contact lens (CL) factors or compliance issues may contribute to CL dropout (CLD).
Methods: Subjects 18-45 years of age who had dropped out of soft CL wear (cases) within the past 6-12 months due to discomfort were enrolled across five study sites. Cases were compared to age- and sex-matched successful soft CL-wearing controls (CLDEQ-8 score ≤ 10). Each subject was administered a study-specific questionnaire containing items that queried CL history and compliance: Age at first CL wear; number of years, days/week and hours/day of wear; primary CL solution used (multipurpose vs. hydrogen peroxide); lens material (conventional vs. silicone hydrogel) and modality (daily disposable/biweekly/monthly replacement); napping/overnight sleeping in CLs, and routine exposure of the lens case or CLs to tap water. Comparisons were made using paired t-tests and McNemar’s tests for means and frequencies, respectively.
Results: Fifty-six matched-pairs completed the one-visit study. Mean age (± SD) of cases and controls were 28.5 ± 7.1 and 28.6 ± 7.0 years, respectively (p = 0.66). There was no difference in the age at first CL wear (p = 0.19), although controls had worn CLs nearly 3 years longer overall than cases (p = 0.01). Over two-thirds of cases reported wearing their CLs ≤ 4 days/week before dropping out of CLs while nearly the same proportion of controls wore their CLs 6-7 days/week (p < 0.001). Cases also had a shorter average wear time by at least 2 hours/day when compared to controls (p < 0.001). Lens modality, primary CL solution used, CL or case exposure to tap water, on-time CL replacement, case replacement at least every 3 months, sleeping in CLs, or wearing a pair CLs beyond the clinician-recommended timeframe were not associated with CLD (all p ≥ 0.41). Although borderline significant, the odds of controls having worn a conventional hydrogel CL was higher than that for cases (OR = 2.5, p = 0.05). Controls napped more often in their CLs than cases (p = 0.01).
Conclusion: Successful soft CL wearers are more likely to wear their lenses on or nearly every day of the week and for more hours each day than those who eventually dropped out of soft CL wear due to discomfort. The material that comprises a soft CL may factor into CLD. CL compliance within this cohort does not appear to be associated with CLD.
Pucker A, Jones-Jordan L, Srinivasan S, Powell D, Kwan J, Marx S, Sickenberger W, Jones L. Association Between Meibomian Gland Health and Soft Contact Lens Dropout American Academy of Optometry, San Antonio, USA, 2018 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: There is virtually no growth in the global contact lens (CL) market because there are as many CL dropouts as new CL wearers. The purpose of this study was to determine if meibomian gland (MG) atrophy has an impact on successful CL wear.
Methods: This five-site study recruited subjects between the ages of 18 and 45 years who had discontinued CL use within the past 6-12 months due to discomfort. CL dropout subjects (cases) were compared to age- and sex-matched successful CL wearing controls (≥8 hours/day for ≥5 days/week). Each subject was administered a study-specific CL questionnaire and a standard SPEED questionnaire. Clinical testing included non-invasive tear break-up time (NITBUT), tear meniscus height (TMH), meibomian gland function (expression and plugging), and meibography (OCULUS Keratograph 5M). MG atrophy was graded subjectively on a 0 to 3 scale by eyelid for each eye; atrophy was categorized as significant if the upper or lower eyelid grade was ≥ 2 or the total grade for both upper and lower eyelids was ≥ 4. Subjects were considered to have diagnosed dry eye if they had a SPEED score > 5.0 and a positive NITBUT (< 10 s) or TMH (< 0.2 mm) test. Worse eye comparisons were made with paired t-tests (means) or McNemar’s test (frequencies).
Results: 56 matched-pairs were recruited across sites. The mean ± SD age of the cases (28.5 ± 7.1 years) and controls (28.6 ± 7.0 years) were similar (p = 0.66). Cases had significantly higher SPEED scores than controls (6.4 ± 5.0 vs. 2.6 ± 2.7; p < 0.0001). Diagnosed dry eye was significantly associated with CL dropout (p < 0.001). NITBUT, TMH, and significant upper, lower and total MG atrophy was not different between groups (all p ≥ 0.16). Upper (p < 0.001) and lower (p = 0.002) MG plugging and upper (p < 0.001) but not lower (p = 0.11) meibum quality were associated with CL dropout. Neither upper nor lower MG atrophy were associated with upper or lower MG plugging or upper or lower meibum quality (all p ≥ 0.35).
Conclusion: CL dropout may be precipitated by underlying dry eye, though most dry eye signs, with the exception of MG function, have minimal predictive value for CL dropout. Nevertheless, evidence from this study suggests that practitioners should screen for and educate CL patients about the importance of eyelid hygiene in order to maintain comfortable CL use.
Pucker A, Jordan L, Srinivasan S, Powell D, Kwan J, Marx S, Sickenberger W, Jones L. Is Compliance and Ocular Surface Factors Associated with Contact Lens Dropout? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2018;E-Abstract 3933 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: Discontinuation from contact lens (CL) wear is estimated to be approximately equal to the numbers of new wearers per year, resulting in virtually no growth in the global CL market. The purpose of this study was to determine factors associated with successful wear that may impact CL dropout.
Methods: This five-site study recruited subjects 18-45 years of age who had ceased CL wear within the past 6-12 months due to discomfort. Dropout subjects were compared to age- and sex-matched successful CL wearers (≥8 hours/day for ≥5 days/week). Each subject was administered a study-specific questionnaire that queried general CL history and compliance. Clinical testing included non-invasive tear break-up time and tear meniscus height (OCULUS Keratograph 5M), blepharitis assessment, and meibum quality and expression. Comparisons were made with paired t-tests for means or McNemar’s test for agreement for frequencies.
Results; 25 matched-pairs (50 total subjects) were recruited across sites. The mean ± SD age of the subjects were 28.6 ± 7.1 years (range = 18 to 44); the sample was 73.7% female. Successful CL wearers had worn CLs for 10.6 ± 5.5 years while CL dropouts had worn CLs for 6.8 ± 5.9 years (p = 0.03). CL dropout was not associated with exposing CLs to tap water (p = 1.00), replacing CLs on time (p = 0.99), replacing their CL case at least every 3 months (p = 0.73), sleeping in CLs (p = 0.32), or wearing CLs longer than their clinician recommended (p = 1.00); current CL wearers, however, napped more frequently in their CLs (p = 0.03). Non-invasive tear break-up time (p = 0.19), tear meniscus height (p = 0.33), upper (p = 0.27) and lower (p = 0.26) eyelid blepharitis, lower eyelid meibum quality (p = 0.92) and lower eyelid meibum expressibility (p = 0.33) were also not associated with CL dropout; nevertheless, upper eyelid meibum quality (p = 0.03) and expressibility (p = 0.002) were associated with CL dropout.
Conclusions: CL compliance does not appear to be associated with CL dropout, but this study did collect some evidence indicating that decreased meibomian gland function may reduce one’s ability to successfully wear CLs. These data support the need for early meibomian gland dysfunction prevention and treatment because interventions may promote better long-term ocular health and the ability to comfortably wear CLs.
Schmidt T, Srinivasan S, Heynen M, Jay G, Sullivan B, Subbaraman L, Caffery B, Jones L, Regmi S. Quantification of proteoglycan 4 (PRG4) / lubricin in normal and Sjögren Syndrome human tears Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2018;E-Abstract 3827 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune disease with hallmark clinical symptoms of dry eye and dry mouth. Proteoglycan 4 (PRG4), or lubricin, is a boundary lubricant that is naturally present on the ocular surface and in tears. Recently PRG4 in human tears was shown to be susceptible to proteolytic digestion by cathepsin S, an enzyme with increased activity in SS tears, which destroyed the in vitro ocular surface boundary lubricating ability. However, whether levels of PRG4 are diminished in SS tears remains to be determined. The objective of this study was to quantify PRG4 levels in normal and SS human tears.
Methods; Tears were collected from 17 SS (15 F, 2 M, 56.2