Professional Articles

Please use the year list below to look at past professional articles.


Hui A. Research Review - Anti-inflammatory therapy in CLD Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, June: 6

Hui A. Interactions of Contact Lenses with Preservatives Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, January:

Hui A. Not a Dry Eye in the House: An Overview of New Drugs 2024, 77:

Jones D, MacNeil C, Pal S, Weinstein M.. 3 Min, 49 Sec Video: How Do You Communicate to Kids & Parents as a Team?
Review of Optometric Business 2024, February: Video series - Part 4

Jones L. Everything you wanted to know about contact lens care but were afraid to ask! 2024

Luensmann D. Can we mask corneal astigmatism with soft lenses? 2024, 78:

Luensmann D. Fast Forward to the Future: Regaining Accommodation: Which Way to Go? Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, July:

Luensmann D. Practitioner Reference: Optimize Multifocal Soft Lens Fitting 2024, 80:

Mahil A, Jong M. Truth or myth: Only high levels of myopia increase the risk of ocular disease and permanent vision loss? Optician: 2024, February 1:

Moezzi A, Ruston D. Truth or myth: Daily disposable hydrogel wearers should be refitted into DD silicone hydrogel lenses? Optician: 2024, April 5:

Morgan P, Woods CA, Tranoudis IG, Efron N, Jones L, Faccia L, Rivadeneira D, Grupcheva CN, Jones D, Rodriguez Cely LM, Adsersen A, Santodomingo-Rubido J, Muselier-Mathieu A, Vegh M, Erdinest N, Montani G, Itoi M, Bendoriene RL, Mulder J, van der Worp E, van Mierlo T, Ystenaes AE, Romualdex-Oo J, Abesamis-Dichoso C, Gonzalez-Meijome JM, Macedo-de-Araujo RM, Johansson O, Hsiao J, Nichols JJ. International contact lens prescribing in 2023 Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, January/February: 20-22,24,26-28

Ng AY. AZR-MD-001 Improved Tear Film Stability and Symptoms of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in a 6-Month Study 2024, 77:

Qiu S. Fast Forward to the Future: The Rise of Empirical Fitting and Scleral Lens Customization Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, January/February: 36

Shokrollahi P. Fast Forward to the Future: Material science innovation Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, June: 34

Wolffsohn J, Craig J, Jones L. An Action Plan for Managing Dry Eye Review of Optometry 2024, May 15: 50-55

Wong S. Fast Forward to the Future: Shades Ahead Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, October: 17

Wong S, Ruston D. Truth or myth: Spectacle lenses provide better visual acuity than soft toric contact lenses Optician: 2024, January 5:

Woods J. Article Review: Multifocal contact lens success predictability 2024, 80:

Woods J, Jong M. Truth or myth: Young children are less successful in contact lenses? Optician: 2024, March 1: