Showing 4 results out of 554 in total.
Young,G., Chalmers,R., Napier,L., Kern,J., Hunt,C., Dumbleton,K. Soft contact lens-related dryness with and without clinical signs Optometry and Vision Science 2012;89(8):1125-1132 [ Show Abstract ]
PURPOSE.: To report demographics, wearing patterns, and symptoms from soft contact lens (SCL) wearers with significant SCL-related dryness symptoms with and without significant ocular signs of dryness. METHODS.: In a multicenter, prospective observational clinical trial, symptomatic SCL wearers reported significant SCL-related dryness via self-administered questionnaire of frequency and intensity of dryness after a dry eye (DE) examination. DE etiology was assigned post hoc by an expert panel, and those with and without significant DE-related signs were analyzed by univariate logistic regression. Possible DE etiologies were aqueous tear deficiency, SCL-induced tear instability, meibomian gland dysfunction, or "other." Wearers without signs that qualified for any DE etiology were designated as No DE Signs (NDES). RESULTS.: Of the 226 SCL symptomatic wearers examined, 23% were without signs, 30% had aqueous tear deficiency, 25% had SCL-induced tear instability, 14% had meibomian gland dysfunction, and 8% had "other" diagnoses. The NDES wearers had significantly longer pre-lens break-up time (9.8 vs. 6.6 s, p < 0.0001), better lens wetting (3.4 vs. 2.4 0 to 4 scale, p < 0.0001), lower levels of film deposits on lenses (0.45 vs. 0.92, 0 to 4 scale, p < 0.0001), and of most slit lamp signs. The NDES wearers were significantly more likely to be male (36% vs.19%, p ≤ 0.013), were less likely to have deteriorating comfort during the day (81% vs. 97%, p ≤ 0.001), reported longer average hours of comfortable wear (11 ± 3 vs. 9 ± 4 h, p ≤ 0.014), had older contact lenses (18 ± 14 vs. 13 ± 12 days, p ≤ 0.029), and greater intensity of photophobia early and late in the day (p ≤ 0.043 and 0.021). CONCLUSIONS.: Symptoms of dryness in SCL wearers stem from a variety of underlying causes. However, nearly one-quarter of these symptomatic SCL wearers appear to be free of signs of dryness. The effective management of CL-related dryness requires a comprehensive range of clinical assessments and the use of a diverse range of management strategies. Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Optometry.
Young,G., Keir,N., Hunt,C., Woods,C. A. Clinical evaluation of long-term users of two contact lens care preservative systems Eye and Contact Lens 2009;35(2):50-58 [ Show Abstract ]
PURPOSE: To clinically evaluate long-term users of two different contact lens care preservative systems and to investigate whether prolonged use is associated with an increase in the prevalence of dry eye. METHODS: Eighty-nine wearers of group IV hydrogel or silicone hydrogel lenses participated in this one-visit, investigator-masked study. Subjects were required to have consistently used a polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) or polyquaternium-1 (PQT) based solution for 2 years. Consistent use was defined as 80% for the past 2 years and 100% for the past year. Clinical assessments included: average and comfortable wear time; overall and end-of-day comfort; signs of dryness, discomfort, burning or stinging, grittiness or scratchiness and visual changes; non-invasive and fluorescein break-up-time; pre-ocular tear film lipids, tear meniscus height, Schirmer and fluorescein clearance tests; limbal and bulbar hyperemia; palpebral roughness; corneal and conjunctival staining; lens front surface wetting; and lens film deposits. RESULTS: Significantly more grittiness or scratchiness was reported by subjects using a PHMB-containing system (67% vs. 44%; P = 0.02). Palpebral roughness and hyperemia were significantly greater in the PHMB group wearing group IV lenses (P = 0.01 and P = 0.05, respectively). Corneal staining was significantly higher in the PHMB users in all four peripheral sectors (P < 0.01). Nasal and temporal conjunctival staining was also significantly higher for users of PHMB-containing systems (P < 0.05). Front surface lens wettability was significantly better for group IV PQT users compared to PHMB users (P = 0.008), with 84% vs. 72%, respectively, with lenses graded by the investigator as having "good" or "excellent" wettability. Significantly higher levels of lens front surface film deposits were noted with PHMB users (P = 0.007), with 58% of group IV lenses treated with PHMB compared with 38% of group IV lenses treated with PQT showing some lens front surface film deposition. No significant differences between the two preservative system groups were noted for the range of dry eye evaluations nor the remaining clinical assessments. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in both ocular and lens characteristic were observed between long-term users of two preservative systems used in many contact lens multi-purpose solutions. The findings from this study did not support the hypothesis that prolonged use of PHMB-containing solutions leads to dry eye. Additional studies including a larger sample size and perhaps longer use of the systems could help to further elucidate differences in clinical performance between systems.
Young,G., Veys,J., Pritchard,N., Coleman,S. A multi-centre study of lapsed contact lens wearers Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 2002;22(6):516-527 [ Show Abstract ]
Purpose: Discontinuation from contact lens wear has been identified as a contributing factor in the lack of growth of contact lens use in Europe. The purpose of this study was to determine the proportion of lapsed contact lens wearers that can be refitted successfully with contact lenses and to evaluate the reasons for discontinuation from contact lens wear. Methods: This was a multi-site clinical study involving 15 UK investigators and 236 lapsed contact lens wearers who had previously tried contact lenses and discontinued. The reasons for discontinuation were assessed by subjects, who were then refitted with contact lenses. Investigators subsequently evaluated factors associated with their initial discontinuation. Short-term success was defined as the successful completion of 1 month of contact lens wear with absence of complications that would prevent further wear. Subjects were interviewed by telephone 6 months after being refitted to determine whether they were still wearing contact lenses. Those who were not wearing lenses were questioned about the reasons for discontinuation and their likelihood of resuming lens wear. Results: A majority of subjects (51%) cited discomfort as the principal reason for having previously given up contact lens wear. Problems with vision were the second most common reason (13%), either with reading (6%) or general vision (7%). The most common type of discomfort was dryness (40%). In almost all cases (97%), the investigator's assessment of the reasons for discontinuation agreed with the subject's own assessment but investigators also cited product-related and practitioner-related factors as contributing to previous failure. The short-term success rate for refitting lapsed wearers was found to be 77% (CI: 70-82%). The highest short-term success rates were for 2-weekly/monthly soft spherical lenses (91%) and daily disposable lenses (89%). Lower success rates were found for soft toric (69%) and soft bifocal (53%) lenses. At the 6-month stage, 73% of those who continued in lenses after the 1-month visit were still wearing contact lenses and a further 18% indicated that they were either 'very likely' or 'likely' to resume lens wear. Conclusions: A high proportion of lapsed contact lens wearers can be successfully refitted with contact lenses. The prime reason for previous discontinuation from contact lenses is discomfort and, in particular, dryness-related discomfort. In many cases, previous contact lens failure is product or practitioner-related rather than because of patient-specific problems. Once refitted with contact lenses, lapsed wearers cite vision problems rather than discomfort as the most common reason for discontinuing. This finding suggests that recent advances in contact lens material, design, replacement frequencies and care systems have improved the prospects for avoiding lens-related discomfort and for continuing contact lens wear. © 2002 The College of Optometrists.
Zaidi,A., Seo,J., McCanna,D.J., Mahil,A., Jones,L. Molecular biology of two common ophthalmic viruses: Relevance to clinical practice Optometry in Practice 2023;24(1): [ Show Abstract ]
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, viruses have suddenly become a prominent topic of discussion. As such, it
is important to understand the life cycle and, ultimately, the process of inactivating viruses. To inactivate them
it is important to block the mechanisms that they use to induce infection. Due to their ability to survive on
various surfaces, appropriate cleaning practices to prevent viral spread and contamination of medical devices,
practice equipment and surfaces are paramount. Depending on the type of virus and genome configurations,
various mechanisms are used to induce a viral infection. Understanding the susceptibility of the viral outer
coating is crucial to preventing viral spread, whether through droplet transmission or while on surfaces (fomite
transmission). Knowledge of how viral receptors and proteins interact to facilitate the recognition, attachment
and entry of a virus into the host cell is vital for an understanding of how disinfectants and antivirals can be
effective. Viral replication, transcription and translation are also major targets of antivirals. This paper will
review the physiology of two major ophthalmic viruses: adenovirus and herpes simplex.