
Showing 25 results out of 505 in total.

Fadel D. Expert Panel Discussion FitAcademy, Boston, USA, Sep 16, 2023

Fadel D. Therapeutic Contact lenses. How to manage each individual case? IPEC Conference Contactologia Especializada. Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug 3, 2023

Fadel D. Meet the experts: Which lens to apply in irregular corneas? IPEC Conference Contactologia Especializada. Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug 3, 2023

Fadel D. Scleral lens design and calculation of parameters based on corneal topography. Workshop. IPEC Conference Contactologia Especializada. Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug 3, 2023

Fadel D. Scleral lens complications and management. IPEC Conference Contactologia Especializada. Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug 3, 2023

Fadel D. Take Control of Your Scleral Fitting International Congress of Scleral Contact (ICSC), Florida USA, Jul 28, 2023

Fadel D. Scleral Lenses Using WAVE Design Software: Once You Start, There’s no Going Back Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Jan 20, 2023

Fadel D. Mastering Scleral, Corneal, and Myopia Management With Contact Lenses! Ontario Association of Optometrists, Symposium, April 12, 2024

Fadel D. Scleral Lenses Know No Bounds Ontario Association of Optometrists, Symposium, April 12, 2024

Fadel D, Barnett M. Masterclass: Scleral Lens Special Applications Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Jan 18, 2024

Fadel D, Dutta D. Specialist Lens Cases British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference & Exhibition, Manchester, Jun 10, 2023

Fadel D, Frogozo M. Optical Challenges When Fitting Scleral Lenses Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Jan 21, 2023

Fadel D, Frogozo M. Aspheric Optics in Scleral Lenses for Normal and Diseased Eyes Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Jan 20, 2024

Fadel D, Howard N. Panelist: British Contact Lens Association (BCLA): Pandemic Positives The Summit of Specialty Contacts, Sorrento, Italy, Oct 14, 2022

Fadel D, jedlicka J, Gelles J, Sindt C. The Future of Contact Lens Fitting Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Jan 20, 2023

Fadel D, van der Worp E, Norvik Jervel A, Morgan P. Panel Discussion: Keratconus detection and its management with specialty contact lenses Specsavers Clinical Conference (Virtual), Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct 6, 2022

Fadel D, Weshefsky T. Advanced Specialty Lens Designs Global Specialty Lens Symposium, Las Vegas, Jan 20, 2023

Hiscox R, Morgan P, Jones L.. Surely that can’t be true, or can it? British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference & Exhibition, Manchester, Jun 9, 2023

Hui A. Evaluation of novel contact lens materials 10th Canadian Optometry School Research Conference, Montréal, Canada, Dec 4, 2022

Hui A. Help Satisfy the Ocular Allergy Contact Lens Wearer Canadian Association of Optometrists Congress, St John's, Newfoundland, Jul 8, 2022

Hui A. Sustained Drug Delivery Devices for the Eye American Academy of Optometry, New Orleans, October 14, 2023 [ Show Abstract ]

This presentation will detail the barriers to effective pharmacokinetics for drug delivery to the eye with currently available therapies such as eye drops, and provide supportive evidence for the need for sustained drug delivery in appropriate instances. Commercially available, drug releasing devices will be presented, and their indications and experience when used clinically will be discussed. How ocular sustained drug delivery devices may be incorporated into the practice of today as well as the practice of the future will also be presented and discussed within the context of currently available and developing devices.

Jones D. Chidren's Vision Pre-School and Beyond Ontario Association of Optometrists annual meeting. Niagara Falls, ON, 2014

Jones D. Pediatrics - when an what to prescribe University of Waterloo CE cruise, 2015

Jones D. Myopia control - dream or reality University of Waterloo CE cruise, 2015

Jones D. Myopia – can we control the epidemic? CooperVision annual sales meeting, Orlando, Florida, 2017