
Showing 25 results out of 481 in total.

Stahl U. Summary: Report of the Contact Lens Interactions with the Tear film Subcommittee 2014

Stahl U. Summary: Clinical trial design report 2017

Subbaraman L. Summary: Report of the Contact Lens Materials, Design and Care Subcommittee 2014

Subbaraman L. Is contact lens deposition good or bad? 2016

Subbaraman L. Summary: Tear film report 2017

Subbaraman L. The Tear Film: More complex than you may realize Review of Cornea & Contact Lenses 2018;January/February:22-25

Subbaraman L, Jones L. What influences contact lens related dry eye? Contact Lens Spectrum 2009;24, 7: 39-43

Subbaraman L, Pruitt J, Jones L. Measuring Contact Lens Friction Contact Lens Spectrum 2016;31, January: 40-43

Subbaraman L, Sivak A. Characterizing the surface properties of a contact lens: A review 2013

Subbaraman L, Srinivasan S. A Lens Fit for Dry Eye Review of Cornea and Contact Lenses 2013 17-21

Sulley A, Jones L, French K. Silicone hydrogels - ten years on Dispensing Optics 2009;24, 8: 4-12

Sweeney D, Fonn D, Evans K. Silicone hydrogels: the evolution of a revolution Contact Lens Spectrum 2006;21, 2s: 14-19

Sweeney D, Fonn D, Evans K. Silicone hydrogels: the evolution of a revolution Contact Lens Spectrum 2006;21, 2: 28-38

Sweeney D, Fonn D, Guillon M. Silicone hydrogels - clinical performance, factors affecting success and tear exchange - multiple-choice answers Optician 2000;219, 5733: 16

Tan W, Jones L. Are all preservatives contraindicated in the management of dry eye disease? Ocular Surface Insight 2022;1513-16

van der Worp E, Wolffsohn J, Jones L. Dropping the dropout rate Contact Lens Spectrum 2020;35, May: 36-43 [ Show Abstract ]

A review of soft lens types and fitting strategies that can help reduce the dropout rate among soft lens wearers.

At the 2020 Global Specialty Lens Symposium (GSLS), specialty lens topics from A to Z naturally dominated the program. However, soft lens fitting relating to all of its aspects is also one of the topics that the meeting covers, because the vast majority of contact lenses fitted worldwide are standard soft lenses, as confirmed by the annual Eurolens Research Survey published each year in the January issue of Contact Lens Spectrum.

van der Worp E, Morgan P, Efron N, Helland M, Jones L, Tranoudis Y, Woods CA. A survey of contact lens fitting: an international perspective (Enquete contactlensaanpassingen International 2001) Visus 2002;115-19

van der Worp E, Morgan P, Efron N, Helland M, Jones L, Woods CA. Contactlens aanpassingen International Visus 2001;1151-157

Varikooty J. Summary: Report of the Subcommittee on Neurobiology 2014

Varikooty J, Stahl U. Visualization of limbal/conjunctival folliculitis associated with soft contact lens wear 2012

Walker M, Bergmanson J, Fadel D, Johns L. Evidence-based Research and Clinical Practice Contact Lens Spectrum 2022;37, October: 38-43

Walker M, Bergmanson J, Schornack M, Fadel D. IFSLR 2023 RECAP Contact Lens Spectrum 2023;38, September: 37-41

Walsh K. Contact lens aftercare: an opportunity to deliver great customer experience Optik 2016

Walsh K. Not all contact lens deposits are bad Optik 2016

Walsh K. Three days of the latest in education, innovation and best practice Optik 2017