
Showing 25 results out of 484 in total.

Walsh K, Jones L, Woods J, Moody K. Evidence-based contact lens recommendation Contact Lens Spectrum 2019, Nov: 21-26

Walsh K, Lenz Y, Behrens R. Get the support you need: Freely available information can complement basic contact lens practice Contact Lens Spectrum 2019;34, 9: 32-37

Walsh K, Srinivasan S, Jones L. Lid margin health: the forgotten part of contact lens discomfort? Optician 2018, 7 September: 28-32

Walsh K, Sulley A. Soft toric lens fitting practices not meeting patient needs Optometry Times Journal 2021;13, 2: 34-37 [ Show Abstract ]

The inclusion of astigmatic correction in spectacles is common practice. Outside of the need to reduce a high or previously uncorrected astigmatism to ease adaption, eyecare professionals (ECPs) routinely prescribe the full toric correction in spectacles. Historically, the lack of availability of consistently performing, comfortable soft toric contact lens designs resulted in different prescribing practices for astigmats compared to those wearing spectacles, with spherical lenses often recommended over toric lenses for low to moderate levels of astigmatism.

Modern soft toric designs are significantly different from early non-planned replacement versions of 20 or more years ago. Their overall performance—which includes ease of fitting, comfort, rotational stability, vision performance, and consistent manufacturing in a range of designs and materials—enables them to be fit successfully to a wide range of astigmatic patients.

This review provides an overview of current soft toric prescribing, comparing and contrasting different fitting practices around the globe, and explores patient expectations and the opportunities that exist to meet their needs.

Walsh K., Jones L. Aligning clinical practice with professional beliefs Optometry Today 2019, Dec: 71-75

Williams-Lyn D, MacNeill K, Fonn D. The effect of rigid lens back optic zone radius and diameter changes on comfort Int Contact Lens Clin 1993;20, 11/12: 223-229

Wolffsohn J, Craig J, Jones L. An Action Plan for Managing Dry Eye Review of Optometry 2024, May 15: 50-55

Wong S. A review of contact angle techniques 2017

Wong S. CLEAR report summary: Evidence-Based Contact Lens Practice 2021;60

Wong S. Fast Forward to the Future: Shades Ahead Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, October: 17

Wong S, Meyler J,. Truth or myth: Monovision is best for presbyopic CL correction? Optician; 2023, August 1:

Wong S, Ruston D. Truth or myth: Spectacle lenses provide better visual acuity than soft toric contact lenses Optician: 2024, January 5:

Woods C. Presbyopia: a pause in focus 2012

Woods CA. Multipurpose solutions: safe, efficacious and simple Contact Lens Spectrum ;2315

Woods CA. 2005: the year in contact lenses Contact Lens Spectrum 2006;21, 2: 28-38

Woods CA, Morgan PB, Sivak A. Market utilisation of dilicone hydrogel lenses Silicone Hydrogels Website 2009, June:

Woods CA, Phillips G. Contact lens prescribing in Australia and New Zealand 2004 Australian Optometry 2005;26, 5: 10-11

Woods J. Conjunctival Responses to Contact Lens Wear Contact Lens Spectrum 2015;30, August: 34-36, 38

Woods J. Myth 2: Fitting soft multifocal lenses is complex, takes up a lot of chair time and never meets patient needs 2018

Woods J. Article Review: Multifocal contact lens success predictability 2024, 80:

Woods J, Jones L. Lens care compliance Contact Lens Spectrum 2019;34, 4: 36-40

Woods J, Jones L. Patients should comply with the proper use of hydrogen peroxide and multipurpose solution care regimens Contact Lens Spectrum 2019;34, April: 38-42

Woods J, Jong M. Truth or myth: Young children are less successful in contact lenses? Optician: 2024, March 1:

Woods J, Woods C, Fonn D. Practical guide for fitting soft centre near design multifocal contact lenses Contact Lens Spectrum 2009

Woods J, Woods C, Fonn D, Jones L. Potential acceptance of a daily disposable silicone hydrogel multifocal lens in emmetropic presbyopes Optom Vis Sci 2013;88: E-Abstract 135100