Showing 25 results out of 485 in total.
French K, Jones L. A decade with silicone hydrogels: part 2 Optometry Today 2008;48, 18: 38-43
French K, Jones L. Zehn jahre silikon-hydrogellinsen Die Kontaklinse 2009;320-27
Garg P. Fast Forward to the Future: Biodegradable CLs Contact Lens Spectrum 2023;38, February:
Ghormley R, Jones L. Managing lipid deposition on silicone hydrogel lenses Contact Lens Spectrum 2006;21, 1: 21
Guthrie S. Effect of dual-focus soft contact lens wear on axial myopia progression in children - An article review 2011
Guthrie S. Summary: IMI Report on Experimental Models of Emmetropization and Myopia 2019
Guthrie S. Report on Experimental Models of Emmetropization and Myopia - An article review 2019
Guthrie S. Comfort and vision correlations in daily disposable multifocal lenses 2021;60
Guthrie S. Relationships between success factors in daily disposable multifocal lenses 2022;69
Guthrie S, Dumbleton K, Jones L. Financial Implications of Patient Compliance Contact Lens Spectrum 2014;29, December: 42-45
Guthrie S, Dumbleton K, Jones L. Is there a Relationship Between Care System and Compliance? Contact Lens Spectrum 2016;31, April: 40-43
Hall B, Jones L. Countering noncompliance with lens care and case technology Contact Lens Spectrum 2010;25, 12: 50-51
Hickson-Curran S, Nason R, Dubow B, Jones L, Lofstrom T, Pace P. Enhanced Acuvue under trial Optician 1997;214, 5626: 36-42
Higazy MT, Fonn D, Sorbara L. Rigid gas permeable contact lens fitting in keratoconus Bull Ophthalmol Soc Egypt 1998;91, 6: 985-988
Holden B, Fonn D, Sweeney D, Gauthier C, Sorbara L, Efron N. International Association of Contact Lens Educators expands globally Int Contact Lens Clin 1992;19, 7/8: 174-181
Hui A. Contact lenses for drug delivery – overview and recent developments 2012
Hui A. Complications when you least expect them Contact Lens Spectrum 2012;27, Sept: 30-55
Hui A. CL drug delivery for dry eye treatment Contact Lens Spectrum 2022;37, July: 12-13
Hui A. Recent Strategies to Manage CLD Contact Lens Spectrum 2023;38, July: 10-11
Hui A. Research Review - Anti-inflammatory therapy in CLD Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, June: 6
Hui A. Interactions of Contact Lenses with Preservatives Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, January:
Hui A. Not a Dry Eye in the House: An Overview of New Drugs 2024, 77:
Hui A, Jones L. Contact lenses offer effective drug delivery Optometry Pharma 2010, Sept: 26-27
Hui A, Jones L. The Science behind Lens Care Contact Lens Spectrum 2024;39, November: 17-22
Hui A.. The Future of Fitting: Predictions and contact lens innovations right around the corner Optometric Management 2011, August: